A Passionate Encounter

By Greg Stevens

Published on Jan 12, 2018


A Passionate Encounter -- Part three

Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

I got back to my dorm room and laid on the bed. My body still tingled from my encounter with Jeff. This was better than anything I had ever experienced with the guys back home or even those on campus. I drifted off to sleep but the thoughts of what had happened played over in my mind.

In the afternoon I reached out to Jeff through email and asked if he would be interested in getting together again. The day came and went without a response. Wednesday also came and went and still no response by late on Thursday, it seemed like Jeff would not respond. I was a bit down but understood that he probably was just not interested. Finally, on Friday I got a simple email from Jeff: Come over tonight at 8. That was all. No instructions for what to wear etc.

I decided to wear the button-down shirt and pants I wore the first time we met. I arrived on time, and the routine was the same; meet, talk in the living room, drink a beer then up to his room. Inside the room, Jeff led me to a chair and he sat down, he pulled me gently to him and had me straddle his legs and sit on his lap facing him. Jeff looked up at me with his hands resting on my lower back. He just looked up at me as if studying me. I in turn looked down at him. His handsome rugged face, his eyes that seemed to look through me. Instinctively I bent down to kiss him, but Jeff gently turned away. This confused and frustrated me.

Jeff left his hands on my lower back. He made small, gentle movements, not enough to be considered a massage but enough to know they were there. I was confused. What did he want me to do? I just sat there looking at him while he studied me. Not a sound was made between us. Finally, Jeff reached up and slowly unbuttoned my shirt. Once my shirt was open he placed his hands on my pecs. They were warm and strong and felt good. He trailed his fingers down my torso as if inspecting me with his eyes and his hands. His touch was subtle, but my cock started to get hard in my pants. I was shaking with excitement.

I reached down to unbutton Jeff's shirt as he did with mine. At first, I thought he would stop me but he did not, he just stared into my eyes his hands still running gently over my abs and chest. Once Jeff's shirt was unbuttoned I had the opportunity to really take in his body. The soft brown fur coated a strong body. I reached in and placed my hands on Jeff's nipples. My finger closed on them lightly at first. Jeff continued looking into my eyes. Then I increased the pressure to them. Jeff's expression changed slightly but he kept looking at me. I continued to increase the pressure on his nipples testing how far I could go. Finally, Jeff closed his eyes and a soft moan left his lips.

Jeff laid his head back on the chair with his eyes closed as I played with his nipples. It was obvious that he liked what I was doing. There was something powerful about having the ability to bring pleasure to him.

I bent my head down and replaced my fingers with my lips. I started to suck on the hairy nipple enjoying the taste then I started to apply similar pressure with my teeth that I had with my fingers. Jeff seemed to like this as he started to arch his back and brought his hand to the back of my head driving me gently into his chest. I took this as permission to continue what I had been doing. I placed my hand on Jeff's left nipple and started to work it while I sucked on the right one. Jeff started to moan a bit louder now. Then I switched to the left nipple to give it the same treatment I had given the right one. My right hand came up to the spit covered right nipple.

As I continued to work Jeff's nipples with my mouth and fingers I could feel his hard cock under me. I could tell that what I was doing was bringing pleasure to him and I enjoyed that control.

After a few more minutes of working on his hairy pecs, Jeff put his fingers under my chin and pulled my mouth to him. His hand went behind my head and his lips met mine. Our foreheads pressed together as his lips grazed mine and he stared into my eyes. A flush of excitement ran through me looking at Jeff. I had no idea what he had planned and was filled with excitement at what it might be. Finally, Jeff closed his eyes and parted my lips with his. His tongue entered my mouth and his kiss was wet and passionate.

We made out for a while and then Jeff broke off. "Stand up" he said more as a command than a question. I did as he asked and then he stood in front of me. His hands went to my pants, unbuckled them and lowered them to the ground. Then he removed his cloths. This was the first time I saw all of Jeff completely naked. He had a beautiful body. His cock was a bit longer than mine and thick. It curved upward toward his body with a nice size mushroom head. I wanted to sink to my knees to take his cock in my mouth, but I felt like he would stop me.

