A New Slave

By Story Teller

Published on Nov 11, 2023


Disclaimer: This story involves sex and bondage between adult men. If this offends you then please leave.

I hope everyone enjoyed this story. Its wonderful to know that you guys are getting off on my words. I would love to know how often you cum reading this story. I lost count how many times I cum writing it. haha.

Please let me know what you think.

Copyright: 2014 - story_teller_2012@hotmail.com

CHAPTER 10 -- It all nearly goes horribly wrong for Daniel

It's Friday and I haven't heard from Sir all week, I hate it when I don't get to see him for so long. Joe and Shane have joined me for lunch at college and we're sitting in the grounds enjoying a scorching hot day, our shirts open catching the sun.

"I wish we didn't have to wear these chastity devices," Joe says, "I'm so horny right now."

"You're always horny," Shane says.

"I wish I could give you a blow job right now," Joe says to me.

My cock stirs and fills the chastity device causing it to hurt.

"Ow, stop talking like that, you're getting me going," I say, "any way I'm sure Sir will contact us soon. We'll be able to play then."

Joe giggles, "Well me and Shane have been playing already."

"How?" I ask.

"We bought a huge dildo and we fucked each other with it last night," he replies.

"What!?" I say astounded.

"Yeah and it caused me to shoot my load in my device," Shane adds.

"OOOW!" I shout, "Fuck this thing hurts. Jesus guys, don't let Sir know what you've been doing."

At that moment my phone buzzes, I pick it up and see a message from Sir.

"The Van will be at the college gates at 5:30."

"Yes! At last!" I shout.

"What about us?" Joe says with a look of dejection on his face.

Just then his phone chirps, he looks at it.

"Ah, that's what about us," he smiles.

"I can't wait," I say.

Shane looks at me intently, "Daniel, can I ask you a personal question?"

"Yeah sure," I reply still reading the text from Sir.

"Are you in love with Sir?"

I look up startled, "What makes you ask that?"

"We've noticed how you look at him, you go all starry eyed when you're around him and at the party you clung to him every chance you got."

Shit, if they noticed has Sir? I say nothing but just look at the ground.

"Are you?" Shane asks again.

I look back up at him, "Yeah I think I am, no, I know I am."

Suddenly I feel a rush as I confess my love for Sir.

"Does Sir feel the same way?" Joe asks.

"I don't know," I reply, "I tried to tell him once but I just couldn't do it. Please don't say anything."

"Why not?"

"I'm scared that if he finds out all this will stop, that he'll dump me. I don't want it to stop, wild horses couldn't keep me away tonight."

"What makes you think it would all stop?" Shane asks.

"I don't know, I just don't want to take that chance."

"Well we won't say anything," Joe says.

"Thanks guys," I look at my watch, "Shit I'm late for class."

"Fuck so are we," Shane says.

"See you tonight," I say smiling as I rush off.

Classes for the rest of the day seems to drag and I'm finding hard to concentrate as I keep thinking about seeing Sir later. Finally the bell rings and I run out of the class towards the gates. I'm heading down the path, it's quiet, I'm well ahead of anyone else but I'm not watching where I'm going and I end up crashing the ground.

"Arrgh! Fuck!" I shout as I hit the ground, the gravel path hitting my face.

I curse as I start to get up when someone grabs me by my hair.


"Look who we have here," a voice says.

I look round to see Jason, I'm suddenly filled with dread.

"LET ME GO!" I shout.

"You're coming with me."

"I can't, I have to meet Sir."

"No you're not." he says as he drags me by the hair.

I grab his hand and try to get him to release his grip but it's too strong. It feels like my hair is going to be pulled out as he drags me across the college grounds.

"Oww! What do you want?" I ask.

"I think you already know," he says as he walks briskly.

Suddenly I do know what he wants, he's going to fuck me, that huge cock. Although part of me is excited about having that thing inside me I am only allow to be fucked by Sir, and that's the way I want it to be.

"No you can't, Sir is the only one that can," I protest.

"Precisely, I told Vince he would regret kicking me out the party so I'm going to ruin you for him."

Vince? Sir's name is Vince! We reach the woods by the college grounds. I struggle hard, I scream as I feel some of my hair pull out of my head but I manage to break free. I take my opportunity and run. I don't get far when I feel his grip on my shirt collar, he yanks hard and my shirt rips. I spin round and pull back lifting up my arms and my shirt slips off my body, free again I run.

"You little fucker!" he shouts.

