A New Path

By Greg Stevens

Published on Nov 27, 2017


A New Path

Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

A New Path -- Chapter 8

After dinner we Bill and I sat around trying to plan out our dad-son-dad 3-way with Jordan. The idea of having sex with Bill and Jordan had become an obsession. My mind kept flashing to it, but what if Jordan wasn't interested.

Once we finished dinner and cleaned up we headed into my office and got on the computer. Jordan was not online, so I left him a message. "Hey Jordan" I started trying to sound casual and cool. "I had a great time last night and would like to try it again if you are up for it?" I was trying to think how I approach the 3-way thing. Do I just blurt it out or do I ease him into it?

Bill was standing over my shoulder watching me craft the email. I looked to him for some suggestions. "Maybe just ask if he ever tried it and if he had, would he be interested in trying it again" Bill suggested. The approach was straight forward, and I figured probably the best one to try. I continued my email "Do you think you would ever be interested in trying a 3-way with me and a buddy of mine. He is another married guy. I think you would like him. He is about my age and height. He has a great body and a really hot cock." I could not believe I was actually describing one guy to another and talking about his hot cock, but there it was. Let me know if you are interested in trying it and when you may be available.

I read it over a few times then hit the enter key and off it went. A part of me felt stupid but I could not deny the effect it was having on my cock. Imagining Bill and me in bed with Jordan sent a thrill through my body.

After the email was sent Bill and I spent a bit more time hanging out and chatting. We talked about a variety of things, but my mind kept going back to a 3-way.

Once Bill's clothes were dry, I gave them to him and he changed into them. I watched out of the corner of my eye as he got undressed then re-dressed. A part of me wanted to stop him and take his cock again but it was getting late.

After Bill left, I checked the computer again but still no message from Jordan. I decided to go to bed. While I slept I had this amazing sex dream. Bill and I were in the garage working on his pickup truck. The garage door was open. Soon Jordan was standing in the door way. He was wearing grey sweatpants that form fit to his tight body and a black leather motorcycle jacket. I could see his cock outlined in his sweatpants. Bill leaned against the truck and watched Jordan. Jordan started to rub his cock through his sweatpants and the bulge grew larger. Bill then started to rub his own cock through his jeans.

Both men stood facing each other just looking at each other like something from an X-rated film. I went over and closed the garage door and walked up to Jordan. I grabbed the front of his jacket and pulled him to me. My mouth met his and I started to kiss him roughly. He did not stop me. Bill came up behind Jordan and started to play with his ass. Jordan was sandwiched in between Bill and me.

Bill pulled the sweatpants down exposing Jordan's creamy white, firm ass. He started to rub himself on Jordan's ass dry humping him while Jordan and I made out. Soon Bill pulled his hard-uncut cock out of his pants and started to rub it on Jordan's ass. Bill's cock slid into Jordan who held me tighter while Bill invaded him. I reached up and unzipped Jordan's leather jacket. He wasn't wearing any shirt underneath and I had easy access to his nipples. I reached into the jacket and probed his chest, my fingers finding his tight nipples and I started to squeeze them. Jordan flinched a bit but did not stop me.

Looking down at Jordan while Bill fucked him was driving me crazy. I pulled my cock out of my pants and pushed his head down to my cock. "Suck it boy" I said, and Jordan obeyed without any thought. Soon I was fucking his mouth while Bill fucked his ass. I looked up and Bill was smiling at me as we pumped our hard cocks in both ends of Jordan. My hands went to his shoulders and I had the feeling of the leather jacket, soft and rugged. I could feel the cum starting to fill my cock and I can still recall in the dream fucking Jordan's mouth. My hard cock started to unload just as I started to wake up. Instead of fucking Jordan's mouth I was fucking the bed and my undershorts filled with cum. I just had a wet dream.

I was a bit disappointed that it had not really happened but as the dream faded a bit I realized how hot it was and I was more determined to make this a reality.

I got out of bed and cleaned up the pool of cum thankfully only a small amount got on the bed. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 2:30 in the morning. I decided to go back to the computer to see if Jordan responded. There was a message in my inbox from Jordan. "Hey Dave, thanks for the email. I never had a 3-way, but I may be interested. I definitely had a great time with you. If your buddy is as hot as you describe it could be a lot of fun." I was excited that Jordan was willing to give it a try. "Hey Jordan, that's great I responded. We could meet at my place if you like. My wife is still out of town." I hit send. Soon a response from Jordan popped up. I had not realized he was online. "What is your friend into? Can you tell me more about him?" "Bill is about my age" I stopped to think about what he was into??? I had no real idea what to say. "I am not really sure" I started. "He likes to suck my dick and get fucked" I said trying to figure it out as I typed. "He likes to make out too" I added quickly.

"Sounds good so far" Jordan responded. "He told me about this 3-way he had with 2 guys that were into dad/son roleplay. It made me think about how you called me sir when we were together and..." I stopped not knowing what more to say. There was no response for a what felt like a long time. Then Jordan responded "That sounds really hot. I do have a thing for older guys. When are you guys free?" I starred at the screen. I could not believe this was going to happen. My dick got hard thinking about it. "I will have to check with Bill but how about tonight around 8?" I asked. Yeah that would be great. "here is my cell number, text me if we are on with the address." I smiled it was becoming a reality. I felt like a schoolboy. "Sounds good Jordan" I will text you later today once I talk to Bill." Jordan's response excited me "Thanks Sir!." I read it 3 times then went back to bed.

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Next: Chapter 9

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