A Passionate Encounter

By Greg Stevens

Published on Jan 8, 2018


A Passionate Encounter -- Part one

Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

My name is Ethan and I am 23 years old. I am in my Junior year of college and I am going to tell you about my most sensual experience.

I grew up in a small town and the options for sex were very limited. There were a couple local guys about my age that i could get off with but nothing of substance. There was one guy I messed around with a few times when he passed through town. We would meet at his motel room and he would blow me before shooting his load all over me. It was a way to get off but not terribly satisfying.

I needed to get out of this small town and get onto a college campus where I was sure I would meet other guys that wanted more than just a blow and go. I was not looking for a relationship, at least not yet but I wanted a sexual experience that would be amazing.

My first 2 years and into my 3rd year of college was pretty much the exact same as being back in my town. There was better variety, but it was always pretty much the same sex. I can't even call it sex, just 2 guys using each other to get each other off.

I was craving more. I wanted to meet a guy who could show some passion. I was talking to a buddy of mine about it. He told me what I wanted could be achieved, maybe once I was in a relationship and that love was the basis for passion. "Bullshit" was my reply. I believe that 2 people could have a sensual, passionate experience without love and I was going to find it before my senior year of college.

The way I was meeting guys was not working. I needed something different. I normally met guys on gay and bi chat sites. We would meet, strip, get a blowjob, maybe give one, clean up and that was all. It was satisfying for a few minutes, and I had to admit it was better than jerking off.

I decided it was time to place an ad on a message board, but what would I ask for? What did I really want? I sat at my computer trying to imagine how the scenario might play out. I started the ad with: "looking for a sensual sexual experience. I am not looking for love, but I want more than a blow and go. I am 23 in college, 5'10 170. I am clean, discreet and healthy. I do not smoke. I prefer guys who are close in age and up to about 30. You should be masculine and know what it means to be passionate. If this sounds like you, please send me your stats and let's see where this goes."

I posted the ad and waited. As it was getting late and I had early classes, I decided to go to bed and read responses if I got any in the morning.

The next morning after my shower and breakfast I opened my laptop to look at the responses. I had several to go through. The first one read: "Hey man you sound hot. I will be happy to blow you, come on over tonight" UGGG did these assholes ever actually read?? The next one wasn't any better: "I am a 5'5 280 pounds, I will leave my door open, I will be laying on the bed, climb on me and fuck me." Most of the rest were similar. I was invited to a hotel party which I think was a bunch of guys just hanging out to fuck anonymously. No one actually, ever seemed to read the post. I left for classes frustrated and disappointed. Maybe I was asking for too much??

I left for classes and tried to focus on school. At lunch time I cracked open my laptop to see if there were any more responses. Several were more of the same but one sort of intrigued me. "Bi male who knows what a sensual experience feels like. I am masculine and very sexually passionate. I am not out and have to be discreet. If you are interested, please respond. BTW I am a bit older than what your post requested; I am 39. I hope you will give me a chance. BTW my name is Seth"

I read his reply 3 times to see if I missed something. He was much older than me. I never considered having sex with a man that much older, but he did sound like he knew what a sensual experience should consist of, at least he did not offer to blow me or let me fuck him anonymously.

I decided to send a reply: "Hey Seth, thanks for the message. You say you understand what I am looking for, you are the first guy to reply that seems to understand. I am a bit hesitant if I am being honest as you are 16 years older than me, but I really do want to experience a sensual encounter. My name is Ethan" I sent the reply and went back to classes.

During classes I thought about Seth and his reply. Could I be with a guy that was 16 years older than me? He was just about old enough to be my dad. Also, he was bi sexual. Did he have a girlfriend, a wife?

I got back to my dorm room after classes and checked email. There was a reply from Seth: "Hey Ethan, nice to meet you. I understand about the age difference, but I can assure you that I am fit and healthy. A bit ore about me if you are interested: I am very discreet because of my job and my personal life. I am 6'2 and keep in really good shape. I do have some chest hair, not sure if you like that or not. I enjoy the whole male to male encounter and like you I am not looking to get or give a blow job and then just go. I enjoy the sensuality of the experience. I am attaching a picture, g-rated of course, to show you that I do not look like and old guy. I hope you will consider me."

