A Night on the Town

Published on Mar 30, 2022



A Night on the Town By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to winarch47@yahoo.com

I am Daniel, the third son and black sheep of Roderick G. Edwards, real estate tycoon. My bothers loved real estate and joined dad in the firm. Dad always said I listened to a different drummer. Technically I listened to a different trumpet.

I got a job with the symphony shortly after graduation. I am a good trumpet player. I am also versatile and like classical, jazz and pop music. I caused a stir hen I substituted for a guest trumpeter who was sick, hours before a concert featuring a Haydn trumpet concerto. That was a success and I was hero for a day.

Dad was a conventional man. When I graduated for college with a degree in music, he told he that he didn't have a clue as to what made me tick, but he figured that it takes a lot of people to make the world turn around, I was doing my part.

I worked with a few recording studios to accompany other musicians. I was financially independent. I thought I was financially independent. Without my knowledge, Dad had set up a trust fund for me, just in case things didn't work out.

Dad died when I was forty. My brothers got the business. That was a great relief to me. I had no interest in real estate and my bothers worked hard at it and enjoyed it. They deserved it. I found out about the trust fund. Dad had been adding money to it on my birthday and on Christmas for twenty years. I was well off. Technically, I was more more than well off.

I inherited a few miscellaneous properties. Most of these were small homes he had bought years earlier. The were in the poorer areas of town and were associated with larger properties. I gave them to a historic preservation society. Oddly, giving them away increased my income. The value of the properties reduced my taxes for several years.

There was one other property, Misty Acres. Misty Acres was a failed resort located on fifty acres outside of town. There was a club house and nothing else. The club house sat on the three acres of the property that were build-able. When they tried to build a green, the hole filled with water. The good parts of the property were only a foot or two above a swamp. The club house was well maintained and consisted of a function room, a kitchen for catering, and shower-locker rooms. The Shower-locker rooms were for a never built pool and golf course.

I am gay and have many gay friends. I was showing the club house to my oldest friend, Emmanuel, and he loved it. Manny had periodic group parties for his gay friends. He thought the club house would be a great party place. His parties were clothing optional. I went to a party there and no one selected wearing clothes as an option.

Manny asked if he could have a party there. I am not a fool. I said he could use the place only if the all the party goers were over eighteen, had no drugs, no alcohol, all the activities were mutually agreed to. Manny said that was fine with him.

Manny struck me as a wild and crazy guy. That was true, but he was smart, well organized, and careful. He had a pal who was a nurse, Reggie, who insisted the guests be tested.

A month later Manny had a trial event to see if the party idea would work. I knew a naked party for gay men could work, but I was worried things might get out of hand. The men who ran the party group, Terry and Jerry were middle-aged businessmen. Their guests were ordinary guys between thirty and seventy-five. Physically they were a mixed bag. There were jocks, bears, feminine men and ultra butch leather studs. The men had been to parties at Terry and Jerry's house.

The men were mostly couples, but the guests were supposed to connect with any one at the party. This was not cheating; it was a vacation. It was a chance for monogamous couples to have a brief break. Terry said it gave everyone a chance to have the excitement of a sexual affair without the heartache. I asked him if it worked. He told me it worked better than anyone expected.

It was a good party. Men are men and I was afraid no beer or booze would be a problem. Jerry was a good and imaginative cook. His specialty was creating delicious snacks in imaginative, pornographic shapes. They were clever, funny and tasted great.

The men knew each other well. Manny and I were the only new meat at the party. I had thought my over- sexed slut days were well in my past. I know that introspection is not my thing, but I was shocked that I enjoyed being the new meat at the party. From the time I was a child, I wanted to be a good boy, who pleased everyone.

I was in an unexpected situation. I was a Daddy to the younger men and a Boy Toy to the older men. When you combined that with being new meat, I was a popular guy.

I knew I wasn't shy about sex. I also knew what when I was younger, I might have been overly sexual. That was tempered by the AIDS epidemic, so I was careful. I had mellowed a great deal since then.

At this party at Misty Acres, I realized that I only thought I had mellowed. All the urges I felt when I was younger came back. All the guests were horny and that was true of me.

Manny introduced me to Terry and Jerry. Terry was outgoing and energetic. Jerry was quieter and I had a feeling he did most of the work. They were with Al, an older man and his special friend, Douglas. I had a feeling that Douglas was a former boy toy that had just passed his use by date. Al was a tall, handsome and bearded. He was a college professor who was nearing retirement age.

