Piece of Cake

By G Cutter

Published on Jan 16, 2009


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

All my stories (and parts thereof) are given SOLELY to Nifty for distribution. If you wish to use anything of mine please ask me, it's only common courtesy

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.



7 - Sleepover with Ross (1)


G. Cutter

Ross and Josh said goodbye to Dustin after they'd all showered in Ross's own bathroom. The shower was big enough for the three of them to squeeze in and although the predictable groping and fumbling happened sure enough nothing developed. Dusty had to go home although he promised to return Sunday morning when Ross' parents would be at church. Ross explained that he didn't go being an avowed heathen. Josh was surprised, with his family he'd have to attend. Whatever his family did he had to tag along not so with Ross, he appeared to do what he liked or he got away with murder as Dusty put it.

Mr and Mrs Traynor rolled up more or less together and went through the meet and greet business. They had a brief conversation on what was happening at school, what the boys had been upto and all the rest of it but Josh, who was a pretty smart kid realised one very important thing about this so called family unit. The mother and father were switched off, they asked questions and then didn't listen to the answers, they were going through the motions. Josh was pretty sure that they weren't really concerned with what Ross did or didn't do and that applied doubly so to any of Ross' pals. That wasn't to say they weren't quite pleasant and polite in their distant way, they were, but 'distant' was the key word here. Once the greeting were done with the father retired to his study to read his dailies and the mother got together with the au pair to prepare dinner.

Josh always thought that au pairs were intended for toddlers or babies but this one was more of a live in servant and companion for Mrs Traynor. He was glad to see that Ross didn't even go through the schooly motions of chick ogling, Ross was supremely indifferent to the rather good looking Nordic girl.

'Come on, Josh. We'll get changed up.'


'Changed up, you did bring a change of clothing?'

'What, for an overnighter,' Josh blushed. 'I didn't know I was going to be needing a tuxedo for fuck's sake.'

'Calm down, calm down,' Ross giggled. 'Mum doesn't like singlets and t-shirts at the table. I'll lend you a school shirt and your baggies are fine.' He went to a closet and found a clean shirt which he threw across the room, he also dropped his shorts and kicked his sandals off raking around for a pair of socks and then long trousers. 'You like Dusty?'

'Yeah,' Josh sat in an armchair and watched Ross' tight little bare arse as the boy dug into his cupboard for a pair of trainers. He could almost see the boy's pucker between the pale cheeks. he didn't want to enthuse too much about Dusty as Ross was clearly the leader and the one he would be sleeping with.

'Great,' Ross stood up and turned around. His pale skinned penis was at half mast again and he grinned. 'Me first though.'

'You first,' Josh agreed with a grin. Oh yeah, no doubt about that. He just hoped the effects of the pot had worn off although from the tingling down below his pride and joy was retrurning to it's true form. That would be the randy schoolboy mode without labouring the point.

They all had dinner together even the au pair who was called Christine, she from Oslo and was studying English language in her spare time. The conversation was give and take but with little of substance, more school and stuff along those lines. Josh was quite happy to escape to the garden with Ross at the end of it although it was beginning to get dark.

'I usually spend my evenings in my own room, my parents aren't much company,' Ross explained with a grin. 'Pretty well wrapped up in themselves for most of the time.'

Josh didn't comment.

'I've got the computer and TV,' Ross rambled on. 'And you,' he glanced across. 'Were you all right with earlier on?'

'Fine,' Josh grinned. 'I can live without the pot though.'

'Same here. We just thought it was a good way to seduced you.'

'Consider me seduced,' Josh grinned.

'And ready for more?'

'Most certainly,' Josh looked directly at Ross. 'But I am into give and take, I don't go face down all the time.'

'I'll settle for give and take as well,' Ross grinned. 'We going upstairs, there's something on the box around nine I'd like to watch.'

'Lead on, Bossboy.'

They went in and Ross said cursory goodnights to his parents, he told Josh that he wouldn't see them again until breakfast and that was it as far as the family was concerned. Ross was totally self contained, he had his own en suite bathroom and he even had a small fridge tucked away in a corner so he had everything he needed to live his own life and even entertain if he wished. Josh had noticed the bed very obviously when he'd dumped his gear earlier and it was a large one, more than adequate for two boys with sex on their minds. Josh was pretty sure that this time it wouldn't be wankies and blows, something far more fulfilling.

'So...' Ross opened up the fridge and removed two cans. 'Fosters?'

'Sure,' Josh accepted the can. He'd drunk Fosters before, it was one of the higher volume lagers but pleasant enough if taken in moderation. At least he wasn't being offered more pot for which he was grateful. He looked across at Ross and the boy dropped his eyes. Josh smiled, he'd suddenly realised that Ross was full of confidence when backed up by his pal but wasn't to sure now. Poor Ross, he thought, his classmate was nervous.

