A New Slave

By Story Teller

Published on Nov 11, 2023


Disclaimer: This story involves sex and bondage between adult men. If this offends you then please leave.

I have had some really good feedback for this story. Thank you to everyone and I hope you enjoy the rest of the instalments.

If you enjoy this story then please let me know.

Copyright: 2014 - story_teller_2012@hotmail.com

CHAPTER 9 -- Daniel helps Billy lose his cherry

Next morning I awake to the smell of breakfast. I'm in my cage but this time the cage is in Sir's bedroom. I stayed awaked for as long as I could last night just listening to the sound of his breathing as he slept. Sir comes in and lets me out of the cage takes me to the kitchen and feeds me as he had done before.

"We have a visitor today," he says.

"Who is it?" I ask.

"Billy from last night, he's a virgin and has some fantasies he wants fulfilled. We did one of them last night."

"Was that keeping him from joining in?" I ask.

"Yes, he's got this fetish where he gets off on watching someone else have sex while being tied up and them teasing him with the promise of letting him join in."

"Wow that's complex."

Just then the door bell rings I get off Sir's lap and he goes to the front door just wearing his boxers. I'm still stark naked and I head to the bedroom to get my shorts when I meet Sir and Billy in the hallway. Billy sees me naked and immediately blushes and looks down at the floor.

"Take him to the cellar and help him get undressed," Sir instructs me.

I take Billy's hand and lead him through the utility room and into the cellar. Billy's jaw drops open when he sees all the chains and toys.

"Let me help you out of these clothes," I say and begin to unbutton his shirt.

He blushes again, this boy really is incredibly shy. I pull the shirt off his shoulders and stroke his sunken chest, he grabs my hands and stops me, I guess he's very self conscious about it. I then stoop down and remove his trainers before coming back up. I unfasten his belt and zipper and in one quick motion pull his trousers and boxers down to his ankles. I stoop down again to help him step out of his trousers and his swelling cock brushes my face. I look up at him.

"You have a beautiful cock," I say as it continues to grow.

I then kiss it's head and he gasps just as Sir enters the cellar.

"You starting without me?" he asks.

"No Sir, just admiring his cock," I reply.

"It is rather splendid," Sir says and runs a finger along it's length causing a drop of precum to appear. Billy shivers, his cock is now fully erect and I marvel at it's length and want to devour it there and then, my own cock begins to respond.

"Are you ready?" Sir asks Billy.

Billy nods. Sir attaches restraints to his wrists, places a cushion by the wall and gets Billy to kneel down on it. Sir pushes Billy back so he is sitting on his feet and ties arms to the wall in a crucifix position. Sir then turns to me and puts restraints on my arms and ankles. He then ties my arms to the ceiling wide apart and then lifts my legs and ties them to the ceiling also. I'm hanging with my ass facing Billy. Sir then gets a mirror and fixes to the ceiling above my ass, he adjusts it and I can now see my hole clearly. Finally he gags me with a ball gag. I feel so helpless now and I love it.

"Look Billy, look at my boy's ass, he has a nice hole"

Sir then begins to finger my hole, I fling my head back and groan in ecstasy.

"Watch Billy as I finger my boy's hole," Sir says.

I lift my head up and see Billy staring intently at Sir playing in and around my anus.

"Would you like to lick his hole Billy? Would you like to stick your tongue in there?"

Billy looks up at Sir but doesn't say anything.

"Come on Billy, I know you want it. Tell me you want to lick my boy's hole."

Billy still doesn't say anything so Sir removes his finger, places his hand behind Billy's head and pushes him toward me.

"Go on, stick out your tongue, I know you want it," Sir encourages.

Billy closes his eyes and sticks out his tongue but it doesn't quite reach me. Sir stops pushing him and makes an adjustment to Billy's restraints.

"Go on Billy, my boy want's you to lick his hole, don't you boy?" Sir says as he pushes Billy's head towards me again.

I nod my head and muffle out a yes. Billy puts out his tongue again only this time it makes contact with my hole, I gasp. He can only reach far enough for the tip of his tongue to touch my anus but I can see he is straining to get nearer as Sir is no longer pushing him. His tongue dances around my hole and it feels wonderful, I groan loudly with the pleasure.

