A Ninja in a World of Heroes

By mason uchiha

Published on Oct 14, 2013



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"Wake me up when it's all over, when I'm wiser and I'm older??" My alarm rang out the awesome Avicii tune.

I slowly stretched in my bed. Wow this thing is huge! Especially because it's just me in a King sized bed. I had an amazing sleep in MY apartment, for the first time! I rolled over and pulled my tablet of its dock. I activated the main system control panel. I pressed the voice control icon.

Now the house will respond to my voice and alert me of anything happening. "Computer, play local news over the sound system please."

"Initiating request" a computerized female voice replied.

Seconds later, the local news station had reports flowing out of the sound system.

"In other local news, Metropolis Chamber of commerce has approved the Wayne Industries request to build luxury apartments in downtown Metropolis, for a third cheaper than Lexcorp's recently built Lexurious estates. Mr. Luthor had no comment for reporters when asked to reveal his strategy to keep the estates value up when Wayne Industries enters the real estate game here in Metropolis." As the news went on I washed, scrubbed, shaved, and groomed myself.

Once I was done with my morning routine, I realized, I didn't really have much to do today. Maybe I'll just relax and bum around all day or I could?.. "Breaking news, world wide there has been multiple attacks in major cities such as Metropolis, London, Cairo, New York, Rome, and Beijing. Terrorist have been causing chaos in multiple locations of each city?." I listened as the reporter went on, while I switched to a holographic projection of the report. I focused on Metropolis and where the attacks had started. It seems that all 6 cities were being attacked by 4 different groups of criminals at different points. The closest attack was 3 miles from here.

"Computer lock down protocol 1109"

"Protocol confirmed"

I suited up quickly, stepping out onto my balcony. I needed to use a special skill I learned from mom, her Shunpo. It was a quick movement that I used to travel as quickly as I could. It took great skill and got me long distances in mere seconds. Not quite as fast as The Flash, but it also took a lot of my energy to get far distances. To a person watching, I might have been a quick silhouette that came into sight every few seconds.

When I arrived at the scene there was a group of 6 villains attacking random citizens. I immediately leapt into action, I targeted the furry one first. A female cheetah, ironically her name was cheetah! I ran at her while she was attacking a man in a business suit, when I got close enough I launched into the air and came down with a drop kick. A loud cat hiss let out as she attempted to get off the ground. She moved into a feral fighting stance and glared at me.

"You're going to regret that!" she ran at me baring her claws and fangs. Upon her first strike I ducked and swept my leg into hers, causing her to lose balance but recover gracefully like a cat.

I ran at her, weaving hand signs "Kage Bunshin no jutsu" two clones appeared, one on each side of me. We ran at her and jumped, right before impact the two clones disappeared in a puff of smoke. I emerged with momentum from the smoke striking my closed fist in the center of her face. She hit the ground and tumbled backwards.

"What the hell are you?" she looked exhausted.

I circled her slowly. "I'm a Shinobi! Chidori Senbon" dozens of sharp electric senbons hit Cheetah, immobilizing her and causing her body to go unconscious from the electrical charge.

I watched 3 boys and one girl fly around on what looked like?..playing cards? That's kind of cool, if you know they weren't evil! Just then some green chick, a guy with an extra-small shirt with an "S" on it, and the bird-boy from last night showed up.

I watched the four villains begin to circle over us.

"Who are you?" asked the green girl.

I ignored her, weaved hand signs "Katon: Hosenka no jutsu" This jutsu creates a volley of small fireballs that are controlled individually by chakra. As hard as the four tried to avoid the fireballs, they were hit head on. Each came flying to the ground.

"Katon: Gokyoku no jutsu" I inhaled and blew out a fireball that was easily 13 feet wide and ten feet tall.

"What the hell are you doing? Kill them?" yelled the green girl.

"No I'm trying to distract them, so that you and your little friends can detain?." I was cut off with a fist wrapped around my throat.

