Piece of Cake

By G Cutter

Published on Feb 26, 2009


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

All my stories (and parts thereof) are given SOLELY to Nifty for distribution. If you wish to use anything of mine please ask me, it's only common courtesy

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.



12a - The Honek Episode

(Told by Honek)


G. Cutter

I said goodbye to my two mates in the school kitchen after changing. I'd finished for the day but they would be working through until around eight or eight thirty. It was the last week of the term and things were slowing down. Some of the pupils had been release to their parents already but in two days the school would close completely apart from the pupils and masters remaining, less than thirty in all or so I was led to believed.

Since our initial meeting or them picking me up I'd settled into their spare room as a lodger, I now chipped in rent and their original sexual demands had abated somewhat. Don't get me wrong, we still did it but I was the number three, they were the so called married couple. They still swagged schoolies home over the weekends and I'd even entertained on my own one Saturday afternoon so I was a fully fledged member of the Axis of Evil or the Pervocracy as Dave called it. Today was a Wednesday so I had small chance and no chance of schoolboy company which I didn't really mind. I'd done an early stint and was knackered, all I wanted to do was to get home and have a nice relaxing bath. Showers are fine but there's nothing like wallowing in a big foamy bath to iron the kinks out.

It was drizzling and being early afternoon and midweek the residentail streets were deserted, unfortunately it was a good twenty minutes walk and by the time I got home it had begun to really rain. As I rushed up the short garden path to the staircase at the side I spotted the kid from the flat below huddling under the porch.

'Hey, hey, Honek isn't it?'

'Right, Billy?'

'Yeah, I've got a problem,' he looked totally miserable and he was wet. God knows how long he'd been standing there but long enough to get really sodden. 'I'm locked out.'

'Oh,' I was caught on the hop. I treid to stiffle a grin as I've read all the neighbour locked out stories on Nifty (of which I'm a fan) but never thought I'd end up in a similar situation. 'Better come up until the 'rents get home.'

'They're not coming home,' he gabbled as he followed me up the iron staircase. 'They're doing a party tonight up in London and are coming back tomorrow sometime.'

'What, and they've left a twelve year old boy home alone. That's against the law.'

'Twelve? I'm not twelve, I'm nearly fourteen, in two weeks as it happens.'

'Sorry, sorry,' I fumbled with my keys and ushered him out of the rain and into the warmth of our flat. He obviously wasn't twelve on a closer inspection but all I recall of seeing of him was his face peering from the window. Steve called him 'the spy' and said he worked for the Junior League MI5. He was quite attractive in an English way, fresh faced and short blond hair flicked up at the front, he looked a bit like Tin Tin but much thinner faced. In fact he looked a damn sight more boyish than Tin Tin who's a Belgian slut anyway.

'Sit down and get rid of that jacket... and trainers,' I added. 'You'll mess up the carpet.' I turned the fire on and made for the kitchen. 'Tea, coffee?'

'Tea please,' he answered. Peering around the door I saw that he was unlacing his high trainers. I couldn't belive that parents would leave a thirteen year old boy on his own with no babysitter but they were a bit on the weird side, a little like ex hippies, lost in time and space. They probably thought their little man could fight off kidnappers and burglars. I wonder how well he would do against a randy Polish youth as he was looking more attractive by the minute. OK, so he wasn't what I'd call remarkable or even dishy but he was better than some of the kids Dave and Steve dragged home.

'Finished the term yet?' I called through as the kettle boiled.

'Next Wednesday but I'm off sick today and tomorrow. I'm joining the Fourth Form at your place next term.'

'Whatcha sick with?'

'Nothing,' he laughed. 'Mum and dad signed me off so I could stay and guard the house whilst they're partying up in the big Smoke.'

'And you lose the house key?'

'Things happen,' he mumbled.

'Shit happens, you mean. You obviously know Dave and Steve?'

'Well, barely,' he laughed. 'I've seen them come and go, and you, of course... with various boys.'

'Mmmm...' That sounded a bit loaded.