"That's it Billy, lick my boy's cunt. Listen to him moaning, he likes you licking his hole."

Sir then stands up and walks over to the table of toys. Billy stops and looks at my ass, I clench my anus and Billy stretches forward again his tongue resuming it's dance on my hole. Sir returns and pulls Billy head way back by his hair so he is looking up at Sir.

"You like that don't you Billy You like licking my boy's cunt," Sir says.

Billy doesn't say anything and I hear a crack. I realise sir has just whipped him across his stomach.

"OW!" Billy cries.

"Say it slut, say you like licking my boys ass,"

"I like licking your boys ass," he whimpers.



"You like licking my boys ass what?"

"I like licking your boys ass Sir," he pants.

"Good, lick it some more," and Sir pushes his head back into my ass and his tongue resumes flicking over my ring piece.

Sir kneels down and get's his head close to Billy.

"That's it Billy lick that hole, lick my boy's cunt. I bet you would like your hole licked wouldn't you Billy?"

Billy grunts a yes while he licks my ass.


"ARRGH! Yes Sir!"

"Yes I know you would now keep licking," and he pushes his head back into my ass.

I look at Billy his arms straining behind him, his eyes are now open as he licks me. In the mirror I can see his tongue flicking around my sphincter, it's even more erotic to see it let alone feel it.

After a while Sir pulls Billy back and picks something up. He shows us five black balls all different sizes joined together by some string, the sizes ascend from around one inch in diameter to around four inches along the string.

"Do you know what this is Billy?" Sir asks.

Billy shakes his head.


"ARRGHH!" Billy shouts.

"Speak up boy!" Sir bellows.

"No Sir," he cries.

"They are anal beads Billy, would you like me to put them in my boy's ass?"

Billy nods.


"Y-y-yes Sir!" Billy sobs.

Sir applies some lube to them and begins with the smallest first. I feel apprehensive looking at the largest one. One by one Sir feeds them into my ass, I feel my insides getting fuller. Sir has to apply more pressure to get each bead past my ring piece until he is at the last one. I relax and as he pushes I feel the other beads pressing against my prostrate. It finally snaps in and pushes all the other beads move up further into my bowels, I feel incredibly full.

"Look Billy, my boy has taken all the beads, I bet you would like them up your ass wouldn't you?" Sir asks.

"Y-y-yes Sir" Billy replies.

"Watch Billy as I pull them back out."

Sir tugs on the string and my sphincter slowly expands, I watch as the black orb starts to appear and stretch my ass muscle around it causing me to groan really loudly with the pleasure it's giving me.

"Look Billy, look how his ass is stretching, would you like me to do that to you?"

Billy is panting now, "Yes Sir, Please Sir, Please do that to me."

"All in good time Billy."

Sir keeps pulling on the string and suddenly the ball pops out. I cry out as my sphincter suddenly snaps shut. Sir then pulls hard and all the beads pop out all at once making my ring piece open and close in rapid succession. I cry out again at the incredible sensation.

Sir then removes his boxers and frees his fully erect cock, my heart skips when I realise what he is going to do. He positions himself between me and Billy and opens his legs wide so Billy will have a good view. He then puts his cock head at my hole.

"Watch Billy, watch me as I fuck my boy," Sir says and with that in one smooth movement his cock slides all the way into my ass. I groan through the gag as sir starts fucking me slowly, drawing all the way out to the tip and back deep to his groin.

"Look Billy, I'm fucking my boy, would you like to be fucked?" Sir asks.

"Yes Sir, please fuck me Sir," Billy replies.

"I'm not going to fuck you Billy, my boy is, would you like my boy to fuck you?"

"Yes Sir, he has a nice cock," Billy says.

"Look at me Billy, look at me fucking my boy, imagine you're being fucked Billy."

Billy groans loudly, "please Sir, I want to be fucked."

"You will Billy all in good time."

Sir is panting heavily now, his eyes staring deep into mine. I want to kiss him deeply and I'm ready for him to cum into my ass. To my surprise he pulls out and begins to untie me. He lowers my legs and then releases my arms, makes my kneel directly in front of Billy so we are now face to face and then ties my arms behind my back. I look into Billy's eyes and I see pure lust. Sir stands to our side, his cock directly in front of our faces. Sir grabs hold of his cock with one hand and Billy's hair with the other. He pulls Billy's head so that his lips are almost touching his cock.