The guy with a little ten logo on his outfit had moved through my attack and from what I gained was that he didn't feel any pain. Seared and scorched uniform, he looked unharmed. I could also see that he had super strength.

As he squeezed my throat, I began struggling for air and seeing the others were engaged with the enemy.

"You like spitting fire at people! How bout we see who's behind that mask." He reached towards my mask and I lost control for a second. My sharingan activated and my tsukyomi engulfed us in a genjutsu. The world was as if all the colors changed. We were on a black ground and the sky had become red with silver clouds.

"What the f?" he stuttered.

"SILENCE!" I waved my left hand and 10 was chained to a large upright table. I lifted my right hand, where my katana appeared. I pointed my blade at him and slowly dragged the tip across his chest. A wound began to open.

"I?.Impossible" he stated dumbly.

"No, this is the power of the sharingan!" I stated deviously.

One quick motion and I brought my sword in a diagonal motion down his chest and abdomen. He screamed in agony.

"All this pain has only been one second in the real world"

I brought myself out of the illusion and was still being held up by 10. I swung my right foot up and kicked him in the chest. While 10 was still under my genjutsu, his body released me. These so called hero's don't have any handcuff's I suppose?

Might as well improvise. "Bakudo no ichi: Sai" 10's hands immediately became locked behind his back as if he were handcuffed. Since he was super strong, I knew that wouldn't hold him once I released my genjutsu.

"Bakudo no roku-ju san: Sajo Sabaku" I yellow energy chain shot out of thin air and wrapped around 10's arms and midsection. This would hold him until I released it.

I saw the dude with the "S" dragging the King's unconscious body over to where I was. The guy from last night was just about done with "Jack" and the green girl had brought down the "Queen".

"So you gonna tell us who you are?" asked "S".

"I'm the guy who took down Cheetah and 10, before you three finished yours." I replied with an attitude.

He looked at the green girl then looked back at me.

"I'm Nightwing" said the black costumed guy from last night.

"This is Ms. Martian and that's Superboy" he said gesturing to the other two.

"I didn't really think of a name yet, so?." I replied until Ms. Martian cut in.

"You can take off your mask"

"So can he, and you can reveal your true self!" I stated looking at Nightwing then back at her.

She looked shocked for a moment then regained her composure.

"We're with the justice league?..your pretty good at blocking me." She said referring to the mental walls put up by the sharingan.

"You really shouldn't try to get in to anyone's head without permission" I replied.

Two large black SUV'S and a armored car showed up. Stepping out was a hefty black lady. The hero's had watched as the officers placed metal collars around the cards necks.

"Between your team and the Royal Flush Gang, this entire city block is destroyed" stated the lady.

"Don't get it crazy, lady! I'm a free agent, I'm not a part of their team." I said activating the body flame technique. They all stared as my body seemed to burn from my feet up slowly disappearing.

Once I got home, I took a long hot shower and sat down at my desk with a pen and paper. I began dabbling with a name for my superhero persona. Hmmmm?.ninja?no that's a stupid name which would state the obvious?.hmmm?.captain cool!...NO that's just stupid?..how about just?SHINOBI!....NO! How about just KAGE, which means shadow in Japanese.

My thoughts were ripped back to reality as my alarm went off.



I pulled my mask on and drew my blade. I walked slowly toward the kitchen, sticking to the shadowy areas.

When I rounded the corner, to enter the kitchen I was in utter disbelief stood a figure of a familiar face.

"YOU!" I yelled??..

So that was chapter 3, who is this person in Mason's house? Is he a friend or foe? Stay tuned to find out! (and cue closing music) lol.

So as always I welcome any comments and suggestions via email! Sorry again for the late submission but I will definitely try to get the next chapter out sooner! Thanks for reading and I hope your not too distraught about the lack of sex in it. I never intended this story to be solely about sex! It's about life of an uchiha and his transition to being a hero or possible a villain! But I can drop one huge hint! This story will be involving a great love, that may devastate the entire world! Any suggestions or guesses about who will be Mason's lover? Hit me up boys and girls!

Next: Chapter 4

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