A New Slave

By Story Teller

Published on Dec 28, 2014


Disclaimer: This story involves sex and bondage between adult men. If this offends you then please leave.

I have had some really good feedback for chapter 1. Thank you to everyone and I hope you enjoy the rest of the instalments.

If you enjoy this story then please let me know. Copyright: 2014 - story_teller_2012@hotmail.com

CHAPTER 2 -- Daniel's training begins

Damn this device is causing me agony, every time I start to get hard it hurts like hell. I tried to remove it last night but he was right, any attempt to forcibly remove it would end up doing me permanent damage. I can't concentrate in my lessons, I keep thinking about what happened, often causing my cock to engorge, I curse under my breath each time this happens. I must think of something else.

It's the last lesson of the day and I'm really getting hacked off with this device. I'll take another look tonight and see if I can remove it, there must be a way. As the lesson ends we all pile out into the corridors. Just then I get a text message, it's from Sir.

"Directly outside the college main gates is a black van with red trim. The passenger door is open. Get in and climb into the back. There you will find a blindfold, put it on, wait and don't make a sound"

I head to the main gates and sure enough there is the van. My heart thumps hard, it feels like it is up in my throat. I can't do this, I'm filled with fear, I turn about and run home. I run hard, I just want to get home and hide away in my room, to forget about all this and hope it will disappear. Part of me want's to go back to the van to experience it all again but my conscience is fighting it. I'm not gay! I can't be, but I did enjoy what happened. I no longer feel in control of my life and it's scaring the shit out of me.

I hear the phone ring as I enter the house, my mother is the first to it.

"Hello," a pause, "oh yes he's just walked it."

"It's one of your teachers," she says handing the phone to me.

I look at her puzzled wondering why a teacher would phone me at home. I take the phone and she disappears into the kitchen.


"I'm very disappointed in you,"

I freeze, my heart races and I feel light headed. That soft silky voice is unmistakable.

"H-h-how did you get my h-home number?" I ask.

"Never mind that, I told you there would consequences for disobeying me. I will be emailing a copy of this video to all your college mates, teachers and your mother tonight."

"No wait," I say in panic, "I'm sorry, I just got scared, please don't send out that video," I begin to cry.

"You had your chance,"

"Noooo, please Sir, I'm really am sorry," I sob, "I promise to be a good slave boy, please give me another chance."

By now I have locked myself in the down stairs toilet so my mother can't hear and I am sobbing my heart out.


"Please!" I beg.

"Alright, you get one more chance. You'd better not fuck up again," he says.

"I won't sir, I promise," I burble.

"Seeing as tomorrow is Saturday, you will tell your mother you are going to a friends to study,"

"My mom knows I don't have any friends, if I tell her I'm going to a friends house she will ask loads of questions, what should I tell her?"

"Use your imagination. The van will be at the end of your street at ten am. Same as before, the passenger door will be open, climb in the back and put the blindfold on."

The phone went dead.

Shaking I stay in the toilet trying to compose myself.

"You ok dear?" my mother asks from outside the door.

"Yeah, I think I got the runs, must have been something I ate," I lie.

What am I going to tell her?

I flush the loo, wash my hands and dry my eyes. I walk out and put the phone back on it's base. My mother is now in the lounge.


"Yes sweetheart."

"I'm going to friends house tomorrow to study, I may be gone a while," I lie again.

"Ooh, you got a friend?" she asks excitedly.

"Yeah someone I met at college," I lie more.

"Ooh that's lovely dear, I'm so glad you found a nice friend at last. I've always worried about you being stuck in your room all the time. It's not good for you you know."

"Yes mother."

"What's his name?"

"Er, um, Shane."

SHANE? Why the fuck did I pick Shane? Of all the names I could have chosen I picked fucking Shane!

"You must invite him over deary, I would love to meet him."

"Yes mother, I'll ask him."

I quickly run up to my room. I hate lying to my mother.

I drop my trousers and take another look at the device. Perhaps I could persuade Sir to leave it off tomorrow.

That night I didn't sleep well.

Nine am and I wake to my alarm. I remember what I have to do today. Depression hits me, I just want to disappear. I take a shower then dress in trainers, jeans and a check shirt then have some breakfast.

