By Leopoldo Perdomo

Published on Aug 3, 2003




The following story has explicit homosexual scenes among a white young man and a black one. If you feel dislike of hate these stories you must go out of here. If you are a minor or if it is illegal in your state or your country to read homosexual stories then get out of this place.


This all happened long ago in a hot summer in Casablanca. Hervy was a young man in his early twenties and was directed by a narrow and dark corridor painted in dark green to a certain height. The rest of the walls and the ceiling were painted in a

kind of dark cream colour. The way ended before an iron door and the officer opened it showing a small courtyard in a full glaring sun. He was dazzled but he felt this light was pleasant as he has been for a time in darkness.

-I bring you here this one.

The officer said while giving a paper to be signed to the other officer before a desk. He gave a quick glance to the young man and wrote his name and the date on a book, signed on the delivery paper and stood up to put the newcomer in jail. The other officer went out. He opened the iron door that made a squeak and pushed lightly on the back to the young man to make him enter into the jail. Then there was a light bang and the door was shut after him.

The guy was staring into the darkness slowly adapting his eyes. There were about seven young men lying on the floor and looking up to him.

One of them said something to the others and made a question to the newcomer.

-I do not understand -was his answer.

They commented something and another and one asked:

-Are you English?

-No, I am Danish.

-We are Spanish -said one.

-I see.

-I can not speak Danish. But English, a very little. What is your name?




-I never heard such a name. Mine is Jose

-I see.

-I am from Galicia. La Corunya, you know? I am a sailor and also worked as a fisherman. That's why I can speak English.

Hervy did not know what to say and answered.

-I see -it seemed that it was his favourite phrase.

-Why are you here?

-I have lost my passport. And I was late for my ship and she left.

-So you are a sailor like me.


The social protocols seemed to have been exhausted.

There was a moment of silence and they went back to continue the chatting among them. There was no any way for Hervy to engage in any meaningful conversation.

Then one of the Spanish guys stood up naked, he was rather short and was on his briefs. He was there making a pose for some seconds and started a sort of dance. He was making musical noises with his mouth to accompany his barefoot stepping on the floor, marking the dancing steps. The guys lying on the floor were looking at him with appreciative eyes. He was kind of cute, to say something. He was twisting his arms in the artistic manner of flamenco dancers and sometimes he made the gesture of touching his crotch in a lewd manner. He was showing a bulging of modest size under his shorts and was jerking his body with a lewd grace trying to please the onlookers. The music sounded to Hervy as a piece of something he heard before. It was like classic music out from somewhere.

-He is playing "The dance of the fire" -said the Galician.

It was a kind of amateur performance and it had some merit due to the place where they were at this moment. It was a manner of letting the time fly.

He was dancing during some twenty minutes and then he stopped. After the performance the artist told the other guys something and they all started to sing.

The Galician looked at Hervy and told him:

-We have to stay in this place for some time. It is better to keep ourselves happy than become rotten by worries.

The Spanish guys were singing with an enthusiastic mood. This seemed to me an intelligent way of coping with the situation.

During all day new people were entering into the jail. But most of them stayed there for a short time; a few hours or just a day or two. One afternoon a black man came in. He was tall and had a frame of good size. He was kind of cute and his skin was of light brown colour. It also had a short of shining on his skin that gave him the charming appearance of a wild animal. Hervy asked him his name but he found it was difficult to pronounce so he decided to call him Goro.

Hervy was dazzled with the look of the guy but nevertheless he was trying to hide his interest. So he was often throwing sly glances at him. It was about five in the afternoon and it was a hot rather steamy day. Because of this the Spanish bunch were all with their shirts and trousers off. So they were only wearing their briefs. Their shirts and trousers were carefully folded into a small bundle to make a pillow.

The Spanish group were lying together in the floor very near to the door. This was the best place of the jail as it was a Friday and they knew that later in the afternoon a lot of people would be thrown into the jail. All those that made any disorder in the city or were caught drinking will be put in jail until Saturday morning. When Hervy came into the jail there was only the Spanish bunch of guys. So he made his place after them, so he was not far from the door. The corner of the room was at a distance of four or five feet. The black man was lying after him. He was the last on the row until farther people started to be pushed into jail. A few of them were a little drunk but must of them looked quite normal. Perhaps they were caught drinking a beer, or walking on the street with a bottle of wine in their shopping bag.

Slowly the room was becoming full of people. Sometimes you were thinking there could be no room for more people but they were coming in more and more during the afternoon. People kept coming into the jail and had to lie down even closer one to another. As time was passing Hervy was realising Goro was more close to him and he was getting excited.

