A New Start Series

By Connor PIper

Published on Mar 16, 2014


A New Start 2

Usual warnings apply for Nifty.org (Gay sex, harsh language, ect.)

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Tom was not there when I entered my room, I had a huge lunch, no need for dinner. I went to sleep quickly. My sleep would have been restless, but I went into deep sleep quickly.

When I woke, Tom was not there. Was he some kind of party animal? Or did his parents want him to come home every time he got the chance? No need for questions now. I splashed some water on my face because I was not in the mood to get a coffee, but I was still tired as hell. I grabbed my car keys, thinking what I would do without my binder in engineering. Our teacher liked to use paper quite a bit, as well as the computer. Some students only carried a laptop around! The ones with the backpacks you could pick out as the engineering people. I walked towards the student parking lot, getting a stare by this girl. She started to make her way over to me, so I walked a little faster. I just wanted to say "I'm gay! Go find someone else to annoy!" I got to my car, flung myself into the drivers seat, and started the engine. She stopped on the sidewalk. Was she thinking of throwing herself in front of my car to get my attention? Only then did I realize the piece of paper stuck under my windshield wiper.

I stopped, and opened the door. I got out and grabbed the paper, but before I could unfold it to read it, that girl was standing right next to me. I put the paper in my pocket

"Nick, right?" She said, she was a little shorter than me, had brown straight hair, and was wearing the usual stuff. Short shorts, and a blouse that let a bit of her belly expose.

"Yea, why?" I said, thinking "What the fuck do you want?"

"I'm Karry, in your Engineering class. I wanted to ask you a question, I heard that you were good at this stuff, and I need some serious help. We have barely begun the year and I am already struggling" She said

Switching from my "What the fuck" mood, I put on a smile

"Yea I would love to help, here is my phone number" As I took out my phone and she hers, we exchanged numbers and did the quick test text

"Thanks, I'll text you when we should meet. Thanks!" She jumped on me and gave me a hug

I got into my car drove to Engineering, I never understood why the dorms were so far from the actual college part.

I stopped the car and got out, the colder morning air stinging my face. I walked towards the building clutching my laptop as I walked. I got to the classroom, there was about 10 people already there, which was about half. I set down my computer in the usual spot, checking Beautifuls chair for any sign of him. Nope. I scanned the room to see Karry staring right at me from the bottom row. She smiled and waved, and I did back. The guy next to her gave me the eye. My freaking god, does he think that I am trying to steal her by waving and smiling? What a dumbass! I opened the lid of my laptop and just looked at the news. Beautiful walked into the room, I just looked over real quick. And then back to my computer, lost in a news story. The A/C came on, making me very cold. School A/C always activates when you need it the least. It was cold outside! Then our teacher came in, he set down some papers. And then looked up while holding an assignment that we had a couple days ago.

"Mr. Erickson, Kris Erickson" he said while looking around. And you know who stood up. His name is Kris! Beautiful no more!

He walked over and they talked a bit. Then he sat down. Wonder why...

I shifted in my seat, and felt the paper in my pocket. Oh yea! I pulled it out and up folded it. It read "Meet me at the campus coffee shop today after your last class. I have your binder" It was signed "Kris"

My eyes about fell out! WHAT! This would be interesting. The rest of class was me trying to type things that I had to wright. And draw with the touchscreen in paint. This was stupid. Kris kept looking over at me, I did not return that embarrassing favor.

My advanced math class was mostly me thinking what I would do with Kris. And my last class, computer programming was me just being nervous. After I was done for the day, I walked for my car, realizing that it was still cold. I got into my car and made my way, slowly, to the coffee shop close to the dorms. I got out and looked through the glass windows in front while I made my way to the door. There was Kris, he was walking away from the counter with a cup in either hand. Oh great, a conversation. I walked up to the door, took a breath, and then pulled it open. I looked around for Kris. There he was, looking out the window, and then right at me. I smiled and then waved, and made my way over to him. I sat down at the booth that he had gotten.

"Hey, I got you what I usually get, so I hope you like it" He said and then handed me the cup.