Douglas was an accountant. He had been cute, but he had not found the right look for a borderline middle-aged man. Douglas was a junior partner in a large firm and was on the way up. They didn't live together, but they had adjoining apartments in the same apartment house. Al had a two-bedroom apartment and Douglas had a studio.

If you like distinguished looking daddy types, Al was the man for you as long as your ass could accommodate his oversized cock. Accommodating large cocks was Douglas's special skill. The old saying, "you can't judge a book by the cover," applied to the couple. Al was a distinguished looking older man with the sex drive of a twenty-year-old. Douglas was shy and a bit timid.

Al was looking for a man who could take his monster cock. Douglas was hoping the orgy would dent

Al's sexual drive.

Al focused on me. Manny took Douglas under his wing. When I was younger, I was uncomfortable with group play. I had been to a few parties. They were okay, but they seemed superficial. I was looking for Mr. Right, and I knew he wouldn't be in with naked men sucking and fucking everyone in sight.

This party didn't bother me at all. It was just guys letting their hair down and having some fun. I noticed the hair was thinning some, but every cock was available for no string's fun.

"Since you are new here, I need to warn you about me," Al said. "I like to top, along with some cock sucking and prostate action. I fall in love when a man is squirming on my cock. I fall out of love as soon as I shoot my load deep in the ass. Some guys think I make a mess. I shoot buckets. That bothers some guys. Other guys think Santa came early. Are you oak with that?"

"I hate to say it, but that sounds good to me," I replied.

"I need to warn you, I have a fan club," he added. "One or two men like to eat ass. You might find their tongues licking your ass. My sperm is considered to be top-of-the-line lube. They may visit your ass."

Al was both gentle and aggressive. He knew exactly what he wanted, but he took his time. He was careful, as he popped through my sphincter. My rectum was barely able to take his cock, so my prostate was squeezed and poked.

"That's too much," I moaned.

"I know that's not true," he whispered. "I'm going deep, but I'll be back." He pushed deeper.

I don't know how long he fucked me. When I thought it was too much, he ejaculated. I could almost taste his cum in my mouth. He ejaculated for what seemed like minutes and then pulled out. Seconds later there was a tongue at my ass. That was Jules, one of Al's ass eating buddies. I relaxed some.

I looked around and saw Douglas talking with Manny. Manny was on the floor and his cock was up Douglas' ass. Jules finished with my ass, so I got up. And walked around.

"Damn, you took Al's cock like a pro. I was beautiful to watch," a burly guy said. "Buster's the name. You are?"

"I'm Daniel," I said as we shook hands.

"Are you're the guy who owns the place, the trumpeter?" he asked. I nodded.

"I'm a bass in the County Chorus. We sing at the Christmas concerts," he said. "My day job is at Buster the Butcher's Shop." Buster was had a blond crew cut. He was tanned and had a hairy body. His body hair was sun bleached blond and he looked slightly out of focus due to the fuzz. He had big balls and a modest cock.

"You've got monster balls. Are they full?" I asked.

"I have saved up a few days for this event," he said. I dropped to my knees and sucked the tip of his foreskin into my mouth. Buster's cock was a grower not a shower. It was a meaty six-inches, a real ass stretcher.

I top and bottom, but as I aged, I seemed to have been bottoming more often. I suspected Buster's cock would be a challenge. I came up for air and a man came up to us.

"This is Tom my pal," Buster said, "Tom, this is Daniel, the trumpeter. He was the guy who did the Haydn concerto when the guest artist didn't show up."

Tom was a high school music teacher and band director. "You're the one who saved the day?" Tom asked. "It was a most impressive performance." Tom was short and thin. He had a goatee and had a hairy chest. He was hung like Godzilla. I later realized he sported a seven inches, but it looked large on the small man. Buster and Tom were a classic Mutt and Jeff couple.

A little later I was on my hands and knees sucking Buster as Tom was using his cock to massage my ass. I wouldn't say it was restful, but it was relaxing. Eventually Buster shot of a gully washer in my mouth, and Tom refreshed the home-made lubricant in my ass. It was good for all three of us.

As the owner of Misty Acres and new meat, most of the men were aware and watching. After my interludes with Al, Buster, and Tom, the men recognized me as a good sport. I was certainly open to the possibilities. I was also a bit of a slut. That was a highly admired quality in a man.

Manny knew how to make friends too. I knew he was open to the possibilities and took advantage of the opportunities. While Manny was my age, he was Cuban, muscular and macho. Topping was his top skill. He could bottom for a friend, but while he was a good sport, but he preferred to top.