I leave the house at ten and walk down the street. Sure enough the van is at the end of the road. I walk up to the passenger side and making sure no one is around I try the door, it opens. My heart is pounding so hard it feels it will break out my chest. I climb in and sit in the passenger seat. There is nothing to give the game away as to who the owner is. It is extremely tidy, almost showroom condition. I look in the back and see the blindfold on a cushion on the floor. I clamber over the seats and pick up the blindfold. I wonder if it is the same one he used on me two days ago as I put it on. I then sit down on the cushion and wait. After about 5 minutes the van door opens and someone climbs in. I hear them clamber in the back and grab my arm. I'm shaking a lot.

"Are you nervous boy?" It's sir.

"Y-y-yes" I reply.

He puts leather restraints on my wrists.

"Please sir," I plead.

"I thought I could trust you but after yesterdays little episode it seems I can't, thats why I'm restraining your arms"

He then ties my arms behind my back. I hear him then climb into the front and start the van. I find it hard to keep my balance in the back as he manoeuvres it round the streets. I loose track of time and have no idea how long we have been driving. Eventually the van stops and I hear the back doors open. Sir climbs in and helps me out. As I step out it sounds echoey, a garage I guess. We walk down some stairs and I hear the familiar latch, it sends shivers down my spine. Once again I am in the cool air of the cellar.

He unties my hands and removes the restraints. Then he slowly undresses me taking his time, caressing me whenever he can. My cock is springing to life and strains inside the chastity device, I wince from the pressure. Soon I am naked and led off to what I think must be the cross that I saw in the video. My arms are restrained first then my legs with my back facing out wards. I'm feeling extremely apprehensive, my heart thumping hard. Nothing happens for ages, I'm wondering what he's doing. Then his hands gently caress my buttocks. He presses his body against mine and I can feel he is naked, his big hard cock nestling between my buttocks. I think he is going to fuck me again.

"You did wrong boy and you know what happens when you do wrong?" he asks.

"Please sir, please don't hit me," my voice cracks with emotion.

"I have to, you must learn your lesson. The normal punishment is twenty hard smacks with the paddle."

"No, please, I'm sorry, I won't do it again, please, I was scared," I'm dreading this.

"Ok, I believe you, I guess it has been pretty traumatic for you so instead I'll only give you ten."

Fuck, I don't want any but I guess ten is better than twenty. He pulls away and I feel the coolness of the cellar on my back. Then I feel something hard against my butt and I flinch, it moves away.

"I want you to count each stroke as I hit you, ok?"

"Y-y-yes Sir," I say whimpering like a child.


"OWWW! One," I cry. It stings like fuck! I hold my breath and clench my butt cheeks. I am determined not to cry this time.


"OWWWWWW! Two," that one hurt even more and already I'm struggling to hold back the tears.


"ARGH! FUCK! Three! Pleeaaassee Sir, please stop!" I shout.


"ARRRGGH! Four!" My tears are flowing now, God I am such a wimp.



"Count otherwise we start at the beginning."

"5, sob, sorry Sir,"

Eventually we reach ten and I am sobbing heavily. I feel his hands on my butt rubbing them.

"Now do you have something to tell me?" he whispers in my ear.

"I'm s-s-s-sorry Sir, sob, it w-w-won't happen, sob, a-a-again. I p-p-p-promise,"

"Good boy.

He releases me from the cross and moves me somewhere else. My arms are chained again this time outstretched either side of me while I'm kneeling. He removes the chastity device and to my surprise my cock springs to full erection immediately.

Now your first lesson is to learn how to deep throat," he whispers in my ear.

"W-w-what's that S-s-sir?" I ask, I have no idea.

"You don't know?"

"N-n-no Sir."

"Well it's something I need to teach you so you can get all of my cock in your mouth. You need to learn this to keep Sir happy."

Get his cock in my mouth? OH MY GOD! He want's me to suck his cock! I have never even thought of the possibility of having my cock sucked let alone sucking someone else's.

"Please Sir, don't make me do this," I beg.

I can feel something pressing against my lips, his cock. I shut tight my mouth.

"Open your mouth," he instructs me.

I won't. I'm crying again, tears streaming down my face.

"Open!" he sounds agitated.

