A New Stage of Our Friendship

By Cody Mitchels

Published on Jul 22, 2020


This is a fictional story ... any similarities to actual people, places, events, or other entities is purely coincidental. The story involves gay sex, and other acts between friends of legal age, and is written solely for the reading enjoyment of people who aren't offended by material of this type!

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"Fuck I can't wait until Friday."

I dreamt of his cock pulsing inside of me followed by the sweet taste of his cum as piss. I woke up the next day my cock straining against its cage. It was going to be a long few days. I almost wished I didn't work from home so it would have been easier to distract myself from how horny I was. Had it really only been about a day since I last came? Waking up to a glass of his piss fueling a jerkoff and fingering session seemed like so long ago just because of how much we did after that. I looked down and sighed at the pool of precum leaking from my locked dick. I was just going to have to get used to having precum everywhere.

I decided to take a shower and get ready for the day. It helped calm me down a little bit as it washed away the scent from the previous two days. I smelled clean which made me miss James even more. I walked over to my dirty clothes on the ground, picked them up, and took a big sniff. I breathed in deep savoring the scent of the past two days. With them still at my face, it took me a few seconds before I realized I was staring at the empty bottle that was once full of his piss.

"Fuck, what have I become."

I couldn't help but laugh to myself. I start drinking his piss and I became an animal for it. I actually contemplated seeing if I could lick anymore out of the bottle just to get one more taste.

"Wow. Okay, time for work Cody."

I finished getting dressed and opened up my laptop and started working. I did data entry. It wasn't a glamorous job by any means but it covered all my bills, with pretty flexible hours while I worked from home so who was I to complain. I started playing some music and got to work. The first hour or so my mind kept drifting to my cock. Usually jerking off in the morning helps me focus but since that wasn't an option anymore I just had to double down on my willpower. Was it still willpower if I didn't have a choice since James locked me up?

I finally forced myself to keep working. It was going pretty well until around lunch. I was making myself some food when I got a text from James.

"Just thought I'd say hi..."

Followed by a video of his hard dick pissing at a urinal at his office. I almost dropped my phone. And my plate of food. And my coffee. I went to my bathroom and took a picture of myself to send back to him. Still fully clothed but a very visible wet spot on the front of my shorts.

"Fuck dude... You're so mean."

"You clearly love it."

"Yeah, I guess you got me there."

"Good boy. ;-)"

There I was stupid enough to think that I'd be able to focus on my job for the rest of the day. I spent the next few hours of my work shift mainly browsing the internet for new jockstraps and sex toys. I wasn't sure if getting something for my hole would help or just make me hornier but James could always use whatever I got on me too. I eventually fully gave up and officially clocked out for the day.

The next couple of days were more or less the same. I grew hornier and hornier as time went on but there still wasn't anything I could do about so it just sort of became my default state. Instead of jerking off in the morning, I decided to finger myself for a little bit before I showered. I definitely enjoyed it but my fingers didn't compare at all to James' or his dick. I thought I'd have a bit more fun so I sent James a video of me pissing into a glass. My cock in its cage hung fully into the glass to make sure I didn't miss and spill everywhere.

I was a little nervous at first when I didn't get an immediate response but once I got out of the shower my phone buzzed.

"Send me a vid of you drinking it all"

It was a good thing I hadn't gotten dressed yet because seeing his message made my cock start dripping. I recorded myself in the bathroom mirror, fully naked except for the cage, savoring every single gulp. I licked my lips and then sent it to him. I got back a short video of James rubbing his dick through his underwear.

"God you're hot. I don't plan on cumming again until I can cum in

you though."

"I can't wait for the weekend then."

Friday finally rolled around. I couldn't wait for the end of the night. I thought about canceling our plans to go out and just telling James that I needed his dick in me ASAP but I figured being that eager would only make him enjoy holding out more.

"Check the mail. I bought you something for tonight. Make sure it's

charged and in before I pick you up."

That text didn't really make sense until I finally took a break from work and grabbed the small box that was sitting outside my door for me. Inside was a pretty good-sized butt plug that linked to a phone app. I immediately started charging it. I figured he'd want me in jockstrap anyway so I changed into one and then went back to work. A semi-rational thought kicked in though...

"You really want me to wear that while we're out with our friends?"

"...I wouldn't have bought it for you if I didn't expect you to wear it."

"It's already charging."

"Good boy."

That "good boy" from him sent a chill through my body. Just like when he fucking smirked at me. We both knew I would do whatever he wanted me to. It was just so wild that this happened so quickly.

James must have left work early because he texted me he was on his way before five. I finished getting ready, cleaned myself up a bit, then lubed up the butt plug and put it in. It was bigger than I was used to but once it was fully in it felt amazing. There was a single knock on my door then James came in. He closed the door behind him and pulled me in for a kiss. It was almost surprising but I eagerly met his lips with my own. As we kissed hello his right moved down into my pants and I felt one of his fingers push against the plug that was inside of me.

"Good. Now open up I have to piss. And swallow it all because that shirt looks good on you so I'm gonna make you wear it whether it's drenched or not."

