Piece of Cake

By G Cutter

Published on Jan 29, 2009


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

All my stories (and parts thereof) are given SOLELY to Nifty for distribution. If you wish to use anything of mine please ask me, it's only common courtesy

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.



9 - A New Boy joins the Fifth

(Told by Dominic La Plant)


G. Cutter

Hi, a new kid on the block and for a change in this series I'm telling my own story.

Name, Dominic La Plant, like the TV actress. Age, just turned fifteen. Looks, dishy (of course) but truthfully top end of the range in height for fifteens, dark almost black hair cut short in what used to be called a crew cut on top but longish at the back. I'm slim and trim like most English schoolkids unless they're puddings, I've got regular features and I'm a bit lost having just joined the famous or infamous St Anselms just outside Guildford. This place used to have a bad name being one of the last of the public schools to do away with corporal punishment but on the other hand it has excellent facilities. Rugby, football and cricket pitches with the addition to a half sized swimming pool etc. etc. The rugby and football make it an oddity being one of the few public school to field teams in both sports although rugby takes precedence. It's academic record is at the top end of the scale and it has an Army Cadet Force which is totally voluntary.

Accomodation is weird or weird to me having moved down from Robert Blackstock's Academy for Young Gentlemen (yeah... I know) up on the Borders. From what I could gather on my first whirlwind tour with the Bursar and my father the Sixth formers were two to a room, the Third, Fourth and Fifth six to a dorm and the kiddies in the Second and First Forms were twelve to a dormitory. So, as you climbed in age and Form you gained more privacy and theoretically more responsibility. The big drawback to this system of small dorms was that if you got lumbered with a kid you couldn't stand the sight of you were in lumber. I was told very early on that the school was run by the Sixth Form and any hassle or bad feeling between boys was soon sorted out. It was kiss and make up of face the consequences... and they could be dire. A number of Sixth Formers were Prefects and had certain disciplinary rights harking back to the old days and I heard a whisper of canings and slaving (what they used to call 'fagging' in the old schools). Not quite our shiny new society as envisaged by Mr Blair or Mr Brown or their cronies in the education system.

No matter, I had two years to face as my father had a long term MoD contract in Oman training and helping run the Sultan's baby army. He'd be home for Christmas and we'd get together but for the long summer break I'd be staying at the school with a group of unfortunates. I'd done this twice before and believe it or not it's great fun. An assorted group of kids doing their own thing under minimal supervision in a bloody huge and nearly empty school is fun, there you go. Do you know how many nooks and crannies, disused storerooms and classrooms plus other hideaways there are in these places... lots.

I was placed in Dorm 5F where I would live for the next nine months before moving upto the Sixth Form. The Dormitory Monitor (would you believe) was a chunky kid called Mackintosh, known more usually as Mack, there were two brothers Fred and George who seemed pleasant enough and a fourth kid Fraser who was introduced as Jim or Jimbo. This kid was the runt of the dorm, short with black skinhead cut hair and swarthy on top of that. Quite nice but he tended to remind me of one of those chimps on TV who moved the piano, you know, the tea bag advertisement. I hate to mention it but he had one of those big jaws like a caveman and I wondered just how hairy he was with his clothes off, having run him down and nailed him to he floor, I've got to add he was quite sweet. The one thing I spotted straight away was that he and Mack had something going... shock, horror... could this be? Of course it could, it was an all boy's school and kid's our age have interests other than rugby and damn football. Anyway, that was the head count and after I introduced myself as Dominic (aka Dom) we had a quorum I suppose you could call it. One short of a full deck, we had a spare bed and locker and it was unlikely to be filled with the big holiday so near.

Mack and his boy Robin (sorry, Jimbo) gave me a walkabout and I got the feeling whilst doing the laid back new boy that Mack and Jim were definitely at ir, talk about an odd couple. He was built like an ox and little Jim was like a hyped up monkey. Shit... I've done it again.

