A New Stage of Our Friendship

By Cody Mitchels

Published on Jul 13, 2020


This is a fictional story ... any similarities to actual people, places, events, or other entities is purely coincidental. The story involves gay sex, and other acts between friends of legal age, and is written solely for the reading enjoyment of people who aren't offended by material of this type!

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I woke up in the still damp bed. The entire room still smelled like piss and cum. Whether it was from just having woken up or from the smell of the room I was rock hard. I looked around wondering where James was when I saw a note from him on one of the nightstands.

"I had to run an errand. Be back soon. Left you a glass in case you're thirsty when you wake up.

P.S. Don't spill a drop. -James"

Behind the note was a glass full to the brim with still warm piss. Without meaning to I licked my lips, sat up, and reached over for the glass. It was still warm so he couldn't have woken up much earlier than I did. I rested the glass on my lips taking in the aroma and letting it wet my lips. I tasted my lips which made my already hard cock start leaking precum.

I started to drink and rub my cock. As much as I wanted every drop I let a little pour out of my mouth, down my chest to my cock. James' piss mixed with my precum to make my cock even slicker. Once I finished the glass I moved my hand down and started exploring my hole. I started with one finger and pushed it all the way in. My own hand didn't compare to feeling James work my hole like he did last night but I was too horny to stop at this point.

I scooped up some precum and used it to add a second finger as I picked up my pace stroking my cock. My mind wandered thinking of all of the things that we did last night. Replaying every second starting with the car ride home. I hoped there would plenty more to come between me and James.

I curled my fingers up into my hole; both inside me to the knuckle. I let out a loud gasp as I shot stream after stream of cum up my chest. My breathing slowed and I opened my eyes to see James standing in the doorway to his bedroom. I could see he was hard and going commando as his cock was perfectly outlined in the gym shorts he had on. He smirked at me and my eyes fell down to a small black bag in his had.

"I knew you'd be thirsty when you woke up."

"Sorry. Just smelling the room.... And you know, morning wood."

"Don't be sorry, I'm glad I caught the end of the show."

"Where did you go?"

"There was something I needed to pick up for you. Well really it's for us." He walked over and sat on the bed next to me. I looked around for something to clean myself up with but James just sat there and watched me. It was clear he enjoyed seeing me covered in cum and piss.

"What do you mean, and can I get a towel?"

"You'll see soon enough, and no." My cock finally calmed down and that's when James reached into the bag he had. He pulled out a chastity device and started putting it on my cock.

"What the hell dude, what are you doing?"

"Please. You know you want me to take control. I hope you enjoyed jerking off without me because now I get to decide when you cum."

He smiled first at his quick work of attaching the cage to my cock then up at me. Even though I just came, I could feel my cock already firming up as much as the cage would allow. James reached over and wiped a bit of cum from my collar bone and brought it up to my lips. I moaned as he put his fingers into my mouth. His other hand up scooped up the rest of my load and brought it down to my hole. He circled his fingers and pushed two into me using my own cum as lube. His fingers left my mouth and they brought my face to his.

There was even more passion in this kiss than there was last night. I knew I'd do anything to keep this going for as long as possible. I wanted every drop of piss and cum that he had to off. He pulled out his fingers reached into the bag and grabbed a big bottle of lube and positioned the bottle right at my hole and squeezed a good amount into me. I felt the tips of three fingers retrace my hole and then push into my re-lubed ass. He worked me with three while he moved his mouth to softly bite my ear.

I rocked into his hand moaning each time I felt the base of his three fingers against my hole. His fingers pulled out to their tips to reenter but this time with a fourth. I practically screamed into him as I bit his shoulder in a fit of pleasure and passion. I had just cum minutes prior to this and my cock was locked up in a cage but it was still somehow leaking more precum than I ever did before when I was rock hard and horny as hell.

"Oh fuck James..."

"That's the plan."

He pulled his face away and pushed me down on my back. James kept working my ass. This was the most I've ever had in me and I loved it. James knew what to do to my body to keep me squirming in pleasure. His tongue started licking around his fingers and up to my balls as he took one into his mouth. My hand slammed down and gripped the sheets as he lifted one of my feet up to his shoulder. He removed his fingers from me and put my other foot up near his head forcing a whimper out of me when my hole was empty.

I don't know when he did it but his shorts were already off. He reached into the bag and grabbed the last thing he bought on his "errand" and pulled a cock ring up and around his shaft and balls. James positioned the head of his dick at my hole and started pissing into me. The initial burst shocked and I sat up, holding myself up on one hand while I moaned in between gasps. He pushed me back down, my legs up on his shoulders making it pretty easy to do so. He thrust his dick into my starting to fill me up with his hot steady stream. Each thrust he pulled his dick fully out of me letting his stream drain over my hole both from the inside and out.

James started picking up speed just as his stream stopped. He didn't let his dick leave me anymore. He leaned in and started kissing me again. Moans escaped from both of us as he fucked me. I started squeezing his cock with my hole desperately trying to milk him inside me. I wrapped my arms around him and held him tight. James dug his fingers into my back as I felt his entire body tense up. He dropped his head onto my chest and I felt his cock slowly slide out of my wet hole.

After a few deep breaths, he lowered my legs and then reached down to my ass. He put a few fingers back into me and scooped out his fresh load. His fingers came up to my face and hovered over my mouth.

"Open your mouth."

