A New Slave

By Story Teller

Published on Feb 1, 2015


Disclaimer: This story involves sex and bondage between adult men. If this offends you then please leave.

I have had some really good feedback for this story. Thank you to everyone and I hope you enjoy the rest of the instalments.

If you enjoy this story then please let me know.

Copyright: 2014 - story_teller_2012@hotmail.com

CHAPTER 4 -- Daniel gets some new playthings

The Mall is crowded, shoppers everywhere, I hate this. I don't understand why Mom insists I come with her, she knows how much I hate it. I guess she needs the company, she still hasn't got over Dad just upping and leaving us, even though that was five years ago. Mother decides to buy me some new shirts for college and after a couple of false starts we decide on the some nice check numbers from River Island. We've been there for two hours now and I'm getting tired so we head to the food court to get some lunch. Mother goes off to order the food while I find a table for us. I sit down to rest my feet and I feel the butt plug push in my anus as I sit. For me it has a double meaning, firstly it keeps my ring muscles tight and secondly it's a gentle reminder of my Master. I wriggle in my seat a little enjoying the sensation of it being there.

As I'm waiting for Mom to bring my food my phone buzzes. It's a message from Sir.

"Tell your mother you are having a sleep over at your friends and be at the van for six pm. PS nice shirts, you will look very handsome in them."

HE'S HERE! I sit bolt upright in my seat looking around. What am I doing? I have no idea what he looks like, he could be anyone of these men moving round the mall. He must have been in the store with us when we bought the shirts, how else would he know what they look like? I think back to the people in the store but it's all a blur, I was more interested in what shirts I wanted and paid little attention to the people around me. I'm feeling very frustrated and slump back in my seat as Mother arrives with the food.

"Mom, is it ok if I sleep over at Shane's tonight?" I ask her. I still can't believe I used that name.

"If it's ok with his mother, then yes," she replies.

I smile, I get to spend the night with Sir.

I feel the cool air of the cellar as we enter. Sir unbinds my arms and I immediately undress.

"Oh my, we are eager aren't we?" Sir says.

He removes the device and massages my cock and balls until I am fully erect.

"Magnificent," I hear him say.

I stand proudly, completely naked, my manhood erect and exposed waiting for my training to begin. It's then I hear something strange, a cry, a sob. I panic and quickly cover my erection with my hands.

"It's ok boy, I have found you some playmates and we're going to have some fun with them tonight," Sir says.

I hear muffled groans.

"Playmates Sir?" confusion in my voice.

"Yes, two new slaves for us to train and break in," he explains.

He grabs me by me shoulders and guides me forward telling me to put out my hands. I immediately touch bare flesh and I hear a stifled yelp. I'm touching someones chest, his skin is smooth, I explore with my hands. His arms are trussed up above his head, I stroke the soft hairs under his arms causing him to writhe and moan. I find his face, he is blindfolded and has a ball gag in his mouth. His chin is covered with some light stubble, it feels a little rough. I examine his stomach, flat and also smooth. I go lower and find his pubic hair, it feels wiry and fairly bushy. I get to his semi erect cock and stroke it gently, he moans half in protest, half with pleasure. I feel it grow in my hands, it's a nice size. It makes me feel good to know that my touch is arousing this boy who ever he is.

"What do you think?" Sir asks.

"He has a nice cock Sir," I say.

He guides me away and tells me to get to my knees. I put out my hands again and touch more flesh. This time it's someones backside, I hear a muffled cry, also gagged I assume. I explore with my hands. It seems he is tied to the floor in much the same way I was when I was first brought here, his face against the floor and his arse in the air. I find his hole and rub my forefinger over it, he groans at the sensation. I move lower and find his ball sac, it tightens at my touch. I reach under and find his fully erect cock, I pull it back and examine it. It's not as big as the other boy's and my touch is making him groan loudly.

"You have to watch this one," Sir says, "He fires off at the slightest touch."

"What do you want me to do Sir?" I ask.

"Well firstly you're going to learn how to eat ass," he explains, "bend over and find his hole with your tongue."

