A Passionate Encounter

By Greg Stevens

Published on Jan 10, 2018


A Passionate Encounter -- Part two

Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

On my walk back to the dorm many thoughts ran through my head about what had just happened. My body tingled from the experience. Was this what I really wanted? Was this the passion I was looking for? It felt like it. It was the first sexual experience where we didn't both simply drop our pants and either blow each other or jerk each other off. It was the first experience that lasted more than 15 minutes. I liked how it felt and was hopeful that Seth would want to get together again.

Before I went to bed I decided to message Seth and see if he would be up for another session. In the morning I checked email but there was no message from Seth. I also checked email at lunch and after classes. No message. I guess Seth wasn't interested but I continued checking email. Finally, on Sunday night I got a message from Seth; "Hey Ethan, sorry for the late response I wasn't alone, so it was hard for me to get online. I had a great time too and definitely want to do it again. Maybe more, are you free Tuesday night about 8pm" I was excited by the response, and even though I had homework piling up I knew I wanted to have sex with Seth again. "Seth, Tuesday night works for me. I will come to your place at 8pm" I thought about Seth while I wrote the response. How big a turn on it was while he was kissing me. How passionate he could be in very subtle ways.

I checked email and finally about 2 hours later Seth replied: "Looking forward to it Ethan. When you come over, do not wear any underwear also no deodorant or any cologne or body spray. You can wear sweat pants if that is comfortable for you." I read the reply several times. Again, he was telling me what to wear.

Monday night I showered and slipped on my grey sweatpants and a long sleeve t shirt. It wasn't a cold night, so I did not need a jacket. I arrived at Seth's place at 8. Again, he led me to the living room, handed me a beer and we talked for a while. I was less nervous but still not completely comfortable. As we talked, I spent more time checking Seth out, he was a good-looking man, someone you would feel comfortable.

After talking for a while Seth moved over to the sofa next to me. He put one arm behind me and the other hand on my crotch. I started to think that this was not going to be the passionate encounter I was looking for but was another blow and go encounter that left me wanting more.

Seth's hand came up my neck and gently rubbed the back of my head. The hand that he placed on my crotch just sat there. He did not attempt to pull out my cock or even to massage it. Seth knew what he was doing as he massaged my neck, he ran his fingers gently up and over my head and even over my ears. When his fingers gently brushed my ear, a chill ran through me. Seth leaned in and I could feel the warm of his breath on my neck as he ran is lips softly up my neck. I could feel a charge run through me and my dick started to swell in my sweatpants under his hand.

"Let's go upstairs" Seth said in a soft husky tone. I stood and followed him. My dick was hardening quickly and without underwear it rubbed freely against the inside of my sweatpants. Once inside the room, Seth closed the door as he did before but this time instead of leaning into me he went into the room. A part of me had hoped that he would stop, and we would make out the way he did before.

He led me to a chair he had in the middle of the room. The chair had no arms on it and was covered with what looked like a soft blanket. "Sit down" Seth said in a quiet but commanding voice. I took the seat as he said. Curiosity and concern ran through me. Seth stood behind me and massaged my shoulders. His hands were strong and gentle, and the massage felt good. Seth ran his fingers up to my head, and down my shoulders over my pecs. I felt my body relax. Seth bent forward and kissed my head and I could feel the bristle of his beard on my scalp.

"I would like to try something if you are up for it" Seth said. "What is it" I asked with some concern. "I am going to blindfold you" Seth replied. A shock ran through me. I guess Seth realized and put a hand on my shoulder. Do not worry, nothing painful will happen and you can stop me any time.

I agreed to the blindfold and he slipped it over my head and eyes. It was a very strange sensation to say the least. I was completely in the dark. I could not see any light not even a slight edge of it peeking through the blindfold.