'I've been wanting to get your own for some time,' Ross spoke as he sat down on the bed and patted the space alongside. Josh joined him, it was the best place to watch the television and he was pretty certain that Ross would make a move on him before much longer. Sooner rather than later he hoped.

'To satisfy your evil urges,' Josh whispered with his eyes glued to some musical group on the screen.

'What's evil about them?' Ross turned the volume down with his remote and shuffled in closer. 'You're a good looker, I fancy you but you've worked that out by now,' Ross' voice trembled.

'Well, I fancy you as well,' Josh put his can on the floor and then flopped back onto the bed. He reached out and took Ross' wrist and pulled the other boy down alongside and turned to face him. 'We safe in here?'

'The door's locked,' Ross finally smiled.

'Good,' Josh reached out and grabbing Ross's hip pulled the other boy in closer and then closer. They stared at each other eye to eye and as if it was the most natural thing in the world their faces neared and their lips met in their very first kiss. OK, so there's been some cock sucking but this was more tender and more loving... cock sucking was lustful. With a giggle they were all over each other and rolling around on the bed with their lips glued to each other's and their tongues squirming in each other's mouths. Even through Ross' shorts and Josh's baggies they could feel each other's erections pressing together and the lustful heat of each other's bodies.

'Let's get naked,' Ross jumped off and turned off the lights leaving the room illuminated by the television alone. By it's dim and flickering light they undressed each other and naked at last lay together relaxed and comfortable in each other's arms. 'Now this is nice,' Ross squirmed against Josh , the fair haired boy's penis was at full stretch and rubbed against Ross's as their bellies squashed together as they dry humped.

'I dunno how to say this...' Josh stared at Ross and blushed deeply.

'Go on,' Ross smiled encouragingly.

'Your bodies so fit and I love this.' Josh quickly dropped his head taking Ross's erection in deeply in one go.

'Ditto,' Ross whispered and reversing himself on the bed went down on Josh's jerking cock. Both took their time and tried to make their blow as sexual and sensual as they could. They had all night to shag but this was the action that hadn't really happened up in the attic. Josh lapped around Ross's bulging dark red glans tasting the pre cum and the smoothness. He put his mouth over the end and just sucked and slobbered over the glans itself before beginning to run his lips up and down Ross's hard shaft until the other boy was squirming and making little fucking moves although still carrying out his part.

Ross had taken a slightly different track and mouthed up and down Josh's shaft lapping and sucking at his partners heavy and uptight ballbag, he even managed to get both nuts into his mouth at one stage and then started on the other boy's thick stiffness. He could taste the precum and sucked strongly trying to draw the juice upto the slit.

They both gobbled and grunted as they sucked, each got his partner's cock deep into his throat and both were giving modest little pokes and prods into the welcoming suction.

'I'm cuming,' Ross blurted holding Josh's head tightly. Josh stopped moving his hips and awaited the flow. He didn't have long to wait as suddenly he felt Ross jerk and throb in his mouth and then the first strong burst of creamy boy cum splattered into the back of his throat to be followed by another and another. The one thing Josh remembered about pot smoking is that it does slow you down but when you cum you cum a treat. He gobbled and swallowed Ross's essence finally squeezing the sandy haired boy dry. Ross lay there for a minute and then started back on Josh. This time he reached between Josh's legs and after a little fiddle managed to slip one finger through Josh's tight little hole.

'Jeez...' Josh spasmed and clamped his arse on the moving finger massaging his prostate and surrendered to Ross's eager mouth sucking and drooling over his fully extended and throbbing cock. He'd never been so hard and when it started he nearly screamed out loud. His spunk burst from his pee slit coating and filling Ross' mouth as the boy rammed his finger in deep and sucked like a hyper active Dyson. 'Ross...' Josh moaned as he felt his splats and splashes swallowed and then the come down as he felt the finger removed and his pucker slowly closed.

'Now that was something else,' Ross grinned as he sat up on one elbow with his lips gleaming with boy juice. 'You cum like a... a... er.'

'A cum machine?'

'That'll do, Juicy Boy,' Ross grinned and lay his lips onto those of Josh. You could say that their friendship was advancing in leaps and bounds and there was more to come. Tonight was consumation night although they both knew it as shag night but that was for later.

'We can have a bath before bed,' Ross suggested after a while.

'Again?' Josh frowned.

'Yeah,' Ross smiled. 'Seeing we're new to each other a bit of anal relaxation won't do any harm, anyway, it's good to be nice and clean.'

'True... anal relaxation? We call it finger fucking where I come from.'

'We call it tongue fucking around here,' Ross laughed.

'Yeuch.' Josh buried his face in the pillow and giggled which was just what Ross was waiting for. No sex but a nice kiss and lap at Josh's flawlessly smooth bottom. So smooth, so sweet and so incredibly fuckable. Nothing like a bit of foreplay to get the juices going again and even Josh had to admit the hot breath, the moist lips and wet tongue tracing down his crack were a turn on big time.

