Piece of Cake

By G Cutter

Published on Feb 12, 2009


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

All my stories (and parts thereof) are given SOLELY to Nifty for distribution. If you wish to use anything of mine please ask me, it's only common courtesy

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.



11a - Dominic and Tak in Love

(Told by Dominic)


G. Cutter

We returned to the school in the dark but split up before we got the the entarnce to the hall. Most of the kids imagined themselves as baby Sherlock Holmsies and dishing the dirt on their seniors was a great hobby and something to gossip about. I didn't want to give them the chance, you do have certain standards to observe in the Fifth.

Mack and Jimbo were back in the dorm but they were the only ones, I suppose the others were visiting pals or down in the TV room... perfecto. They looked at me curiously and Jim was bursting to ask questions but he held back. Of course, as soon as I stripped off and wrapped a towel around my waist he was head to head with his big chum, I was being talked about.

I managed to make it to the bathroom on time to find it deserted and stripped off to use the open shower, that way I could see who came in and when Tak arrived (as I hoped he would) then we could duck into one of the cubicles. He arrived a few minutes later and grinned sheepishly.

'Whassup Doc?'

'That damn Jim lurking in the corridor outside your dorm...' he compained.


'He told me you were in the showers and to have a good session.' He looked at me and grinned. 'Cheeky sod he is.'

'Ignore him,' I got from the shower, grabbed my towel and slipped into the end cubicle the one furthest away from the door. 'Come on then, Lover.'

After taking a final glance around Tak nervously bundled in with me and I grabbed him. He just had a towel around his waist as I'd worn but he had a bathrobe draped over his slender frame which I enjoyed removing in slomo kissing him on the lips and then on his dark golden titties and on his belly. 'Let's get wet,' he croaked and stepped naked into the shower section with me on his tail quite literally. This time it was the same again only with warm soapy water and this time Tak took charge. He worked on my nipples for a bit and then bent his knees and started to drop down my body, I stroked his wet and thick black hair as he rested on his knees took me in hand and examined my stiffness. 'So big and beautiful,' he grinned up my belly and slowly wiped his tongue around my knob removing the slight drooling and then took the lump into his mouth and began to suck. He was a bit careless with his teeth but as it was probably his first time I forgave him. He was working at it too well to upset to be honest and we were soon working as a team. Well, I was slowly fucking his face and he was sucking away and stroking my soapy bottom at the same time.

Suddenly he stopped and looked up at me with a grin. 'When are we going to have proper sex?'

'Whenever you like, Tak. You know I want to.'

'Oh,' I know that,' he giggled and redoubled his efforts only this time his caresses and stroking of my bottom took on a whole new feeling. He was a boy not one of those Thai girly boys and he wanted to do me just as much as I wanted to mate with him. I ruffled his hair, that suited me fine. I do like a bit of give and take especially with someone as sweet and beautiful as my Tak.

In the end he wormed a finger up inside my hole and slowly moved it in and out as he sucked. That particular move is fatal and as he rubbed against my prostate with his finger I got harder and harder as if my penis was going to explode. In the end I felt it, the juices, arising in my shaft and tried to warn him but he took not a blind bit of notice . When I spurted he choked and gobbled away enthusiastically and got the lot apart from the dribbles which he milked out of me right at the end. I was slaughtered but managed to drag him up alongside me for a final bout of soapy wriggling and groping.

He was as hard as a rock again and I took pity on him, I got onto my knees again. I never expected him to really cum after the session in the woods but he was so ripe. I sucked and this time did the finger bit on him and his arse was so tight I could even feel myself hardening up again. We had to do sex, I thought as I sucked his beautiful dong, I wanted that in me and I wanted his sweetly tight little bottom. We needed to go the whole way and now he clearly had a taste for it I didn't want to lose him to some other rancid oik. Not that I was a rancid oik you understand.

'Wooo... you like that, Tak,' I slowly finger fucked him as he thrust into my mouth .

'I wish it was the real thing,' he murmured as I sucked. he wasn't so quick this time and I had to work at it but in the end he tensed up. 'Dominic...' he groaned and I felt the first of his warm splashes on my tongue. Not as heavy as the first lot but a nice taster all the same.

'We've got to find somewhere safe where we can do it,' he smiled at me as we stood under the running water. We had to split in a moment but it had been good and there was more to come.

