A New Stage of Our Friendship

By Cody Mitchels

Published on Sep 26, 2020


This is a fictional story ... any similarities to actual people, places, events, or other entities is purely coincidental. The story involves gay sex, and other acts between friends of legal age, and is written solely for the reading enjoyment of people who aren't offended by material of this type!

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Sorry for taking so long with this chapter, unfortunately real life got in the way. It also took a little to find some inspiration for this chapter but hopefully you all enjoy it! ;-)

James still rock hard walked back into the bedroom with Adam standing next to him. I watched as Adam finished a bottle of water and began undoing his pants.

"It's good to see you again Cody."

I licked the rest of my cum from my lips while Adam moved in towards me. He tossed his pants to the side of the room and gave his cock a few tugs as he stripped off his shirt. James smirked and raised his eyebrows at me a few times, trailed his fingers up Adam's ass and then climbed onto the bed and started kissing me. He waved Adam over to the other side of the side and gave my lips a quick lick.

"Go ahead."

Adam smiled and grabbed his growing dick in his hand and then let out a forceful and surprisingly accurate stream of piss right into my mouth. James watched my mouth fill a few times while I gulped it down. He turned to face Adam and drank some down himself and then moved in to kiss me while James kept pissing, drenching us and the bed. When it eventually slowed James held out his hand for Adam to come join us on the bed.

James kissed my neck moving his lips back down my chest, to my stomach and finally to my dick. Even though I just came I already started to grow hard again when I felt his tongue graze the head. I let out a small moan when I felt two of his fingers push into me. Just as I started to moan Adam circled my lips with his cock. Still tasting like his piss, his cock fully entered my mouth and I felt the head push into my throat. I moaned again as his pubes tickled my nose and I breathed in his musky crotch. James took my balls into his mouth and pushed a third finger into me.

I started to work on Adam's cock as best as I could while still being handcuffed to the bed. Deepthroating his dick, I was able to lick his balls. It was clear it had been a sweaty day for him at work but I loved it. James continued working my hole, spreading his fingers and then adding a forth. I mimicked what I was feeling on my own cock against Adam's with my tongue. James was stretching my hole and caressing every bit of the head of my cock with his mouth.

"I hope you don't mind but I was at the gym before I came here."

Adam smiled at me as his dick disappeared again down my throat. The only response I could give was a deep moan. My eyes were practically rolling back into my head. James kept stretching my hole with his fingers and alternating between his mouth and his other hand on my cock. He would stop just as I could feel a second load of cum starting to build up, continuously edging me.

Adam's hands wrapped themselves into my hair and he started humping my face. I gagged at the force as his balls started slapping against my chin. My gagging only spurred him on and he fucked my face harder and faster. I strained at the cuffs keeping me attached to the bed as I felt James push his thumb into me with the rest of his fingers. I heard the squirt of more lube onto his hand and then he took me back into his mouth. James pushed his final finger into my hole stretching me more than I'd ever been stretched out before just as Adam erupted into my mouth. His cum spilled out of my mouth. I shouldn't have been surprised at how big his load was considering the size of his cock and balls but it still seemed like an inhuman amount of cum; or at least what given my state it seemed to be. Adam kept thrusting, forcing more cum to fall from my lips onto my chin and chest. I felt James turn his hand inside me as my hole tightened on his wrist. I couldn't stop moaning as I tried to swallow as much cum as possible. Adam had one hand tightly gripping the headboard and his other had my hair bracing himself as he took deep breaths recovering.

James had let go of my cock when his fist fully entered. I felt his tongue back on my balls as he slowly pulled his hand out of me. He pushed Adam over just enough to get in close to my face but he still left is cock in my mouth. James kissed Adam's crotch moving down the shaft until his lips got to mine. He kissed me around the cock in my mouth and lapped at the cum on my face with his tongue. I watched as he took the cum from my face into his mouth and then he let it pour back out onto his hand keeping it in his palm. Once my face had felt relatively clean James moved back down to my hole adding the newly acquired cum as he pushed four fingers back into me.

"I'm gonna have to piss again real soon."

At first I thought Adam was letting me know that he was going to piss directly into my mouth this time but when I looked up and saw that he was looking at James it was clear he was looking to him for direction.

"Start in his mouth but then wash off the rest of your cum. Then you're going to fuck yourself with his cock."

James just spoke so matter of factly. It was insanely hot.

Adam started to fill my mouth with his piss. Between getting to drink more from him and James working my hole so much I thought I was seconds from cumming again. Just when I thought James might let me cum a second time I felt him grip my balls with his other hand. He didn't grab them tight enough to hurt but just enough to shock me out of moving past the point of no return. I couldn't believe how well he knew my body already. Adam kept filling my mouth letting it spill out as he slowly withdrew his cock from my mouth. He was still fairly hard as he took aim at my chin and cheeks attempting to spray off his cum. Instinctually I tried to move so I'd be able to keep drinking it. Adam stretched out though and held my head in place so he could better aim and the remnants of his load on my face.

