A Passionate Encounter

By Greg Stevens

Published on Feb 13, 2018


A Passionate Encounter -- Part Five

Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

--- To my readers. I apologize for an error in my last chapter. It was pointed out to me by a reader that in chapter 4 I inadvertently changed "Seth" to "Jeff" I will be more careful with future chapters. Please feel free to reach out to me with your input good or bad. I am always open to suggestions. ---

A few days had passed since my encounter with Damien. I spent a lot of time evaluating what had happened with him. What had happened with Seth. My search for a passionate encounter was starting to become clearer to me. It wasn't about the lack of passion I was getting from my previous hook-ups it was a matter of what I was willing to put into it or pull out of it. I realized that sex has many faces. The first men I sought out and fooled around with wanted a quick blowjob and that was it. It wasn't until I met Seth that I realized there was more.

I also realized that with Seth, he led, and I followed, with Damien I was the one leading and he followed. Was it like this in all sexual relationships? Was sex like dancing; someone leads, and someone follows?

I checked my account online and after a few days I received a message from Seth. "Going out of town Saturday night, I will be back mid-day Sunday, do you want to join me?" I read the message a few times and really had to think about it. I never spent a night with a man. Also, until now, I had only spent about an hour at a time with Seth, what would we do all night. The thought excited and scared me a bit but, after thinking about it for a while I decided I would give it a go. "Hey Seth, that sounds great. What time on Saturday and where should I meet you?" I asked. "I will pick you up at your dorm at about 12 noon. Bring warm cloths as it will be cold this weekend" was his to-the-point reply.

I spent as much time as possible getting my school work done over the next couple days so that I would have little to nothing to worry about on Saturday. Friday night I packed a bag so that I was ready for our trip. As promised Seth pulled up in front of my dorm at 12 noon. I jumped into his SUV and off we went.

When I got into the vehicle Seth looked over at me and smiled. I had never seen him outside of his house and never in broad daylight. Seth was wearing some dark colored jeans, a blue button-down shirt and a brown leather bomber jacket and his leather gloves. A shiver ran through me when I recalled him using the gloves on my body. Sitting next to him I had an opportunity to really take in his features.

As we drove Seth asked me about school, home and life in general. He told me he was married, and his wife travels a lot. He also told me that they have an open marriage agreement but that she did not know he was fooling around with guys.

We drove for a while then decided to stop and get something to eat. The day was grey and cloudy and looked like it could rain or even possibly snow. We stopped at a diner along the way. One of those little places with a full counter and booths along the windows. We took a booth and sat down. A friendly older waitress came to the table to take our order. "Good afternoon gentlemen what can I get you started with" she asked in a motherly voice. "I'll have a coffee" Seth said. "And what will your son be having" She turned to me and asked. Son?? She thought I was his son? "I'll have a coffee too" I said not correcting her. She left the table and Seth looked across at me a grin on his face. The idea that she thought I was his son seemed to be interesting to him. We ordered some food, ate it quickly and left the restaurant to get back on the road.

I kept thinking about the fact that the waitress thought I was Seth's son. Seth must have realized something was bothering me. "What's on our mind" he asked. "I dunno, I guess it was odd that she thought I was your son" I said. "Does that bother you? I am old enough to be your father." Seth said. "How old are you?" I blurted out. Seth grinned "I told you when we met I was 39. I will be 40 in 2 months. So yeah technically I could be your dad" I realized that it did not really matter. I had fun when I spent time with Seth and he was a hot looking man, so I guess it did not really matter at all.

Seth left me alone with my thoughts for a short while then he reached across the seat and put his leather gloved hand on my leg. The warmth of his hand sent a shiver through my body and my dick jumped in my jeans. Seth caressed my leg making small circles then slowly moved up closer to the growing mound in my jeans.

I moved my hands out of the way and just looked down at Seth's hand caressing my leg and moving closer and closer to my cock. I could feel the precum oozing already in my undershorts as he moved. Just as he was about to touch my cock through my jeans he pulled his hand away.

"Rub my leg" Seth said softly. I reached over and put my hand on his leg as he did to mine. I reached across and mimicked they way he rubbed my leg. Seth leaned further back in the seat to give me access. I could see his hard mound in his pants and I knew I wanted to touch it. I reached for it, but Seth closed his hand on mine and guided it back to his leg. He held my hand and moved it around on his leg slowly making circles that came ever closer to his hardening mound.

"Do you want it?" Seth asked. "Yeah" was all I could answer. He reached down and unzipped his jeans and fished his hard cock out of the fly. I moved my hand up his leg to take his hard cock. It was warm and velvety soft. I started to play with it slowly. Seth put his leather gloved hand behind my head and gently pulled me to his lap. "Suck my dick" he said softly. I bent forward, my head between his body and the steering wheel and I lowered myself to his hard cock. He brushed back the leather jacket to give me full access.

I stuck my tongue out and licked the head of his cock. Warm slightly salty-sweet precum dripped from the red swollen head. I lowered my mouth down on to his cock and slowly took it deeper into my mouth. A moan slipped from Seth's mouth as the warmth of my mouth engulfed his hard cock. Seth placed his hand on the back of my head. He did not push or try to force me down, he just held it there as if guiding.

I took his cock as deep as I could into my mouth. I could feel the mushroom head on the back of my throat. Seth was pumping it causing it to swell inside my mouth. Once I relaxed enough I started to suck his dick. I drew it into my mouth then slowly pulled up, then back down again. Soon I was forming a rhythm moving my head up and down over his hard cock. Seth caressed my head with the gloved hand as I worked on his cock. I loved the taste of his cock and I really loved the idea that I could provide him with so much pleasure.

