A New Path

By Greg Stevens

Published on Dec 26, 2017


A New Path

Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

A New Path -- Chapter 9

I had a restless sleep as I thought about the 3-way I was planning with Bill and Jordan. I lay in bed thinking; How would it playout? Would Bill initiate? Was I expected to? My mind kept flashing back on the dream in the garage, a couple things stood out to me. Jordan looked rougher then he did during our encounter, the jeans and leather jacket was symbolic of a darker, dirtier side. I also noticed I liked watching Bill fuck Jordan. There was something hot about just observing. And there was something hot and unpredictable about doing it in the garage.

I lay there going over the dream the best I could remember as it faded. It played out in my mind like a scene from a porno. The only thing missing was some bad background music. My dick was rock hard as I re-imagined the scene. In one version of the fantasy, Jordan walks into the garage, dressed as he was in the dream; grey form fitting sweat pants and leather jacket and walks up to me. He stops very close to me and just waits as if signaling his response that he is ready. I pull him to me and start making out with him. Taking him into my arms as if I owned him. Bill comes up behind Jordan and sandwiches him in between us. I could feel Jordan's mound growing against me, I could feel the heat from Jordan and Bill as we embraced.

As I imagined this my dick got rock hard and my hand went under the covers and into my undershorts to feel my growing cock. I wanted badly to jerk off and relieve the tension but decided I wanted to try to save it for our encounter this evening. I forced myself out of bed and grabbed some coffee. I puttered around for a while then logged on to let Bill know that Jordan was interested in our encounter. Bill was not online, but I knew he would be checking. I decided to get some work done and try to pass the time until 8pm rolled around.

I checked my inbox several times waiting on Bill's response. Finally, Bill's message popped up. "Hey Dave, morning. Hope you slept well? 8pm tonight sounds great." Bill sounded excited. "Hey why don't you get here a bit earlier and we can try to figure out how this will play out" I asked. "Yeah that's a good idea. I will be over about 7:30 if that works for you" Bill responded. I was charged up with sexual frustration but at the same time I was really sort of nervous. A few weeks ago, I never would have considered sex with a guy now I was arranging to have sex with 2 men. My world view was turned upside down.

I continued working trying not to focus on what was coming this evening. Around noon, I decided I would head to the gym and work off some sexual tension. I arrived at the gym and stored my stuff. The last time I was here the visions of naked men got me aroused and I flashed on the guy with the great body and heavy balls that caught me staring.

I jumped on the treadmill and started a brisk warm up before a full run. Sweat poured down my body and I could feel it running into my shorts. My dick flopped against the underwear and I tried not to focus on it before I got a full on hard dick. After a half hour of vigorous running, I went to the weight room and started going through my arm and chest routine. As I took inventory of the room, I noticed that the gym had "types" something I had not noticed before. There were the beefy muscle guys all clustered together preening and primping. The older guys with their saggy bodies who were trying to stay healthy and the teens who were there with their parents. None of these guys interested me. The guys I tended to notice were the guys who were mid to late 20's to about mid-40's. Guys that were in good, more natural shape. Guys that seemed approachable. Guys like Jordan and Bill.

I continued my workout as I peered around the room from time to time. I started noticing guys that I had never noticed before. I watched as the sweat glistened on their arms and faces. I noticed the sweat coated shirts sticking to the torso. I noticed how their dicks would bounce around in their gym shorts. All these images started to take its effect on me and I decided it was time to finish my workout and head to the locker room.

The locker room was pretty much empty as I removed my sweaty gym cloths and grabbed my towel and made my way to the showers. The shower room had 8 stalls, 4 on each side with dividers and a curtain. I stepped into an open shower, hooked my towel and let the warm water wash over me. I ran the soap over my body feeling the tight muscles I just worked, then slipping down under my cock and balls. The feeling of the soap and warm water felt good and I closed my eyes imagining it was Bill's mouth. My dick started to stir, and I quickly stopped what I was doing. I rinsed the soap off, shut off the water and started to dry off. I wrapped the towel around my waist and made my way back to the locker room.

Just as I pulled back the curtain, there stood the guy I had noticed in the locker room a few days prior. His towel was draped over his shoulder and his body glistened with sweat. My eyes met his and without thinking they trailed down his body to his cock. There were those large heavy balls nestled in that thick dark patch of pubes. The moment was awkward as we tried to side step each other. My cock started to swell under the towel and he shot me a quick grin. I left the shower room and back to my locker. I took my time trying to let me cock soften again but the image of those balls would not leave my mind.

I faced the lockers and took my cloths out. I dropped the towel and pulled on my undershorts. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw him again standing a few lockers down from me. His towel was on the floor and he was removing his stuff from his locker. He glanced quickly my way then back inside his locker. His right hand reached down and played with his cock. Was he playing with it? Or was it just an itch. I tried not to look but I could not help myself. Again, out of the corner of my eye I could see him playing with his cock. I tilted my head to get a better look and this time he was grinning at me and his hand stayed on his cock. Was he signaling to me? My dick started to harden as my pulse raced. Was he interested or was he just teasing me?