I'm a little apprehensive about putting my tongue on a part of a body that's main function is to deliver crap but I remember the enormous pleasure it gave me when I had it done to me. I bend forward and stick out my tongue, I have no trouble finding the tight puckered hole. The boy gasps loudly and lets out a long stifled groan.

"That's it boy, you're doing good, now flick your tongue up and down." Sir's head is next to mine, watching my actions.

I flick my tongue as instructed, the boy's groans rise in pitch.

"Good, now side to side and faster,"

My tongue is dancing side to side and up and down all around the hole.

"Excellent boy, do you hear his moans? This means he is really enjoying it," Sir says.

It turns me on knowing that my tongue is causing the boy to moan in ecstasy.

"Now I want you push into his hole with your tongue, go in as deep as you can and keep moving your tongue moving around," he instructs me.

I bury my head into the boys ass and push my tongue in deep, I flick around, his tight ring of muscle restricting my tongue so I have to work harder. The boy is moaning loudly, his tone high pitched, almost like a girl. He is writhing his backside around pushing back hard into my face. I'm really enjoying this too and my cock is aching it's gotten so hard.

"Oh yes boy, your good, he really likes that. Ok now take long strokes starting just below is hole, run your tongue up and push in deep and out again as you pass over it."

I do this and the boy whimpers loudly between his heavy panting.

"Ok that's enough," Sir says, "you are a natural."

I pull up and Sir gives me a quick peck on the lips. I'm pleased I'm doing good.

"Now I want you to finger him. Start by rubbing your finger around his hole first." Sir instructs me.

I place my hands on the boy's butt and find his hole. I feel sir add lubricant so I rub it in with my fingers circling the tight ring. The boy is now whimpering like a puppy. I reach under him with my free hand and fondle his hard cock that's pressed against his stomach.

"Now slip your finger inside, slowly at first, then long strokes."

I push at the hole and my finger slips past the sphincter. The boy clamps down and I feel my finger being pulled in. I push further and my finger is now up to my knuckles. The boy is obviously enjoying this as he pushes his hips back to get me deeper. I slowly begin to finger fuck him, taking long slow deliberate strokes.

"Well done," I hear sir say, "Now I want you to find his G-spot, search around with your finger and you should find what feels like a lump."

I insert my finger fully, exploring the boys bowls. I find what Sir explained and massage it with my finger tip. The boy lets out a long scream his anus clamps tight on my finger and his cock pulses in my hand, I am making him ejaculate.

"I just made him cum Sir," I say feeling quite please with myself.

"Damn, I said he was a loaded gun," He says, "I didn't give you permission to cum you slut!"

Sir's tone startles me, even though it wasn't directed at me it reminds me how strict he can be and I know what is coming next. Sir pulls me away sits me on a bench and ties my hands behind my back. The cellar is then filled with the sounds of muffled screams as Sir takes a strap to the boy's bare behind. I feel sorry for him. I hear the other boy near me, he is crying, sobbing uncontrollably and I have a flash back to my first time there. Sir finishes strapping the boy on the floor and I can hear them both crying. When Sir has finished he grabs my arm and leads me to the first boy, unties my arms and whispers in my ear.

"Give him some reassurance, before he turns into a quivering wreck," he tells me.

I am feeling sorry for the boy as I remember how traumatic it was for me. I reach out and find the boys body so I gently caress him, it doesn't calm him. I put my arms around him and our body's touch, his is warm but trembling wildly, his cock now flaccid, my cock fully erect and pressing into his belly. I hold him tight and give him soft butterfly kisses on his neck, ear and cheeks. The boy begins to respond, his sobbing waining. He exhales small gasps as my soft lips caress his skin. I whisper softly in his ear.

"Shh, it's ok, you won't get hurt if you do as you're told. Just relax and enjoy it."

I surprise myself, I sound just like master talking. I can just hear Sir doing the same to the other boy and both their sobbing having now stopped. I then feel Sirs warm naked body against my back, his hard cock in the cleft of my ass. I am now sandwiched between the boy and Sir and it feels nice.

"Well done boy, I'm very, very proud of you," He whispers in my ear.

I'm so gratified that I am pleasing sir. He ties my hands again and leads me back to the bench. I hear the sound of chains and clasps as Sir does some thing with the first boy. Then he leads me back, unties my hands and get's me to kneel.

