Piece of Cake

By G Cutter

Published on Jan 22, 2009


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

All my stories (and parts thereof) are given SOLELY to Nifty for distribution. If you wish to use anything of mine please ask me, it's only common courtesy

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.



8 - Sleepover with Ross (2)


G. Cutter

Josh and Ross took their time, they had all night and there was no need to rush but Ross was horny. He'd just taken Josh and Josh's seed and was feeling very pleased with himself. His fellow Sixth Former was a goer, no doubt about that and the proof was in his squishy bum. He'd talked long and hard with Dustin about who and who not to risk taking home and more importantly into his attic for fun and games. Josh had been the front runner from the way he acted and those subtle little hints. They talked about gaydar and Josh had been the brightest blip on the screen.

'Beautiful bottom,' he ran his tongue up and down Josh's crack and smiled when he saw the blond boy open his legs. 'Tasty little pouty pucker,' he licked a finger and slipped it onto Josh's crack but instead of clamping as he'd expected Josh spread his legs even wider. 'Tight little pouty pucker,' he prodded and then pushed feeling his finger enter Josh's heat and tightness.

'Shurrup,' Josh giggled. 'You sound like a right bloody pervo.'

'I am,' Ross laughed and to prove his point slid his finger free and flaphanded Josh's cheeks aprt exposing the dark pink ring, with a little sigh he shoved his face into Josh's crack lapping and sucking at the tautly stretched sphincter.

'Aaaaah...' Josh bucked and then lay still. This was totally disgusting but the feel of Ross' hot breath and flickering tongue in his crack and on his ring was pleasant. No, it wasn't pleasant, it was weird and maybe wonderful... it was great. He shoved his bottom up and Ross spread his cheeks even more dribbling spit and prodding the slippery hole with his pointed tongue. 'Do the finger again,' Josh pleaded scared but at the same time eager to get on with it. He expected a bit of pain but his few previous encounters had demonstrated that if the bottom was well lubed up pain was kept to a minimum.

'I'll do better than that,' Ross lifted his spit flecked face and rubbed two fingers against the yielding flesh and pushed in causing Josh to tense and then relax again once he felt the digits inside him easing his ring and rubbing against his prostate.

'Yeah, great...' Josh murmured pushing up onto the finger fuck which got easier as it went along but suddenly he felt the finger's suddenly withdraw. He knew he was about to be taken. He'd done things with younger boys in his previous school, in fact, he was much sought after both for his looks and his laid back attitude but this was the first time he'd let someone top him. He liked both Ross and Dustin and was quite happy joining their little setup as long as he got his share. Ross had demonstrated already that he was happy to go both ways and now he, Josh, had to bite the bullet in a manner of speaking.

'Jeez...' he clutched the pillow as he felt Ross's swollen lump slippery with precum and spit push against his pucker and then the muscle gave. He bit back a scream as his ring opened up to the blunt pressure and suddenly he felt it, the mass, the warmth and the incredible feeling of being filled by another boy's erection.'

'Yesss...' Ross sighed with satisfaction. That was the hard bit now for the fun. He supported himself on his arms and move slightly to and fro sinking deeper and deeper at each move savouring the pleasure of Josh's tight boy arse wrapped around his meat. As he pushed for the fourth or possibly the fifth time now half sheathed he felt Josh move under him and then a definite push up onto his advances. 'Good boy...' he whispered and lay on Josh's back driving his hardness deep inside the heat.

'Aaaaah...' Josh moaned as he felt the rest of Ross fill him and the warm presure of flesh on his back. The kissing on his neck and the sensation of having what had to be over five and maybe even six inches of boy meat buried in his bottom was great. To his surprise he could live with it, to his even greater surprise he liked the feel, he even liked the sensation of Ross's lithe body pressing down on him and the boy's kisses. He pushed up harder as Ross began to move. Ross parted his own legs forcing Josh's further apart and at the same time elevating his bottom and that's when he started.