An hour later and now just about recharged they tottered into the bathroom to prepare for the grand finale, the union of souls. That's the posh term for getting down to the nitty gritty by the way.

Ross topped a bath up with stacks of foamy and they both sank in it together, it was a big bath and they moved and played around and Ross was the first to go bottom. he leant his forearms on the end of the bath and knelt poking his bottom out. Josh took the hint, he very nearly rammed straight into Ross's soapy crack but contented himself with gently soaping and feeding in firstly one finger and then on Ross' demands a second.

'Aw, Jeez, this is nice,' Ross rocked back and forth on the two fingers slowly fucking his relaxing ring and rubbing against his prostate. 'I'm so fuckin' hard,' he whined.

'Turn around,' Josh ordered. 'We don't want to spend all night in the bath. Do me.' He turnd around and adopted a similar position echoing Ross' moans and cries as he felt his lovers long fingers up inside him giving a taste of what was to come. 'This is a first for me,' he quietly admitted.

'What, your first fuck?'

'No. My first time being fucked.'

'Jeez, a virgin sixteen year old. I thought that was impossible.,' Ross giggled.

'Well, I'm not now,' Josh grumbled although he was quite happy with the fingers. He was beginning to feel really relaxed around the back end and something in the back of his mind was telling him he wanted something bigger. At the moment that 'something' was slipping and sliding against his flanks as Ross carried out his mission.

'Fingers don't count, Lover Boy,' Ross whispered and slowly withdrew his fingers. 'You do me first and then I'll do you,' he grabbed Josh in a soapy embrace and kissed furiously as their soapy erections slapped and slid in a semblance of a mock swordfight. 'We won't need any lube after this just a bit of spit and a bit of passion.'

'I've got loads of that,' Josh grinned.

'I can see that,' Ross held Josh's jerking cock and gently squeezed. 'Come on, dry off... I want that.'

They gently dried each other off, there was no urgency but perhaps there was, Josh's penis was now clearly oozing precum from it's tip and Ross was delighted. This lump of boy cock was going to be in him soon amd young Josh was going to pop almost immediately. Acording to his little plan he would take Josh's cherry and then they could get down to some serious loving... the thought of sleep never entered his miind, just sex and more sex. On Sunday morning their twosome would become a threesome and their little club would be complete. Of course, that was assuming that no other likely candidates appeared in the near future. They'd managed to catch Josh just in time, the long school holidays was only a couple of weeks away and both he and Dustin would be going away with their parents. he had the idea that Josh would be staying on at school but he wasn't too sure about that.

'Come on then lover,' he lay down in the centre of the big bed having turned the lights off other than the dimmer one by the bed. 'Come on, Josh. Let's see what you can do.' He opened his legs and nodded for Josh to take up a position betwen them.

'Er... I haven't done it this way,' Josh hesitated but still knelt between Ross' outspread legs, his dick was oozing and aching.

'Oh,' Ross grined. 'You've been doing the belly on bottom with the little uns?'

'Nothing in this school,' Josh laughed and leant forward to jiggle and stroke Ross' tight scrotum. 'Don't be nosey anyway.'

'Ross laughed. 'Move in and put some spit on it.'

Josh did as he was told, he smeared saliva over his glans and then with a mix of precum he fisted it, added some more saliva until his end gleamed and almost glowed in the dim light. Ross had tucked his knees upto his chest and exposed his hole fully, in fact, Josh saw the other boy's pucker pout as he tensed and relaxed his anal muscle. Josh moved in until his body was almost touching Ross's and then leant forward seeking Ross' lips. As they softly kissed Ross just whispered one word.


Breathlessly Josh slipped his swollen and slick glans against Ross' pucker pushed feeling the well prepared sphincter opening up and then he groaned as he felt his knob and then his shaft sink into delicious heat and tightness.

'Aaah...' Ross gasped and he held Josh tightly and smiled. 'So nice,' he whispered softly and wrapping his legs around his lover he clamped Josh into himself. That was it, Josh pushed harder sinking all the way in until his soft pubics mashed up under Ross' tight scrotum and started. It was a foregone conculsion that it wouldn't last too long but whilst it did Josh went from his seventh heaven to his eighth and beyond.

'Yes, yes,' Josh moved faster and faster and whined with the exquisite pleasure as he felt his organ swell and then pump one creamy and slippery gout after another into Ross' tight arse. The sandy haired boy and the blond smiled tiredly at each other as they finally stopped. Josh gently dropped his belly onto Ross', they moved slowly on a coating of sweat and Ross' precum. 'Brilliant, wicked, fantastic,' Josh mumbled as he still slowly moved inside Ross and they softly kissed yet again.

'I'm so hard,' Ross giggled.

'Is that a hint?'

'Sorta,' Ross looked up at Josh and ran his hands over the boy's smooth white buttocks. 'Nervous?'

'I'm in good hands,' Josh grinned. 'Anyway your sexy fingers got me into the mood.'

To be continued.


Next: Chapter 11

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