The later newcomer arriving this night was forced to lie in the very edge of the latrine. This was a rather unpleasant place as sometimes a guy would had piss there and I have not doubts he would had to be splashed thoroughly.

The place was rather steamy and full of sweating humanity. The smell was... well, it was awful. The air was wholly saturated with a cocktail of human scents. Most people have taken out their trousers and shirts to keep a little fresher. Nevertheless, they all were sweating more or less depending on how far they were from the iron door. This had a wide slot on the floor made such for ventilating the room. In the middle of the iron door was a small window secured with iron bars for the guard to watch. By these open spaces it was coming a little fresh air that flowed first over the Spanish people lying near the door. Then the air was sucking up the heat from all the people that were lying on the floor and escaped with the human odours by a square hole in the ceiling. The hole was about eight inches wide and was located above the latrine.

During the daylight hours, Hervy was glancing at the black man on his side and he felt very excited for hours. Now it was getting dark and most people were lying on the floor; most of them were wearing only their briefs. Hervy was lying on his side and moved his rear a little towards Goro to feel the contact of his body. He felt the heat that was coming out from his body. He sent his hand to explore behind and it touched lightly the thigh of the man that was wet and hot. This feeling produced in him a shaking that made his heart to run faster.

A small light bulb was throwing a stingy light over a room whose ceiling and walls were of a dark grayness. Hervy had made a bundle with his trousers and put it under his head as a pillow. He had laid his shirt on the floor for he disliked the idea of having his naked body in contact with it. He felt uneasy thinking of the many people that had been lying in this very floor for years. He put a hand on the floor and it was a little wet and hot. Someone were muttering something to another but very slowly the silence became the master of the night.

There was a moment that the electric light was off. A little light was now entering by the small window of the iron door. Hervy was lying on his right side and got more excited with the heat that Goro was radiating on his back. Most people on the room were also lying on their sides for lack of space. There would had not enough room for all the people in the jail if half of them were trying to lie on their backs. Nevertheless between Hervy and the black was a distance of an inch or two. Then he moved a little his rear towards Goro's side. Hervy was thinking for a while that something hard was on his rear. He was considering that but could not be sure. He did not dare to move his bum farther back, but he dared to send a hand to explore. He was moving carefully in an unknown country. It was a slow process. His hand was very cautious and afraid of failure. There was a moment that his tact made him to think that he had found a promised land. He was nevertheless unsure and wanted to appraise the real thing, the unknown size of it. He thought that he was touching a piece of reality. His fingers told him there was something of substance there. And this unknown reality seemed to be awakening. A little stirring was going on. The thing on his rear was now protruding and his hand was relishing with this bulging reality. He was elated to have found such a big thing there.

For unknown reasons, Hervy raised his head for a second and made him full aware that the place was nearly in darkness. The ceiling and the walls were dark, the surface of the floor where people were lying was like pitch. There was only a faint light that came through the small window of the iron door. His hand started a move to get into Goro's shorts. The waistband of them were rather loose and easy to enter. He met first the hairy tuft. He played there for a while with his fingers on this tuft, then went farther in. He was now touching the real thing. It looked like... uf! It was something of... something of an oversize nature and very thick. Hervy's heart was nearly thumping. He could hear his heart pumping wildly and was afraid that someone could hear this noise. He was playing softly for a time with his hand inside Goro's shorts. He was very excited. He could not believe it.

There was a moment when Goro pulled his shorts down a foot or so and the big thing was freed. Then he put the thing between the cheeks of Hervy's rear that were hot and sweaty. Hervy was feeling the hot piece there. It was bulky to say the least and this made him more excited. He was really amazed with its size. He had never experienced such a thrilling before. The man started to move the thick rod in and out slowly between his legs. Hervy was pleased with the motion and enjoyed for a while the pleasure it gave. He continued for a while to enjoy the emotion of having something so big in there. Then he suddenly wanted to experience stronger emotions. He was fancying of having such a big piece of hard flesh coming into his tight hole. He had some previous experiences with small sizes but he never had the opportunity that was now between his legs.

Before going on with his idea he put attention to the surrounding space of the jail. Everything there was dark as pitch and he could only hear occasional snores. He held the big piece in his hand then put the thing on his hole, inviting it to enter. The thing was quiet for a ten seconds as if it were disoriented. Perhaps the thing was slow to adapt to a new situation. With his fingers Hervy put some saliva in his hole, then he bent his waist to jut out his rear and put again the big thing before the hole. There was a moment of hesitation, about ten seconds of doubt in the mind of Goro. Then he gripped the young man by the hips with both hands and started to push. Hervy felt the strong grip of Goros's hands on his hips and the pressure on his hole. He felt the force of the black man and was scared with his strong push. His mind was like crying in utter silence, oh, my God! This is really hard!

