A New School of Punishment

By Thomas Seer

Published on Jun 13, 2024


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Note: this story is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real life individuals is coincidental.

The story will contain descriptions of slavery, bondage, humiliation, oral/anal sex, pain, and a variety of other kinks. If these acts are offensive to you, or you are not permitted to view them where you live, please do not read any further. All characters depicted are above the age of 18.

******* The group left the on-boarding room and were led into a stark white looking hallway, immaculately clean and something like you'd expect in a spaceship in a sci-fi movie. Looking around it became clear they wouldn't be getting their cloths back anytime soon as the only people with clothing on were clearly guards or other staff.

Abdul and Juan were shown to their room. For a cell it was quite nice. It had two full beds, two desks, and a TV. The only thing that suggested it was a type of prison was the toilet in the room. There wasn't any closet or other storage space as they wouldn't be permitted clothing the rest of their stay here; a method to get them more comfortable with the male body.

Felipe and Kevin were the cell next door and it was indentical. Felipe turned on the tv only to discover that it only played gay porn. Apparently gay sex was the only leisure-time activity permitted in the center.

The new cell mates got acquainted with one another and started reading over the long list of rules that was included in the handbook that had been placed in each room. They were allowed free rein of the campus between noon and midnight unless otherwise in a class or training session. The center tried for all group classes to take place between 9am and 12pm but couldn't guarantee it. Training sessions were individualized and would be communicated by a guard the first time, after that it was expected that the trainer would communicate the schedule to the inmate. A minimum of 2 hours a day was required but the trainer could increase that if needed to reform the inmate.

If someone was slated for punishment they would go to the punishment level. For basic offences like being late to a class or session they would be dealt with relatively leniently the same day by a punishment trainer -- spanking, milking, and edging being the normal punishments. For anything more severe such as touching a guard, they'd be assessed time in the punishment cells where it would be expected that a punishment trainer would oversee a personalized curriculum for them 12 hours a day -- designed both to further their journey to homosexuality and punish them for the behavior that landed them on the cell block to begin with.

Reading about that with Kevin made Felipe realize how lucky he was to only have been spanked. He was still mad about the cock cage he was in but he'd also started to come to terms with his inevitable fate. If the cage gave him a push to help get out of here, maybe it wasn't so bad.

Back in the other room Juan and Abdul had started talking. Juan was probably the most confused and conflicted of all the new convicts. He really shouldn't have been convicted and he had no desire to be gay, but he knew what the alternative was in Texas. Abdul on the other hand had largely accepted what his sentence entailed. His brother was gay, and while he'd only had sex with women before, and indeed had been married, he'd made out with a guy before in college and didn't hate it. He wouldn't have called himself bi or even bicurious, but he'd be lying if he said he hadn't enjoyed parts of the orientation.

While they were talking Abdul pointed out to Juan that it didn't seem fair that Felipe had been acting out so much and was the only one who had any part of his body pleasured after Kevin had been forced to eat him out.

"Yeah. I know what you mean, but I'm also not really sure I'd want it. Just being naked around other guys kinda weirds me out." Juan said.

"Yeah, but you're also not going to get out of here until you enjoy it. They're here to make us fags, and by the looks of it they're going to make it work. The sooner we embrace it and work with them the sooner we can start the rest of our lives." Abdul said.

"I don't know; it just feels so unfair that I'm here because my loser cousin hid in my basement after a drug deal gone bad." Juan sighed.

"Dude, even Felipe was moaning when Kevin was eating him out. Let me rim you to take your mind off stuff. You're not going to be able to cum for a month so you need to do something to relax you." Abdul said while putting his arm around his new friend's shoulders and rubbing his exposed chest.

Juan smiled and replied "Okay, but how do you want to do it?"

"Sit your ass on my face and face my cock. That way you can play with it while I give you a rimjob. I'm not the one in chastity", Abdul said with a smirk.