'Anyway, I'll be off to sunnier climes in a couple of weeks,' Mack announced ruffling Jimbo's spikey hair like a pervy Father Christmas. 'Jim is staying on, a couple from the Sixth and a gaggl;e of Third and Fourths. You've got the fields, the pool and the new sauna alongside the pool.'

'Yeah, it's not open yet but it should be operating for the hols,' Jim grinned. 'Mr Hollander, the Bursar says we can use it provided we keep it clean and tidy.'

'Yeah, he also said it was a minimum of six at any one time which will put the block on your monlkey business.' Mack laughed.

They didn't expand on the subject and I wondered what Jimbo's particular brand of monkey business was, I was to find out before the day was out.

The day to day routine didn't vary too much from my own school. We had what they called their high dinner at seven which entailed being in school uniform although we were allowed to be out of uniform both before and after which meant very plainly that dinner was a pain in the arse. Mack tipped me off that this rather antique rule was relaxed over the holiday shutdown which was good news. Between the dinner and lights out we had a TV room, an indoor sports room, in fact, we were at liberty to do what we wanted. I finished up sitting in the dorm reading, it was the quietest place I could find. The brothers were down in the TV room and Mack and Jim popped in but didn't linger and I wondered what they were upto but switched off, it was no concern of mine but I was a bit intruiged all the same. The more I saw of Jim the more I fancied him which was odd. It wasn't as if he was a raving beauty as he wasn't but there was something there. Our lights out was at ten in the week and eleven on Friday and Saturday nights so I decided on a final shower around nine, to be honest it was my first day and I was knackered. The following day was my first full day of classes and then it was the weekend so I had an easy run into the school schedule.

I liked the showers as they were new, or they'd been modernised. The school seemed to have gone away from the old school (or prison) open style and knocked up little partitioned units which had their own little door on them. In addition, they had open showers at the end of the room for the braver. Basically you could prance around naked if you wished or you could shower in total privacy, something which would please the shy or nervous. As I was neither I took an open shower leaving my sleeping shorts and t-shirt on the side. The place was deserted which didn't concern me too much but I was surprsed when Jim walked in and gave me a wave. I waved back naturally enough and he went into one of the sheltered cubicles which was a bit annoying as I wanted to see him wet and soapy, I wanted to see what he looked like in the raw and I'd been defeated.

'Hey, Dom,' Jim called out just as I was drying off. 'You done,' I could see his dark face peering over the door of his cubicle.

'Yeah, just about.'

'Wanna wash my back?'

I looked over and grinned. Talk about an invitation, how the hell could I refuse but I tried a bit of playing hard to get. 'I've just got dried off.'

'You won't get rusty,' he giggled. 'Fetch your towel in with you.'

I did as he aksed, this had to be a move, it just couldn;'t be anything else and as I've said earliert, I did like him and I really did want to see what he looked like in the buff. I stepped into his little section still with my towel around my waist but placed my dry gear on the little bench out of the way of the water. He was totally gorgeous, as I've said dark skinned and although short in perfect proportion to his size, the one thing out of place was his penis. It was about two sizes too big if that makes sense. It was as big or as long as mine and the top of his head barely came up level with my eyes. He'd given me a flash and now he turned his back and presented me with his back and exquisite water and soap slicked bottom.

'Welcome to St Anselms,' he wriggled as my soapy hands ran across his brown shoulders.

'You said that before,' I smiled at the back of his head running my hands down his arms, onto his trim waist and then back up and under his arms. 'Shit, my towels getting wet.'

'Take it off them,' he croaked.

'I'm a bit worried about someone coming in and catching us sharing a cubicle,' I whispered removing my towel and allowing my self erecting penis to jerk free. The damn thing wouldn't go down but I felt safe enough. He hadn't invited me in for a back scrub, that was for sure.

'No chance, not this late,' he jumped as I moved in closer and my erection glanced off his soapy bum, he jumped but he didn't move away.