"Look at my cock Billy, do you like my cock?"

"Yes, Sir, you have a nice cock."

"Lick it Billy, lick my cock."

Billy sticks out his tongue and sir places the tip of his cock on it. Billy flicks his tongue around his head lapping up some precum oozing from Sir's hole. Billy then opens his mouth and tries to suck Sirs cock in but Sir pulls his head back.

"No Billy, you don't get to suck my cock, my boy is going to do that. Would you like to see that?"

Billy nods.


"ARGHH! Yes Sir, sorry Sir," Billy yelps.

Sir removes my gag and I immediately devour his cock sucking him deep, he gasps.

"Look Billy, my boy is sucking my cock, my boy is an excellent cock sucker, would you like him to suck your cock?"

"Oooooh yes Sir, I want him to suck my cock."

I take long slow stokes on Sirs cock but all the time looking at Billy. He stretches to try and join in sticking his tongue out but we are just a fraction to far from him. Sir's breathing is very deep now and I know he is close to cumming.

"I'm going to cum Billy, would you like some of it?"

"Oooh yes Sir."

Sir pulls me off his cock and wanks himself.

"Open your mouth Billy," he instructs.

Billy does so as Sir lets out a long groan and cum erupts from his cock directly into Billy's mouth. The force of Sir's ejaculation takes Billy by surprise and he closes his mouth only to have the second blast hit him across his lips causing him to flinch. Sir then whips his cock back over to me and I open my mouth to receive the last few spurts. I don't take my eyes off Billy and watch him lick his lips as Sir fills my open mouth with his cum. When Sir has finished cumming he pushes us together and we kiss sharing his cum.

Sir then gets up, moves me aside and get's Billy to stand up, his large ten inches looks even bigger against his scrawny frame. Sir trusses Billy up in the same position I was in and I take billy's place but with my arms still tied behind my back.

"Look in the mirror Billy, look at your virgin hole, it's such a pretty hole," Sir says. "I think my boy want's to lick it, do you want my boy to lick your hole Billy?"

"Y-y-yes Sir."

"Say it Billy, say what you want my boy to do."

"I want your boy to lick my hole Sir."

Sir grabs my hair at the back of my head and pushes me forward. I stick out my tongue but I can't reach as Sir is holding me too far back.

"Look Billy, my boy wants to lick your ass, look at his tongue trying to get to your ass. Shall I let him lick you Billy? Shall I?"

Billy groans, "Oooooh please Sir, please let him lick my hole."

Sir moves my head closer and the tip of my tongue makes contact with his ring of muscle. Billy flings his head back and groans loudly. I flick the tip of my tongue vigorously around his hole and Billy starts panting.

"You like that don't you Billy, you like my boy licking your hole, don't you?"

"Urrrrgh yes Sir."

Sir lets go of my head and I bury my tongue into Billy's hole.


Sir grabs my head again and pulls me away.

"What's wrong Billy don't you like it?"

"No sir, please I like it, please don't stop."

"Are you sure Billy? Are you sure you want my boy to carry on?" Sir says moving my head closer.

I'm straining with my tongue to get to his hole but Sir holds my just out of reach.

"Ooooh yes Sir please let him carry on."

Sir releases my head again and I bury my tongue in his ass once more. Billy flings his head back moaning. Sir grabs his head and pulls it back up.

"Look Billy, look in the mirror, look at my boy fucking your ass with his tongue. How does it feel Billy? What does it feel like having my boy fuck your virgin ass with his tongue?"

"It feels amazing," he pants.


The whips smacks down on Billy's thighs and startles me.

"Owwwwwww! It feels amazing SIR!"

Sir pulls me away and picks up the anal beads.

"Look Billy, I have the anal beads, shall I put them in your ass?" Sir asks showing them to Billy.

"Ohhhh yes Sir, please Sir, please put them in my ass," he begs.

"I will billy but first I need to get you lubed up," Sir replies.

He applies some lube around Billy's hole and starts massaging it with his finger. Billy groans.