Abdul laid down in Juan's bed and motioned for his friend to take a seat over his face. Juan looked at him sheepishly then obliged. It took a minute for Abdul to process what he'd just instigated. He'd just sucker his first cock a few hours before and he'd only ever eaten out his now ex-wife's pussy. The sensation of having a man with a tight brown asshole sitting on top of him waiting for him to start licking weirded him out a bit even though he'd been the driver of the encounter. He was going to help his friend out though, and like Director Wilde said, it was helping them both get out earlier.

He started by kissing Juan's cheeks before spreading them and exploring his hole with his tongue. It tasted different than he expected. Sweaty since they hadn't had the chance to shower but clean. He started making circles with his tongue and then instinctively started tongue fucking Juan's virgin hole.

At this point Juan started moaning and thrusting his hole towards his friend's mouth. It freaked him out, but he was enjoying it. Physically at least. Abdul was getting hard and he pulled Juan's hands toward his cock. Juan started to jerk it and after a few minutes he blew his load all over both their bodies. He gave Juan a slap on the ass and a last lick before kissing his hole.

"That's all you're getting tonight. Enough to make you want to get out of that cage." Abdul said with a smirk.

"Thanks. It felt good. Definitely helped me put my mind somewhere else. I'm ready to sleep though."

"Same. Sure you don't want to share the bed?" Abdul asked.

"I'm fine without that. I know after I get out that's what I'll be doing eventually with men, but for today it'd fuck too much with my head." Juan said sheepishly.

Abdul went back to his bed and Director Wilde made notes. He made an effort to keep tabs on every 2 that was admitted. Most that came to the reform center were zeros. A handful were 1s when they started. 2s were exceptionally rare -- like his studies showed, there was a significant correlation between where someone fell on the Kinsey scale and committing violent crime. By the time someone had hit a 2, it was rare. The center had never had a 3.

The reason the director liked to keep track of the 2s is because those inmates were the ones he usually recruited to be trainers once reformed. If they accepted his offer, he'd personally oversee their training and reformation -- putting them on an accelerated course so that they'd usually be assigned to oversee at least one of their entry cohort with another trainer before any of the rest left.

He sent a note to the trainer leading the group class tomorrow telling him to use Abdul as the specimen for the rest in the morning. He'd observe from his office and then if he was pleased start his training in the afternoon.

The next morning the guards woke the new inmates up and walked them to their showers. It was a very large group shower with their entire wing. They had 30 minutes so a lot of the other inmates who had been their longer were taking advantage of the time to relieve their morning woods -- about 10 couples were exchanging blow jobs and in the corners a few others were fucking. Everything at the center seemed designed to push the inmates to have sex.

After the shower time was up the guards announced that anyone admitted within the last week needed to follow them to their first class. A group of about nine naked men, 5 of them caged, followed the guards.

A young instructor no more than 26 and blonde then entered the room.

"Hi everyone, I'm Todd. I'm going to be the trainer in charge of your cohort. While you're each evaluated individually, we have daily group sessions where we discuss how to enjoy the gift of the male body and explore new ways to use it sexually as a group. In case anyone was wondering, about a year ago I was sitting where you are -- all of the trainers here were once in your shoes. Now we're free and reformed men devoted to the cause of helping each of you become productive members of society. Remember. Your sentence is not a punishment despite what the government might say. It's an opportunity to better yourself." He explained to them.

He touched a button and a padded fuck bench came up. "Abdul, if you'll come here please and get on all fours on this fuck bench. Don't worry, we aren't going to breed you -- today."

Abdul was nervous but came up knowing the price of disobedience. Todd quickly strapped him in and put a ball gag in his mouth "don't worry, you'll have a chance to ask your trainer about anything that happens immediately after the class" he whispered to Abdul, "I just don't want any uncontrollable noises distracting from the class."

He then got up and started to explain the physiology of the male ass and cock to the class, using Abdul's body as an example as he talked. With all the touching and prodding Abdul was hard within about 5 minutes, which was useful for Todd as it made grabbing the young Arab dad's member to point out things easier.

After about 15 minutes he told the class "now for the fun part. We're all going to work on opening up Abdul's ass together."