'Don't you know anywhere, no ideas?'

'I'll ask Jimmy tomorrow, he grinned. 'he's got to know somwhere.'

'Jim... little Jimbo?' I heard my voice break.

'Why not?'

'Mmmmm... I suppose.' I looked at him and grinned. 'Come in my dorm for ten minutes, we've got stacks of time to the bell. We can ask him together.'

'Be bold,' he giggled.

'Spot on, Thai boi.'

We went my to my dorm and found Mack and Jimbo at the end with a pot of tea of all things. I knew Jim had friends in the kitchen but not exactly how far the friendships exptended. All the same as soon as I walked in with Tak we were were invited to join them at the study table in the window bay. I wanted to pop the question there and then but Mack being there put a damper on things a bit. I know he was alright but I felt a lot easier with Jim... maybe because we'd done the dirty. Mack knew, I knew, he knew. Jim was incapable of keeping his mouth shut but we were saved by Mack deciding to go for a quicky shower before bed leaving us alone with Jim.

'Don't see you in here a lot, Tak,' Jim grinned and I felt his pyjama clad leg press against mine under the table.

'I occasionally visit the hoi poloi,' Tak answered straight faced which lost Jim straight away. 'We have a question.'

'Shoot... Nah, don't bother you've done that already. Your shower took twenty five minutes give or take.'

'Whatta creep, you timed us,' I glared at him but he just sat there grinning. 'Done the big one yet?'

'Jeez...' I gave up, this boy was too much.

'That's the question,' Tak ploughed on although he was clearly uncomfortable with it. 'Dominic and I were looking for somewhere nice and private. We... er, need to get together sort of thing.'

'I see,' Jim actually managed to look serious and reasonably intelligent at the same time, not an easy task for him. 'Saturday tomorrow, last weekend before the shutdown. The only thing going on is a rugby match.'

'And?' I looked at him curiously, he had something in mind but he was making us wait.

'I have a place I go with John on a Saturday after lunch you can share it if you like.'

'Oh, I don't know...' Tak started.

'No, no,' Jim grinned. 'I wasn't suggesting a foursome. It's a hugio place, you can have one end and John and I will go down the other. There's enough gear there to make up youir own nest, totally private and I have the only key not on the master keyboard.'

'Where is this place?'

'The cricket Pavilion, up in the loft.'

'All dust and shit?'

'No, not really,' Jim frowned. 'John and I had a sweaty evening cleaning it all up.'

'How come you have a key,' Tak asked suspiciously.

'Kurt the Kraut and I were in there sussing the place out. We're doing some decorating over the hols.'

'What, you, volunteering?'

'No way, it's for money,' Jim laughed. 'Interested or not?'

I glanced at Tak and I could see he was undecided. Probably the danger of getting caught was at the top of his worry list but being confined with Jim and the little blond John probably came a close second. 'Yeah... sounds good,' I spoke for both of us and closed the deal. Come what may I was going to take Tak all the way tomorrow and if fortune smiled he would do the same for me.

'My charge...' Jim started.


'A foursome sooner or later, John, myself, you and Tak... maybe me and Tak and you and John,' he looked at me and grinned.

'Sounds reasonable payment,' Tak laughed and I remembered he had the hots for the Neaderthal.

'Sounds fair enough,' I backed up my soon to be lover. 'But not tomorrow.'

'Okey dokey,' Jim grined. 'Meet up directly after lunch.'

'You've got it.' We broke up after that as the two brothers Fred and George rushed in thinking they were late. I escorted Tak into the passageway followed by curious eyes but sod 'em all. Things were looking good.

I was up with the lark the following day, the Saturday. I had a bit of schoolwork to catch up with and needed just under an hour to complete, finding peace and quiet was the problem. The only tasks the boys had was finalising any extra work and tidying up their dorms which were inspected by the Duty Master with the Head Boy. This was mainly a sniff around and the master would note any breakages or minor vandalism, not that anything got done about either. We were reminded that the 'lodgers' remaining at the end of next week would probably be relocated and that all personal gear had to be removed as the dorms were being redecorated over the holidays.

Lunchtime rolled around and I was looking cool with a rather suave AD/DC t-shirt and khaki shorts as we were allowed civvies over the weekend apart from the sacred dinner when we had to dress up, a damn irritant but there you go, that's what these sorts of schools were like. I saw Tak and he was super cool just to be one up on me, a button up shirt outside his long khaki chinos. Dishy as hell and I felt quite prideful as I watched some of the other boys give him the standard schooly ogle.