"Thanks, what is it?" I said

"Oh, its just a coffee with some creamer and a bit of sugar. What I usually get" He said

"Sounds good" I said and took a sip. Realizing it had quite a bit of creamer, I thought I was the only person that liked coffee with a metric crap ton of creamer.

"I did not know anyone else loved this much creamer!" I said

"Well, i'm glad you like it" He said "I have your binder here" And picked up my binder which was resting on the bench next to him. I tried not to stare too much.

"So.. Ummm" He said as he was handing it over


I was staring at him while I was handing the binder over

"So Ummm" I said

Darn, who is this guy. Why does he give me this boner. He is a strange person, not in a bad way. He has his hair perfect and controlled, never wears anything too flashy. Has that computer of his that he carries around everywhere. And he drives that massive Volvo. His parents? He was not the most attractive person on campus. But he was sure in the top 10. I could have stared at him for a while.

"You should come over to my room sometime, I really need help with engineering" I said, trying to hint something. I wanted to talk to him alone. I was gay. He stares at me. I stare at him. We were both very awkward around each other. Something was going on here.

"Actually I had Karry ask me, she is in our class also. Maybe we could have a study party?" He said and laughed. That laugh, oh god. It turned me on so much.

"Yea, that sounds fun! Lets trade numbers!" I said. Anything to get close to him

"Actually she was going to meet me here, and you are already here. I could text her. I have my binder now and my laptop" he said as he was pulling out his phone.


When I denied the phone number, the fire in his eyes was stomped out. God, I hope what was happening was actually happening. Freaking emotions. I texted Karry and she quickly replied that she was really close and was on her way.

I got my laptop ready and she walked up that guy. They were holding hands, and he was staring at me. While she was completely oblivious.

"Hey Nick!" She said

"Hey, I have Kris here. He is also in Engineering" I said

Kris gave me a look. No idea what that was.

"Let me move" I said I got up and took the window seat on the other side of the booth. Karry took the other window seat. So I was now sitting next to Kris. And looking at Karry, with Douchebag across the way.

"I just wanted to ask you a couple of questions and then I will be out of here, it's date night!" She said and smiled at whoever Douchebag was.

"Okay. Was it on tolerances?" I said "I know the terms can get a little mixed up"

"Yea, I have this reference drawing. And when I try to put it into the computer, the dimensions are not right"

She said as she pulled out a MacBook Pro and a piece of paper "I just get so frustrated, what is wrong?"

Hmmm, I looked at the paper. "This measurement that you are using is not the dimension, its the tolerance. You can be .005 in off. The hole is no .005 in wide."

"Ohhh!" she said and smacked her hand on her forehead while looking at the paper. "Wow, what a stupid mistake" "Okay well, we will be going" "thanks" she said as Mr. Douchebag got up

She walked ahead of him, while he stayed behind. He looked at me and licked his lips. Like "I get to fuck her! Ha! I'm better than you!" He made my blood boil. I just wanted to fling my laptop at his face.


I saw how Nick looked at that guy after he walked away. God he must hate him.

"Nick, I had some issues with AutoCAD. But I don't have my laptop with me" I said

"Okay, where did you leave it?" He said, putting his phone down

"It's at my dorm room" I said "Wait do you have your car?"

"Yea, why?" He said

"Oh, then we can drive" I said "My parents took my car when I left for college. They really don't trust me" I laughed

"Okay" he said "Lets get moving"

I moved from the booth allowing him out of the bench


We were going back to his dorm room. Oh crap. What would I do. Well. I would have to see.

We walked out to my car, it was very cold. I got in and so did he. I started the car and put on our seat heaters. And drove back to to the dorms. We did not talk Nothing happened. The radio helped me.

I parked once we were there. The sky was a dark shade and the clouds were black splotches in the sky. There was a slight breeze, the night was restless. We walked to our dorm building, and then to the third floor. I followed him to his room.

He slid the card into the door, and it opened.

Okay, another one!

Please E-Mail me at (thatvolvoguy80@gmail.com) with your questions and suggestions!

Hopefully I can write more next time! This was done on short notice becasue of issues with the first story.

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