'Yeah, we like young company,' I dropped the hint but he gave no sign of picking up on it. I walked through with a tray bearing mugs of steaming tea taking the opportunity of giving him a full frontal inspection as he sat on the sofa. Unfortunately, he was wearing those baggies, a.k.a. passion killers and an affront to society in my opinion. He could be a string dick or an orc for all I could see.

'I'm in a bit of a mess,' he admitted. 'Still, they said they'd phone before suppertime. You don't keep a key for emergencies do you.'

'Not as far as I know,' I looked at him and gave him one of my lady killer smiles. 'If they phone you and you can't answer the phone they'll get worried.'

'Not my mum and dad,' he sniffed. 'They'll assume I'm around a mate's house.'

'So, what's the master plan?'

'Dunno,' he sniffled and looked around, he was probably on his way to a good dose of the 'flu. The funny thing was he didn't look the slightest concerned now he was sitting and sipping. He was in the warm and dry so those were his immediate concerns resolved. It seemed eating and sleeping hadn't crossed his tiny mind.

'I'll have a wander around downstairs in a bit and see if I can find an open window or whatnot.'

'I've done that, I'm not stupid.'

'OK,' I held my hand up. 'I'll have another look just to be sure and then we'll have to think about things.'

'Yeah,' he stared gloomily at the fire.

'We can feed you and you can stay up here the night, so, it's no biggy.'

'Ah, great,' he perked up a bit and even more so when I brought a tin of biscuits out and he started to stuff his face. Being a trainee chef now I knew the power of food. Kids are like cats and dogs, feed them and they run around you for the rest of the day or that was Dave and Steve's theory and it seemed to work.

'What's St Anselms like?'

'Regarding what?'

'You know, sports, socialising... they're putting me in as a boarder, they reckon it'll do me good.'

'It'll broaden your horizons,' I grinned. His horizons wouldn't be the only thing that would get broadened if I knew my school. He wasn't pretty but he was reasonably good looking and he wouldn't go short of company of that I was sure.

'Sit tight, I'm going to have a wander around outside.'

'OK,' he grinned quite happily and made no offer to accompany me. I took a brolly with me as it was raining quite heavily now and toured the house checking all the windows and back doors but everything was secure. Apart from smashing a window there was no way to gain entry and I didn't want to get into breaking and entering. If he wanted to bust a window then that was his option but not mine.

When I returned he asked me where the bathroom was as he wanted a pee, I pointed it out and finished my tea. As I've said I'd read most of the Nifty stories of locked out neighbour's kids but none of them really explained how you got your kid from the sofa to the bed. The bathroom seemed a pretty good route but I was a bit wary of rushing him in and slinging him in a bath, after all he'd made not the slightest indication of being willing or even interested. However, fate played into my hands as when he returned from his tinkle or whatever he had a big grin on his face.

'That bath is huge,' he laughed. 'You could bathe a regiment of soldiers in that thing.'

''Yeah,' I looked him up and down making it pretty obvious if you follow me. 'I thought it was a dry dock when I first saw it. That reminds me, I want a bath, I've been working all morning in a stinkky kitchen.'

'Mmmmm...' he dropped his eyes and rubbed his hands. 'It would be nice and warm at least,' he gave a theatrical little shiver although the place was like an oven.

'You can have a bath,' I risked it. It was a normal remark after all I wasn't suggesting he shared but he chose to misunderstand. I realised perfectly well later on that there was no misunderstanding, he knew what he wanted and was feeling his way just as cautiously as I was.

'Mmm...' He looked at me and grinned, a shiteating grin the Yanks call it... we call it a smirk.

'My mates won't be home until around nine if they don't pop in the local that is.'

'Stacks of time then?'

'Yeah,' I croaked. Now to pop the question. 'Wanna share?' How's about that for blunt?

'Why not?' He looked at me with just the slightest of blushes on his face. 'I shouldn't think I'd be the first bit of bath sharing you've done.'

'Probably not I agreed.'