I run hard towards home through the woods, I can hear him behind me, I'm running scared. Suddenly I lose my footing and stumble, he slams into me sending me crashing to the ground. I'm now face down on the ground the full weight of him on top of me.


"Shut up you little faggot! Unless you want me to cut you into pieces," he says producing a knife and holding against my face. I'm now really terrified and I start crying.

"Ooh a cry baby," he says grabbing my hair and pulling my head back, "nice."

He pulls some string from his pocket and ties my hands behind my back.

He lifts me up and grabbing my hands walks me deeper into the woods. He's holding my hands high causing me to bend forward, I'm struggling to walk like this and trip a couple of times. We reach a small clearing and he pins me up against a tree.

"Before I take your sweet ass I'm going to have a little fun with that nice cock of yours," he says as he fumbles with my belt. His hand slips inside my trousers and boxers and finds my chastity devices. He starts laughing.

"A chastity device? Vince can't even trust you not to beat off, well ain't that something."

"Fuck you!" I shout defiantly.

Jason pushes the tip of the knife under my chin, it hurts. "No babe, I'll be the one doing the fucking."

He pulls me away from the tree and spins me round like a rag doll and bends me over. In one swift motion my trousers and boxers are round my ankles.

"Oh wow a butt plug too," he laughs as he yanks it from my ass causing me to yelp.

He's holding me by my hair pulling my head back but forcing me to bend over. He kicks the back of my legs and they buckle making me kneel, he then forces me forward and my head hits the dirt. My ass is in the air and fully exposed for him. I'm sobbing uncontrollably now and remembering what he did to Shane I fear for my life, I'm hoping he doesn't want to face fuck me. I hear him fumbling with his belt.

"Please don't," I sob. He ignores me.

I hear him fumbling some more behind me and then he throws a used lube packet by my face. I feel the head of his cock push against my sphincter.

"Noo please don't!" I cry.

He pushes hard and despite my attempts to clench my anus shut tight it gives way and a rush of pain hits me hard.


But instead of stopping to allow the pain to pass he rams his cock hard into me filling me up completely in one go with his massive twelve inch cock. The pain is immense and he has no concern about it. He leans over and stuffs his t-shirt into my mouth to muffle my screams and proceeds to fuck me hard, really hard. I'm screaming through my gag and I'm finding it hard to get my breath. I can feel his cock ramming deep inside me, deeper that anything else has ever gone and I'm sure it's causing some damage in there.

"Ooooh yes, you have a sweet arse, I told you I was going to enjoy fucking it," he says triumphantly.

The pain isn't subsiding and neither are my screams. I breath in hard but it causes the t-shirt to slip into my throat. I start to choke, I can't breath. I begin to panic bucking wildly to try and get my breath but the more I try the deeper the t-shirt goes.

"Oh yes boy enjoy my big fucking cock up your boy cunt!" he says mistaking my bucking for enjoyment.

My lungs are screaming for air now and things start to go grey. I hear Jason grunt loudly but I'm not aware he had just cum inside me.

It's true what they say, your whole life passes by in an instant. My father when I was young, the love I get from my mother, even Sir's big green eyes. Soon everything fades to black.

I wake with a big headache and I open my eyes. I realise I'm in a bed with silk sheets, they feel nice against my skin. I'm not dead! Memories of my rape come flooding back and I start to cry uncontrollably, tears fill my eyes and I can no longer make out my surroundings. Suddenly I'm aware of someone moving behind me and I begin to panic thinking that Jason has kidnapped me. I sit up fast and scream. Two strong arms wrap around me and a familiar voice whispers in my ear.

"Shhhh, it's ok, you're safe now."

"Sir?" I spin round to look at him.

Everything is blurry from my tears but I can tell he isn't wearing his balaclava. I quickly rub my eyes thinking they are playing a trick on me. I look back at him and slowly his face comes in to vision. Smiling at me is the most handsome man I have ever seen, his pearly white smile is framed nicely by two creases at either end. His big green eyes glisten and the crows feet either side accentuate his smile. His crew cut hair is jet black with highlights of grey and his nose is straight and bold, I had no idea what to expect but suddenly my love for him deepens immensely.

"I hope you're not disappointed?" he asks.

I fling my arms round him and kiss him passionately, I never ever want to let him go. We only break to get some air. He puts his hand on my head and strokes my hair. I start to bawl.

"I'm sorry Sir, I tried to stop him, he was just too strong." I blubber.