His was cock was out almost as fast as I dropped to my knees. He was already starting to get hard and I couldn't help but start sucking him. He grabbed my head and held me in place so he could start pissing. My lips formed a tight seal around his dick. I had practically been dreaming about tasting him again all week so I didn't want to waste a single drop. Once he was done James grabbed a handful of hair and pulled me off of his dick.

"No, not yet. We're gonna be late."

"Fuck. Okay."

"Don't worry Cody. It's gonna be a great night. Oh and before I forget..."

James grabbed the box the butt plug came in and scanned it with his phone to pair the app. The plug had been idle until it was paired but as soon as it was, the vibrations sent a huge chill throughout my entire body. He gave me another quick kiss and we were out the door. Had it not been for the chastity device I would have been rock hard the entire drive. Every redlight James sent a quick pulse through the butt plug causing little moans to sneak out from me.

"Just trying to get you a little used to it. We'll be out in public soon so I assuming you don't want to be audibly moaning around our friends."

He just smiled at me and chuckled while I shivered again after a long pulse inside of me. We finally made it to the bar. It was a local dive, but it was nice divey, not like threat of tetanus divey. We started walking in and I watched as first James texted our friends letting them know we were there, and then he set the plug to vibrate in waves so that he wouldn't need to be on his phone the entire time. He gave me a wink and held the door for me. I took a deep breath and went in and saw our friends at a booth.

"Take a seat Cody, I'll get us drinks."

I took a seat trying to distract myself from the constant bursts inside me and hoping that my jeans wouldn't get too wet from precum. Our friends slid over and made room for me. Both other couples were also at the wedding the previous weekend with us. Jane and Ky had been together for a few years and Elliot and Sam were together even longer.

"So James tells us you guys finally got together at the wedding?!"

I just kind of stared at them. I didn't really know how to label what James and I were doing but I guess he did. James arrived a few seconds later and handed me a bottle of beer and sat down next to me putting his arm around my shoulder.

"Yeah, I don't know what took us so long either. I guess being at yet another wedding with Cody as my plus one made me realize that we should just be dating."

"Awwww that's so cute! So is this like your first official date then?"

I felt another pulse from the butt plug.

"Well, we spent the whole day after the wedding together. And the night of if I'm being honest."

James laughed as he said that and then kissed me. Everyone awwed again and I just took a big gulp from my beer trying to act as natural as possible. We spent the next bit of time just laughing and joking around with our friends. Eventually, James grabbed my empty beer bottle and left. A few minutes later he came back with a full bottle for both of us and then the bartender brought over shots for the table.

"Thanks, dude."

James passed the bartender a tip and we did our shots. I went to take a sip of my beer but as I was bringing it up to my lips I smelled James' piss. Then I realized that my bottle was still slightly warm. I looked at James who just smirked at me. I took a big gulp and licked my lips.

"Thanks for the beer James."

"No prob."

He gave me a wink and we kept chatting with our friends. After the past few days, I didn't think it was possible for James to make me hornier than I already was but as I sat there drinking his piss hidden in a beer bottle, with a butt plug constantly vibrating in me, I thought I was going to explode. Being with our friends was both simultaneously a good distraction and also part of the problem. It turned me on so much having James do so much to me even while we were out in public with our friends.

"Wow, Cody you're downing that beer."

"I guess I'm just really thirsty."

I laughed a bit and James discretely cupped my locked cock with his hand.

"I'll grab you another then."

He raised his eyebrows quick at me and then I watched as he walked to the bathroom with my empty bottle. I let out a deep happy sigh and we kept chatting and joking. As he was coming back I saw him order more shots for us. My friends made a comment that I was doing pretty well with all the shots AND all the beer I was drinking. Them getting a little drunker a little faster must have been James' plan. When he got back he pulled out his phone and turned up the buttplug. I shook a bit but after a few short breaths, I regained my composure. Luckily it seemed like our friends were none the wiser.

I practically moaned into my bottle as took another long swig. I smiled at James and widened my eyes a bit. He just smiled back and moved my hand under the table onto his crotch. His hard dick throbbing through his jeans. I slowed down on my "beer", both to savor it a bit more and to make sure it didn't seem like I was chugging beer after beer. Ky got up and played a song on their jukebox (because this bar surprisingly still had one) and we went back to having a great time. Between the shots and the bottles of piss/beer I've had to drink I really had to pee.

"Want me to grab you one this time?"

"Yeah take both of our empties and make em the same."

James gulped down the rest of my bottle and then winked at me. I bit my lip as I walked away, sneaking into the bathroom with two empty beer bottles. I went into the stall and carefully filled up both of our bottles. I almost dropped both bottles as I felt the butt plug intensify. Luckily no one was in there with me because I was audibly moaning at this point. I bit into my arm as the plug turned from an intense constant vibration to really strong pulses and the slowly settled back down. I let my breathing settle a bit and then took a few sips from each bottle to make sure they looked like an actual level for a new bottle of beer and dried them.