I can't. He slaps my face hard, it stings and the shock causes me to open my mouth. Suddenly my mouth is filled with his cock. I'm sobbing again now and I try to pull off his cock but Sir has his hand on the back of my head. His cock is big and I'm scared I'm going to choke to death on it. He pushes deeper and I feel it filling my mouth slipping past my lips.

"Ooh yes, that's it boy, take your masters cock in your virgin mouth"

He pulls back and then pushes in harder. It hits the back of my throat and I begin to gag and choke.

"Relax, you're doing really good. When it gets to the back of your throat relax and swallow," he instructs me. As he pushes in I gag again not ready for him. I'm crying hard trying to get my breath.

"Come on you can do it," he encourages me.

I really didn't want to do this but if I didn't do as he says I probably will choke to death. I figure if I'm to survive this I should probably do as he says. I relax and swallow hard when his cock slides in again. Amazingly I feel it slide down my throat.

"Ohhh yes! That's a good boy, well done," he praises me his hand stroking my hair as he pushes me on his cock.

Here I am getting his cock forced down my throat and I feel good that he's praising me. This is so fucked up!

His cock slides in again and I swallow harder, I feel it go deeper.

"Ohhhhh God! You're a natural born cocksucker," he says.

What? I didn't even know there was such thing. I'm sucking cock for the first time and I'm a natural at it? Shit, could it be I really am gay? I was wondering how much of his cock was left to go in when on the next stroke my nose touches something, his pubes! Shit! The whole of his cock is in my mouth and down my throat!.

"Fuck, you got it all in! Well done, now massage my cock with your tongue, Imagine sucking on a blocked straw," he says.

I do as he says and he gasps loudly.

"Jesus boy, you are the best! No one has ever sucked my cock this good before."

Really? I'm wondering if I really am that good or he's not had many blowjobs before, I find myself hoping its the former. He starts fucking my face, his cock sliding down my throat. I'm struggling to keep up with him and get enough air but I eventually find a rhythm, taking a deep breath before swallowing helps enormously.

"That's it boy suck on Sir's cock, take it all down,"

But I'm not sucking your cock, you're fucking my face. Wait! With horror I realise he has stopped fucking and I am taking it in on my own. I am sucking on his cock like my life depended on it and I want it! Am I really enjoying this? I focus on my cock and notice it is harder than I have ever known it to be. I am enjoying this! I swallow his monster hungrily, I don't just enjoy it, I love it! I'm getting really turned on as I listen to Sir's groans of ecstasy each time I swallow him. Damn, I'm even groaning myself. His cock seems to be getting bigger and can hear his breathing is fast and short. Oh god! I hope he doesn't cum in my mouth.

"OHHHH FUCK I'M GONNA CUM!" he shouts.

He pulls his cock out and orders me to open my mouth. I do so. He lets loose a long deep groan and suddenly streams of hot cum are flying into my mouth. I feel like retching, not from the taste but just from the idea of having cum in my mouth. I keep my mouth open hoping it will all drip out. Some bolts miss my mouth and cover my face. Eventually he is spent and I hear him panting.

"Close your mouth boy," he orders.

I protest.

"Close it," his hand cups my chin.

Reluctantly I close my mouth and I have no choice but to taste his cum, it's not as bad as I had expected, somewhat salty but I kind of like it.

"Swallow," he orders.

I do so and for the first time in my life I had just sucked cock and swallowed cum. I find I want his cock back in my mouth, I want to suck off all the cum. I open my mouth, stick out my tongue and hope to find his cock. He laughs.

"Well it looks like my slave boy likes the taste of cock," he says.

I don't get his cock back.

He unties me and leads me to what feels like a padded bench. I'm made to like on my back while he stretches my arms above my head and binds them. My legs are pulled apart and also bound. I lie there dazed at my cock sucking experience trying understand why I liked sucking his cock. I can still taste his cum in my mouth and it makes me so excited.

His fingers touch my sensitive skin on the side of my chest and I breath in sharply. He caresses me, his soft gentle touch making my skin feel alive, I groan as his fingers are almost tickling me, causing me to writhe on the bench. He covers the whole of my body, from my feet to my neck. When he reaches my armpits I go into fits of laughter, I hear him laugh too.

"You have a beautiful body boy," he says, "and a beautiful cock too."