Ross started plunging and lunging into Josh's soft bottom. Josh clearly had a taste for it and soon the two were meeting in sweaty thwacks, Ross was pulling out right to his flared crown and then slapping back in and Josh was pushing up to meet each thrust. The noise they were making was enough to awake the dead but the parents were downstairs watching television and the two lovers were lost in a world of their own.

'Yes, yes, yes...' Ross finally groaned and rammed in hard and deep with a corkscrewing motion. Josh held tightly to his pillow, he felt like Ross' cock head was up in his throat but not quite. He wriggled and moaned as he felt Ross seem to get harder and even expand and then the first of the warm blasts thobbed and pumped into his body. He giggled and God knows why as he felt the warm slippery liquid fill him and he even felt it ooze from his hole and trickle down onto his perineum. Ross may have been like a boy but his cum was all man and he lay on his partner still buried in Josh's cum soaked bottom. Mission accomplished, they'd do the second round face to face.

'That was so good, Josh,' he breathed heavily in Josh's ear and then lapped the pink flesh. 'A blinder,' he added for emphasis. 'Cleanup, shower and bed,' Ross finally spoke after long minutes of kissing and cuddling. 'Then when all through the house not a creature will be stirring not even a mouse...'

'We get to do it all again?' Josh grinned.

'Glad you suggested it,' Ross laughed. 'I didn't want to sound too demanding.'

'As if,' Josh cackled and slipped from the bed. 'I gotta go,' he made a hurried exit towards the bathroom. Ross grinned. Things were going well, all he had to do was mate Dusty and Josh then the circle or the triangle would be complete.

Ross awoke at the crack o' dawn as was his habit, the house was silent and the room smelled of sex. He slipped from the bed and opened a window. Josh was on his side still deep in slumber and Ross slipped back into bed, his little clock stood at six and he relaxed. After their pre bedding down sex he and Josh had done it again around two in the morning and now he snuggled upto Josh again. The boy was a wonderful fuck and Ross patted himself on the back (figuratively of course), the blond would make a worthy addition to their little gang. He had his eyes set on a fourth and then it would be a real little firm but who was it going to be. Naturally enough Josh would get a say in it as well but selecting number four would be a struggle. The only criteria was that it had to be someone from the Sixth and he had to be versatile... that was the club rule although Ross and Dustin made them up as they went along.

'Mmm... What time is it.' Josh mumbled sleepily.

'Six. Go back to sleep,' Ross whispered and moved in to kiss Josh's ear. To his surprise he felt himself harden up again as his penis came into contact with Josh's warm bottom.

'Pervert,' Josh mumbled and pushed his bottom out into Ross' groin and Ross was lost. He worked his burgeoning hardon inbetween Josh's cheeks and the blond just lay there silently and even pushed back again as Ross's now hard penis pushed up against the still slick pucker. On gentle push and Ross was inside Josh's heat and tightness again. 'Mmmmm... That's nice,' Josh wriggled his arse and Ross sank in deeper now thrusting harder and furiously kissing the back on Josh's neck as he felt himself sheath on a coating of residual cum and night sweat.

'Yeah,' he pushed Josh onto his belly and parting the blond's legs got inside and started to move. he was fucking for the third time and Josh was taking it silently but pushing up now and then onto the thrusts showing his willingness in the act.

Around eight thirty after a shower they both joined Ross' parents for breakfast. Apparently it was their habit to go to Sunday communion taking the au pair with them but not Ross. Ross had declared himself a Wiccan or something equally outlandish and they went along with it. Josh was pretty sure that they didn't care what the hell Ross was they just didn't want to argue. It seemed after the service Mr and Mrs Traynor would be vising friends for lunch and the Swedish girl would prepare a light lunch for herself and the boys.

'Christine,' Ross called the girl before she went to prepare for her church visit.

'Yes, Ross.'

'Dustin will be with us for the day... can you add him for a lunch?'

'Certainly, no problems,' she smiled and went on her way.

'Dusty coming around?' Josh asked looking out at the pool.

'Yeah. I was going to ask you something...'

'Go on then.'