"Shhhh, I know," Sir coos in my ear.

"It was Jason Sir," I say pulling back to look sir in the eyes, "HE RAPED ME!" And I begin to bawl again.

"Shhh I know he did, it's ok, he won't bother you again," he reassures me pulling back to hug him.

I sob on Sir's shoulder not saying anything for what seems like an age. Then I suddenly have to urge to tell him how I feel, I nearly lost my life without him knowing how I feel about him.


"Yes Daniel?"

"I love you." my heart races not know what to expect.

"I know, I love you too."

I pull back and look at him.

"Really Sir?"

"Yes Daniel, always have done, I've just been too scared to admit it."

Suddenly a valve is released and my emotions come flooding out.

"Oh Sir I thought I was never going to see you again," I say blubbering through my tears.

Sir hugs me tight again, "So did I."

We sit there for ages, Sir holding me tight stroking my hair and caressing my back, soothing me with his whispers of reassurance. Eventually as my sobbing subsides I think about what he said when I told him I love him.

"Sir, how did you know?"

"Know what Daniel?"

"How did you know I love you?"

"I've always guessed you did but Joe confirmed it to me earlier."

"Bastard! I told him not to say anything."

"It's a good job he did or you might not be alive now."

I look at Sir puzzled.

"When you didn't show up at the van I was extremely angry and said I would beat you for disobedience. That's when Joe mentioned the conversation you had with him at lunch time and that something must be seriously wrong. We decided to search for you, Joe looked for you in the classrooms, Shane searched the grounds and I traced your route home. It's in the woods I found your torn shirt, I shouted to Shane to get Joe and help me find you. I ran into the woods calling your name, that's when I heard you scream. I ran towards where I heard the sound and saw you, I thought you was dead, Jason was standing over you laughing."

"What did you do?"

"I rushed over to help you. I managed to get you breathing, any longer and I don't think you'd be with us now."

"What about Jason?"

"He laughed at me and said something about getting his revenge then ran off. Little did he know that Joe and Shane was waiting."

"What did they do?"

"Don't know but I heard a lot of screaming and begging coming from Jason."

Just then there was a knock at the door and the door opens slightly.

"Can we come in?" Joe asks, "we heard voices and wondered if everything is ok?"

"Yes come in," Sir says.

Joe and Shane walk into the bedroom stark naked both sporting erections.

"Have you two been playing with each other?" Sir asks.

Shane looks at the floor, "Sorry Sir, we couldn't help it, it's been so long."

Joe comes and sits on the side of the bed next to me.

"Are you ok?" he asks.

"Yeah I'm fine, thanks guys."

Shane sits next to me and Joe.

"We're so glad you're ok," Shane says and puts his arms around me followed closely by Joe.

It's then I notice Joe's black eye.

"Ow, did Jason do that to you?" I ask.

"Yeah but you want to see him," he laughs.

"Why what did you do?"

"Seriously Daniel, you don't want to know." he replies, "lets just say he won't be bothering us again."

Joe gets up, "We'll leave you two alone," he says grabbing Shane by the arm.

"Ow!" Shane complains, "alright I get the hint. Have fun you two," and they leave the room.

"Jason called you Vince," I say to Sir.

"Yes that's my name, you can call me by it from now on if you like."

"I think I prefer Sir," I reply smiling.

With that we kiss.

After we made love three times and I got to sleep with him. As I lie there listening to his breathing on my neck, his arms wrapped tightly around me. I smile and wish for this feeling to never end.

It's been ten years since I told Vince I love him and I'm glad to say our love is just as strong. I started calling him Vince shortly after but always call him Sir when we have our bondage sessions. We often have boys visit our cellar and my media course came in handy as we now have our own production company specialising in bondage porn. The boys that visit often star in them and we are making quite a good living at it.

I came out to my mother too soon after, she said she had always known and that she was so happy that I have found love. I moved in with Vince not longer after telling my mother and we visit her regular.

Billy would visit us on a regular basis but we had to stop it when he declared his love for me. I'm glad to say though he met a new master at one of Vince's parties and they've been together for several years now.

Shane and Joe are still good friends and visit us often. We even play sex games when they come over, they are so much fun. This year though they decided to tie the knot and they got married!

Although Vince and I play with other guys and boys I never let anyone other than Vince fuck me and he never fucks anyone else, we are resolute in that. I'm still his slave boy, I wouldn't have it any other way and can you believe I still cum when he fucks me.

The end

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