A New Slave

By Story Teller

Published on Feb 15, 2015


Disclaimer: This story involves sex and bondage between adult men. If this offends you then please leave.

I have had some really good feedback for this story. Thank you to everyone and I hope you enjoy the rest of the instalments.

If you enjoy this story then please let me know.

Copyright: 2014 - story_teller_2012@hotmail.com

CHAPTER 5 -- Daniel is denied

I must have dozed off with those thoughts swimming in my head because next thing I knew I am waking up to Sir gently shaking me.

"Wake up slave boy, time for some more training."

He helps me up and out of the cage.

"Sir, those boys, will I have to share you with them?" I ask, this was a bold thing for me to do.

"Good God no," he says sharply, "they are here for your pleasure, I will only administer discipline with them. All will come clear to you soon."

I want to say that I don't need them to please me, that Sir is more than enough for me but instead I just thank him. I am led to the cross where I am tied to it facing out.

"We are going to do more cum denial tonight but first I think it's time to remove the blindfold," he says.

My heart suddenly thumps loudly, did he say remove the blindfold?

"Thank you Sir," I say swallowing hard.

I'm scared and really excited now, scared in case he's hideous, excited to finally see him. I feel his fingers pull on the strap, it falls away from my face. My eyes had gotten so used to the blindfold that what little light there is in the room is still blinding me. Everything is out of focus but soon that clears. I look around, I can see the cage on the floor, above it various whips and toys. Opposite a padded table, like you find at the doctors. Above me are hooks and chains hanging from the ceiling and to my right is a man, Sir!

I'm looking at his naked body, slim, toned, smooth, his cock hanging menacingly between his legs, it looks magnificent. I look up at his face, oh!, I see a balaclava, he his still hiding his face from me. I feel disappointed and he notices.

"I'm not ready to show you my face yet, in time my boy, in time," he says.

He walks over to me and for the first time I am able to look him in the eyes. They are a deep green and piercing but above all else I see the eyes of the man I love. I want to kiss him, give myself completely, be his lover and as if he could read my mind he leans forward and our lips meet. We kiss tenderly for a moment and he pulls away. I look back into his eyes, those eyes that have me captivated. First it was his voice but now those eyes.

"I hope you're not disappointed with me," he says seriously.

I'm not. I look at his body, the athletic form, the strong arms, that huge cock. I feel my cock stirring, I look down and see it rising.

"Sir, that's how disappointed I am," I say flexing my groin causing my cock to bounce.

He smiles and gives my cock a playful tug.

"Lets get on with your training," he says and walks over to the wall with the toys and selects a few things.

He comes back with the items and places them on the floor next to me. I don't really notice what they are, I'm mesmerised with his cock, the way it swings when he walks, it's beautiful. He picks up what looks like a butt plug except it's made of stainless steel and has a prong at it's base. He lubes it up, places it at my sphincter and with a gentle push it slips in. It feels cold and hard in my anus. He then picks up a steel ring with a prong on and slips it over the head of my cock. It's a little tight but fits snugly under the flange of my bell end, it feels strange. I'm a little alarmed when I see him attach wires to the prongs of the butt plug and the cock ring, what is this for? I then watch him put the other end into a box with dials and buttons. Oh god is he going to electrocute me?

"This is called e-stim," he explains, "it's very pleasurable."

He switches the unit on, I gasp and my cock twitches. The sensation is wonderful, like someone is massaging inside my body between my ass and cock. He tries different settings and I yelp as one of them hurt. He sets the unit to rotate between settings, some times a soft rolling massage to short sharp jolts. It starts off mild and I groan with the pleasurable feeling. He turns up the intensity and my cock stiffens even harder. As he increases the intensity it starts to become a little painful but very erotic.

"Now remember, you are not allowed to cum," he orders, his voice sounding stern.

"Yes sir," I reply.

I throw my head back and enjoy the sensations sometimes painful but mostly pleasurable. I'm whimpering loudly now and my voice is high pitched as the unit causes my body to spasm intensely from my anus up through my cock. My cock is leaking, a steady stream of pre cum now trickling down its shaft. I feel that familiar build up and it's out of my control.