Hervy realised he had been reckless. He had summoned a wild force of nature and now it was there, pushing with great force on his back door. It was like a might spirit, fully disguised with the form of a hard and thick flesh. He was now assaulting the tight spot of his rear.

This spirit must had some intelligence. He was pushing steady for a while and easing the pressure later for a moment. After a ten seconds of rest he began to press again. Hervy was quite scared of this adventure and it was all his fault. The force of nature was pressing on his hole and holding a strong grip on his waist. For some unknown reason the thing could not enter. After a while, the man took out the big dick and put a lot of saliva on its head to make it slippery. He put the flesh rod in place again and started to push. He started softly, then he was pushing harder. Hervy was excited with the force of the black man pushing. Suddenly, Hervy felt like a bolt of lightning in his mind. Then powerful sting filled his mind for seconds. The big thing of the man was bursting his rear hole. The powerful rod was stretching his hole so much that his mind was flooding with pain. After about twenty seconds the hurt was decreasing but he could still felt the huge bulk that was inside his body. He could not believe it; such was his amazement.

Goro had made a strong effort and was resting for a while. They both were gasping and resting. Hervy was in a way happy for such a big thing had entered him. It was an achievement of the faith and proves that sometimes the impossible becomes real. The big head was inside now. It had been driven by a strong penetrating power and now it was there, resting happy for a while. Hervy was feeling the overpowering bulk of the dick's head stretching his hole to their very limits. It was so might the stretch that Hervy was fearing his hole could bust any moment. He then felt that the hurt was mixing with the pleasure in even parts. The grip of Goro on his hips had relaxed now and Hervy was elated with the idea that such a big head could be inside his body. Now he was more relaxed and sensed the heat of the Goro's body burning his back. His back and ass were sweating with the powerful heat. Hervy realised that this adventure was filling him with joy.

After a short time, the black man started to move slowly to and fro. He was moving only as little as an inch in and out. Hervy felt the slow movement in his tight hole and spread out with a hand the cheeks of his rear. After a while, the thing started to get softer and the black man reacted pushing harder. By doing so the dick become harder in a few seconds. Then he gripped strongly the hips of young man again. Goro was ready to make a strong push to go farther in. Then, after some slow to and fro moving he made a mighty push and the rod entered a few more inches. Hervy felt a surging bolt and a the greater bulk inside. He gasped in silence, as the stretching of the hole was great. He remained for a moment in awe, his mouth fully opened. Inside of his mind he uttered a frightened cry. It was something like... Oh, Christ! He felt as if a chunk of Africa was penetrating his ass. He was shocked and scared about the outcome of all this. For a few seconds he was feeling a panic. But he did nothing to stop it.

Goro was resting for a while. He had to for in spite of all his strength he was even gasping in silence. Later, he tried again to go farther deep. But he was flexible man and started to move to and fro very slowly. Hervy felt some pleasure in the waving slippery of the big rod for it had a sort of a rolling profile. His rear hole was now wetter and slippery but the sheer size of the piece was so much for a young hole with little experience like his. Nevertheless, after a time of moving to and fro, the stretched door was more relaxed or perhaps more wet; I mean it was more ready to take a little more of the huge thing.

The black man was going on with the slow pumping motion. He was moving softly for he was aware of the stress he could be causing to the young man. Hervy was relieved to see that the moving action was pleasant and soft. He felt a delightful rubbing inside. The past feeling of hurt had worn off and now he was enjoying the more pleasant effects of the play. They were playing this way for twenty minutes or more and the thing was moving a little faster and a little deeper. The heat in the jail was steaming and they both were sweating. Because of all this sweat the thing was running more slippery than before and the occasion was getting full of pleasure.

Hervy was enjoying the play when he felt an unexpected surge inside him. It was like a burst and his mouth opened widely to gasp. It was like a sharp burst of pain. He had thought of the thing that it was big but it was not. It was a huge and hard piece of meat. The pain was not so much on his rear but in his mind. He was panting in silence with an open mouth and his heart went wild with a surge of blood pressure. Goro had stopped now for his whole shaft was now inside the young man. All this has been a feat of force and perseverance. And now their hearts were running wildly. They both remained quite for a minute or two. The strength of their heart's pulses were now coming down and slowing.

Hervy was feeling better now and had started to appraise the situation. He could not believe it. Here he was, a decent guy and a former altar boy. He had been straight for years, for he never have dared to go into this forbidding behavior. He had never forgotten the experience when he was sixteen and the parson, a very kind man, took him into the vestry one day and penetrated him deeply into the forbidden hole. Now he was lying in this steamy jail in Marocco and, to top the cake, he had inside his body the biggest dick he ever saw. He had never imagined himself being so tightly held by his rear. He realised his hole was so stretched that it was approaching their very limits. Then he started to feel a softening of the pain that were due, perhaps, to the fact that being still for some minutes the thing of Goro has become less thick or less hard. Anyway, they both deserved a little rest.