I like to top too, but my ass was quite accommodating. I had no problem with oversized cocks. Everyone likes big cocks, and they are exciting. Big cocks don't fit everywhere, so sometimes there is more admiration than penetration.

Year's earlier I discovered there are two types of well hung top. There are those who think they are doing you a favor by shoving their cock up your ass. There is a second group who are pleased you are willing to let them in your ass. I also discovered a big cock does not make up for being an asshole.

"You put on quite a show," a big man said to me. "Am I right in thinking you like the worship of Totem Poles? My name is Rutherford by the way. People call me Ruthie. You are?" I told him I was Dan.

"Shit! What I would have done for a three-letter-long name in grade school," he said. "Rutherford was an ordeal. I promised my partner that I would try to fuck the first hot bottom I see at the party. I'm afraid I'm going to be disappointed again."

"Maybe you should be true to your word," I suggested.

"He's been disappointed a lot. I don't want to shock him with a sudden attack of virtue." Ruthie said. He leaned close to me. "I don't like fucking a non-responsive log," he said. "If you are into it, I'll fuck you to heaven and back."

"I have a warm spot for ass play," I said.

"I used to pull out before I shoot off. Some men complain I fill them up too much," he said in a whisper. "I can shoot two or three times in a normal session. It gets kind of messy, but it a good kind of messy," he explained and paused. "You don't mind having a sex crazed stranger using you as cum dump, do you?" I said that wasn't a problem.

"You promise not to fall in love with me? I'm taken," he said. I told him that wasn't a problem either.

Ruthie knew his way around as ass. He was careful and at ease. He let the size of his member do the work for him. At first, I reacted to his cock size. As I got used to it, his fucking technique worked it's magic. He had located the tender areas of my ass and knew how to stimulate them.

"I glad you found a man that didn't need to be sanitized before he was suitable for fucking," a voice said.

"Dan, this is my partner, Burt," Ruthie said.

"Dan, I am normally quite polite, but books on manners don't cover the proper way to greet a man your over-sexed partner is fucking," Burt said. "You would think that since I have encountered this situation many times before I would have figured out something suitable."

"I teach philosophy at the local University. I deal with abstract thought. It hadn't occurred to me that I would be so dominated by Ruthie's cock. It's an embarrassment. For a year or more I thought each time he fucked me was the last time. I will never take his cock again," Bert said. "That was ten years ago."

"Do change you mind every time his cock hits a certain place in your ass?" I asked.

"How did you know that?" he asked.

"I was just a guess. I wasn't into it until one guy found a special place," I said. "I'm looking for someone else to find it again."

"I'm doing my best buddy!" Ruthie said.

"I've got to the point where every place his cock touches is magic," Bert said. he seemed to enjoy watching his partner fuck me.

"He is getting close. Tighten your sphincter, it will push him over the edge," Bert cried. I did and Ruthie began ejaculating. When he finished shooting off, he pulled out of my ass and fell asleep. Bert slid his cock into my well used ass.

"If this is too much for you, let me know. This is purely a bonus fuck for me. I'm just curious," Bert said. "That being said, your ass is warm and inviting. Do you enjoy having a strangers' cock in your ass?"

"I am uneasy until the knob passes through my sphincter," I said.

Bert laughed, "I am afraid I am much more excited than I expected. Would you allow me to make a cum gift in your ass?" he asked.

"I would be honored," I said. Bert had a forceful series of ejaculations. I didn't know if that was inspired by my ass, but he added his contribution to his partner's orgasm. As he left, two men approached. The big one was wore a leather halter labeled Moon Dog in metal studs. He was well above six feet tall. The other was maybe five-feet-two. He was labeled Puppy. Both men were muscular but Moon Dog was smooth. Puppy was Big Foot like hairy.

"I've been watching you. You seem to be an accommodating man. We're friendly guys," Moon dog said.

"It's nice to meet you, but I am a bit tired," I said.

"I have a little confession to make," Moon Dog said. "A sperm filled, well used ass is a turn on for me. You don't need to do anything other than take the cock. Puppy can feed you his load if you are into it. He's a sweet boy and his cum is sweet too."

I must have said something that Moon Dog interpreted as yes. I'm not sure I said yes, but it turned out well.

Moon Dog made friends quickly. I could sense his enthusiasm as his cock slid into me riding sperm lubricant. He was a lover easing his cock into me, nor ramming my ass. Puppy straddled my face and fed me his cock. A minute or two later his cock juices began to flow. I don't know if they planned for shoot off together or not, but I was spectacular. Moon Dog was moaning as he drained his balls. Puppy was one of those guys who expressed affection with sperm.

The party began to wind down and I went home.

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