This was all too new for me. I had not idea what to do. I knew I wanted to see his dick grow. I thought about that perfect ass and what it would feel like to fuck it like I did with Bill and Jordan, but I could not do anything here in the locker room at the gym. If I got caught this would be a mess.

I finished getting dressed quickly, watching him as I did. He took his time dressing and playing with his hardening cock. I was sweating anf my pulse thumped in my ears. I could not look away, but I could not stay any longer. I grabbed bag and started walking towards the exit which meant walking past him. I tried to be cool but as I got beside him he said softly "meet me outside". Or did he say that? I left the gym and headed to my car. I was shaking with excitement and adrenaline. What if I misheard him? What if he did not tell me to meet him outside??

I sat in my car, my dick rock hard in my pants as I waited. I started to feel stupid thinking he did not want to meet me or that he was just playing games with me. I was just about to start the car when he walked out of the gym. He wore tight fitting jeans and a thick sweater over muscular body. He looked in my direction and smiled at me. He walked up to his truck, a large pickup truck that had been lifted. He opened the driver side door, tossed his stuff in and just stood there looking at me, smiling. Then he nodded his head towards the truck. Was this an invitation? I just looked, then he motioned again, yes, it was an invitation.

I nervously got out of my car and walked over to the truck. As I got close he told me to get in. I walked to the passenger side of the truck and stepped up into the vehicle. It was even higher than it looked at a distance. He climbed in on the driver side.

Once in with the doors closed he extended his hand. "I'm Brian" he said. I took his hand "Dave, nice to meet you" I replied nervously. "I noticed you checking me out in the gym" he said. I tried to think of something to say but the words would not come. He smiled "it's cool man" he said sensing my discomfort. "I was checking you out too." I relaxed a bit as he said this. "You have a hot body man" he continued, and I could feel myself blush. "Yeah you do to" I replied feeling awkward as I said it. The words still seemed unnatural to me. "What are you looking for?" he asked as he watched me. My mind went to his ass and the thought of me fucking him while he was bent over the bench at the gym. I stammered as I tried to think of the correct response.

His hand came across the vehicle and on my leg. The warmth of his hand sent a bolt of energy through me. "You seem nervous" he said with a smile. "Yeah I am" I responded honestly. "This is all sort of new to me." I said turning to face him. I looked into his eyes and there was this look of pure raw lust. His hand rode up my inner thigh to my crotch and he started to gently caress the mound. I nervously looked out the windows of the vehicle to make sure no one was watching. "No one can see in" Brian said sensing my discomfort. "The windows are tinted, and we are pretty high up." He leaned in and I could feel the heat from his face close to mine. He looked into my eyes as if asking if it was ok to kiss me. I could not move or say or do anything. I just held his gaze, then his lips brushed mine. I kissed him back, but I kept looking around to ensure no one could see us.

"Let's get out of here" Brian said and started the engine. Before I could respond he was out of the parking lot. "I have to be back soon" I said realizing I was leaving without knowing where I was going or even who I was going with. On the ride Brian told me he had a partner, but he liked to have fun on the side. I told him I was married and that I was relatively new to all of this. He smiled as I relayed my story.

Brian drove a short distance then headed into a wooded area. My excitement and tension built. "Where are we going" I asked. "I know a secluded area where we can have some fun" Brian responded. Brian pulled the car in beside a small cabin. "My partner and I own this place. We come here to get away sometimes." He said and jumped out of the vehicle. I jumped out and followed him, but he did not go into the cabin, he went around behind it. Brian continued walking and I followed him as he headed a few feet into the woods. I made my way next to him and just stood there waiting for what was going to happen. Brian unzipped his pants, pulled his cock out and started to piss into the woods. I stood watching not able to look away. There was something raw and exciting about watching another man pissing.

In that moment I decided that I wanted to piss too. I followed Brian's lead and pulled my cock out. I saw Brian watching me. No one that I knew of ever watched me piss before and I became very piss shy. I held my dick in my hand and the desire to piss was there, but my brain could not make it happen. Brian came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. I could feel his dick against the back of my pants. His right hand went to my cock and held it and his left hand cupped my balls. "Just relax" he said softly into my ear. "Close your eyes and just piss, its just the 2 of us out in the woods." Then his lips went to my neck and a chill ran through me. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sensation of his hands caressing my cock and balls. Soon my cock relaxed, and I could feel the warm yellow liquid streaming through my semi hard cock. "Yeah man, that's it" Brian coached. The feeling of pissing outdoors, and of Brian holding my cock while I pissed was incredible. My dick started to swell from his touch as the last drops of piss dripped from my cock head.

I turned to face Brian. I was feeling emboldened and excited. I wanted him now. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into me. My hands went to that firm ass that I noticed some weeks prior. It felt even better than it looked. My lips met his and our tongues intertwined as we stood in the woods making out. My hands worked up his muscular back to his shoulders and then back to his ass. He moaned as I caressed his body. Both of our dicks were still out rubbing against each other and growing harder.

