A Not So Simple Story


Published on Nov 1, 2010


Disclaimer: The characters and events in this story are the product of my own imagination. Similarities to people or places are simply coincidence or have produced with the approval of the individual. This story is intended to be a serial novel, not a "wham-bam, whip it out, get off quick" kinda of story. This story is focused around a gay couple, and if that offends you then you may want to move on now. Any feedback would be much appreciated (WriterSkittles@gmail.com), Flames will be used to heat my house this coming Winter. :-) So without further ado, onto the Show!

The last few days have gone by so slowly for me. Aleck is slowly making improvements on his condition. His core temperature finally returned to acceptable levels, but we ran into an issue where his blood pressure started to drop. Some of the smaller cuts and scrapes on him have healed, but I know some of the larger ones will leave scars and are still going to need time to heal. All I've been able to do is make sure he's being treated properly and think about the little time I've been able to spend with this Adonis of a man in the last 10 years. "My god Chris, you need to go to a hotel or something, you look like shit" Rose exclaims as she enters the room. She flashes me a smile though and offers me a cup of coffee. "Good morning to you too Rose," I reply. "I keep thinking the same thing, but I just can't bring myself to leave him like this." It's sad but true, I've been convincing myself that Aleck needs me to be here with him. This is what is giving him the fight to live. "Do you think he even remembers me?" I timidly ask aloud. Rose gives me a concerned smile. "It's true, he doesn't talk about it much, but you can bet that whenever he finds out I've spoken with you, or we've met up recently, he's curious about how you are doing and what you've been up to. If you ask me I think he has a bit of a crush on you." She laughs a little. "That's just how he is though." I smile back at her. "I'm sure he's got his hands full. I'm surprised he gets curious about me though. I mean we met 10 years ago... My god Rose, can you believe that we're both over 30?" She flashes me a look that screams 'Don't remind me.' "Anyway, in the last 10 years we've hung out what, 5 times? Maybe a couple more times than that but it wasn't all that frequent." "Chris, I can't blame you for loving him, and who knows what the future holds for you or him." Rose walks over to me and gives me a hug. "I can however blame you for how you smell." She proceeds to back away, held her nose, and slapped my shoulder. "Seriously, go to the hotel, take a long shower or bath or something, and get a few hours of sleep. You look like you need it. I can keep vigil over our fighter for the day." She was right I did need a shower, and the fact that I've been living off of cat-naps and caffeine the last few days was taking a toll on me. "You'll want to be presentable anyway. I think a couple other members of the Morgan Clan are going to show up later today so we'll all be able to help keep an eye on him, make sure he doesn't get himself into more trouble." I conceded to her argument. I grabbed my coat and a few other essentials I'd kept with me in Aleck's room, and gave her a hug. "Thanks Rose. I'll see you in a few hours." and with that I left Aleck's bed for the first time in almost a week. I managed to catch a cab to the Genesee Grande Hotel, which apparently Rose had booked us. I already had my room key so I headed to my room. I entered my room, and lounged back on the bed for a few minutes. Rose was right, I had been spending a lot of time with Aleck. Most of that time late at night after she returned to the hotel, and between rounds of the nursing staff. I sat in a chair next to his bed crying as I'd hold his hand. While Aleck may not have much to remember me for, I had plenty of reasons to remember him. I got off of the bed, decided that I could use a nice relaxing bath, so I walked into the bathroom to start filling the tub. I undressed while the bath is filling. I am happy to admit that I have nothing to really be self-conscious about when it comes to my body. Standing just a hair over six feet tall, I have straight brown hair that is long enough to fall just over my ears. It's a nice contrast to my deep blue eyes. I personally would call myself fit, I have a flat stomach but I've never had the drive to push myself for a set of washboard abs. Somehow, given my European gene pool, I have lightly tanned skin. I prefer to think of it as a natural glow. I like to think I have a nice firm ass, and my legs are well toned. I climbed in the hot water to relax, letting my mind wander. It doesn't take long before I'm thinking of Aleck. I still couldn't believe it's been 10 whole years I've known him. In that time he hasn't really changed. Sure his muscle tone and definition had filled in quite a bit but he didn't really change much more than that. Thinking of Aleck's smooth skin I felt my cock begin to stir. It was always like this, I'd relax and my mind would wander to Aleck, that sexy cousin of my best friend from college. His smile, that way he would laugh, he could brighten up a room just by flashing a smile at a friend. He was a charming kid, good looking too. Straight blonde hair, that I could spend hours running my fingers through. My cock twitches again, I'm now sitting in the tub at half-mast with no signs of slowing yet. My hands begin to run over my body as I imagine what it would be like to touch him. His intense blue eyes could stare into your soul and make you forget all of the problems you've been having instantly. As close as I am to Rose, there is something she doesn't know because I'm sure she'd probably kill me if she ever found out. I had accidentally seen Aleck naked once. It was at his grandmother's house. Apparently he had decided to shower after one of his outings, and hadn't closed the door to the bathroom all the way. I only caught of glimpse of him for maybe 10 or 15 seconds. Of course the details of what he looked like were burned into my mind. He has smooth, light, blemish free skin on his back. I caught a glimpse of his round bubble butt. A shiver ran down my spine. My hand finally wanders to my erect cock. It's on the larger size of average coming in at just over 7" in length, and isn't too thick, I'd say it is just right. I start to slowly stroke myself, going over the image of Aleck's nude, as an 18 year old young man over and over again. I continue to jerk off thinking of that smile of his, and the way he would say my name. Even when everyone called me Chris, Aleck insisted on calling me Christian. He declared that since everyone else called me Chris he had to be different. Thinking of the sound of his voice just hit all of the right buttons. My hand moves faster, as my other hand moves in between my legs and my fingers go exploring my nether regions. My imagination kicks into over drive as my fingers start to probe. What would it feel like holding him against me? Does he still have a gentle touch? What do his lips taste like? This last thought sends me over the edge. I pull myself up on the tub's ledge and lean back. "Oh Aleck..." I cry out, as the orgasm hits. I manage to hit my cheek with the first volley of cum, the next 3 pool onto my belly. I gather my cum, bring it to my lips and saver my seed, letting it flow over my tongue and down my throat. I wonder how Aleck's cum would compare. With a content smile I settle back into the hot bath feeling good and relaxed for the first time in a long time.

Next: Chapter 4

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