"Do you like that Billy? Do you like me stroking your boy cunt?"

"Yes Sir."

Sir slides his finger inside and Billy groans more. I watch as Sir's fingers slips deep inside all the way to his last knuckle. Sir then slowly finger fucks him, Billy throws his head back.

"Look Billy, look at me fucking your virgin hole with my finger."

Billy lifts his head up and looks in the mirror. Watching Sir finger fuck Billy is making me incredibly horny and my cock is aching from being so hard now. Sir pulls his finger out and picks up the anal beads again.

"Watch Billy as I put the anal beads in your ass."

Sir pushes the smallest in first and it slips in quite easily, the second and third take a little more effort causing Billy to cry out.

"How does it feel Billy? How does it feel having the balls in your ass?"

"It feels good Sir," Billy replies panting heavily.

Sir pushes on the fourth ball and Billy cries out, soon it snaps inside.

"Arrgh! Fuck! Sir it hurts," Billy cries.

"Relax Billy, the pain will go," Sir encourages him.

Billy relaxes and Sir continues. He is now at the last ball, I know as soon as this goes in it's going to hurt him big time. Sir pushes hard and Billy starts to shout.

"Arrgh! Stop! It's too big, please stop."

"Relax Billy, just push as though you need a dump," Sir instructs him.

"Urrrgh! Fuck!" he complains.

Suddenly Billy's sphincter snaps closed over the last ball.


Sir rushes to his head and strokes his head whispering in his ear.

"Shhh, it's ok, the pain will go, just try and relax."

"IT REALLY HURTS! FUCK! ARRGH! PLEASE TAKE IT OUT!" He is crying now and tears are streaming down his face.

Sir continues to stroke his hair and coo in his ear. Slowly Billy's screams subside and he's now just sobbing.

"Good boy, is the pain still there?" Sir asks.

"I-i-it's g-g-going Sir," he replies sobbing.

Billy's once erect cock is now totally limp but I know he'll soon get his erection back.

"How does it feel now Billy?"

"It's stopped hurting Sir," he replies.

"What does it feel like having the balls in your ass Billy?"

"I feel full Sir."

Sir moves back down to his ass and begins to tug on the string.

"Watch Billy as I pull the beads back out."

Sir pulls and his ring of muscle starts to expand.

"OH FUCK! OH MY GOD!" Billy shouts as his ring piece expands.

Slowly the black ball appears and his sphincter is expanding really wide. I'm mesmerised by the site and it's making me incredibly horny.

Sir lets go of the string and the ball pops back in, Billy cries out. Sir pulls on the string again and does this several more times. Billy is going crazy now. Sir speeds up as though he is fucking Billy from the inside out, Billy is crying our in with sheer pleasure, he's never experienced anything like this before. Sir then pulls slowly again to the point where the ball is almost popping out but Sir holds it there.

"Tell me Billy, tell me, how does it feel?"

"Ooooooh it feels amazing Sir!" he says in between pants.

Sir then tugs on the ball and it pops out, Billy shouts out loud with the sudden sensation of his anus clamping shut. Sir tugs on the rest of the balls but doesn't pull them out as fast as he did with me. As each ball pops out Billy cries out.

"How did that feel Billy? How did that feel when I pulled the balls out from your ass?"

"It felt amazing Sir," he replies.

Sir then gets me to kneel up and my cock rests on Billy's ball sack.

"Look Billy, look at my boys cock, it's such a nice cock. Do you like it Billy, do you like my boys cock?" Sir asks as he lubes up my hard cock. I groan at his touch.

"Yes Sir, he has a nice cock."

Sir pushes me back and lowers my cock so it's head is touching Billy's sphincter.

"Look Billy, my boy wants to fuck you. Do you want my boy to fuck you? Do you want my boy to take your cherry?"

"Yes sir."

"Tell me Billy, want do you want my boy to do to you?" Sir asks as he rubs the head of my cock around Billy's hole.

"Please Sir, I want him to fuck me, I want him to fuck my virgin ass Sir."

Sir taps my ass and I start pushing, his ring piece opens and wraps around my cock head, I gasp at how tight his ass is and how nice it feels around my cock. Billy gasps too as for the first time ever someone has a cock in his ass.