"Lay on the bed" Jeff ordered. I went to the bed without question and laid down. The bed was high and when Jeff stood next to it, I was within easy reach. Jeff reached into the night stand and pulled out the blindfold. He did not try to explain, but immediately placed it on me.

Once the blindfold was in place I heard Jeff pull the drawer open again and pull something out. The leather gloves again? Then Jeff brought his hands to my body. Whatever it was, wasn't leather gloves. It was wet, a bit cold and slick. Jeff started to rub the liquid over my body starting at my chest then down my abs, over my hips, and my inner thighs. The feeling was incredible as he massaged me with his strong hands. Jeff worked his hands around but again never touching my cock. My body ached for release and I wanted him to take my cock in his hands and jerk me off.

Jeff kept teasing me and my dick got harder and harder. I could feel precum running down my cock and into my pubic hair. Jeff removed his hands from my body. I could hear Jeff rustling in the background, but I did not know what he had in mind. Then I felt the gloved hand on my face again. The smell of the leather caused a jolt that ran through my body to my cock. That smell that brought so much pleasure to my last encounter. Then I felt Jeff climb up on the bed. He placed a leg on either side of me and I could feel the weight of his ass come in contact with my legs. Jeff's balls were resting on mine and our cocks were touching. Jeff leaned forward and touched his lips to mine. I put my hands on his shoulders and pulled him to me and Jeff allowed his body to rest on mine. His warm furry torso covered my body like a warm blanket as our lips and tongues intertwined in a passionate kiss.

Jeff stopped the kiss and slid his body up over mine gently, he brought is ball sack to my chin then to my mouth. I opened my mouth and drew one of his testicles in. It was round and hairy, and I gently sucked on it. Then with just my mouth I pulled in the other testicle so that both were now in my mouth. I used my tongue to work around them. Jeff panted as I worked his balls then he pulled them out. Was he going to give me his cock to suck? Then he moved up again and this time his ass was right above my face. He brought a leg up next to my head and his hole was near my lips. He wanted me to rim him. My tongue darted out and his ass was warm and fresh. I tickled his asshole with my tongue, then started to drive it in further and further. Jeff was moaning, louder in fact then I had ever heard him. He reached down and took my hands and led them to his ass. Without saying a word, I knew what he wanted. I pull the firm, hairy ass cheeks apart giving me better access to his hole.

Now Jeff started to grind down onto my tongue and mouth. The deeper I went with my tongue the more he moaned. I could feel his ass loosening up. I was very turned on by the moaning noises he made and the gyrations as he guided his asshole over my mouth. Then it stopped; Jeff raised himself up and off of my mouth. He moved back so that he was sitting on my pubes, then bent down and started to kiss me again. My mouth was wet from licking his hole.

As we made out Jeff inched his body back further and further, soon my hard cock was pressed against the crack in his ass. The thought occurred to me that Jeff wanted me to fuck him. I had only done that with one guy back home and it did not go great. As I tried to enter him, he yelped in pain and pulled out. We never tried again.

Jeff reached back and took my hard cock in his leather gloved hand. He guided the head to his wet hole and slowly lowered himself down on it. I could feel my cock slipping into warm moistness. The feeling was very different then that of a mouth. This was tight and seemed to wrap completely around my hard shaft. Soon I felt Jeff settle onto my legs. I could feel my dick deep inside him.

Jeff stayed still for a moment. Not a word was spoken, no moans. The silence was intense. I still could not see anything, I could just feel. I wanted to reach up and touch Jeff, but I did not allow myself to for fear he would stop me. Soon Jeff started to stir. He lifted slightly then back down. The action was so small I could not immediately tell what was happening. Then he started to move faster and raised up higher before coming all the way back down.