'If we decided our threesome should be our foursome who do you reckon would make a good fourth?'

'Sexwise?' Josh laughed.

'Of course,' Ross smiled as he led Josh out into the garden and they sat down on loungers. 'Someone who'll fit in. Someone you really fancy.'

'Well, that's easy,' Josh shaded his eyes from the sun. 'That Italian kid, Scipio.'

'Hey, good... I never thought of him,' Ross enthused. 'He's big, I've seen it in the showers.'

'Dirty sod.'

'I know,' Ross laughed. 'Smooth olive bum, big swinging thingy... good choice. I wonder if he goes, if he does the dirty I mean.'

'I'll chat him up, give him a bit of charm.'

'Good,' Ross smiled. That was easy, they had another target and Josh had volunteered to do the hard work. Ross could live with the swarthy and black curly haired Scipio and he was sure Dustin could. Dustin would shag a rocking horse if it had a hole.

'What do you do on a Sunday morning, go to a Wiccan church?'

'Har, har,' Ross looked at Josh with a straight face. 'We swim, Dustin will be here as soon as my people leave.'

'What does he do? Spy from around the corner?'

'He doesn't have to, he only lives down the road. He knows their routine anyway,' Ross giggled.

'I haven't got any swimmers.'

'Your BVDs will do, they dry out easy enough and they'll look sexy. I'll wear my baggy boxers.'

'Sounds good to me,' Josh conceded. 'They'll soon drop off.'

'That's the idea,' Ross laughed. 'Come on, come on,' he muttered impatienty looking towards the house. 'This lot spend so much time getting ready church it's untrue.'

The parents and Christine did go in the end and Ross and Josh promptly stripped to their underwear. It was fronting up to be a scorching day and the pool was calling them. They had the run of the house and although the pool was overlooked by the next door neighbours provided they were up on their top floor the patio was shielded as was the sun bathing area alongside the pool. Ross' father had jerry rigged a big blue canvas affair which afforded some shade and privacy. Dustin arrived on cue around three minutes after the family had left, he must have been lurking in the bushes awaiting his chance.

'Hi di hi, campers.' he grinned as he let himself in through the side gate. 'How'd it go last night.'

'Perfecto,' Ross pinched Josh's cheek.

'Fuck off, tart.' Josh yelled and pushed Ross in the water which didn't really matter as the sandy haired boy was already down to his low slung boxers.

'Right...' Dustin quickly shed his own clothing, he was wearing briefs again and his big boy cock was at 'half mast' as Ross called it. This kid's pump was primed and ready to run. The three of them must have spent the next fifteen minutes larking around, splashing and ducking each other until things began to get fruity. Josh suspected his two new pals had fixed everything beforehand as he came under increasing attack from Dustin whils Josh seemed content to keep his distance.

He decided to test out his theory by sprawling on the towels poolside on his belly and waited to see what would happen. Sure enough Dustin was right after him and sat alongside whilst Josh kept in the water slowly swimming up and down.

'I'd better put some of this on you, you're fair skinned, you'll burn,' Dustin muttered and uncapped the suntan lotion and squirted a long whiite streamer of the stuff from Josh's neck down to the top of his briefs. Josh smiled into the towel as he felt Dustin's hands on his back. The next would be a suggestion to go to the bedroom if he had it right.

Dustin massaged the much paler Josh working his way down the slender boy's back and ran his fingers down under the top of Josh's briefs. 'You'd better do my front,' Josh laughed and rolled over onto his back displaying his charms namely his mansized penis at full stretch but still contained within his thin cotton briefs.

'Wow,' Dustin smiled down at him and taking up the lotion again squirted a big dollop front and centre onto Josh's belly. 'You are one sexy fucker.'

'And you've got the charm of a bucket of slugs,' Josh grinned up into the sunshine blocked by the smiling Dustin. 'Come on then... make your move.'

'I was thinking about going upstairs... on our own,' Dustin started to run the lotion across Josh's belly falling short at the top of the briefs yet again.