"His cock is in you now Billy, shall we stop now?" Sir asks, I look at him puzzled.

"NO! Please Sir, I want him to fuck me."

"How far do you want him to go Billy?"

"All the way Sir."

"You want him to fuck you with all of his cock?"

"Yes Sir!"

"Are you sure Billy, you want him to fuck you all the way with his cock?"

"Yes Sir! Please! Let him fuck me, let him fuck me with all his cock!"

Sir taps my ass again and I push deeper, my cock slides in slowly and I savour the sensation of his tight muscle slipping down my shaft. Billy moans as I slip in deeper to his ass. Soon my groin is against his ball sack.

"Look Billy, my boy has all his cock inside you. You like that don't you?"

"Oooooh Yes Sir!"

"What should he do now Billy?"

"FUCK ME! PLEASE FUCK ME SIR!" Billy is sounding impatient.

"Are you sure Billy?" Sir is really teasing him.


Sir nods at me and I begin to fuck Billy withdrawing fully to my cock head then ramming back home to the hilt.

"OH FUCK! OH MY GOD!" Billy shouts.

I fuck Billy harder but I have to pace myself as I haven't been given permission to cum yet and I don't want to either.

"UURRRRRGHHH! FUCK! NOOOOO!" Billy screams as his cock erupts a massive blast of cum up his chest. Just as last night it's like he's pissing it out as it collects in the hollow of his chest then runs down his sides and onto the floor below. Blast after blast of white milky cum smothers him and it almost makes me cum as he clenches is ass muscles around my cock, so I quickly pull out.

"Oh dear" Sir says.

Billy starts crying, "I'm sorry," he blurts, "I couldn't help it, I always cum too quick"

"That's ok Billy, my boy often cums when I fuck him" sir says moving to his head and stroking his hair.

Billy looks at me and I nod, this seems to calm him down.

"Do you think you will be able to cum again?" Sir asks.

Billy nods.

"Ok lets continue," Sir says.

Sir moves me from my position and lets Billy down. He then ties Billy back up in the position he was in to start with and Sir gets me to stand in front of Billy.

"Look Billy look at my boys cock, do you like his cock Billy?"

"Yes Sir,"

"I bet you would like to suck his cock wouldn't you Billy?"

"Yes Sir,"

Sir moves me closer and lowers my cock level with Billy's mouth. Billy opens his mouths and stretches forward as far as he can but he can't quite reach. My cock is tantalisingly close to his mouth.

"You really want to suck my boys cock don't you Billy."

"Oooooooh yes Sir, please let me suck his cock."

A droplet of precum has formed on the tip of my cock.

"Stick out your tongue," Sir commands.

Billy does so and sir moves me forward enough for Billy to lick off the precum.

"Do you like that Billy?"

"Yes Sir,."

"Do you want some more?"

"Yes Sir."

Sir slowly wanks my cock and I groan as I feel it bring me closer to an orgasm. Another bead of precum appears and sir lowers my cock again on to Billy's waiting tongue. Billy licks it off eagerly.

Sir moves me slightly closer and Billy closes his mouth on the tip of my cock.

"Lick the head of my boys cock Billy, use your tongue all over it," Sir instructs.

Billy does so, his tongue dances around the head of my cock.

"Oooh, that feels so nice Sir," I say.

"You hear that Billy? My boy likes what you are doing, he likes you licking his cock."

Sir pushes me closer still and my cock enters Billy's mouth. He sucks on me furiously like someone that has been starved for months then given a hearty meal.

"Slow down Billy, this isn't a race," Sir says.

Billy slows his pace and Sir places his hand on the back of Billy's head. Sir then pushes me closer and more of my cock slides into Billy's mouth until he starts to gag. Sir releases his grip and Billy pulls of coughing.

"Relax your throat Billy," Sir instructs him.

Sir then pushes Billy back onto my cock and soon he is gagging again, tears are now in his eyes.

"Remember to relax Billy," Sir says.

I feel Billy relax and my cock slips deeper into his mouth, the feeling of his throat around my cock head feels wonderful.

"That's it Billy, you've got it," Sir encourages.

Billy takes up a rhythm on his own and with each stroke he swallows me deeper until his nose is touching my pubic hair.

