A Pack of Teen Wolves

By Jay Millay

Published on Aug 15, 2012


I don't own any of the characters or actors of this story! They are property of whoever runs Teen Wolf. And if you are under the age of where you at to read or watch porn then please leave now! Also, do know that my story will have a few extreme things like violence, rough sex, (strong) humiliation, and maybe even cross dressing. Anyways, hope you enjoy the first part of the story.

Jackson glared at the sight in front of him, seeing the boy and girl sitting confidently in front of him in Biology. Well, Jackson was glaring more at the girl more the anything. He had on a purple shirt that complimented his blue eyes and a pair of really tight blue jeans that outlined both his ass and dick without breaking school rules somehow. His hair was fashionably done. He growled as he saw the girl lean over, whispering something in the other guy's ear, a little to close. So much to the point where Jackson could see her lips making the slightest of contact with the guy's ear. He saw the guy shudder, and was broke out of his spell when the bell rang. He guessed the other guy was to, because in the next moment he had his stuff and was rushing down the hall.

"Isaac!" Jackson yelled after him as he strides towards the other boy. Isaac was wearing a overly big gray shirt and a pair of tight blue jeans that clung to his ass like a second skin. He had a black leather jacket to help fight off the cold over the shirt.

"Yes, Jackson?" Isaac asked with a curious look. Jackson had to do his chant to not fuck the boy right there. Raping is bad, raping is bad, raping is bad...He was cut off, however, by someone snapping fingers in front of his face. His eyes narrowed as he got a up close view of how loose the overly large shirt was and how it showed off just a bit more of that pale neck then necessary. A pale neck that Jackson wanted to bite and suck until no part of it was left unscathed.

"Come." Jackson commanded, grabbing Isaac's hand in his more muscular one while pulling the boy with him to the boy's locker room. It was old and smelly, but Jackson supposed it'd have to do. "Your coming out with me, this Friday. We're going to see a movie and a dinner." He commanded.

"What the hell? Dude, first off, where do you get of commanding me-" He was cut off by Jackson grabbing his arm sleeve and pulling him forward, kissing him roughly and interrupting anything he had planned on saying. He moaned into the kiss, before realizing who he was kissing and what he was doing and pushing him back. "What the fuck?"

Jackson just smirked and said, "Come on dude, we both know you want me. And I want you. Let's just get down to it." Jackson said and saw Isaac hesitate before pulling a disgusted face, before Jackson pinned him to a locker and reattached their lips. This time, Isaac didn't even try to fight him off. Isaac moaned into Jackson's beautiful mouth, letting his hands trail to the perfect pert ass and giving it a squeeze which made Jackson moan in his mouth. Jackson growled as he tried to take back control, moving to the pale neck and giving rough kisses and sucks to it.

"I know your type..." Jackson whispered into Isaac's neck as he shoved him down roughly. "You need to be guided and told what to do. And lucky for you, I love doing that." He said with a wink and a smirk as he pushed his pants and underwear down, letting his cock fall out and shoving it into Isaac's mouth with no warning. "Be a good puppy and suck."

Isaac tried to suck, he really did. But Jackson was bigger then he thought possible, and he had never given a blow job before. "You fucking suck!" Jackson had yelled, before he pushed Isaac over one of the benches in the locker room. Isaac groaned, before he felt his jeans being tugged off roughly. He blushed as his tight blue underwear was the only thing left on, a couple sizes to small for him and showing the top of his ass. "So I was right..." Jackson said with a smirk as his fingers trailed over the waist band of the underwear, which actually did hug his cute butt. "You are a slut." He smirked and slapped Isaac's ass roughly, causing Isaac to yelp before a blush came onto his face in humiliation.

"S-stop!" He yelled, clearly embarrassed at the thought of being spanked by one of his captians.

"Shut the fuck up." Jackson growled, before he tore Isaac's skimpy underwear away and slapped his bare ass, causing Isaac to groan. Jackson moaned, however, as he saw that ass jiggle. "You have a bitch's ass..." He said as he licked his lips, smacking the other ass cheek and causing Isaac to try to stand. Before he could, however, Jackson had took one ass cheek into his hand and squeezed it hard. The shock gave him enough time to thrust a finger into the other's asshole, moaning as he felt how hot and wet it was inside Isaac's ass.

"F-fuck..." Isaac moaned as he felt the finger in him. "No...get it out..." He moaned pathetically, as his legs spread themselves and he flopped back to the bench.

"OH don't worry Isaac," Jackson said with a smirk. "You'll be getting all the cock you want." And with those words, the door opened and Boyd, Derek, and Scott came into the room.

Next: Chapter 2

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