"Arrrgh Sir! Please stop, I don't want to cum," I shout.

He turns off the unit and my pending orgasm subsides. I'm panting and sweating and amazed at how electricity can induce such phenomenal pleasure. After a few minutes he starts the unit again. I look at him standing next to me, he is now aroused and his cock is fully erect. It's beautiful, as long as mine but thicker, with a smooth tight ball sack at it's base. I want to devour it, I want that monster inside me. He comes closer and adds to my pleasure by gently stroking my skin, from the souls of my feet to under my arms which he knows now causes me to squirm in uncontrollable laughter. His fingers tickle and tease my tight ball sack and tweak my nipples. Every time I near to an orgasm he turns off the unit and my cock bounces wildly.

This lasts for what seems like hours, I'm beside myself with agony of nearing an orgasm time after time yet being denied. I'm at the stage now where I'm constantly teetering on the edge of an orgasm. My body is hypersensitive to touch and my nipples are so erect you could hang clothes off them. I keep thinking that soon Sir is going to let me cum, then he doesn't. I'm in absolute torment.

"PLEEEAAAAASSSEE! I NEED TO CUM, PLEASE SIR LET ME CUM!" I'm begging so hard now the torment overwhelming me. The pre-cum is flowing more than ever and all my shaft is wet and sticky with it. I look at Sir and he is hard as rock, pre-cum flowing from his cock at almost the same rate. It looks like he is almost in a state of near orgasm too from just watching me get pleasured. Then Sir does something that totally shocks me.

"Ok, thats enough for today," he says.

"What? But Sir I haven't cum yet," I protest.

"No, and you're not going to today," he adds.

I'm stunned, my cock and balls feel like they're going to explode. I have the hardest erection I have ever had in my life and he's going to deny me until tomorrow!

"Noooooo! Please Sir, please, please, please, I need to cum so bad?" I start crying.

"You'll be fine," he says pecking me on my lips.

He unties me and to make sure I don't touch my cock he ties my hands behind my back. I'm still protesting as he leads me out of the cellar my cock swaying as I walk. We walk into a utility room with a washing machine and drier and at the one end a shower cubicle. He walks me over to it and puts me inside but doesn't get in with me. My cock is aching so bad and my erection isn't subsiding. He turns on the water.

"AARRRGHHH! FUCK! SIR! IT'S FREEZING!" I try to escape it but he holds me there.

He makes sure my cock is getting the flow of water and sure enough it's having the desired effect. It's now deflating. I'm still reeling and trying to escape the flow but his grip is strong. Eventually my cock is shrivelled to the smallest I have ever seen it and sir immediately puts on the chastity device. I groan in utter frustration, my groin harbouring a deep ache from the build up of cum that has yet to be released. I'm cold too, he pulls me out the shower shivering. He puts a towel round me and hugs me to warm me up. I tremble against him and I lower my head on his shoulder. He rubs my body vigorously the friction warming my skin. Right now I hate him, for keeping me on the edge for so long and denying me at the last moment. It feels like such a wicked thing to do, yet as he rubs my body and I'm leaning against his I feel a contentment. He lifts my head up and looks into my eyes.

"Tonight is the first time I have been able to look into your eyes," he says.

He's right, until now I've always been blindfolded so wouldn't have know what my eyes look like.

"And I have to say, they are the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen," he adds.

Aww fuck! There goes any hate I had for him. Now all I feel is pure love for the man and I just want to melt into him.

He leads me back into the cellar and up to the cage.

"Before you go in your cage I need to put the blindfold back on you," he says.

"Aww, Sir do I have to?" I protest whimpering.

"Yes," he replies as he puts it on. Soon everything is dark again.

He guides me into the cage and tells me to lie down. As I do so he covers me with a quilt and closes the door. I think I nod off pretty much straight away.

I wake some time later and hear breathing. I lift my head to see where it's coming from. It seems to be at the side of my cage. I listen carefully, it sounds slow and heavy. I hear a short snore, Ah! It's Sir he's sleeping next to my cage. I wish I was in his arms sleeping together. I move to the side of the cage to be closer to him.

I whisper to him, "I love you Sir."

But he doesn't stir, I drift back off to sleep.

Next: Chapter 6

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