"That's it Billy suck on my boy's cock, suck him deep, make my boy cum, make him cum in your mouth."

Billy groans as he sucks me in signalling that he really wants me to cum in his mouth. He is sucking me good now and I'm trying to hold back my impending orgasm but I can't.

"Please Sir, I'm going to cum." I announce.

Sir immediately pushes me back, my cock slipping out of Billy's mouth. Billy stretches forward trying to chase it. My cock twitches as I'm right on the edge of my orgasm.

"Look Billy you nearly made my boy cum, would you like him to cum?"

"Yes Sir, please may I make him cum?" Billy begs straining with all his might to get to my cock.

"Would you like him to cum in your mouth Billy?"

"Yes Sir! Please let him cum in my mouth" He begs more.

Sir lowers my cock again and moves me forward just enough so Billy can only get my cock head in his mouth. Billy sucks on it and licks it vigorously with his tongue. My cock stiffens up really hard and I'm panting heavily now. Sir pulls me away far enough so Billy can't quiet reach with his tongue, his mouth is wide open and his tongue out waiting for my cum. I am again on the edge of my orgasm again and I'm moaning and panting loudly.

"You're nothing but a cum slut aren't you Billy" Sir says.

"Yes Sir, please let me have his cum."

"Tell me what you are Billy."

"I'm a cum slut Sir, I love cum, I want your boy's cum Sir, please let me have it."

Sir moves me in again and lets Billy suck on the head of my cock again. All this dirty talk and denial is proving too much for me and this time it sends me over the edge.


Sir pulls me back again and Billy strains forward, mouth wide open and tongue hanging out. My body convulses and I blast a rope of cum squarely on Billy's face and glasses. Sir adjusts the angle of my cock and the next blast shoots straight into the back of Billy's mouth, this time he keeps his mouth open.

"Oh yes Billy! That's it take my boy's cum in your mouth you dirty little cum slut."

Billy groans loudly as my cum is filling his mouth. Sir pushes me forward again and Billy devours my cock again causing him to swallow the cum in his mouth and the last few spurts from my cock. I gasp as his soft warm mouth slips over my now sensitive cock.

"Did you like that Billy did you like swallowing my boy's cum?"

"Yes, Sir," he gulps as I pull out.

I then stand back as Sir unties Billy and gets him to stand. Sir then gets some rope and ties the whole length of his arms to a bar that runs across the wall. Sir then gets me to kneel in front of Billy.

"Look Billy, I think my boy wants to suck your cock, would you like that Billy?"

"Oooooh yes Sir" Billy whimpers.

Sir opens my mouth and moves me closer to Billy.

"Look Billy his mouth is open, that means he want's your cock in his mouth." I do, I really do.

Billy doesn't need telling twice, he pushes his hips forward, his cock is now almost touching my lips.

"Come on Billy get your cock in my boys mouth, he really wants your cock."

Billy strains harder, standing on tiptoes now, his hard cock swinging around in front of my face.

"Uuurrgh, please Sir, I can't reach, please let him suck my cock," he pleads.

"Do you like my boys mouth Billy? Do you want to feel his lips sliding down your cock?" Sir asks now standing at Billy's side.

"Yes Sir, oooooh please Sir, please let him suck me."

"Do you want to cum for my boy Billy? Do you want to cover him in your cum?"

"Yes Sir, I want to cum for your boy Sir"

"Well come on then Billy, get your cock in his mouth. You're not trying hard enough."

"I am Sir, I can't reach, pleeeaaase Sir, I want him to suck me."

Billy is trembling using every muscle in his body to get his cock to my mouth.

"Lick him boy," Sir says to me.

I stick out my tongue and lick the head of Billy's cock, some precum falls onto my tongue.

"Please, let him suck me Sir."

Sir nods to me, I open my mouth and suck in the head of his cock. Billy gasps as I work my tongue against his glands.

"Do you like that Billy, do you like my boy sucking your cock head like that?"

"Y-y-yes Sir! Oh! I love it!"

Sir gives me a signal to stop and I pull off.

"Please no! Sir, please don't stop!"

Sir moves behind me and holds my head.

"Tell him Billy, tell him what you want."

"Please suck my cock, please make me cum," Billy begs.