I had never felt anything like this. Part of me wanted to pull off the mask and watch, but I was afraid it would all stop, and I did not want that. My dick was throbbing inside of Jeff's ass and my body was charged up with sexual excitement. Instinctively I started to grind my hips into Jeff matching his rhythm. As he would come down, my hips would rise driving my dick deeper and harder into him.

Jeff placed hi hands on my chest to balance himself and I could feel the leather gloves come into contact with my body. The leather smell wafted to my nose. I was starting to really grind up into Jeff, each thrust was more intense. Jeff started to moan. Normally Jeff was relatively silent but now he was moaning, louder and louder.

As our gyrations became more intense Jeff put more pressure on my chest to hold himself in place. Then Jeff went silent and still, his ass clamped down on my cock and all movement stopped. Then it hit me. Literally hit me in the face. Jeff was having an orgasm. How was this possible? How could he cum without ever touching his cock? Whatever it was, he was doing it. I was hit in the mouth and nose with a warm spray of cum. Some of it went it my open mouth and I licked it off my lips.

Jeff started to move again on my cock while his cum spewed onto my chest and stomach. While he rode my cock he bent forward and started to lick the cum off my face and then slip his cum soaked tongue into my mouth. This was too much for me and I put my hands behind his head and pulled him to me. I wanted to taste his cum. I wanted to taste his mouth.

I continued driving my cock into Jeff as we made out. This time I was in more control. I was going on instinct, more like an animal. I drove my cock lifting my hips up as high and deep as I could before pulling back out. Soon my cock was swelling with a growing orgasm. I wanted to hold off as long as I could not wanting this feeling to end but the more I tried to hold off the more I wanted, needed to cum.

I was able to say get out through our passionate kiss; "I am going to cum" warning Jeff he should move. Jeff did not move. He held my dick in his ass and somehow was able to tighten the muscles to enhance the feeling. I was panting into Jeff's mouth as we stayed locked in our kiss. Again, I tried to pull out, but Jeff would not allow it. Then I started to cum. My seed spewed hard and hot into the dark warm hole. I produced a healthy amount of cum but this time, I felt like it would never stop. I continued to pump my cock into Jeff's ass, spurt after spurt erupted from my cock. And finally, we both stopped.

Jeff's mouth remained on mine. His body on mine and my cock in his ass. My dick remained hard as if nothing had happened. I did not want to remove my dick from this warm place.

At this point we both remained still. Both panting slightly as our breathing returned to normal. Jeff pulled away from me and braced his hands on my chest. He raised his body up and my dick slide from its warm resting place. Then Jeff moved his body up mine once again. Jeff's balls slide across my chin and I opened my mouth again to lick them. This time they did not stay long and soon Jeff's hole was above my mouth.

My tongue darted out to lick Jeff's hole again. This time it was much looser and smelled from my cum. I did not care. I buried my tongue and mouth into his hole and licked and sucked as much as he would allow. As I licked I could feel some of my cum ooze out of his ass and onto my tongue. I had never really tasted my own cum, but there was something exciting about licking it from Jeff's hole.

Jeff allowed me to lick for a while longer than he moved and started to kiss me again. He was licking and sucking the cum from my mouth. We made out for a while sharing whatever cum remained between us. Then Jeff got off the bed.

I lay on the bed still wearing the blindfold. Jeff came back to the bed and using a towel started to clean me up. He reached up and took the blindfold off my face. I got off the bed and stood in the silence. Jeff walked up to me and took me in his arms. He pulled me deep into him and kissed me. My dick began to get hard again as it pressed against his body. I did not want this to end. I could have stayed here with him for a second round.

Jeff's lips trailed off my mouth to my ear. "Thank you" was all he said. It was soft and simple and then he let me go. I watched as he started to get dressed and I grabbed my stuff and we dressed in silence. I kept thinking; was it good? Did he like it? Jeff never gave me any indication. We finished dressing and he led me to the front door. A kiss at the door and a quick good night and I was back out into the night air.

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Next: Chapter 4

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