"I am going to remove your shirt." Seth took the shirt and pulled it up gently over my body and over my head. I felt very vulnerable and apprehensive. I could hear Seth making some rustling noises but had no idea what he was doing. Finally, I felt his hands on his knees and felt him sink to his knees. I could feel his body wedged between my legs. Was he going to just blow me? Was that the big surprise? I felt Seth's hands on my legs, He ran them up from my knees to my hips. He hooked his fingers on the top of my sweatpants and started to pull them down. "Lift up a bit" Seth instructed, and I raised my hips. He gently pulled my sweatpants down over my hips, over my hard cock and down my legs then over my feet. I was completely naked sitting in the chair now.

I could not hear Seth. I could still feel him between my legs, but he did not put his hands on me. The silence was intense. My heart was beating but I realized my dick was rock hard. I heard a noise but could not tell what it was, then I felt Seth's hands on my legs, except it wasn't his hands at least not his bare hands. Seth put something on his hands and he was rubbing them up my legs. Whatever it was felt soft. His hands traveled up my inner thighs, but stopped before it touched my balls or cock. His hands moved to my hips and started to run up my sides to my chest. His hands briefly grazed my nipples then over my upper chest to my face. Finally, I could make out what he was wearing. It was leather gloves. They were soft and the smell of the leather hit my nose. Seth ran the gloves across my face, then back down my neck to my chest.

The smell of the leather clung to my nose. It was a good smell, one I was familiar with but now it was a sensual smell. Seth lowered his hands to my chest and his fingers found my nipples. His leather gloved hands caressed my nipples sending a chill of excitement through me. His fingers closed a bit tighter, not tight enough to cause pain but enough to be exciting.

After working my nipples for a while, Seth moved on to my hand. He took it in his and gently raised it up, lifting my arm. I could feel the other hand run up my armpit and stroke the hair. Then I could feel Seth bury his face in my armpit. The beard brushed my side as his mouth came in contact with my armpit. It tickled a bit at first and I squirmed, but Seth stayed still till I got accustomed to the feeling. Then Seth's tongue darted out and I could feel him licking my armpit.

No one had ever licked my armpit. I never even considered it a sexual body part but the feelings that Seth was giving me, made my dick rock hard and my body was on fire. Part of it tickled a bit and the other part was pure amazing sensation. I did not want it to stop. My hand instinctively reached for my hard dick and my fingers closed around it. Precum oozed down my dick over my hand before Seth took my hand and pulled it off.

Seth moved his mouth from my armpit much to my disappointment. Something I did not imagine could ever feel good ended up feeling amazing, His mouth trailed across my chest first stopping at my left nipple. His lips closed on it and his teeth gently teased it. Then he moved to the right nipple providing the same treatment before moving to my other armpit. This time I knew what to expect, I lifted my arm to provide him access. I was trembling with anticipation. Seth's mouth moved quickly this time to my armpit. Instead of starting off gently he buried his face in and start to lick and kiss my pit with intensity. My free hand came up behind his head and held him in place.

After more kissing and licking my pit, Seth moved his mouth back over my chest and this time up my neck to my lips. His mouth was wet from sucking on my armpit. His warm, soft wet lips met mine and I opened my mouth to allow him to enter me with his tongue. My left hand stayed on the back of his head as we kissed. I wanted to taste him, I wanted him deep in my mouth.

Never breaking our kiss, Seth's hand moved down my body. I now knew the feeling of the leather glove as he trailed down towards my cock. Seth's fingers moved over my legs, my inner thighs, they even brushed the bottom of my balls but never touched my cock. My anticipation and frustration were running high.

Finally, Seth broke off our kiss. He trailed his mouth down my body giving me small kisses as he went. His lips and beard brushed and tickled my body. He buried his head in my pubic hair and kissed me, my hard cock brushed against his beard. Then he moved his lips and mouth around my cock and balls and up the other side of my leg still not connecting with my cock. The anticipation was driving me insane. "Suck my dick man" I blurted out. Seth did not move for a moment, there was no sound, no movement, then I felt it; his mouth came in contact with my dick. His warm mouth engulfed my hard cock in one swallow.

