A Not So Simple Story


Published on Nov 17, 2010


Disclaimer: The characters and events in this story are the product of my own imagination. Similarities to people or places are simply coincidence or have produced with the approval of the individual. This story is intended to be a serial novel, not a "wham-bam, whip it out, get off quick" kinda of story. This story is focused around a gay couple, and if that offends you then you may want to move on now. I's Like to thank Richard for editing my story for me, without his help it would probably just be a mess. Any feedback would be much appreciated (WriterSkittles@gmail.com), Flames will be used to heat my house this coming Winter. :-) So without further ado, onto the Show!

After finishing myself off in the tub, I dried off and decided to lay down for a nap. The last two weeks had been exhausting, mentally and emotionally. I'd done everything I could do medically to stabilize Aleck's condition. The recovery process was solidly in his capable hands. The few bones that had been broken in the crash were set and healing, and most of his scrapes and lighter bruises had healed completely. All I could do now would be to wait, hope and pray, that Aleck would pull through. My mind drifted back to Aleck and those first few months getting to know each other as I drifted off to sleep. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (10 years earlier) It was exciting looking around this mansion I would be spending the Thanksgiving weekend in. When I met Rose at the start of the semester I thought she was from just an upper-middle class family somewhere in Upstate NY. We became close friends, almost inseparable, Partner's in Crime, as we liked to say. We had been friends for a few weeks when Rose decided to bring me home with her for a long weekend off campus. I was far from prepared for what I encountered. I was floored when I really found out her family was from the upper echelons of America's high class. Her ancestors rubbed elbows with the Rockefellers, and the Vanderbilts. Her parent's house was big, I mean really big. She was giving me the tour, and rattling off some of the stats about the house. Marble floors throughout the "living areas", hardwood floors in all 5 bedrooms, Travertine tile bathroom floors. The artwork on the walls was amazing. I was blown away by the beauty of it all. Her grandmother's house though was breathtaking. I swear the house looked like it was moved from Newport, RI. It was on par with The Elms or Rosecliff. Her grandmother told me a story over dinner that night from when she was growing up, and actually playing with some of the younger women from Vanderbilt family. Rose's family was so welcoming of an outsider like me. It was surprising to me, I guess I had assumed that they would be snobbish since they were such a well-to-do family. I was definitely put in my place about having preconceptions of people. Apparently I had ended up making a good impression on her family, because Rose informed me in mid-October, that I was invited to spend The Thanksgiving break with her family. The invitation even came with a spot at the gigantic 60 person dining table at her grandmother's house. To be honest, the spot at the dinner table was the most compelling part of the offer! So we headed up to the Adirondacks after our classes let out on Tuesday afternoon. I'd be crashing in one of the guest rooms at her parents' house, and we'd be splitting the time between there and her grandmother's place. Wednesday was a lazy day, sitting around reading, and relaxing. Rose got a phone call sometime that afternoon, and came back just giddy as could be. Apparently her cousin, Aleck, called and was mentioning how he was looking forward to seeing her again. I could see a sparkle in her eyes that told me something else was going on. "Spill it!" I said. "You've got a plan cooking in that wicked brain of yours, and I want to know about it. I don't want to get blindsided again. Need I remind you about the Salsa Class incident?" "Christian, how could you think such a thing about me? Sweet, innocent, ever so lovable little-ole-me." "I was suspended from those classes for a whole week!" "Ok! Ok! I promise this time I won't mistake a lesbian for a guy! It's Aleck, I think you'd be into him." I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "What?" "Really? You're going to try to set me up with a cousin... During Thanksgiving Break?!" "Ok, I know it sounds bad, but hear me out on this one! He's cute, athletic, funny, smart, self-confident but not cocky. He's everything you like in a guy, plus he's my cousin and best friend in the whole wide world. So I already like him!" "I'm hurt!" I mockingly pout. "I thought I was your best friend!" "Oh Christian, You would be, but he's family, we grew up together, so he has about 18 years of history on you." "Damn! Foiled again by blood ties!" I retort. "Just promise me you'll think about it?" "I don't know, I'll have to see him for myself." "Perfect! He'll be at dinner tomorrow night, I'll finagle the seating so you guys are close together!" She chuckled then took off like a flash to her room, most likely to make a couple of phone calls. Thursday finally rolled around, and Rose's family had all gathered at her Grandmother's house. Everyone was milling around, most of the women of the family, and one or two of the guys had disappeared into the kitchen to help finish the meal. Everyone else was left to mill about in the lounge, media room, or the library. I pretty much stuck by Rose's side, making small talk with some of her cousins, waiting for her to introduce me to this supposedly handsome piece of man, Aleck. About an hour before dinner, something stirred the chaotic peace that was the Morgan clan household. A few minutes later Rose vanished only telling me to relax for a bit, she'd be back soon. Shortly before we were eventually called to dinner, she came back. "Change of plans." She said as she sat down next to me. I could tell she was upset, but I didn't think now was the time or place to find out. "So, Aleck, is here, I'll introduce you two at dinner. Make small talk, try to control your flirting." "I think I can manage that. I just hope everything is alright though, I can tell something's bothering you." I gave her a hug which she returned. "Yeah, it will be. Oh, You and I are taking Aleck out for drinks tonight. I think he'll need the break for a little bit." "Whatever you say boss." She smirked and slapped my arm playfully. "If you're a good boy tonight, I might let you bring home a playmate." I groaned.. "Ugh, so not gonna happen!" Word was being passed around that it was time to gather for the meal. We got up and headed for the table. I went where Rose pushed me, and got a spot right next one of the bowls of stuffing. We were one of the first people to find our seats. The table began to fill in, when most of the seats were filled, that's when I saw the most perfect example of "my kind of hot guy" alive. He was shorter than me, but not by much. He had Sandy blonde hair that looked to be the perfect length to run your fingers through. I couldn't tell what his body looked like because he preferred loose baggy clothes. His sense of fashion though was nice. He took the seat directly opposite me. When he looked around our eyes locked for a short time, and I lost myself in his steel blue eyes. They were the window to his soul. I may have just met him, but I could tell that what he was feeling inside didn't match up with the calm relaxed face he was showing to the world. In that moment, brief as it was, I knew he was hurting. I also knew I'd fallen for him. I'm not saying it was Love at first sight, but I knew then and there that I wanted to spend more time with him. I wanted to get to know him, and I wanted to be with him. Controlling myself was going to be difficult at the bar, but I was going to do my best. I didn't want to blow things before I had a chance to get to him better.

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