Jimbo and his equally short little pal sat down opposite and I nodded at John, I knew him from the class but I didn't know his name until now. He was a little blond and sat and looked like butter wouldn't melt in his mouth. How deceptive appearances could be, Jimbo had told me his was big Karl's permanent boyfriend but that he and Jim had a regular liaison. It just got worse and worse or should that be better and better. He gave me a shy smile and that was it, he was mine sometime in the future as part of the payment for this afternnon with Tak. I didn't mind and from what Tak had said about Jimbo he wasn't too fussed either.

'OK, let's go.' Jim and John had met us outside after the meal and we slowly sauntered towards the Cricket Pavilion. It was almost permanently closed down but with the decorating done by our boys over the holiday it should be up and running for the return to school. We crept around the back making sure that we weren't observed and Jim let us in with his key. We scuttled in like the criminals we were and Jim locked up afterwards. 'This way, campers,' Jim grinned and led into the changing rooms and then into the showers and toilets. There was a wooden staircase that led to the loft but the way was barred by another door with a sign denying entry to any boys under pain of death, or something like that. Jim gave another of his smirks and led the way producing another key which let us into his so called nooky chamber.

It was a big space with a high ceiling but most of the room was taken up with two huge water tanks, the amount of junk scattered around was mind blowing. Loads of metal framed chairs, even an old sofa and Jim took us down the far end and pointed out our spot. It seemed to be a collection of old dust sheets and other stuff which I assumed to be old netting, even shirts towels and other cricket kit... clearly gear which had been left over the years. The point is it was dry and clean and private, we could faintly hear John and Jimbo talking down the far end but then there was silence.

As Jim had suggested we built a nest and then like a pair of girls slowly but surely started to remove our clothing. We didn't go for the rough and tumble of ripping each othwer's clothes off as we both had our smart gear on but eventually we both stood naked apart from our briefs and then we embraced and lay on our bridal bed. I know it all sound a bit airy fairy but we did and of course, once the kissing started, the dry humping followed, then the groping until at long last we both lay totally naked and in each other's arms... beautiful, I had planned on sixty nining to an early climax and then making love to a slower and second but that went out of the window as soon as I got my hands on Tak's big dark golden cock. I wanted him at full stretch and full strength which put paid to the mutual blow. I raked around in my shorts pocket and recovered my little squeezy tube. No, not KY, I wasn't that daft but E45 is a general skin cream that lots of people with dry skin use and it washes off easy... guess what I wanted it for.

'Lay flat, Tak,' I whispered. He looked a bit disappointed but soon smiled when I smeared a glop of the lotion on my hand and smeared it onto his jerking cock and then slowly began to wank it into his firm flesh.

'Don't make me cum, Dom,' he groaned as I kept the steady up and down hand movement going and gently kissed his sweet lips.

'I won't,' I massaged his penis until it was at full stretch and then a bit more until I felt the first smear of his precum... goody, he was ripe. I don't think he knew what I was going to to as I straddled his narrow waist and shuffled up his body. He quite happily took me into his mouth and clasped my bottom as I slowly moved in and out. I think I must have caught him by surprise when I reached behind me and grasped his stiffy and held it up his belly, technically I suppose it was about fourty five degrees or thereabouts from the horizontal but when I wriggled back and guided it between my cheeks he got the message. He reached out and held my hips as I put his swollen and oiled glans uptight to my pucker and deliberately pushed back.

'Aaaah...' his eyes closed and a sweet smile appeared as I pushed against him harder feeling the pain and then the pleasure as his slippery head forced open my pucker and he was inside me. 'Oooooh... Dom,' he gasped and ran his hands from my hips to my thighs.