Taking some sort of courage from his words and his action or lack of them I soaped his back some more and then let my hands drop onto his jiggly cheeks and still he didn't move.' Nice bottom,' I whispered and taking my chance bent to nuzzle at his neck. He immediately reached out and grasping my thighs pulled me in so that my hardon slipped up and was squashed between my belly and his back.

'Mmmm... Now that is nice,' he purred as I moved against him reaching around and soaping his little titties and his rounded belly. I bent my legs a little running my fingers into his crisp pubics and bending a little further ran my cock between his legs and grasped his own erection which had now filled into full bloom.

'Very nice,' I agreed moving to and fro as he clamped his legs. I grasped his thick meaty mass and slowy worked his foreskin back and forth across his glans. 'Mmmm...' This time the kiss was more of a nuzzle as I mouthed his smooth neck and he pushed back onto me.

'Do you do it on your first date?' He pushed his little arse back onto my moves.

'Not in here,' I whispered. 'Not enough room and I'm getting cramp.'

'That's what Mack says,' he laughed softly. Well, there was one question answered.

'But I want to,' I turned him around and he dropped to his knees taking me in hand straight away. He let the water wash the soap of my erection and then kissed the tip slipping his lips over my swollen glans. He was very clearly an expert, he gave me one of the best blow jobs of my young life even feeding a hand between my legs and pronging me with one finger. As he sucked and ran his lips up and down my shaft he finger shagged me reaching around and giving me what I call the electric squirms.

'You can do me later,' he looked up my belly for a moment.

'With pleasure,' I guided his head back onto my jerking cock. 'Gonna suck you dry, Jimbo.'

I stroked his bristly hair as his hot mouth sucked away and his busy flickering tongue added pleasure. I played with his ears and held him firm as I began to slowly fuck until he gagged and I knew my swollen and oozing knob was in the back of his throat. He musy have known when my balls went uptight that I was going to pop as he pushed my belly so that I backed off until he was just sucking my knob and then I cum. He swallowed and gobbled with every evidence of delight and finally squeezed me dry with a big grin. 'You needed that,' he remarked conversationally and stood. His own penis was now at full stretch and if was big and juicy, I think I've remarked it was oversized on his slight frame and I couldn't wait to drain it for him but he pushed me away. 'Midnight.'

'Midnight?' I asked stupidly.

'The boiler room down the end. When you go out to go back to the dorm cast your eyeballs left and you'll see it.'

'Is that the one that has a sign on it saying: Keep Out.'

'That's it,' he grinned and slipped from the shower after a quick rinse. I took my time and followed. I was a bit nervous how Mack might react to me doing the dirty with his boyfriend but he gave me a friendly enough smile as I walked in although I sensed his eyes on me as I finished drying off properly. Mind you the brothers were watching me as well so perhaps I'd landed in a nest of pervs or just kids who liked ogling naked pals.

As we bedded down Jimbo who slept on the same side as me although and empty bed a way waggled something at me and I saw it was a key, a few moments later one of the Sixth turned the lights off.

I must admit even with the prospect of sex I dozed off until I felt a shake on my shoulder and Jimbo gave my ear a little nip. 'Come on if you want it,' he giggled and I saw his shadowed form scuttle from the room. Jeez, this was so dodgy. I wrapped my dressing gown around myself and did a similar scuttle. As I passed Mack's bed he called out, well, he called out in a whisper if you know what I mean. 'Dom.'

'Yeah,' I approached cautiously.

'Have a good one,' he chuckled and dived under the bedding. I continued my scuttle which turned into a furtive scramble when I got out into the corridor which was dimly lirt with night lights. Thank God the boiler room door opened and as soon as I was in I felt Jimbo brush against me and click the latch. We were safe or reasonably so.