He tickles my balls and I moan in ecstasy. His touch makes me feel wonderful and I forget that I'm being held there against my will. It's like his fingers are worshiping my body. I start to wonder what he looks like.


"Yes boy?"

"When do I get to see you?" I ask.

"You don't," his tone sounds hard.

"I'm going to play with your cock now but remember that you must ask for permission to cum."

"Yes Sir."

He grabs my cock and slowly wanks me, I'm actually enjoying his attention now as his fingers slide up and down the length of my shaft. Then I'm suddenly aware of something warm over the end. It's his mouth! I'm getting my first ever blow job! I feel his lips slide down the length of my cock. The head touches something and I hear him gag a little, then it slips down his throat. Oh My God! It feels incredible. He holds it there working his tongue, I start to panic as I feel my orgasm building.

"Sir, please sir, I'm going to cum, please may I cum!" I plead.

He pulls off quickly and holds my cock tight at the base quelling my impending orgasm.

"Pleaaaase!" I cry in frustration.

He does the same again, taking my cock deep in his throat, working his tongue till I'm close to coming then denying me the satisfaction. I let out a long protesting groan wondering how long I'm going to be kept on the edge of orgasm.

I don't know how long he's been doing this to me and I lose count after the tenth time, my body tingles and is hyper sensitive to his touch. Each time he stops he strokes my skin or tweaks my nipples his fingers feeling like they have electric charge in them. The need to cum is agonising yet I'm in sheer ecstasy, my body completely under his control and I don't care. At this moment in time I would willingly give myself to him to experience this nirvana all the time.

He changed from sucking me off to now just wanking me but excruciatingly slowly taking a good three to four seconds to run his fingers down the whole length of my nine inch cock, it is so erotic. His other hand is tickling my testicles and the area between them and my anus. I am in a euphoric state, constantly groaning from the pleasure I'm feeling. I can feel the orgasm building again so I let him know.

"Please sir, I'm close," but he didn't stop.

Oh crap!, I start to panic thinking of the beating I will get if he doesn't give me permission, surely he will let me cum.

"Please Sir," I beg, "I can't stop it, please can I cum?"

"No, you must control it," he replies firmly.

"Arrghh, I can't, please stop!"

His pace slows but it doesn't do anything to stop the impending ejaculation. I know if I cum now I will be punished but at this moment I don't really care, any reasoning I have is now in my cock. My whole body starts shaking violently and I know this is it.


My body bucks as the first bolt erupts out of my cock. The orgasm is mind blowing, my cock ejaculating with unbelievable force. I can feel my jism land on my face, my arms, my chest, it feels like it's going every fucking where! As my orgasm subsides my heavy panting turns into heavy crying as I realise I am now going to be punished, I'm petrified.

"I'm s-s-s-sorry Sir, I-I-I tried b-b-but I couldn't s-s-stop it," I blabber, "p-p-please d-d-d-d-don't hurt me."

Sir's lips meet mine and we kiss, me sobbing in his mouth. I can tasted the cum that landed on my face as we share it's taste. He pulls away and whispers in my ear.

"Lets get it your punishment out the way," he says in an almost sympathetic way.

I'm released from the table and made to sit on the floor. I'm crying again but not protesting accepting the inevitable. He binds my hands to some rings in the floor. I'm sitting there wondering what punishment I will get in this position.

Suddenly I can feel warm water showering me, huh? Then the smell hits me.


I'm paralysed in disbelief, my mouth ajar. My sobbing stops as I try to comprehend what he is doing to me. It's disgusting, it's humiliating, it's a fucking major turn on! I should be utterly disgusted with this heinous act yet my cock is hard as a rock again. Some of his piss enters my open mouth but I don't close it. I am so fucking turned on by it and I suddenly realise I too am pissing, but for me to piss through my erection I have to be forcing it.

"Oh yeah boy, let that piss flow," I can hear Sir say.

I can feel piss hitting me in the face but it's not Sir's piss it's mine. My jet of piss is shooting straight up into my face.

"Fuck yeah, that is such a turn on seeing you piss yourself," Sir says.

I'm still in shock as my flow stops. Sir had stopped already but I hadn't realised.

"Come on, lets get you cleaned up and off home."