With zero hesitation I opened up and let his cum slide off of his fingers into my mouth. I leaned up and started sucking on his fingers cleaning his cum off of them. James kissed me around his fingers while he slid them in and out of my mouth. Once he was satisfied we got all the cum off, he pulled his fingers away and replaced them in my mouth with his tongue. After one last slow kiss, he pulled away and laid down on the bed next to me.

"Holy shit James."

"I'm so glad we both took today off."

"Well I figured we'd want the day after a wedding off but I had no idea this would be happening."

I moved my head over onto James' chest. I could tell he hadn't showered yet either. He smelled just like his bedroom. Multiple loads of cum and maybe a gallon of piss. I breathed in his smell as deep as I could and let out a soft sigh. He wrapped his arm around me and we both dozed back off to sleep.

We both woke up around the same time. James got up, stretched and put the shorts he was wearing back on. He walked over to his dressed and grabbed what I thought was a pair of underwear and tossed it to me. I held it up and it was a jockstrap but it made so the fabric was open in the front as well acting a cloth cock ring.

"Really? This is what you're offering for me to wear."

"Yup! I'd say you could wear your underwear from yesterday but I already put them in the wash this morning. It's so helpful you're such a sound sleeper." "Okay so am I keeping the cage on?"

"Oh most definitely. I like having my Cody all horned up now. I think I'm gonna keep you this way for a while."

I thought about protesting both the cock ring jockstrap and the fact that I was still wearing a chastity device, but the fact that my cock was once again leaking precum kind of gave away what I wanted. He watched a drop fall from my cock as I stood up and up put on the "underwear" he gave me.

"I'm gonna have to leave at some point you know."

"I know, and when you do you'll be able to wear your piss soaked suit pants to go back home. They're dry clean only so I didn't want to ruin them with my washing machine."

James laughed and made his way to the living room. I grabbed my phone and followed him out of the room. We sat on the couch and started to play some video games. Everything went on as it normally would. We laughed and joked around and ordered some lunch. I almost wouldn't have believed the night before and morning had happened had it not been for being essentially naked next to my best friend and that after a little while he said he had to piss and just took out his dick and looked at me expectantly. After a second of me looking at him, he raised an eyebrow and look down at his cock. I hesitated more out of shock even though I shouldn't have been shocked after everything we've already done together.

I knelt down in front of him and took his dick into my mouth started drinking his delicious piss not letting a single drop escape my mouth this time. Focusing on swallowing it all was getting harder as his dick was getting harder as well. Thank god he was just as horny of a person as I was. James pissing into my mouth quickly turned to him fucking my mouth. Without thinking much about it my hand trailed down to my own dick forgetting I was locked up. James chuckled and moaned as I whimpered from my cock straining against it's new cage. He gripped my hair and with one final thrust, he shot into the back of my throat. He kept me on his cock for a few more seconds but then there was a knock on the door. James took his dick out of my mouth and readjusted himself.

"Grab our food Cody."

"Seriously? You know what I'm wearing. You picked it out."

James smirked that smirk again just pointed at the door. I hesitantly made my way to the door and opened it just enough to great the guy dropping off our food. James stood up walked over and flung the door wide open and then put his arm around my shoulder to stop me from trying to hide. The delivery guy's eye grew wide as a smile formed on his face. After he ran his other hand through his hair James took our order.

"Hey dude, this is Cody. Cody this is Adam. You've probably met before since I order from them all the time but I know you've never seen Cody like this before."

"Heh. You're right about that James. I'd definitely remember if I did."

It was pretty clear that Adam was hard. His dick was even bigger than James'. It must have been fairly obvious I was staring because it took both of them laughing for me to realize what was going on and that I was still standing in front of a stranger wearing a chastity device leaking precum on my best friend's carpet.

"Great well thanks again dude. I'm almost positive we're gonna order from you later on in the week."

"Awesome. I'm looking forward to it."

Adam gave us a wink and he left. James closed the door behind him and then brought the food over to the couch and once again acted like nothing was out of the ordinary. Was this just how things were going to be from now on? If so I don't know if I could be any happier. I made my way back over and we ate our lunch and kept going with our day off of gaming. Twice more before I left for the night James had me drink his piss right from his cock. Neither of those times turned into anything more sexual but I loved it nonetheless.

We spent most of the day together until I had to head home for the night. James tossed my now piss-stained clothes at me and smiled at me. Then he handed me a water bottle and grabbed his keys to take me home.

"That's in case you get thirsty and miss me before we hang out again."

James laughed as we left his apartment and I took a huge gulp from this bottle of his piss.

"God it's hot how insatiable you are."

James laughed again we made our way to his car. Once again this all seemed like any normal car ride for us. The only difference was this time when we got to my apartment he kissed me goodbye. Not a regular kiss goodbye but a deeper passionate slightly piss flavored kiss goodbye.

"I pick you up for drinks on Friday. We'll see maybe if I catch up on my work from taking today off we can hang out sooner. See ya Cody!"

Before he left I watched as his eyes went down to my crotch when I turned to wave to him and a big smile grew on his face. I looked down to see that a small wet spot had formed on the front of my pants. I just smiled back at him as he drove away. I walked into my apartment and quickly finished the rest of the water bottle he gave me. Drinking it only made me hornier which now thanks to James I had no way to take care of on my own.

"Fuck I can't wait until Friday."

As always I hope you enjoy and look forward to hearing what you think of this chapter! Thanks for reading!

-Cody codymitchels@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 4

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