"Ok get your tongue to work boy," Sir whispers in my ear.

I reach out with my arms and touch flesh, it's the boys buttocks. I feel around and realise his legs are above him and is swinging, he is suspended by his feet and hands as I was when sir first fucked me. I soon find his hole and tease it with my fingers, the boy groans. I lean forward and connect with my tongue, giving every thing I can to pleasure this boy and judging by his reaction I'm doing quite a good job. I'm not sure how long I keep this up for but it seems like ages until Sir speaks.

"Ok now I want you to finger him," Sir instructs.

I pull away and finger the boy, his hole is tight and it clamps even tighter on my finger, the boy groans. I slowly finger fuck him and I find his prostrate at the same time, he bucks when I brush against it.

"Good boy now add another finger." Sir says.

I push my first two fingers and find more resistance. After a while the resistance subsides and I am easily fucking him with my two fingers.

"Good, now add another."

I put three of my fingers together and push, more resistance. I hear the boy complaining through the gag but I keep finger fucking him and soon my fingers slide in and out easily. I'm wondering where this is leading when Sir asks me to stand.

"Have you ever fucked anyone with that huge cock of yours?" Sir asks still whispering in my ear.

"No sir," I reply.

"Well I think it's time you did. You are going to fuck this virgin ass with your virgin cock boy."

I feel apprehensive and excited, my first fuck is looming and I really don't know what to expect. I had often wondered what it would be like to fuck a girl but here I am about to fuck a boy. I feel sir applying lube to my cock, he's working it in good but I am so aroused I'm about to explode.

"Arrrgh, Please Sir, I'm giong to Cum!" I announced urgenly.

He stops, my cock bounces wildly.

"Hmmm, you're not going last five minutes in his ass if you're that worked up. I think we need to get rid of some of your tension first."

He takes hold of my cock again and very slowly manipulates the head with his thumb and forefinger, the lube causing them to slide effortlessly over my cock head. I groan loudly and push my groin forward.


My body tenses and I blow my load. I hear the boy moan and realise I am shooting a huge load all over him.

"Fuck, I love seeing you cum boy!" Sir says.

My cock starts to deflate but Sir keeps on playing with it. I feel him move close to me and his lips touch mine. We kiss tenderly at first then passionately and my cock soon springs back to life. Every time he kisses me like that it just confirms to me how much I love him.

"Ok, lets do this," Sir says, "Schooch forward."

I shuffle forward on my knees until my groin is touching the boys buttocks my cock in the crease of his ass. I push the boy away from me and Sir guides my cock to his hole. I let the boy fall back some and I feel my cock pushing at his tight hole, it won't enter. I stop pushing the boy away but my cock still won't enter so grabbing the boys thighs I pull him towards me. Suddenly my cock breaks through and penetrates deeper than I expected. I gasp at the sensation, the vice like grip of his ring muscles around my cock feels amazing. The boy screams in pain, I remember how it hurt me the first time so I don't move until his pain subsides. His screams stop but he is sobbing now, I hear Sir at his head comforting him. I pull the boy towards me some more and my cock slips in deeper and I moan at how wonderful it feels. I pull out some then push back in gasping more at the tightness of his ring piece and the warmth of his bowls on my cock.

"Feel nice boy?" I assume Sir is speaking to me.

"Oh yes Sir, it's wonderful," I reply.

I start fucking the boy, each stroke getting deep until eventually my hips touch his ass cheeks. The boys sobs have now been replaced with groans of ecstasy. I'm enjoying it immensely as I pull my cock out to the tip then ram it in to the hilt. I feel the pressure build in my groin and I'm soon ready to blow another load.

"Please Sir, I am close, may I cum?" I ask.

"Yes boy you may, blow that load in his slutty virgin ass," he replies.

I hear the boy complaining wildly between grunts and groans, I realise he's trying to let us know he is about to cum. Sir whispers something to him and suddenly I feel his anus clamp down tight and pulse around my cock, he's cumming. It only takes a few more strokes for me and my body convulses, my cock dumping another huge load deep into his guts.