He unties my shackles and leads me upstairs to the shower room.

"You know you came so hard you hit the ceiling," he tells me.

"Is that a lot sir?" I ask, not knowing how much anyone else cums.

"I should say so, never seen anyone cum like that before ever."

My hands aren't tied this time as we shower. As he lathers me my hand touches his cock, it's hard. Without thinking I wrap my hand around it, he gasps but carries on lathering me. I start to jerk him and I hear him groan.. It's maybe as long as mine but definitely thicker and I find I like the feel in my hand. Sir is now lathering my ass and fingering my hole. I groan as his fingering reminds me of being fucked by him. Suddenly I want him to fuck me again, I have an incredible strong desire to have his cock back in my ass. I move his cock and put it's head at my hole, I want him in me now!

"You want my cock in you boy?" he asks.

"Sir please fuck me," I beg.

This isn't him abusing me or taking control. This is me! I'm initiating this, I'm the one asking him to fuck me and I need it so bad. He takes my hand off his cock and I feel the head of his cock seeking entrance. He pushes hard and it slips in, pain hits me again. I put my hand behind and on his stomach to stop him. He realises and holds there.

"Breath deep boy, the pain will go,"

I don't care about the pain now and before he can do anything I push back causing his cock to slide in me completely. I cry out as it bury's deep in my bowls, I hear him gasp. He takes up a slow rhythm, sliding his huge man meat in and out of my hole.

"Damn boy you have the tightest sweetest hole I have ever known." he says.

He fucks me hard, my hands on the wall of the shower, my cock slapping against my belly. I'm grunting and groaning loudly as his cock slams in my ass. I'm leaning against the shower wall my legs spread wide, I feel complete. He gets faster my long groans are broken up by the pounding of my ass. My prostrate getting constantly battered bringing me to the brink of an orgasm. Sir tenses and I know he is about to cum so I tighten my sphincter and as I do so he shoots his load up my ass. As his cock pulses up my ass it sends a shockwave through me and I blow my load up the wall. I'm almost screaming with the intensity of my orgasm. Eventually spent he pulls out spins me round and kisses me with a passion I have not experienced from him before.

"That was awesome!" he says.

He finishes showering me and dries me off. He then proceeds to fit the device.

"No, please sir, can you please leave it off?" I beg. "It really hurts when I get hard."

"No, you have to wear it, you're young and you won't be able to resist beating off. I need you to save all your cum for me. I also want you to use this daily."

He makes me bend over and I feel him push something into my anus, I feel it slip past my sphincter and plop into place.

"What is it sir?" I ask.

"It's a butt plug. You are only to take it out to take a dump, understood?"

What I have to have this is all the time? I am too exhausted to argue though and it does feel kinda nice.

"Yes Sir." I reply.

As he dresses me I feel like a young child again being dressed by my mother. However soon we are back in the van driving me home but this time he doesn't cuff me. Something is bothering me, I don't know what, all I know is that I don't want to go home. I know I had to but I want to be with Sir and that is the problem. This man who kidnapped me, forced me to have sex with him, beat me and I want to be with him. His aura is intoxicating, his confidence settling. I want to put my arms around him and bury my head in his neck. I want to smell his manliness. I want to show him my love.

Wait! Love? OMG! I'm in love with him! I'm in love with my captor! I feel shaken. If my world hadn't been turned upside down enough, this made it way worse. How can I be in love with someone I haven't even seen. It also means something else too, I really am gay, I really loved sucking his cock, I loved him fucking me. My head is spinning and I feel dizzy, just then the van stops and he gets out and opens the back doors.

"We're here, come on."

I shuffle over to the back and he helps me out.

"Don't take the blind fold off until you hear the van drive off. Can I trust you?"

"Yes Sir," I reply, "when do you want to see me again?"

Oh crap why did I just ask him that, do I really want to be with him that badly? Am I being too obvious?

"I'll text when I need you again and keep the blind fold safe for then."

With that he leaves, I hear the van door and it drive away. I Quickly remove the blindfold to see the van but I'm nearly blinded. My eyes had gotten used to the dark for so long that the day light is too much for me. Once my eyes adjust I look around. The van is nowhere to be seen and I suddenly feel very empty.

Next: Chapter 3

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