A New Sensation

By Mike K

Published on Dec 22, 2005



Insert your standard disclaimer here - this is a work of pure fiction, you've gotta be old enough to read this, this contains acts of sex between two guys, you can't post this anywhere else, you know - blah blah, blah blah, blah blah, whatever. There's nothin' to see here people, move along...

...oh, but I want to make this much crystal clear: Any resemblances to anyone or anything are purely coincidental.

Actually, this will be more of a love story than a sex story - so if that doesn't interest any of you, then I suggest you take yourself and your dirty mind and go find the story for you, because this obviously isn't it. :P

By the way, this is the first story I've written.

A New Sensation By Mike K. mike_k20@hotmail.com

My name's Mike. My best friend Chad and I have been friends ever since 6th grade, which was when we first met. I'm gay, he calls himself bisexual. I realized that I was gay my senior year of high school, and I came out over the summer, just after the usual string of graduation parties had ended. I had played two sports in high school, so I was pretty popular, and had a decent-size group of friends. A few of them distanced themselves from me, some of them were understanding but couldn't help but look at me differently ever since, and the rest had no problem with it whatsoever. But none was more understanding than Chad was, even when I confessed to him that I liked him a little more than just as a friend. It was to be expected, sort of - Chad's been able to maintain a six-pac stomach ever since that senior year. He's 5'11, with great eyes. I'm 5'9, with not quite as defined a body as him, but I've managed to maintain a respectable figure. Even though I tried to hide the fact that I would also suck his 8-inch dick if given the chance, he eventually found out, so I made sure to reassure him that it wasn't something I'd go out of my way to do. I wanted our friendship to stay as it was before I'd come out as best I could, so I made sure to never make things feel uncomfortable between us. In the back of my mind, I would be secretly disappointed that I wouldn't be able to have him as a boyfriend, because I knew love would be there. But I could live with that. As long as we at least remained friends, that's all that would matter to me. We were both going away to San Diego State for college, so we decided to share a dorm room together. He was going to major in accounting, me in photography. I'd been an avid photographer all throughout high school.

It was during our years in college that a new sensation came over Chad that changed our friendship forever.

It all began in January of our second school year - Chad had just broken up with the girl he'd been with for almost a year. She had cheated on him, and the very day he caught her, she dumped him right on the spot. That broke his heart. I did my best to make him feel better, to reassure him that everything would be okay...like any friend would.


"Cheer up, man. You can do better than that bitch."

"You may be right, but I'm not entirely sure, man. I mean...I really liked her. I saw us as maybe staying together all through college. I...I just can't believe it's over."

"Yeah, I agree...but, you'll get through this, man."

"Yeah, you're probably right...but right now I just want some alone time."

He evidently didn't want to talk much about it now, so I didn't force it. "That's fine. I've gotta finish that photog project anyway."

Chad then walked away and went into his room, shutting the door behind him. As much as I was wondering how much this had to be truly hurting him, I elected not to press the issue and instead went to work finishing my mid-term photography project. It took only about an hour, and when I was done, I went to check on Chad. It was an unusually hot night that night, and inside the dorm was no exception. I stripped down to my shorts before I walked in.

He was laying on the bed, wearing only his boxers, and it looked like he was asleep. His legs half-draped over one side, like he'd originally been sitting down and decided to lay back, and fell asleep in that position. I slowly walked up to where he was laying, trying not to wake him up. That's when I noticed something odd - his cock was getting hard. Apparently he had noticed me walk in, but only turned to look at me when I wouldn't pick up on that. That still didn't quite tell me why his cock was hardening right then, but I ignored that detail. Whatever the reason, it was betraying the fact that he knew I was in the room. Once I was next to where his legs were draped, I stopped and turned to look at him. He made no effort to move away whatsoever, or to say a word. I wondered why, because even though he knew I had a desire to suck his dick, I hadn't let it go any farther than that. Yet here I was, with a potentially perfect opportunity to break that, and he's not doing anything to stop me. That had me confused.

After pondering it for a few seconds, I decided to see what would happen if I were to go for it. As if on cue, right as I began to kneel down, Chad's cock popped through the fly of his boxers. That was funny to watch, though I tried not to laugh. Once I had knelt down, I paused for a moment, thinking to myself, well, this is it...here I go. And with that, I opened my mouth and slowly slid my lips over his cock.

"Mmmmmmmm...," he moaned in reply.