I sat back down next to James and waited for him to meet my stare. He just laughed and took a sip from his bottle. The others didn't notice as I leaned in close to him.

"You almost made me drop them both."

"I couldn't help it. It's too much fun watching you squirm."

The next couple of hours went on like that. We'd take turns filling our bottles and ordering shots. Our friends couldn't believe how much we were drinking and they eventually stopped doing the shots with us. At the end of the night, we got a Lyft back to James' place. We stayed pretty quiet but James was on his phone the entire time constantly changing what the plug was doing inside of me. He watched me with a huge grin on his face as I gripped my knees in the back seat trying not to moan. We finally made it back to his place and the butt plug was on full at this point. I was panting by the time we entered his apartment and I just looked at him. James just walked past me to the kitchen and grabbed us some water.

"Down on your knees."

I stared up at him moaning as the butt plug pulsed inside me. He slowly undid his pants, taking as long as he could. He loved watching me desperate for him. He pulled out his hard dick and started pissing all over my face.

"You can't get enough can you?"

He aimed for my mouth and eagerly swallowed as much as I could while I rocked back and forth on the plug. I moved forward and took his dick into my mouth while he kept pissing. I was ravenous, taking him as far into my mouth and throat as I could while I was still gulping down his stream. I felt the butt plug in me stop completely as he finished pissing and pulled me off of his dick. He pulled me up to my feet and pushed me to his room. He kicked off his pants and underwear as we walked and took off his shirt then undressed me.

James licked some piss off of my face and pushed me down on his bed. I let out a loud gasp as he pulled the butt plug out of me in one quick pull and then an even louder moan when I felt his tongue start circling my balls. I head the lube pop open and then three fingers went into me as he took my balls one at a time into his mouth, alternating which one he was sucking as he fingered me. His fingers pulled out of me and he moved up and started kissing me as he gripped his dick and circled my hole with the head. I moaned into him and dug my fingers into his back. He pushed me away and took a step back leaving me whimpering.

James moved me to the center of the bed put a large pillow behind me and reached behind his headboard. He pulled a long pair of handcuffs from each bead post and locked my hands in. He started kissing my neck and started rubbing the cage on my cock. He scooped up the pool of precum leaking from me and put his fingers into my mouth. As I sucked on his fingers cleaning them off I felt the entire length of his cock go into me with one quick thrust. I tightened my hole around him as I desperately tried to milk his cock in me.

James moved my legs up to his shoulders and started making slow forceful thrust. HIs one hand moved to my chest and the fingers I just sucking on moved down and first started playing with the cage and my balls. A gasp escaping me with each thrust James moved his hand up and down on the cage. He would have been jerking me off if I wasn't in chastity. He must have been just as horny as I was because it was only a few minutes before his breathing shortened. He gripped onto my chest as his cum erupted into me.

James' body shook and we moaned together, his lips moving back to my neck and chest. His lips met mine as he cock slid from me. He got up from the bed and grabbed a small key from his dresser. He came over and unlocked the cage and took it off my dick. He put it down on the ground. Forgetting I was in cuffs I reached for my dick but was stopped by the restraints.

"Oh come on."

"I decide when and how you cum Cody."

His fingers pushed back into me this time four sliding in fairly easily. He spread his fingers in me making me squirm and thrash slightly all while letting out moans that were practically screams. He pulled his fingers from me and replaced them with the butt plug. His hand, slick with lube and his own cum from my ass went to my already hard dick. James stroked my dick a couple of times and then straddled me and slowly lowered himself onto me. He took every inch of my dick into his ass and he started to ride me. I tried to thrust into him but he held my legs down against the bed. With my dick still inside him, he spun around and attached my ankles to cuffs at the other two corners of the bed. James turned and looked me in the eyes and started playing with my balls in his hand.

"I decide when and how you cum."

He went back to riding my dick. He grabbed it by the base and each time pulled it completely out of his ass before dropping back down meeting his hand. James matched me as we moaned each time his ass took my full length. He did his best to edge me with his ass but after the week I had, it didn't take long for me to cum.

My head fell back into the pillow, moaning as I exploded into James. I felt his ass grip my cock as he kept riding, getting every drop of cum from me. He pulled off of me and moved and took my dick into his mouth. He swirled the head of my cock with his tongue. I opened my eyes to watch James pull his hand up from his ass full of my cum. He licked his hand clean keeping my cum on his tongue as he came in and kissed it back into my mouth. Still straddling me he started grinding into my chest with his dick as it was already growing hard again. There was a loud knock on the door. James kissed me one last time and licked a bit of cum off of my lips.

"Perfect timing."

He winked at me and left the room leaving me cuffed to his bed. I head James open the door and then some muffled talking. Steps got closer to the bedroom door.

"So where's the bathroom? I have to pee."

"It's right in here."

James still rock hard walked back into the bedroom with Adam standing next to him. I watched as Adam finished a bottle of water and began undoing his pants.

"It's good to see you again Cody."

I hope this chapter keeps you as hard as I was while writing it. Thanks for reading!

Cody codymitchels@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 5

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