Sir pushes my head forward and I wrap my lips over Billy's cock. Sir gently pushes on the back of my head I know he's giving me the Ok to go deep on him. I immediately swallow as much of his ten inch cock as I can. I'm surprised that I struggle to reach his pubes as I feel his cock fill my throat.

"Oh! Fuck! Oh my God!" Billy shouts.

I pull completely off and look at his cock bouncing in front of my face.

"Did you like that Billy? Do you like my boy sucking your cock? My boy sucks cock real good doesn't he Billy?"

"Y-yes Sir, it feels incredible, please make him do it again."

Sir taps my head and I devour his cock again just reaching his pubes. I look up and can see the amazement in his face as his cock disappears in my mouth. I take long slow strokes from the tip of his cock to his pubes, he is still straining hard pushing his hips as far forward as he can.

"How does it feel Billy? Tell me what his mouth feels like on your cock?" Sir asks.

"Oh God! Sir, his mouth feels wonderful."

Billy's legs begin to shake violently.


I quickly pull off, this fucker could drown me if I try to swallow all his cum. His cock twitches and a massive bolt of cum erupts over my face. Again and again his cock spews out huge wads of semen covering my chest and face. I wait until his orgasm lessens before I swallow his cock again catching the last couple of spurts. Pulling off I look at him panting. Sir helps me up and gently pushes me to him, we kiss and share his cum in our mouths.

"How was it for you Billy?" Sir asks.

"Fucking ace! .... Sir!" he replies smiling.

"What do you think of Billy Daniel?" Sir asks me.

"I like him sir, can we keep him?" I ask looking at Sir.

Sir laughs, "What about it Billy? Do you like my boy? You want him again?"

"Fuck yeah!" he replies.

Sir moves behind me, unties my arms and fastens them to ceiling above my head. I then feel Sir's cock probing my ass. I relax and his head penetrates my hole, I gasp.

"Look Billy, I want you to see my boy cum as I fuck him," Sir says.

Sir fucks me deep causing my cock to press hard against Billy's stomach.

"Urrgghh! Yes Sir, fuck me! Fuck my boy cunt!" I say surprising myself at my baseness.

Sir grunts as his cock rams hard into my ass pounding my prostrate. It only takes a few minutes and I'm soon close enough to shoot another load.

"Oh yes Sir, I'm close Sir," I announce.

"Oh yes boy, shoot that load up Billy, cum all over him," Sir commands.

I look at Billy then kiss him hard.

"URRRGH! BILLY! I'M CUMMING!" I shout pulling away from him.

Both Billy and I look down at my cock as it explodes sending my cum into our faces.

"Oh fuck! Yeah!" Billy says and opens his mouth.

I do the same and my cum blasts into both our waiting mouths. Sir rams hard into me causing me to blast a really big spurt. I feel his cock pulse and I realise he is filling me with his cum. Soon I am spent and rest my head on Billy's shoulder.

Sir releases us both, and then looks at me.

"My god Daniel you are covered in cum," he says.

I laugh, "Yeah Billy nearly drowned me," I say.

Billy giggles.

"Hey you got a nice smile," I say and Billy goes bright red.

"Come on lets get cleaned up," Sir says and we head for the shower.

Needless to say we all get horny in the shower and I end up fucking Billy again while Sir gives him a slow soapy wank. I lean round him to watch sir wank him as I fuck his ass and he puts his arm round my shoulders. It makes me really horny seeing Sirs fingers slide up the whole length of Billy's cock. Billy's balls have tightened right up and he is trembling.

"URRRRGGHHH! I'M CUUUUUUMMMMMMMINNNNGGG!" he shouts and delivers another huge load up the shower wall. Seeing him cum sends me over the edge and I blow a load into his ass.

"I gotta go," he says after getting dressed and looking at the floor.

"Will we see you again?" I ask.

Billy looks at me and nods enthusiastically, then flings his arms around me and gives me one of the biggest hugs I have ever experienced.

"Such a sweet boy," Sir says smiling. He then shows Billy to the door.

Later that day I'm back home in my bedroom, my chastity device on and a butt plug in my ass. That night I close my eyes and dream of the next time I will be with Sir.

Next: Chapter 10

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