Spent and panting heavily I just stay there, my cock shrinking in his ass.

"How was that boy?" Sir says suddenly at my side.

"Amazing Sir." I reply.

"Do you think you could go again?"

"I don't know sir, I think so," I reply.

"Good, the other boy needs to experience cock up his ass."

The other boy obviously heard this as I can hear muffled protests and crying coming from him.

Sir leads me over to him, still on the floor in the same position and gets me to kneel behind him. Sir kneels behind me, puts his arms round me and nibbles my ear. God I love it when he does that.

"We need to get you all sexed up again," he says.

He pushes me forward so I'm lying over the boys back and sir bends down and eat's my ass. I'm in heaven, I groan loudly with pleasure writhing on the boys back. I put my arms around his waist, grab his stiff cock and slowly wank him. He moans and writhes with me. My cock is up to full mast within seconds as Sir's tongue flicks deep in and out of my hole. He doesn't stop there and adds a finger as he continues to ream me out. I'm going wild with passion.

"Oh please Sir, please fuck me!" I pant.

"That's exactly what I had in mind," I hear him say, I'd swear he's grinning too.

He lubes up my ass and soon his cock head is seeking entrance at my back door. I relax fully and his cock slides in. I still have the shooting pain as his cock breaks through but I tolerate it and push back on his cock. He is now completely inside me, his balls touching my ass. He pulls me up and grabs my cock.

"Lets get your cock in his ass," he says.

He positions my cock at the boys hole and I push. I can feel the boy try to pull away but I grab his hips and pull him back, as I do so the head of my cock penetrates his ring. He screams in his gag and I hold still to allow the pain to subside. Sir is still deep inside me and I sense he is looking over my shoulder watching my cock slide in the boy's ass. The boy's screams dissipate and I push again, my cock slipping in inch by inch, the sensation is even better having Sir's huge cock up my ass. Here I am fucking and being fucked at the same time, it's an amazing sensation. Sir holds still and lets me take up the rhythm and soon I am burying my cock deep inside the boys ass while Sirs cock is just inside me. I push back and Sir's cock slips in my ass to it's base while my cock is just in the entrance of the boy's ass. I'm now full of lust and my rhythm becomes more aggressive.

"Oh fuck yeah, nnnurgh! This feels amazing! Urrgh! Oh God!" I hear myself saying.

Sir pants and grunts in my ear as his hands explore my body, his fingers tweak my nipples causing me to yelp. I fling my head back onto his shoulder and he bites my ear. I loose track of time having no idea how long we have been doing this but I'm in heaven. I love the sensation of my cock sliding in this tight hole and Sir's cock filling my ass. I am close to cumming again and I think Sir is too. I stop fucking as Sir is now slamming my ass hard, his cock hitting my prostrate. He is causing my cock to slam hard and deep into the boy and both him and me cry and grunt in sheer pleasure.

"Oh fuck Sir, I'm gonna cum. Please may cum?" I ask.

I hear the boys voice is loud and sounds like he is panicking, I realise is his going to cum too.

"Yes boy, shoot that load, and tell the slut he can cum too," Sir pants in my ear.

I lean over to get closer to the boys head.

"Sir says, nnuurrghh! You can, urrghh! Cum now." I say hardy able to breath properly.

I hear the boy scream one last time as his ring piece clamps on my cock and spasms. This sends me over the edge and fling myself back to Sir and pump my load into the boy just as Sir slams deep in me and delivers his load. I slump over the boy and Sir slumps over me. We stay like that for a while before Sir pulls his shrinking cock from my battered hole. He lifts me up and leads me to the cage.

"Get in," he says, "and get some rest, we have more to do later."

I get to my knees and shuffle forward feeling the bedding under me. I lie down and sigh, I feel exhausted. I listen to the sounds of chains and restraints being removed and the whimpers of the boys as they are led out of the cellar. I wonder who they are and where Sir found them, did he abduct them as he did me? Oh crap what if I have to share Sir with them? I don't like the idea of that. Am I getting jealous? Oh man this is getting seriously fucked up. I'm getting jealous over someone I haven't even seen, what is wrong with my head.

Next: Chapter 5

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