This guy seemed to get it, at least he said he seemed to get it. I read the response a couple times then clicked on the image to open it. Seth sent me a picture of his body with his shirt off. Not much of his face just from his chin down and he was in jeans. Seth's body was nice, and I had to admit I liked the soft fur on his chest and abs.

I decided I would give Seth a chance. Worst case I would get a blowjob and leave. I sent my reply: "Thanks for the additional info and the photo. You have a nice body. I would like to meet if you are still interested." I sent the message then waited for a response. About 15 minutes later, Seth responded: "How about Thursday night around 8pm? I will have the place to myself and it is just off campus." I sent a message agreeing to meet. Seth sent the address with the following request "Please wear the following: Jeans or khakis, underwear of your choosing, and a button-down dress shirt"

No one every provided instruction on how to dress. That was a bit odd was he planning to go out for dinner or something? I hoped he understood, I am not looking to date.

The week was slow and by Thursday I was horny beyond belief. I was not sure what to expect but I was still excited and a bit nervous. I got dressed as Seth requested and arrived at his place at 8. Seth opened the door and stepped aside so I could enter and led me into the living room. I turned to face Seth and get a good look at him for the first time. He was a good-looking man. If I had to guess an age I would have said about late 20's to early 30's. He was taller than me and had broader shoulders. He had dark hair and a close beard both dark brown. He wore glasses that made him look more serious. If I passed him on campus or a mall I would not think he was into guys and would probably not pay much attention to him. He was a good-looking guy, just not what I normally focus on.

Seth led me to the sofa and asked if I wanted a beer. I said yes thinking it would calm me down. He returned with 2 beers and sat in the chair across from me. We talked casually, and I felt pretty relaxed. Seth seemed like a nice guy. "I am glad I found your ad" Seth started. "I find it hard to find guys that are looking for a bit more substance. I think we agree that sex without any passion, you might as well just JO and get it over with." He gave me a soft gentle smile and I had to nod and smile back. Seth was saying all the right things. We sat and talked a bit longer and finished our beers then Seth stood up and came over to the sofa. He took my hand and led me to the bedroom.

I was nervous to say the least, but I followed Seth without a word. Once inside the room, he closed the door and stepped close to me. As a response I backed up and into the wall. Seth moved in closer. I could feel the heat coming off his body. Seth's eyes looked into mine, he moved in close to me. Not a word was spoken. He just looked at me, studying me. My pulse quickened. Was he going to kiss me? What was I getting myself into?

Seth bent down, and his lips gently touched mine. I could feel the soft warm lips for a brief moment, then his head tilted, and his lips went to my neck just below my ear. A warm shiver shot through my body as his lips parted and he kissed my neck. I could feel the soft bristle of his beard on my neck which tickled a bit but excited me as well. His mouth trailed lower as he kissed and sucked my neck around and around to my throat. Seth's fingers reached up and unbuttoned my shirt. His touch was slow and gentle. His mouth trailed down my body to the top of my pants. My body responded to what he was doing. I felt like there might be more. I wanted more. My body was screaming, and I think Seth knew it.

Seth's mouth moved slowly up my body, back up my chest, over my neck to my chin gently kissing and sucking as he went. Once he got to my chin he backed up a bit and again looked me in the eyes. There was a look of lust and desire on his face. It was a quiet, passionate look that I had thought about but had not seen. Seth looked deep into me and moved closer, his eyes fixed on mine as if asking if it were ok to proceed. I just stared back waiting for him. Finally, his lips again touched mine. This time they lingered before I felt them press into mine. My head tilted slightly to allow our kiss to proceed and Seth's lips parted as mine did. Seth's mouth ground gently into mine his body pressed into mine. Then his tongue parted my lips and entered my mouth as his kiss became more passionate and firm.

In that moment I had never felt or had a kiss like this. I had never much made out with guys and this was by far the best kiss I ever experienced. My body was on fire just from a kiss. It was my turn and I wanted to feel and kiss Seth's body. I reached up to unbutton Seth's shirt, but his hands took mine and pulled them down to my sides never breaking our kiss. At first, I was frustrated but then relaxed to enjoy the kiss.