I looked around and there was light but not much, just one shaded bulb up by the boiler leaving most of the room in darkness but Jimbo grabbed my hand and towed me to the rear where there was a dust sheet and a couple of rather tatty cushions. He flung his dressing gown into the centre and I followed his lead sinking intot he centre of our little nest when he did. I knew what was expected and after a ten minute kissathon worked my way down his squirming body and took his overgrown kiddy cock into my mouth. As a dark haired and dark skinned boy he had a healthy pubic bush and even had hair in his pits but his hardness was a thing of beauty, thick and meaty, succulent and sweety. I took it right in and reached behind clasping his tight little arse as I gave him a blow to remember me by. He was good and he was big, I felt his slick glans in the back of my throat and could taste his precum as he leaked, I also managed to work one finger into his slightly sweaty boy fanny as he squirmed and threshed around under my assault.

'Dom, Dom...' he wailed until I put a hand over his mouth and then he let fly with a massive shot into the back of my throat. I slurped that down and it was followed by another creamy gout and then another. This kid wasn't short of juice, in fact, he cum like a young horse and my final squeeze brought another flood between the pinch of his foreskin squeezed over his glans. I let it go and gave him a final cock bath before laying alongside him and letting him taste his own spunk.

'That was good,' he slurred.and massaged my own spike which was begging attention. 'Mack likes you... he only said one word when we first sighted you.'

'And that was?'

'Dishy,' he giggled. 'A man of few words, my Mack.'

'Doesn't he mind..?'

'Nah,' he grinned in the half dark. 'We spread ourselves around, there's just a shortage of volunteers.'

'Could be good over the holiday shutdown,' I licked the side of his mouth which led to another bout of kissing. 'Sixth formers, Fourth, Third not forgetting any of our own lot.'

'Karl from 4E... oh yeah, and a Thai kid in 4C, he's a doll but keeps himself to himself.'

'Upto you and I to change that,' I rolled him over so that he lay on me belly to belly. A bit of a jiggle and my erection was clamped between his thighs and he moved up and down on me. We rolled again and he was underneath and he opened his legs allowing me to crouch up and elevate them to his chest baring his all.

'I know a couple of chefs like it this way,' he murmured as he got comfortable.

'Ew, wrinklies?'

'Nah, he giggled. Randy euighteens, I'll give you an intro... both sex maniacs.'

'Do you know anyone who isn't a sex maniaxc.'

'Yeah,' he guided my shaft with it's ozzing glans directly onto his button. 'But I don't bother talking about them... go for it, Tiger,' he growled and I slowly pushed against the resistance of his pucker.

God, he was so tight, so hot and he knew it. As I pushed my way in he clamped and relaxed, clamped and relaxed virtually milking me and I hadn't even started. He kept up a constant stream of encouragement and when I was almost into his hot fanny he grabbed my hips and began to pull me in until I was sheatherd solidly in his sweet arse. He muttered something and clamped his legs on my back as I began to fuck. His whines and murmurs got louder until I had to seal my lips onto his to shut him up but he was good. He wriggled and squirmed making it all the better and unbelievably after me blowing him he started to wank himself furiously as I plundered his soul (arsehole that is).

'Yeah, go, go...' he grunted until we were almost belly to belly, I could feel his slippery cock slipping and sliding against my gut as he wanked and when I cum in an explosive ejaculation I felt the warm splashes of his own climax on my belly. I pressed on and I swear I did four even five spurts of creamy love juice up into his belly. I was completely and utterly drained and in the end we lay belly to belly glued together with my softening cock up his bottom and his cum gluing our bellies together.

'We've got to have a shower,' I finally whispered still scared of anyone passing by although it was well gone midnight.

'Aaaargh... Mack always does me twice, he says it's better on a sticky wicket.'

'I'm drained,' I protested.

'Wimp. Move slowly, you'll get hard again,' he declared confidently.

I did and it did.

The Soap Continues.

Also on release this weekend 'Arm Wrestling with Ali'. This is a three or four parter. I don't know what Section Nifty will put it in but I'm hoping for High School. It just needs a final edit and tweak.


Next: Chapter 13

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