Chad lay still even as I stroked him with my tongue so I could get a taste of him. Evidently, he was rather enjoying this, and his gradually louder moans told me so. After several seconds, I felt his cock throb suddenly, followed by a loud moan from him.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhh...," and then he began to shoot. I quickly deep-throated him, and swallowed as much as I could. When he was done, I could hear him breathing heavily. I slowly slid my mouth off of him and climbed up next to him, sitting near the end of the bed.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......damn......that felt real good," was all he could say. I sat there for a few seconds, and then I got to thinking. I knew that he had fooled around with a few guys - despite being totally straight at that time, that didn't stop him from experimenting - even though he never knew that I'd known this (and for some reason, I'd decided to keep it that way). But, I wondered, now that I've given in and finally sucked him off, would he be willing to do the same to me? I decided to get bold and put that to the test. I got up and walked around to the other side of the bed, shutting the door to his room along the way. I was standing where I could climb up and be between his pillow and where he lay. I was semi-hard but growing, and it continued just by looking at him. His eyes were shut as he continued to breathe heavily. I then pulled both my shorts and my underwear off, so I was completely naked. I climbed up positioned myself next to him with one knee down. I noticed him start to open his eyes, and with that, I put my left hand down on the bed, and held my 7-and-a-half inches with my right, as if I were offering it to him. He turned his head, and the first thing he saw was my cock. That surprised him, though he didn't say a word. He turned his glance from my cock to me, back to my cock, back to me, and then back to my cock again. Then he looked down at the bed and held that for several seconds. That suggested to me that he was hesitant to suck me, perhaps to the point of being uncomfortable with doing it. That in turn made me wonder if I was making a big mistake in doing what I was doing, but for the most part, I didn't move - only to slowly turn my head away in regret for doing such a stupid thing.

However, just before I had taken my eyes completely off Chad, I noticed him slowly looking upward again at my cock, which in turn made me turn back to look at him. He took a breath as he was looking back up. He paused for a second, before finally moving forward, mouth opening, and slowly taking my cock in. At the touch of his lips, I let out a soft moan and my eyes shut. But I opened them again halfway, because I wanted to get into a more comfortable position, and I didn't want that to cause me to move blindly.

"Mmmmmmm...just...lemme...lay down...," I whispered. And I slowly eased myself down so I could lay flat without having to pull myself out of Chad's mouth. I noticed him move around so that he could also get into a comfortable position. Once we were settled, I closed my eyes again and relaxed while he went to work. He duplicated my technique of stroking back and forth with his tongue. He did this for about half a minute, while I began to moan louder and louder uncontrollably. Finally, with a loud moan, I began to shoot into his mouth. When I was done, I just lay still, not moving - only breathing heavily while I came down from my orgasm.

When I was finally able to open my eyes, I was surprised to find that Chad had crawled up next to me. I was curious as to what made him finally decide to suck me off, so I asked him.

"Well...I did need something to bring me out of the funk I was putting myself in. Your sucking me was just the thing, and it was so good...I felt like I ought to return the favor."

"Aww...you didn't have to, even though it did feel good that you did."

He then draped an arm over my chest. I looked directly into his eyes, only to find that they were closing. I decided that a little sleep couldn't hurt me either.

"Good night, Chad," I whispered. And then I drifted off to sleep.


We talked the next day, and even though we both liked what we'd done the night before, we decided to leave it at that - just the one night. Chad soon stopped thinking about his now-ex, and ended up going right back to finding the girl he could call the one. His efforts at first didn't go so well - in the rest of January and February, he had four dates, and not one went that well. However, the girl from the fourth date decided to ask him out again, to potentially make the bad date seem like nothing more than an odd bad night. They went out again on the first of March, and that date went so well that it looked like he might've found a girlfriend again. That lasted for all 31 days of that March, as he would discover that by going out with him, she was cheating on a boyfriend she already had. Still perhaps smarting from his break-up in January, he ultimately decided that he didn't want the cheater, so he left her behind. He quit dating for a little while after that. One day in the middle of April, I noticed him feeling down again, so I decided to have a talk with him.



"Hey...what's up?" He was standing a few feet in front of the couch.

"I've noticed you've been feeling down again, buddy...you wanna talk about it?"

"Sure...I guess," he said with a shrug.

"What's getting you down this time?"

"Well...lately I've been pondering my future, and who I want in my life, and what I've gone through this year."

"I see..." I couldn't think of anything else to say right that second.

"How long have we known each other...six, seven years?"

That seemed like an odd shift in discussion, but no matter. "Yeah, that's about right."

"No matter who all I've been around, and all each of us has been through, the one thing we've had in common is that we've been friends that whole time."

"Yeah...even when I'd come out to you over that summer when we graduated, when we were looking forward to being here in college." I then proceeded to go off on that tangent. "My other friends that I still have have been understanding, but no one more so than you. I've had guy troubles, and you've had girl troubles, and we've helped each other get through them. But don't you worry, man...no matter how long it takes, you'll find that special someone to be with, whomever it may be. I know, I've told you that I liked you a little more than just as a friend, but you've wanted to find a girl to be with, and that's fine. So you go find that someone else that you're looking for, and I'll still be the guy you can turn to if you've got a problem." I gave him a pat on the shoulder, and then turned to get a bottle of water.