Abdul's eyes got wide and he tried to say something but the gag muffled his sounds. Todd took one of the floggers he had on his desk and used it on Abdul until his as was a nice shade of pink, but not red yet, "this goes for any of you when it's your turn to be used as the specimen for the class -- don't object or make any noise that could disrupt your peer's experience. First time I deal with you but if you do it more than once I'll send you to the punishment cells for a day for each cumulative each outburst."

Abdul fell silent, not wanting to be the first of his group to get assessed formal punishment time.

Todd moved on "now, each of you come here and try to put a finger in this virgin hole."

The group filed by, all of the inmates with cages on their cocks seeking squeamish, but doing it.

Felipe muttered under his breath "fucking fags" and quickly Todd slapped him across the face and then motioned for a guard to pin him to the ground "looks like you'll be the first of this cohort to go to the cells. I'll only send you to a day for now, but another outburst like that and it'll be a week. You've also won the prize of being the first to do every exercise from now on."

After everyone had tried and failed to put a finger into Abdul's unlubricated hole, Todd explained that gay sex required a lot of lubrication and that included in foreplay. Next each one tried spitting on Abdul's hole and inserting their fingers to a bit more success.

"Now, I was going to have each of you rim Abdul here for a minute and try, but it looks like your friend Felipe needs to make up for his disruption earlier. Felipe. You'll eat out Abdul while jerking him off until he comes. Then everyone can see the impacts it has on his hole. Don't worry. I'm right here behind you supporting you. And if you hesitate I'll also give you the courage to keep going with my whip."

Felipe grudgingly moved forward and started working his friend's cock and tried to remember other parts of the lesson about what parts were most sensitive. Eating this ass was disgusting to him and he couldn't believe he was doing it. Plus ass the spit the others had just put on. Ugh.

Meanwhile Abdul was experiencing a pleasure he'd never felt before. Felipe might be hating it, but it felt better than anything his wife had done and his cock was soon dropping pre-cum and he was morning. After about 10 minutes he climaxed and his head was clearer than it'd been in years. He had no clue what was happening, but hoped it meant he'd get out sooner.

After that, Todd made Felipe lick up the cum that had spilled on the bench and then work two fingers into Abdul's hole and finger fuck him. After he was doing it comfortably he had all the others do the same before lubing up a 6 in dildo and having each of them take turns for a few minutes a piece playing with Abdul's ass.

Meanwhile Abdul had gotten rock hard again and was leaking cum. He couldn't think because of the feelings coming from inside his ass. After what seemed like forever Todd unlocked him, and announced the class was over.

He told the guards to take Felipe to the punishment cells for a day and Abdul to his designated training room, before dismissing the class and telling them that guards would find them throughout the day when it was time to meet their trainer.

Abdul didn't know what to expect but he was led into an ornate hallway that had a door with the label "director's lab"

When he got in he saw a chair like in the medical but with more sex toys and devices clearly made for sex like fuck machines all around. Director Wilde was there, and he asked Abdul to get up in the chair. Abdul did as he was told and the director strapped him in -- his now slightly gaping hole and semi-hard cock exposed for all to see by the stirrups.

"All training sessions start like this since these chairs can be modulate in many directions to achieve the position we need. If we need to move you to another captivity device like that fuck bench earlier we'll take you off. Any attempt to escape while moving will result in guards coming in and dragging you for a month in the punishment cells. These rules are the same for each inmate and we tell them all, but I don't expect that'll be an issue with you. Do you have any questions?"

"No sir" Abdul replied.

"Good. So to start off I want to rerun the assessment that we ran on you yesterday. To see how the last 24 hours have changed it."

Wilde brought out the butt plug probe and milking machine and put the goggles over Abdul's eyes. He also noted that he'd cum twice in the last 24 hours in the computer before starting the test.

The machine went to work extracting a load from its captive. Within 5 minutes he'd cum yet again and the rest was over.