"Let's go inside" I said to Brian. He grinned up at me, "No I want you to fuck me out here in the woods." He took my hand and led me a bit deeper into the woods. "Is it safe" I asked. "Yeah I have had sex with my partner and a few other guys in the woods. It turns me on." We got to a small area and Brian stopped and faced me. He reached down and unbuckled my belt and opened my pants, then fell to his knees and started to suck my dick. My dick was cold from being exposed to the air, but my body was rocked as Brian's warm mouth engulfed my cold hard dick. The feeling was incredible.

I looked down at Brian as he knelt on the floor of the woods. His head bobbed up and down on my cock as he devoured it. My hands rested on his shoulders to stabilize me. Brian put his hands on my hips and started to push me away then pull me into him, forcing my cock in and out of his mouth. Then he looked up at me. He was indicating what he wanted. I held tight on his shoulders and started to fuck his mouth, driving my cock in deeper and harder. Brian took every thrust eagerly. Soon my cock was getting close. I wanted to fuck his mouth more, I wanted to shoot my load into his eager mouth, but I also wanted to feel my dick in his ass. I pulled out of his mouth abruptly. "Sorry I am too close" I said, and Brian looked up at me with a proud smile.

I pulled Brian to his feet and started to kiss him again. This time it was forceful. I was in control and I wanted this guy. Brian did not pull away, he held on tight as I continued kissing him. I reached down and unbuckled his pants and pushed them to the ground. I stood back and saw those big balls and that dark hairy mound of pubes circling a thick hard cock. My hand reached down and grabbed it and started to stroke it as we made out again. Brian started to thrust his cock in into my hand. Precum slicked my palm and created lube while he worked his cock through my fingers.

Brian's head thrust backwards as the feelings over took him. I could tell he was getting close, but I did not want this to end. I wanted to fuck his ass and feel him cum with my dick deep inside him. I pulled my hand from his cock and pulled him towards me. I brought my mouth to his neck as I felt his breath heave from excitement. My right hand went to his ass and I said softly into his ear "I am going to fuck you here in the woods."

My lips closed on his neck and Brian melted into me. My fingers on my right hand parted his ass checks and I found the warm hole. I pulled him into me with my left hand holding him very tightly as if he would try to get away. Brian parted his legs as much as he could with his pants around his ankles giving me better access to his hole. I pulled my finger from his ass and brought it around to his cock. I collected some of his precum on my fingers and brought it back to his ass. My finger slipped into his ass and Brian gasped as I entered him fully, but he did not stop me. Soon I had a second finger in his ass and I could feel him relaxing. Brian was panting like a dog in heat as I fucked him with my fingers. After a few more minutes he reached back and pulled my hand from his ass. At first, I thought I hurt him. He turned away from me and walked up to a tree. He bent forward. "Fuck me man" he said as he assumed the position.

I could not believe this was happening. Here I was in the woods with my pants down and my cock out. Before me bent over a tree was this hot guy with his pants down around his ankles waiting for me to fuck him. I approached him and positioned my cock at his ass. He reached one hand back and pulled his ass open. The head of my cock entered his warm hole and I started to slide in, cautious not to hurt him. Brian had other ideas and pushed back hard forcing my cock deep inside in one thrust.

I grabbed Brian by the hips and started a hard fuck. Brian reached under and started stroking his cock while I fucked him deep. I felt like an animal fucking in the woods. As cool as it was outside, I started to sweat as I continued to pound Brian's ass. Brian moaned each time I trust into him. The slapping of my balls against his body seemed to echo through the woods.

It did not take long, and my dick was ready to unload. "I am getting close Brian" I grunted. "Fuck me man" Brian said as he quickened the motion of his hand on his cock to match my thrusts. I wanted to cum inside him. I wanted to feel his ass tighten on my cock when he shot his load. I slowed my pace a bit to get him to the point where he was ready to cum. After a few more strokes, Brian started to grunt like an animal "Yeah man I am ready." I started to slide in and out of him again but this time with a more patient motion as if knowing that my cock was stimulating his prostate.

Then I felt it. His ass started to clamp down on my cock, I was so close that the feeling pushed me over the edge. I grabbed his hips and thrust in deep feeling his ass tightened on my cock as he also started to unload. A few more thrusts and grunts from both of us and then we just stood there not able to move.

With my dick still hard and buried in Brian's ass he straightened up. My hands wrapped around his body and his head turned back to me to kiss me. My right hand felt his semi hard cock, coated with some of his cum. I pulled my hand up to his mouth and Brian licked some of it off then brought his mouth to mine and I tasted his cum.

We stood and made out for a while longer then my dick slowly shrunk and slide out of Brian's ass into the cold air. I reached down and pulled my pants up. Brian smiled then squatted down as if to go to the bathroom. He looked up at me and grinned and as I moved to look under him I could see he was expelling the cum I had shot into his ass on the leaves below. As he stood up I could see the white creamy liquid coating the dried leaves. We made out for a few minutes more than got back into his truck and headed back to the gym.

As I was about to get out of the truck a feeling of fear passed over me. "Hey man my wife sometimes works out here and..." He cut me off. "No worries, I am in the same boat. My partner works out here too and I do not want him to find out either. It's our little secret. Hopefully we can do it again" He smiled, and I climbed out of the truck and headed home. I had to get ready for my 3-way with Bill and Jordan in a few hours.

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