He looked at me and grinned. 'I've never shared a bath with a handsome Polish youth before.'

'It's an experience,' I grinned and held my hand out, after a moment he took it and I hauled him to his feet. He was shaking like a leaf but he had his secret agenda and it was pretty obviously the same as mine. We were both beating around the bush and it was time for it to stop. 'I'll wash your back for you.'

'I knew you'd come out with that one,' he laughed out loud. 'I'll wash yours,' he gave me a little push towards the bathroom and it was all over bar the soapy gropes and whatever came after that. I had a boy for the afternoon and if things turned out well an overnighter as well.

In the bathroom I ran the water with a generous glop of foam and as it filled we undressed. This time no messing, I faced him and grabbed the hem of his shirt pulling it up over his head displaying his pale chest and then he did the same for me. We did the same with our jeans and then faced each other naked except for our underwear, me in my baggy ol' boxers and he in his tighty whities displaying a nice stiffy stretching upto his hip. A very reasonable size for a boy coming on fourteen and clearly outlining his pale shaft and glans with a little damp spot at the tip. My own hardness tented ny boxers and he grasped it gently and smiled at me.

'Down together?'

'Go for it,' I hooked my fingers in the top of his briefs and he did the same for my boxers. Slowly and sensually we took then down and both erections appeared together to be promptly mashed as we moved into a close embrace. Although he was three or four years younger than myself he was nearly as tall although he had a bit of filling out to do. Quite naturally we embraced and he tilted his face to me and smiled. I kissed him, of course I did, he was begging for it and he went for the jackpot. His tongue slid into my mouth and we frenched and clasped each other's buttocks. He was certainly no novice at the game and I wondered how far he was advanced in what I'd call the adult stuff... there was only one way to find out.

'Gonna fuck you this afternoon,' I whispered with all my built in Polish charm.

'After I've done you,' he giggled and squirmed in my grip. Breaking free he stepped into the big bath and I followed.

My tiredness had fled, I was hard and I was ready. As we moved against each other in the huge bath we had I grabbed him and he grabbed me in a soapy embrace. We must have played grabarse and grabdick forever until the water started to cool. The final or maybe the penultimate stage came when I managed to get my hand between his slippery legs, found his sweet pucker and gently prodded. He opened up like a flower to the sun and I felt his smooth and tight flesh clamp around my moving finger.

'Ohhhh...' he smirked as he lay back with his legs propped up on the edge of the bath. 'That's quite nice, you've got long fingers.'

'I've got a longer cock.'

'Crude,' he smirked grabbing my spare hand and placing it on his swollen and jerking boy cock. It was nice, rubbery but with a steely inner core. He moaned as I slowly finger fucked him and toyed with his hardness which began to leak milky cum. I knelt and moved in on him but he was wise to that one. 'In bed,' he whispered. 'I'll sink if you torpedo me in this thing.'

That was it, he seemed to accept quite happily what was to come and from the state of him he wasn't a bitch boy... he wanted his share. He reached out and manipulated my own erection until I had to beg him to stop. 'We gonna dry off and go to bed?'

'Are we?'

'You know we are,' he wriggled and slipped off my finger rising to his feet like a watery Adonis or whatever. His stiff five inches waggled around and I nearly used it as a climbing pole but managed to get stood up alongside him and clasped him in a soapy embrace. We had a quick rinse off with the shower attachments and then quickly and roughly dried ourselves off. I didn't quite know what he wanted but I wanted to get my face between those sweet cheeks and taste his little pucker and you know the rest. I wanted to plunder that tight little arse of his and then I wanted that hard pecker of his in my guts. Simple pleasures for a simple Polish boy. Well, I wasn't that simple. the God in heaven (who is Polish by the way) had sent me an angel and I was set on angel cake for tea.