'Yeah, get a room you two,' Ross called from the water spot on cue. Josh grinned up at the dark skinned Dustin, they were so predictable... mind you they made a good team.

'Uptairs?' he looked at Dustin.

'Want to?'

'Of course,' he grinned. 'I know you want to sample my trouser snake.'

'Your panty python,' Dustin giggled. 'And the rest,' he took a quick feel of Josh's hardness and smiled down. 'You first... let's go.' He stood and offered his hand pulling Josh to his feet.

'Take your time,' Ross called. 'I'll fetch cold drinks up when Christine arrives... I'll keep out of your way.'

That was it. Done and dusted as they say. No big deal on the subtlety but who cared. Josh and Dustin were on their way.

As soon as they were back in Ross' bedroom Dustin made his move. He grabbed Josh from behind and his hands ran up and over Josh's oiled chest and belly but this time they went lower. They slid into the top of Josh's damp briefs extracting his hardon and sliding the damp briefs down at the same time. Josh stood there enjoying Dustin's warm body on his back with one hand slowly working his stiffness and the other tweaking his nipples. 'You did alright with Ross last night I guess,' Dustin's lips mouthed at Josh's neck.

'You guess right,' Josh moved to the bed with Dustin still clinging to him and fell onto the springy mattress and turning so that they were face to face. In an intense liplock he tugged Dustin's briefs down and kicked his own clear and then they were Belly to belly with Josh' pink flesh moving against Dustin's darker skinned oneprick, they were dry humping aided by the skim of suntan glop. Dustin didn't waste any time, he went onto his belly and opened his legs and Josh didn't mess around either. He had enough of the oil on his hardness to serve and knew perfectly well that Dustin wanted it... the big IT. Dustin's legs were open wide and his pucker was perfectly visible almost demanding to be opened and filled.

Josh slipped his stiffness between Dustin's still wet cheeks and on a coating of oil pushed entering quite easily. Dustin gave a token groan but he was quite comfortable and just lay there giving little grunts and gasps as Josh worked his way in until his pubics pressed against Dustin's bouncy bottom. 'Yeah, nice,' Dustin grunted and pushed back hard sealing the joining and Josh started. Dustin was clearly experienced and he was good sex, Josh had to admit that, hot and tight and on top of that... very willing, very willing indeed. The fuck ended up as a sweaty meeting of bodies and at one stage Josh wondere who was fucking who, Dustin was a very active passive if that makes any sense. He almost fucked himself pushing back and working his fine arse on Josh's furious fuck.

In the end Josh climaxed and it was a good one, at least it was good enough to satisfy the eager Dustin who Josh was beginning to suspect was some sort of a nymphomaniac. Softening but still hard enough Josh slipped and slithered his way into Dustin's now totally relaxed and flooded arse until he slipped free and lay on Dustin's sweat soaked body in a daze. He smiled as he worked his depleted cock up against Dustin's slippery bottom... and here he was thinking Dustin was the butch menber of the trio. It seemed that was his job, he was the top dog, his pair of friends were more bitch than butch. Never mind, now all he had to do was to find out what Dustin had to offer.

A few moments later he found out. He settled down on his belly expecting Dustin to go through the basic 'boy on back' routine but not with Dustin. The darker boy flipped him over and grinned down at him.

'You don't get away that easy, Josh my man,' he raised Josh's knees and pushed them down to his chest exposing Josh's well used pink and slightly puffy pucker. ''Ross phoned me earlier and said you were good,' he whispered as he guided his erection down and his glans pushed against Josh's ring.

'I am,' Josh smiled up and then closed his eyes as he felt the pressure, then a brief pain and then that sensation he was beginning to get used to. Thick and meaty boy cock lodged in his hole and Dustin's lips on his. He groaned and wriggled as Dustin began to move. 'Go for it, buddy,' he breathed into Dustin's mouth and lay back with a smile on his face. The ride had begun.

The End

for now

Next one up: 9 - A New Boy joins the Fifth (Told by Dominic la Plant)

Next: Chapter 12

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