Between James' spit and lube my cock was pretty slick. James let go of my balls and grabbed Adam's hip and pulled him down onto my cock. The entire time leaving his hand toying with my hole. In one fluid motion Adam took the entire length of my dick into him, his piss now pouring over my chest. I finally felt James' hand leave my hole only to be replaced with a fairly large plug. It was about the size of his four fingers so he had gotten me well prepared to take it all comfortably. Adam started fucking himself with my cock just as he had been instructed to do as James climbed up in front of him and straddled me. He let out a moan as he pushed himself back against Adam's cock taking about half of it, letting the rest of his stream piss fill him up and giving Adam room to fuck him while he also rode me.

James cradled my head and pressed his lips firmly against mine, his tongue once again exploring my mouth. Each thrust from Adam also made James grind his cock into my wet torso as his piss got fucked out of James. James kissed me down to my neck letting out soft moans each time Adam thrust into him. His hands slowly reached up and undid the cuffs binding my hands to the bed. My hands immediately went to James cock. I wanted him to experience as much pleasure as possible. I needed him to. I ran my fingers along the head with one hand and played with his balls with the other. I started slowly jerking him off matching pace with Adam in between us. I trailed up from his balls rubbing his chest and James took two of my fingers into his mouth and started sucking on them. I was so distracted by James I almost forgot that I had Adam on my dick... almost.

James must have been confident that with both of them on top of me there would be no way I could thrust my hips. He was right. They were still in complete control of when I got to cum and it was amazing. My hands now completely exploring James' body, I moved them down and gripped his ass. I spread his ass more letting Adam pound him deeper. I reached under him and trailed my fingers along Adam's cock as it pounded in and out of James. His balls started to tighten and I knew that he was close. James put both hands on my chest and pushed me down giving himself better leverage to bounce on Adam's dick. I watched Adam's head fall back as he moaned out dumping another load into James. James pulled off of him and spun around taking Adam's dick into his mouth and positioning his ass right in front of me. He gripped my air and pulled against him while he sucked on Adam. I plunged my tongue deep into James, desperate to get as much cum in me as possible. It was all too intense. I practically screamed in pleasure into James' ass as I shot my second load deep into Adam.

Once James saw that I came, and was satisfied I ate all of Adam's load, he pulled Adam off of me and forced him into the position he was just in. James stroked his dick as he watched me, worn out but still very enthusiastically lap my cum out of Adam's ass. My tongue was still deep in Adam when James pushed his aside and shot a load right into my mouth. After a few deep breaths he pulled me up for a deep kiss sharing the taste of all three of us with me. I dropped my head back down onto the pillow trying to catch my breath. When I opened my Adam was getting dressed. It was like nothing had happened. He gave me a smile and put a hand on James' shoulder as he started to undo my leg restraints.

"Well this was fun as hell."

James smiled at him and then smirked at me.

"It definitely was. I'll let you know the next time Cody is feeling extra thirsty."

With that Adam left the room and I heard the door to the apartment as he fully left. I was still kind of in shock from how hot everything was. I replayed the highlights in my mind only to be brought back to reality when James put the cage back on my cock, locking it and then putting the key in a small safe I never knew he had in his closet. He laid back down on the bed next to me and kissed my neck.

"What did you think Cody? Did you have fun?"

"I can't believe you even have to ask. That was incredible."

"Good, I'm glad you enjoyed it."

James went back to kissing me as his hands trailed down to my ass. I felt him move the plug around in me. I leaned against him as he played with the toy in me. James nibbled on my ear lobe as he slowly pulled the plug out of me. After tossing the plug on to the ground I felt him push his cock in me and let a stream of piss out. After he finished filling me up with his piss he pulled me in tight against him. We both dozed off to sleep with his half hard cock still in me, my ass leaking his piss over both of us and the bed.

I woke up the next morning to his cock growing inside me. I was pretty surprised he wasn't up before me, but since it was Saturday neither of us had work he must have decided to sleep in. It was either morning wood or just the scent and state of the room that was making his cock throb while he was still asleep. That's what was doing it for me.... well that's what was making me even horniner apart from the hard dick in me. If I wasn't locked up I knew I'd be just as hard as he was based on how tight my cage was... My cage. I guess I'd fully embraced James keeping me in chastity.

I started to slowly grind up against him. There was so much lube, piss and cum in me the night before that my ass was still pretty slick. James' hands moved to my hips and he drowsily turned my face to him to kiss me. His gentle thrusts in and out of me started to pick up pace. His right hand reached around gripping my cage tightly. He stopped thrusting and just held me against his body. His cock throbbed inside me, each pulse sent shivers through me.