"Remarkable. In 24 hours your level of attraction to men has grown 30%. Your level of attraction to women hasn't diminished any, we'll work on that as our studies show that's where the violence comes from, but this is some of the best progress I've seen in our seven years." Wilde exclaimed.

"I monitor all 2s on intake and rerun this test after 24 hours. Anyone with a growth of 10% or more I make a proposition to: you're a natural homosexual who just wasn't supported enough in your development to achieve where your nature wants you to be. I'm willing to help personally develop that and make you happier than you've ever been by going through an intensive training program with you. More intense than anyone without a 2 and 10% increase will ever have. In return, you agree that upon graduating from here and being declared reformed to the state you'll work here as a trainer for at least 15 years -- the pay is excellent, having seen your file more than you could have made in the outside, but the real advantage is that you'll have the ability to give back by helping troubled men develop and blossom into productive society members."

Abdul was stunned. His only question was "but will I be free?"

Oh yes, you will be to come and go as you please. 8 hour shifts, no overtime."

Thinking for a minute, Abdul said "I'll do it."

"Perfect then. You're not a 3 yet, but like them you'll undergo weekly assessments to track your progress. You'll also devote 5 hours a day to private training with me. That plus the 3 hours in the morning will give you a minimum of 8 hours a day exposure to gay sex. It'll be your full-time job now, just like it will be once you graduate. Any questions?" the director asked Abdul with a mischievous smile.

"Only when we begin?"


Wilde brought around a fucking machine and put it up to Abdul's hole and set it for on. It was connected to the chair wirelessly. Wilde lubed up Abdul and pushed the 7 inch dildo in.

Abdul gasped and Wilde explained "this is connected to the chair monitoring your vitals and taking some measurements itself. All our inmates go through this in their first training session, it'll measure your hole tightness amongst other things, but you're special. You won't be allowed to leave here until it's worked 3 loads of cum out of you. Since you have 4.5 hours left in this training, it's programmed to try to last that long. If you finish earlier though, I'll let you leave early on the condition that you suck one cock for every 30 minutes you get out early. Deal?"

"Deal. Anything else I should know?"

"The chair also lets you flip through porn channels. On the TV there. Just tap your fingers on the arms. If you need anything to help you get off, let me know. I'll do anything you want except touch your cock. The point of this exercise is to get you to focus on the joy and pleasure of bottoming."

The machine started up and since he'd already cum three times in the last day he knew it'd be a long ride, especially after what the director had said about the programming.

He came the first time after about 45 minutes of merciless drilling from the machine. He noted that this made it go harder and faster anticipating it'd take him longer to cum.

The first time he'd closed his eyes and focused on the sensations coming out of his ass. But he knew he needed more this time. He settled on porn of a bunch of Latino twinks fucking in a dungeon similar to some he had seen walking around. That really helped and after another hour and fifteen minutes of pounding he'd cum again, ahead of schedule he told himself.

An hour and a half had passed for his third orgasm and he wasn't close. He had no clue what he was going to do. Then he had an idea. "Director, can I suck on your cock?"

"I thought you'd never ask."

The director adjusted the chair so that he could easily face fuck the young father who would soon be breeding many men. He pulled down his pants and stuck his hard cock down Abdul's mouth. After about 10 minutes he came, flooding the young stud's mouth with his seed.

The sensation of a mouth full of cum plus the machine massaging his prostrate set Abdul over the edge. He came a final time with 35 minutes left in his training session.

"Well. A promise is a promise. You get to go 35 minutes early. That's two blowjobs to your peers within the next 24 hours since we round up. And I'll know if you don't do it." Director Wilde said while releasing Abdul from the chair.

Abdul got out but his legs were weak and he started swaying. The guards grabbed him by the arms to help him. The director told them to take him to his room -- after their first train the trainer session people usually needed some help dealing with all the sensation. With that, he dismissed them all and told Abdul to report to the same room tomorrow immediately after the group class.

***** Up next: Abdul blows Kevin and a more experienced inmate and we visit Felipe as the punishment trainers work to improve his attitude. Feedback welcome.

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