The shaft of the brown man could loose a part of his strength if it remained still for a longer time. So Goro started to move again. This new step was cherished by Hervy. He was feeling better now and was eager to see what would happened next. Goro was now moving with longer and slower strides and Hervy was feeling not only better but was enjoying the pumping. Slowly the shaft was getting harder and thicker. The young man was feeling both the pleasure and the overwhelming bulk. Now he was feeling again the stretching together with the pleasant perceptions. There was a moment that the tightness was lighter and he could enjoy the bulky thing rubbing inside his inner cavity. Goro was feeling surer now, things were running smoothly and had not any need of holding hard the young man by the hips. Instead, with his left hand was caressing his chest and belly. Goro was passing his hands over the skin of Hervy's belly that was soft and wet. He even went farther down. He caressed him lightly down there, holding the young erect dick in his hand to have a feeling of it, and also appraised his balls for a while.

The thing was moving slippery inside the young man. It was moving with less friction now and was getting deeper each time. It was going out near the entrance and then it pushed the whole length of it till the bottom. It seemed the thing was a little longer than the cavity as there was an inner limit inside. Both men were sweating, mostly between the back and the chest of them, so close together. Hervy's rear was now very wet with sweat. The inside line of the cavity was also oozing and this made the pumping action more slippery. So there was not time to think about it. Goro held his companion by the hips and pushed deeper. Now the whole length of the dick was really inside. Hervy felt now that the balls of Goro were pressing on his wet rear. The young man was surprised and started to feel the situation. Something huge was inside him, farther and deeper that he ever could have fancied. He could not believe that this huge dick was all his, that has penetrated into him so deeply. He was feeling a little stress, deep down into him, and the stretching of his bottom inside How could it have entered so deep? Perhaps the thing had passed deeper than the very natural length of the place that hosted it. He was aware of the dick pressing deeper inside his body.

Goro started to move again in a coming and going motion and it seemed that the inner bottom limit have disappeared. Hervy was relishing the present state, the overwhelming bulk, the very length of the pumping. He was moving from the entrance hole and went slowly and deep to the bottom. He was feeling the long coming of the big thing and the toping of the balls on his rear. The man was moving in and out in a virtuous manner. Then he changed to a faster pace; but not very fast. Hervy was feeling very excited now, he was sensing he was about to come off soon.

The heavy dick was moving on all its length inside him. Then it began to make some jerks and that is why it went faster now. It was like a madness. Something big was going to happen in a ten or twenty seconds. Hervy felt the eagerness of Goro, he was also having jitters and jerks himself. He felt the nervousness of the huge dick inside him and his pulse was quickening and rising steeply.

Hervy felt the dick of Goro have started to come; it was throwing jets of very hot semen inside him. He felt the heat of the jets in his inner cavity and the growing slippery of the dick moving. He even started to come off himself. He put a hand in front of his dick for not splashing the sleeping Spanish next to him. The huge dick was still moving inside and outpouring jets of very hot come. He was having a sense of being filled with a lot of semen inside. He never felt so wet inside his ass. He moved a hand to cup the big balls of Goro. He thought that they were so big for they were full of semen. And most of it was now coming inside himself. Hervy had already finished with his coming off but Goro was still pouring hot jets inside him. Then the dick became slower, only making the last faint jerks, and then it stopped. Hervy was sensing that the stretching had disappeared but he felt still the dick inside him and the wetness. He felt that some of the slippery liquid had come out of his hole and his rear was fully wet with the viscous liquid. Goro was relaxed and caressing Hervy's his chest and belly. The rhythm of his heart was slowing down and the pulse less intense. Then a minute or two later his dick slid out.

Hervy could not yet believe it. He feeling full with the come of Goro. His rear was wet and gave him a light burning feeling. He was relishing the moments that had passed a moment ago. He was not ready to sleep and was aware of a little sore in his ass. But this very sore reminded him of the past joys he had this night. This relishing was keeping Hervy awaked for hours. He was feeling happy and his ass was wet with leaking all night.

Today, many years after this adventure happened, Hervy still can remember and relish the powerful pleasures he had with this wild creature. The very one with a brown shining skin and the biggest dick he had ever known. Even today he can not believe that this very big piece of flesh could had been a real thing. For he never found anywhere a dick that could compare with Goro's size.

C. (2003) Hoffer Dom

I would be glad to have some comments from the readers. If you like the story let me know at Critterxx2000@yahoo.com

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