"I don't want to cum yet. We have the day to ourselves so where's the rush. I just woke up anyway. I haven't even had the chance to piss yet."

James kissed my neck again as I felt his hard cock unleash a strong stream into me. He pulled out of me letting his piss pour out onto the bed. I let out an involuntary whimper when his dick finally left me. He stood up and stretched a few drops of piss glistened from the tip of his dick. I leaned over and licked them off and James pulled me up for another kiss.

"I'm surprised you're not spent after yesterday. Good to know you're always ready for more."

He laughed and pulled me up off the bed.

"Get in the shower and clean up. I'll be in in a few minutes."

I let out a large hyperbolic sigh and dragged myself to the bathroom. He chuckled and spanked me as I walked past him. As much as I enjoyed smelling like everything we did the previous night it would be nice to get cleaned up so we can start fresh today. I washed my hair and started to soap up as I heard James changing the sheets. A few minutes later James stepped in behind me and finished soaping up my back. His fingers trailed down my back grazing my ass. A shiver ran through me as I hoped for more but James just started cleaning himself.

"Wash my back."

He spun around and handed me the bottle of body wash. I squirted some onto his back and lathered him up. As the soap ran clean from his body I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him up against me taking in the last bit of his smell before it was masked from the shower. He leaned his head back against my shoulder and spread his ass so my cage was resting right against his hole. He started to grind against the cage ever so slightly. I took shallow breaths as my cock tried to no avail to get fully hard. James let out a soft moan and then spun around and pushed me up against the shower wall. He grabbed my hands, pinned them above my head with one hand, and then started kissing me. James softly bit my bottom and took my balls in his free hand.

"I bet you wish you could cum right now don't you?"

All I could do was nod. After the day we had yesterday I would think I wouldn't be this horny but James just had a crazy effect on me. He smirked and spun me around keeping my hands above my head. I heard the cap of something open and felt three lubed finger tips circle my hole. I looked and saw that he brought a bottle of lube into the shower with him. I looked back at him expectantly but he kept his fingers circling.

"What do you want me to do Cody?"

"I want you in me."

"Where are your manners Cody?"

I tried to push myself back onto his fingers but he moved them back in time keeping them just grazing my hole.

"Please James, finger me."

As his name left my mouth his fingers pushed all the way into me. James started slowly fucking me with his fingers spreading them apart as far as he could each time his knuckles met with my hole. Three wasn't anything like feeling his entire hand in me like I did the night before but it still felt amazing. He let go of my hands and I felt more lube hit right where his knuckles met my ass. A fourth finger entered me and he kept spreading them apart as he worked my hole. James had me moaning uncontrollably. He kissed me from shoulder up to my ear lobe and pulled at it with his teeth.

"If you want my cock too you need to ask for it Cody."

As he whispered into my ear I felt him position the head of his cock directly below the three fingers already in me.

"Oh fuck. Come on James, please. Please fuck me."

"How badly do you want it Cody?"

"More than anything James. I need you to fuck me."

James spread his fingers apart inside of me and then pushed the head of dick in underneath them. I took a deep breath and used my hands to brace myself against the wall of the shower. He slowly pushed the rest of his dick in me making sure I felt every inch. James ran his free hand up my back and rested his arm across my back using it to brace himself as he used his fingers and cock to fuck me. Each thrust and push of his fingers forced a louder moan out of me. My cage felt tighter than even as James forced precum out of my dick as it strained to get free. His breathing picked up and with a final thrust he pushed me against the shower wall with his whole body while the water kept pouring down over us. His fingers came out first and went right to my mouth and I eagerly sucked them clean. My body quivered as he went down on his knees and spread my legs. He kissed my balls and then shoved his tongue deep into me as he sucked out the load he just filled me with. He trailed up my back with his tongue until he was standing again. He gave me a small peck on the lips and then pushed me down to my knees. I took his cock his cock into my mouth, cleaning it off and gently kissed the head as I waited. I looked up at him expectantly and he just started back at me smiling.


"I want your piss James."

His smile widened as his post fuck piss shot out over my face. I started drinking it down as I took his cock back into my mouth moaning on him as he pissed down my throat. Once I drank the last few drops he pulled me back up to my feet, kissed me, and we rewashed ourselves.

After we dried off, James threw on a pair of shorts, grabbed us some coffee and put a movie on we'd been planning on watching. He patted the couch and then grabbed the butt plug that was charging next to him. He must have set it up before he met me in the shower. He squirted some lube onto it and held it in place on the couch next to him. I walked over and lowered myself onto the plug a loud moan escaping me as the movie started.

Just like the last, I hope this chapter keeps you as hard as I was while writing it. Thanks for reading!

Cody codymitchels@yahoo.com

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