'Hold it up,' I muttered and as he grasped the base of his organ I sank even deeper and then started to slowly move up and down feeling his thick heat moving inside me. That wasn't the end of it however, still slowly and sensually I dropped my body onto his until I felt my bottom lightly conatct his soft pubics and then he pushed up into me and we were off. It's not a good position for fucking but it's a good start and we were soon on our sides shagging like a pair of frantic bunnies and then he really got into it rolling me onto my back and fucked me from his superior position. Then and as the last move I wrapped my legs around his waist, grabbed his neck and dragged his face in for a kiss. He fuckled on and he felt enormous, he was big anyway, coming straight in from above he felt huge and he was slapping into me like a machine. In the end he groaned piteously and I felt his penis thob and then the warm squirts blasted into my gut. I was surprised he'd lasted so long but he didn't stop. He kept sliding in and out ramming into my flooded bottom until he was exhausted. As he fell onto my belly I let my legs slip off his back and held on tightly to that delicious golden skinned bubble butt of his keeping him in tight until he began to wilt.

'God, I'm in love,' he whispered and kissed me tenderly. I just kept him clamped in, I was scared my guts were going to drop out, I felt so fluid inside, so squishy, so satisfied. He was good sex on that front now to see how he performed being the bottom.

'So am I,' I replied grunting a bit as I felt his shrinking weapon slip from me and damness between my cheeks. 'We should have brought a towel.'

'Here,' he reached out and grabbed a stained and clearly ancient shirt left by some long forgotten cricketer. I mopped myself dry and clean and lay on my side looking at him, he just lay there and gently rubbed his soft cum stained noodle up against my thigh. 'How do you want me?' He asked in a very small voice. It was the moment of truth for him as well as myself and I wondered if he was a virgin. Maybe, maybe not but one thing was for sure, he wouldn't be in ten minutes time.

'Let's go missionary for the first time.'

'Whatever that is,' he smiled.

I manhandled his willing body to lay flat on huis belly and parted his smooth legs running my fingers up and down and finally wriggling them into his crack. He moved around as I kissed his dimpled cheeks finally producing the E45 and annointing and massaging his tight little ring. It wasn't the first time with the fingers but this time it was serious and he moaned and sighed as I delved deep and hit his button. After that he pushed up onto my finger fuck and waited patiently as I oiled myself up and ran my oiled erection ebtween his cheeks.

'Take it easy,' he whispered as I flathanded his tiny buttocks apart exposing his shiny and slippery little hole. I nearly cum as I guided myself in and watched as I applied pressure. His pucker sank in and then slowly opened as I very slowly and very gently pressed in. 'Aaaaaah...,' he gave a low moan as I felt my knob inside his hot tightness and I saw his hands clutch at the spare clothing.

'Alright?' I froze with about an inch in his bum.

'Alright now,' he muttered with a shaky voice. 'Go on.'

That was it, I fed him another inch and then another and as my hot cock slipped inside his tight little arse he relaxed and I was away. I took my time plumbing his depths (love that expression) and when my pubics pressed against his bottom I burrowed in deeply feeling his warmth and tighness work with me and then I heard a long and very satisfied groan.

'God, you are so hot, Tak,' I moved a little and he wriggled again but this time pushed up onto me.

'It's so strange,' he sighed and went limp. 'Soooooo nice,' he clamped on me and away we went.

I'm not putting myself up as a Casanova but of the four or five fucks I've had until then Tak was the best, the benchmark all others would be measured against. He was so tight, so smooth and so very, very willing. As I fucked him he pushed up against me and gave happy little squeaks and grunts. I fucked him silly and in the end he was begging me to cum and when I did it was a classic. His little Thai boy fanny was dripping and oozing the white stuff when I'd finished I was drained, exhausted and knackered... all those nice words.

To my delight he was as happy as a well fucked bride should be. In fact, I was just as happy. He was a good fucker and a good fuckee and I was in love, well, I was in love apart from various lusts roaming the school but gays have a reputation for promiscuity so why let the side down. For the time being and into the forseeable future Tak was mine and I was his.

'Can we come in?' Jimbo's voice came preceded by a rap on the water tank.

'Yeah, come on,' I smiled reassuringly at Tak as we grabbed something to cover our bits. We needn't have bothered. Jimbo came around he corner fully naked with his dark skinned penis at full stretch although not hard, he was followed by little John who was also naked but held his hands over his crotch like a little boy.

'Success?' Jimbo grinned and clambered over and flopped between us, John hovered until I patted alongside me and then he too joined the group.

There we were, four very happy bunnies and after a little while John was all smiles and keen eyes. Not quite the vestal virgin I'd imagined but who needs virgins... vastly over rated.

To be continued

Coming up: 11b - The Foursome

12 - Honek's Epiosode


Next: Chapter 15

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