A Night at Eric's House

By Anthony

Published on Jan 2, 2002



A Night at Eric's House by Anthony

Some information contained in this story is related to real life situations of mine.

First, I should take some time to intoduce you to the characters, Tristin and Eric, both of which are 14 year freshmens. Tristin is the shy type of guy, never really opens up to people, besides the people that have gotten to know him. Eric on the other hand, is the kind of guy everyone loves. All of his brothers were all major jocks, which in turn, he is becoming one also. Tristin and Eric have known each other there whole lives, but never really hung out. They lived on the same street for years, and there older brothers were both best friends. That all changed there freshmen year.

It wasn't until the freshman year that Tristin and Eric began to hang out. Both of them had second period Biology together. Tristin and Eric ended up sitting by each other. Tristin was excited to get to sit next to him, but didn't show it. When they both got to there desk, Eric showed a friendly smile to him and Tristin responded with a smile, too. Eric sat down and said, " Hey Trisitin! what's up man?". Tristin replied, " Oh nothin much." May I remind you he isn't very talkative around people he doesn't really know. So they both just sat there, exchanging a few glimpses now and then.

It wasn't til a few weeks in the school year that they both started realizing how much they had in common. They both liked singing and music. Tristin seemed to like alot of so-called "girlish" music such as all the boy bands and pop. He never admitted it, because he thought people would suspect him of being queer or something. He later realized that Eric ALSO liked that music, too. He was surprised that such a "manly" guy and at that a major "jock" liked that music. Most guys Tristin knew that were like Eric liked to pick on guys like himself, and make jokes and call him names. But Eric was was different, he was actually nice and VERY cute.

Tristin never saw himself as gay, though he knew it was apparent he was attracted to guys. He especially admired guys like Eric, muscular, a jock, and very "straight" acting as he called it.

One day, in class, Eric and Tristin were both sitting at there desks ( which were those long desks that 2 people sat at) when suddenly Eric dropped his pencil under Tristin's chair and went to reach for it. He sort of layed his head with his light brown hair which he had bleached blonde on Tristin's lap. Tristin suddenly grew hard at this. Eric bent back over to his sitting position, and caught a glimpse of Tristin's growing erection. He said nothing, for he didn't want to embarass him.

Tristin and Eric became good friends, in fact, practically best friends. It wasn't soon until Eric invited Tristin over to his house to spend the night. Tristin was so excited at the fact of being over at Eric's house, and Eric had told him his parent's were out of town and they had the whole house to themselves, except Brady, Eric's older brother, who was 17 and didn't get home til late anyways. Eric and his brothers were all fairly cute and hot. Especially Brady. He was the all-star jock. He was a baseball stud. Tristin knew he was going to have a good time at Eric's house.

Tristin arrived at Eric's house, and went up to the door. Eric answered and invited him in to the living room where they both started playing a game on the Playstation. About an hour passed by, and Eric decided to change into his boxers, for he was used to it because his older brothers did it all the time. Tristin went into the kitchen to get a drink when all of a sudden the door burst open and in came Brady and his best friend Chris. They were both on the baseball team and had came home hot and sweaty from practice. Chris had dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, and a natural tan. Brady yelled "Hey asswipe, what are you doing here?" it was then that Eric waltzed out of the room and said, "He's spending the night here." Brady didn't acknowledge him, so Chris and Brady just went into his room. Tristin and Eric both went back into the living room and decided to watch some T.V. Eric sat on the couch, and Tristin layed on the floor. He turned to say something to Eric but was frozen in sight of Eric's gorgeous cock laying there in Eric's boxers. He could see his pubes and nut sac, too. He quickly turned away and in came Brady and Chris. Brady sat next to his brother and Chris sat next Tristin. Tristin was nervous because he had a raging hard on in his shorts.

Chris, Brady, and Eric all began talking about a football game they were watchin. Tristin just remained silent at the fact that he had seen Eric's dick, and the fact he had a hard-on. Eric was very hung for there age, and Tristin was a bit jealous. He couldn't help but turn and look at it again. His eyes grew big, and suddenly he heard a whisper from someone "you like that, huh?". It was Chris! He turned quickly, and said "Do I like what?" he pointed a finger to Eric's dick. Tristin grew very red. Chris just laughed, and walked over to Eric and sext next to him. He whispered something into Eric's here, and Tristin could only imagine what he told him. Eric looked at Tristin, then suddenly, closed his legs. He was so embarssed that he just wanted to leave. Brady yawned and put his hand down his shorts to itch his nuts and Tristin couldn't help but look at that, too. "Well boys, I am off to bed, good night little schmucks" said Brady as he and Chris left to his room. As Chris walked off, he turned and stroked the air as if a cock was there and smirked. Tristin was so nervous at what Eric was possibly thinking now. He turned to look at him and Eric said "Well Tristin, since my brother is in his bedroom, wanna watch a porno?" Tristin was surprised that he didn't say anything about what he had done! He had wondered if maybe Chris never even told him! And at that, he was shocked of the fact that they both were going to watch an arousing porno. He managed to nod at him, and Eric jumped up to go get the porno.

They began watching it, and it was plainly in sight that Eric had a massive boner. Tristin was still hard from earlier, and the porno and Eric's erection didn't help either. Eric quietly whispered "Chris told me that you were looking at my dick earlier." Tristin looked at Eric in awe, and just stared at him. "I'm allright with it you know, I mean, you are gay, right?" Tristin was speechless, and didn't know what to say. He managed to say "Why would you think I am gay?". Eric replied "Oh come on! It's obvious. I mean I knew from the moment I saw your hard-on that day in school when I reached for my pencil!". Y-Y-You saw t-t-that?" Tristin stammered. "Yeah, and it didn't really bother me." said Eric. "So do you wanna?" said Eric. Tristin replied, "Do what?". "Well, you do want to suck my dick, right?". Tristin didn't know what to say. Eric then pulled down his boxers to reveal his erect dick. It was a good 5 1/2 inches. Tristin sat there in astonishment. He couldn't believe what was happening. Eric stood up with his cock sticking straight up and motioned for Tristin to come towards him. Eric then said, "Well are you gonna suck it or not?" Tristin overcame his fears, and went over to where Eric was standing. He kneeled and put his lips around Eric's impressive cock. He slowly began to move his tongue around Eric's sensitive head. Eric moaned "ohhh damn". He then grabbed Tristin's head and began moving it up and down on his prick. Tristin just sat there as his mouth was being fucked by his best friend. He couldn't believe it, he felt as if he could cum any second. Eric then tightly grasped Tristin's head and Tristin knew he would begin to cum. "I'm g-g-gonna cum!" Tristin then cupped Eric's low hanging balls and felt them swell. Eric then exploded in Tristin's waiting mouth. It was too much for Tristin and cum oozed out of the sides of his mouth. Eric still had his eyes closed as he pulled away and slowly massaged his softening dick. Tristin sat there with cum dripping down his cheek. It was then that the studly Brady appeared in the living room. "What the fuck is going on here?" Eric and Tristin were stunned to see Brady there, semi-erect. Chris then appeared also. "How was the blow job lil bro?" asked Brady. "Awesome! I have never felt so good!" exclaimed Eric. "Well well, how did you like the blow job little fag?" asked Chris. Tristin said "It was allright. I-I-I guess." Tristin was so embarassed at the whole situation although he enjoyed sucking Eric's cock very, very much. Chris then grinned at Brady and Brady slowly pulled down his boxers... but thats another story.

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