We spent time towelling off and playing around some more before I guided him into the bedroom, it was raining heavier now and what better way to spend an afternoon than in bed with a willing boy. This kid wanted it, he craved it and as he flopped onto the bed I found my lube, I hadn't had sex for a couple of nights and I was ready for this one espcially when I saw his twitching cock was still leaking. He was so hot but I was hotter, I lay him onto his back and spread his legs managing to get his smooth scrotum in my mouth. I left his twitching stiffy alone as I didn't want him to pop on me, I wanted his juice by interal injection to get all medical about it. Inexperienced youngsters can be a pain but at least they have enthusiasm. He squealed when I lifted his legs and plundered his tight little pucker with my mouth and probing tongue. Delicious, just a little soapy but that soon went and then it was a bit like sweet and sour only smooth and wrinkled. He went ballistic when I gently probed him with my lubed up finger but soon settled down when I started a regular in and out. He squirmed around and stroked my hair as I inserted a second finger and really went to town loosening and lubing him up. I know I was a decent size, in fact, on my last measuring session with my landlords I'd come out top with slightly under seven inches so I didn't want to hurt him. I didn't know if he was a virgin or one of those impulse shaggers you hear about, those who bottle their urges and finally snap not really knowing what goes on. He was going to get nearly seven inches of Polish sausage up inside him and I didn't want him hurt.

'I feel all loose and slippery,' he giggled and held his knees to his chest. I feel a bit of a prat laying like this as well.'

'Rest your legs on my back or wrap them around my waist when we get going.' I looked into his eyes. 'One question: Are you a virgin?'

'Never done either,' he mumbled. 'Front or back.'

'But you want to?'

'Now that's a silly question,' he giggled and grasped my lubed up stiffness and pulled me in closer. I wiped my fingers and gave my erection a final shake before shuffling in and positioning my gleaming glans at his taut pucker. One slow push against his pressure and his ring parted admitting me to his warmth and tightness. He gave a sobbing moan but he was a brave boy, he held his breath as I got about an inch of shaft inside him and then he clamped on me and his arms wrapped around my neck and he pulled me in for a kiss. 'Slowly, Honek,' he whispered and it started.

Gentle movements but penetrating and gaining ground at every move of my hips I sank into his virgin hole inch by inch. He moaned at one stage and then a little later when I was almost in. I was fucking properly but still slowly and still tenderly until I felt my pubics press against his balls. I was well and truly in giving one final thrust to make the point.

'Ouch... you bastard,' he pulled a face and then grinned. 'It feels abso-bloody-lutely huge. I feel like I'm gona split.'

'Are you alright,' I moved in him a little.

'It hurt a little at first,' he admitted but it's OK now. He hadn't put his legs on my shoulders some of my previous boys had done, he wrapped his around my waist and after another couple of slow moves I started. No two ways about it, he liked it, he bloody well loved it and as I went faster and faster he moaned and even cried out as I moved in closer giving harder and harder jabs into his sweet boy pussy. His own precum was puddling on his belly and at one stage he tried to wank himself but I stopped him. I told him I wanted him inside me which brought a huge grin to his face as he lay there with my oiled stiffy sliding in and out of his tight little arse. It was the fuck of the century (over the top a bit there) and when I cum inside him he writhed and moaned on my ejaculation as I flooded him with my hot squirts. It was a good 'un but he was a good boy.

Once I slipped free and lay alongside him we had the customary kiss and cuddle. I was well pleased that he hadn't gone into the moping and ashamed misery that the occasional boy suffers after having their virginity taken. Mind you, with the St Anselm boys and younger staff this was a rarity but it can happen and thankfully young Billy was free of the guilt trip. This kid wanted it from the word go but I knew one thing he wanted even more that a taste of cock... he wanted a bit of bum so I posed in the old fashioned way for his first time.

'Go for it, sailor,' I looked over my shoulder. 'Get between my legs, I wanna see if you're a boy or a girl.'

'A boy, a boy,' he giggled as he knelt between my legs grasping my bottom and squeezing the bubbles. 'Where's that stuff.'


There is a secopnd half to this one.

New Release: 'The Prince Coco Project' will be sent to Nifty once this one clears. It will probably appear in the Adult/Youth Section.


Next: Chapter 17

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