My dick throbbed in Seth's mouth as it was covered in the warm moist place. Seth did not suck my dick so much as just take it into his mouth and hold it there. I was excited and filled with anticipation; when was he going to start sucking it. I figured he was looking for me to fuck his mouth, so I started to rise up, but he pulled off of me. When I stopped he put his mouth on my cock again. This time I did not move.

I could feel Seth slowly going deeper on my cock. His hands were on my thighs and he started to slowly suck my dick. His movements were so small at first that I was not sure he was actually moving. The movements may have been small, but they were fucking intense. My body was trembling, and I wanted to so badly to hold the back of his head and fuck his mouth. The need to cum was driving me crazy, but I dared not move for fear he would take his mouth away again.

Seth never moved his mouth on my cock very fast. His movements were short and slow, but he knew how to suck my dick. I could feel my balls rise towards my body as my orgasm started to build. Another few moments and I would fill his mouth with my cum. Seth somehow knew this, he knew how close I was, and he stopped at the right moment, just holding my cock in place.

While I waited and relaxed, Seth brought the gloved hand up to my face again and rubbed it on me. I breathed in the smell of the leather and there was something about it that excited me. The more he put it in my face the more I breathed in the smell. As he tried to pull it away, I brought my hand up to his to stop him. I held the leather gloved hand over my face and just started to inhale the leather smell. Then without thinking I started to lick it. I was so into the smell and taste of the leather glove that I did not immediately register that his other gloved hand closed on my hard cock at the base. Finally, the feeling registered and my body tightened. I was being worked on multiple sensory levels. The smell of the leather plus the feeling of his hand and mouth on my cock.

My body started to vibrate as Seth worked my cock. I kept his hand over my mouth and nose and found that as he stroked and sucked my dick I wanted, no needed to breath in the leather smell. I started panting as my body continued to spasm. Every part of my body was alive from the intensity. I was once again getting close. Each time I got close Seth slowed his pace just enough to stop my orgasm. Each time he did this, each time he allowed me to get close, the feeling was more intense.

I was moaning loudly but Seth made no sound. I wanted to cum, needed to cum badly. Seth was driving me crazy and my balls were starting to hurt from the teasing. Finally, something changed. Seth started his stroking motion, but as I anticipated he would stop as he did prior, this time he actually kept going. My dick was about to blast its load finally. The orgasm built like none I had ever experienced. I could feel my toes curl and my legs tensed up. I felt like someone was pulling my midsection up from my dick. Seth removed his mouth just seconds before my dick exploded with huge intensity. My balls pulled up and slapped my leg as a warm blast hit my chest. Seth continued to stroke my cock until the orgasm had passed and the cum stopped flowing.

I sat there panting as my body relaxed. Seth let my cock go and removed the gloved hand from my face. The blindfold stayed in place as I sat there. Then I felt Seth straddle me. It felt like he was standing over me with a leg on each side of me. Then I felt his cock slide up my chest. Seth was running his hard cock over the cum on my chest. I reached for his cock. It was big and very hard. I placed my hand on top of it so that he was sliding it between my chest and my hand.

Seth started sliding his cock now back and forth on my body using the cum as lubrication. He bent down, and his lips met mine and I eagerly took his tongue into my mouth. Then his free gloved hand, the one he had jerked me off with came up to my face. He removed his mouth from mind and slid 2 gloved fingers into my mouth. My cum was all over the fingers of the glove. My first instinct was to pull away but there was something hot about sucking my cum off the leather glove that excited me.

I continued sucking the fingers as Seth stroked his cock against my chest. Soon he was panting loudly and I was hit in the chin with his cum. He kept sliding back and forth as more cum oozed from his cock and then finally it slowed and stopped. He took the glove from my mouth and placed his lips on mine. This time his kiss was gentler. Then Seth stood up and moved off my body. A few moments later he handed me a towel. By the time I removed the blindfold Seth already had his pants up and the gloves off. He stood there almost as if nothing had just happened. He smiled at me as I tried to get as much of the cum off my body as I could, then he handed me my cloths and I got dressed.

Seth walked me to the door and like he did the first time we made out before he said goodnight.

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Next: Chapter 3

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