"Mike...there's something I want to tell you."

I turned around again to face him. "What is it?"

That's when he said the words that would forever change our friendship.

"Mike, I...," he paused to take a deep breath before continuing. "...I don't want anybody else." He paused again for a few seconds before resuming. "I want you. You've been the best friend I've ever had, and...you've been able to make me feel better when no one else could - like no one else could. These past few months when I've tried to find someone else, I've also been wondering if I really could find someone who'd be more of a friend - or even more than that - than...you could. And...I've finally realized that...there could never be anyone else for me. I love you, man." And then he put his arms around me, hugging me tightly. He rested his head on my shoulder. I'd noticed tears starting to fall when he finished talking, and I thought, damn...he really means it. But at the same time, his words touched me so deeply that the only thing I could do was to wriggle my arms free and give him a hug in return. I also rested my head on his shoulder, and at the same time, my eyes watered up, and I felt tears start to fall down my face as well. I knew right there and then that Chad would very likely be the love of my life. We just stood like that, embracing one another, for a few minutes, not wanting to break the moment. Finally, we lifted our heads and looked at one another, while still maintaining our embrace.

"Chad...I don't know to say...," I paused for a moment before continuing. "...other than...," That's when I started to choke up. "...I love you too, man." Then I began to cry tears of happiness once again, and we went back to resting our heads. When I felt him lift his head up again, I did the same, so I could look at him again. My eyes were still watery, so I couldn't see very well. But I did notice him moving his head forward, which could only mean he wanted to kiss me. So I wiped my eyes, and he waited for me, deciding to wipe his eyes as well. Then he moved his head forward, and I could plainly tell that he did want to kiss me. So I met him halfway, and we kissed, keeping our lips touching for several seconds. Then he broke our embrace. Guessing - correctly - that he probably wanted to sit down, I moved to the couch. I sat down first, on one end. Chad sat down next to me, and we each put one arm around the other.

There was one thing I wanted to know. "Have you really been in love with me only these few months, or has it been longer?"

"It feels like it's been a little longer...we've been friends for several years, but to me it sort of felt stronger during our last year in high school. And it's just continued here since we've been living together."

"So, why didn't you just tell me you felt this way sooner?"

"Well...I really thought there was a girl out there I could spend my life with. I guess I never really let it in before, because my parents have had such a happy marriage, and I thought the same could happen to me. But then I hit these rough patches with these bad relationships here in college, and through it all, you're the one person who's always been there for me. I guess...with how much it hurt when my last real girlfriend dumped me, and I stopped seeing that one who was cheating, I had to ask myself, what is it I'm really looking for? My answer to that was finally, I just want someone I can be truly happy with. So then I thought, who could I be truly happy with? These girls have come and gone...but you haven't. And I ultimately decided that I could no longer want someone who could make me feel like I'm really happy, only to end up taking that away." He paused for a moment. "I've realized that you've been the only friend who's never hurt me real badly. And that's when it finally really started to sink in - you're the only person I could ever be with. I don't really care if that also means I'd be gay, or whatever...to me, that doesn't even matter - just as long as we're together. I think now by this point...it just wouldn't feel right if we were `just' friends. I love you, man...and I don't ever want to be without you."

"Chad...this really means a lot to me. You've always been a real great guy, through thick and thin. If you want us to be in love together, then...say no more, buddy - I'll be yours until the end."

I pulled Chad closer, and he hugged me as best he could from our seated position. He lay his head on my chest. Then he spoke again.

"I've always wanted to keep in touch with my friends at least, even after college. But you're the one friend I always considered irreplaceable. And now, that holds so much more merit..."

I caressed his back with my left arm. "Yeah...no matter what happens, man, you'll always have me here with you."


And in the years since that day, the two of us have never been happier. That summer, when we went home to visit our parents, we arranged to have everyone get together one day, so that we could break the news to them that now we were having a relationship together - which, of course, included that Chad was bisexual - by his reasoning, not mine. Both his parents and mine were very surprised the instant we said the words, but with us two having been friends for so many years, our parents had become friends as well, so it only made sense that they were all very supportive. We moved north to San Francisco after graduating, and today we share a house together. Every so often, we'll go out on a night and have a good time, and invite a guy to join us back home for the night. Even though we don't mind the occasional sex with other guys, Chad and I are very committed to each other, so we don't have other guys over for sex too often. That stands in contrast to our relationship years together in college, where we figured we might as well have as much fun as we could while we still could. Chad began to grow bored with that just before we graduated, however, so we elected to cut down on that practice and leave the excesses behind. My rationale is that as long as he's truly happy with me, nothing else really matters - within reason, of course.


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