After some time, I could feel Seth's body start to tighten. "I am getting close" he said through gritted teeth. I did not want to stop. I wanted his seed in my mouth. I wanted to finish him off right there. I continued to suck his hard cock. His dick swelled more, and his breath became ragged. "I'm cumming" he said in grunts, and his hand tightened on my head as if he were holding on for balance. My mouth was flooded with cum faster than I could swallow it. Some of it leaked from the corner of my mouth and ran over his pubic hair. Seth's breath slowed a bit as the orgasm eased. I licked up the cum that dripped on to his pubes, then I lifted my body up to a seated position. I could feel the blood rush back from my head.

Jeff pulled me over to him again. "Fuck does he want another blow job" I thought to myself. This time he brought my mouth to his. He stuck his tongue deep into my mouth tasting his fresh cum on my breath. The road was desolate at this point, so no one could see us. We made out for a while as he drove careful to stay on the road. Eventually I moved back to my side of the car and we drove on for a while longer.

We stopped one more time for gas and a quick bite to eat then finally arrived at the motel. Seth got out of the car to make the arrangements and we drove around to our room.

Once inside the room Seth took his bag and mine and tossed it onto one of the beds. He walked up to me and pulled me to him. His arms wrapped around me and his lips met mine. It was a welcome embrace. As we kissed I could feel his cock pressing hard against mine. My dick was starting to get sore from being hard for such a long period of time. Seth broke off the kiss and reached up to remove my jacket. Then he unbuttoned my shirt. I just looked at his intensity as he started to undress me.

I tried to reach up and do the same to him, but he would not allow it. Finally, he had me stripped naked standing in front of him. Seth looked me up and down like a doctor examining a patient. An approving smile came over his face as he surveyed me. Without a word he took his shoes and pants off. Now he was standing with just his lower half naked. His cock was rock hard.

He pulled me to him and placed his mouth near my ear. His cheek brushed mine and he said softly into my ear. "I want you inside me son" "Son??" did I hear right; did he call me son or was he just joking because of what the waitress said. Seth pulled away from me and stood at the foot of the bed. He climbed up and got on all fours with his ass facing me. "Fuck me" he said in a soft demanding way. My dick was so hard and now seeing him bent over ready to take it was making it even harder if that was possible.

There was a time not that long ago I would have stood behind Seth and basically pushed my cock in but now I wanted more. I wanted to take my time, I wanted to make this last. I stood between Seth's legs and pulled his ass cheeks apart. I stuck my thumb in my mouth to get it nice and wet then I took it and ran it down Seth's ass gliding it over his hole. I bent forward, and I dragged my tongue from his balls up the length of his crack stopping just briefly on his hole. Seth moaned as my warm mouth brushed his ass. I took this as a sign to continue and I started to lick with more force. I spent more time on his hole and finally I drove my tongue deep inside him. "Oh yeah boy, that feels great" Seth moaned. Again, with the "boy thing" was this a fantasy for him. It did not bother me as much as confuse me.

I continued to rim Seth pressing my tongue deeper into his hole. It was wet with saliva as I probed deeper and deeper. "Fuck me please" Seth begged. I liked that he was begging me for it. I felt like I was in control. I decided I wanted to tease him a bit more. I pulled away and got up on the bed standing in front of him. I pulled his chin up so that his face was at my cock level. "Suck my dick, Dad" I said with a grin. Seth opened his mouth and swallowed my cock. I placed my hands on his shoulders to steady myself as he deep throated my cock. It was a hot looking down at this man sucking my dick. He was half dressed still wearing his shirt, leather jacket and leather gloves while he was blowing me.

I let him blow me a bit longer than I pulled my cock out of his mouth and he went back to all four's. I got off the bed and took my place again behind him. I sucked on my index finger and slowly started to insert it into his ass. Seth moaned and winced as my finger entered him. I probed him for a while until I could feel him starting to relax a bit. Then I pulled my finger back, spit a wad into my hand and slicked up my cock.

I positioned the head at his hole and entered him letting the head of my cock slip past the first ring. I moved slowly and did not stop until my pubes were resting against his ass cheeks. My hands went to his hips and I started to pull out almost as slowly as I entered him. Each time I completed a cycle of pushing in and pulling out I went a bit faster. Soon I built up my fucking motion.

Seth's ass was amazing to fuck. He had a tight warm hole that wrapped my hard cock snuggly. "Fuck me boy" Seth said as I used his ass. No one had ever called me boy in a sexual situation but there was something about the sound of it that added to my excitement. Without really giving it any thought I replied, "yeah Dad you want my seed inside you?" "Yeah son give me your seed" Seth replied. My dick started to swell inside Seth's ass and I knew I would not be able to hold back much longer. "I am going to cum" I said in a husky voice. "Yeah fuck me son. I want your seed in me" Seth replied and with that my cock started to unload. So much cum shot out of me that it felt more like pissing. I pressed myself as far into Seth as I could as my cock continued to unload.

As the last bits of cum oozed from my cock my legs began to weaken. I held myself still a moment longer

then slide my spent cock out of his ass and went to the bed and flopped down. Seth positioned himself on top of me and started to kiss me. His gloved hand came to my face and caressed my cheek. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him to me as we made out. My body was completely drained but my dick remained hard.

I must have fallen asleep. I slowly woke to the feeling of Seth's body on mine, he must have fallen asleep as well. The smell of his leather jacket filled my nose and I realized I liked the smell. I just laid there looking at Seth as he slept and feeling his body on mine. Set stirred a bit then his eyes opened. He looked at me and smiled, leaned over and kissed me then got up out of bed.

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Next: Chapter 6

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