Seth pulled his mouth off mine and his lips went to my neck again. He pulled me into his body and wrapped his arms around me pulling me towards him. I could feel his body against mine and I could feel his cock through his pants pressing into my rock-hard cock. Seth's hands ran down my back, one stopping mid-way and the other continuing to my ass. I could feel his hand caressing me and pulling me deep into him.

Then Seth pulled away from me completely. He looked down at me with a grin. He gently pushed me against the wall and reached for my belt buckle. He opened my pants and pushed them to the floor leaving me in my boxers. My cock was hard and pushing away at the material. Seth moved his hand down and I was filled with anticipation waiting for his hand to make contact with my hard cock, but he didn't touch it. He came close and I could feel the warmth of his hand near my cock, but he did not touch my cock.

I looked up at Seth while he his hands on my inner thighs and legs teasing me. Anticipation grew with ever movement of his hands. Finally, he lowered my boxers exposing my hard cock. Seth leaned in to me again and I could feel my cock rub against his pants. Again, he took me in his arms and pulled me to him, his lips met mine and we kissed. Horniness filled me, and I kissed him back as hard as I could. I felt something I hadn't really experienced before. Something I was missing.

While kissing Seth I reached up to unbutton his shirt and he did not stop me. I was not able to be as calm and gentle as he was as I quickly got him out of his shirt. Seth's body was strong and the soft brown hair on his chest and abs looked good on him. I reached for his belt and quickly pushed his pants and briefs down exposing his cock. Once he was exposed he pulled me to him. Our cocks were hard and pressing against each other as our hands felt each other's bodies.

We ground our hard cocks into each other and I could feel some precum run down my hard cock. I could not tell if it was his or mine. I reached between us and took Seth's cock in my hand. He moaned as my fingers closed on his hard cock. Seth reached for my hand. He held it in place for a moment than pulled it away. Now frustration built in me as I really wanted to feel his hard cock in my hand. I was so horny that my body was trembling.

Seth reached between us and this time he took my cock in his hand. My body shuttered from the feeling. Seth gently bent my cock down and slid it under his balls and between his hairy legs. He reached behind me and pulled me into him causing my cock to slide deep between his legs.

The feeling was weird at first but hot too. Seth started to move his body forward and back on my cock. Slowly at first making small movements. My cock grew harder and I could feel precum oozing between Seth's legs. Soon Seth was driving his body back and forth on my cock. His hands cupped my ass and worked me back and forth into him. My dick felt amazing and my body was on fire. Seth held my body and continued the passionate kiss. Without much thought I started to work my cock back and forth between Seth's legs. I felt like I was fucking a tight hole and Seth seemed to be able to control the pressure on my cock.

I was getting close and I wanted to continue to fuck Seth between the legs. Seth must have known I was close because he pulled me to him and stopped my fucking motion. His hand came up behind my head and he intensified his kiss as he held me in place. My orgasm passed, but my rock-hard cock stayed deeply between Seth's legs. I wanted to feel it again, I wanted to continue my fucking motion.

Seth loosened his grip on me and I started to slide in and out between his legs again. My passion built as my dick became rock hard sliding into him. Seth held on tight as I continued fucking him. The warmth of his body, the hairy chest against mine and his lips and tongue on my mouth were too much. I grabbed his hips and started to trust between his legs. I was beyond control at this point. My trusts came harder and harder as I attacked the space between his legs. Soon my orgasm was very close. I wanted to make it last, I wanted to hold off, but I was too far gone. My dick started to swell as my cum shot hard between Seth's legs. My body was racked with spasms as the intensity of the orgasm ran through me.

When the orgasm passed i collapsed into Seth's arms, my dick still implanted between his legs. Seth held me as I laid my head on his chest. Not a word was spoken as he bent forward and softly kissed my head. Seth moved causing my cock to fall from between his legs into the cold. He broke off the embrace, pulled up his pants and went go grab a towel for me. I cleaned up in silence and then pulled my pants up.

Seth walked me to the door and as I was about to leave he pulled me to him, gently and kissed me. "I really enjoyed that" he said shyly. I smiled "I did too, thanks" I left the house to make my way back to my dorm room.

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Next: Chapter 2

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