A New Path

By Greg Stevens

Published on Nov 6, 2017


A New Path

Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

A New Path -- Chapter 5

Over dinner Bill and I talked like we were old friends. There were moments of awkwardness as I considered what we had done earlier at his house. My mind would wander back to the thoughts and the feelings and I would start to get warm and my dick would stir. As I sat there with Bill just relaxing there was something nice about it. Nice having a buddy to talk to but even nicer being able to have another person to get off with. I knew I missed the physical connection but did not realize how badly I missed it. I felt more confused but more relaxed at the same time.

After dinner I drove back to Bill's house to let him out. Bill and I talked in the car for a while about sports, travel just basic stuff. Bill reached over and put his hand on my leg. A nervous shock went through my body. It was still weird to have a man touch me. Bill looked at me, "Thanks Dave. I enjoyed our time together. I know this is new for you and I am here to talk or whatever you need." He said with a slight grin. I started to get horny again, but it was getting late. "Thanks man I really appreciate it" Bill took the hint and got out of the car.

I drove back to the house and went right to the bedroom. I was horny again and thinking of Bill's hand on my leg sent a spark to my cock. I stripped naked and lay on the bed. I reached over and pulled some lube from the nightstand. Once my wife and I used it for sex now I just used it to JO with. Normally I would smear some of the silky liquid on my hand and start to slowly pump my cock. I decided to slick up my fingers and work them into my hole.

My wet index finger met my hole. It felt a bit a sore from the device that Bill had used on it earlier but good at the same time. My finger slipped in making its way past the outer ring. Slowly I inserted it further into my hole. My body felt a jolt of electric as I hit that spot. My dick jolted, and my other hand wrapped around my cock. I closed my eyes and started to stroke my cock as my finger probed my hole. I imagined the feeling of kissing Bill under the covers. His hairy body pressed against mine. Our dicks intertwining as virtually every part of our bodies touched.

I stopped stroking my dick. Though it felt great I felt like I was lacking connection again. I was back to jerking off like I did the past 4 years. I wanted, no needed the physical touch. It was a bit late, could I call Dave and have him come over? I wanted to, but I felt like I was asking too much. I got out of bed and pulled on some shorts. I went to the computer to see if he was on and then could maybe make the excuse to invite him over. Bill was not signed on. I looked around and found a site that looked like it may provide some interesting chat. The site was called "MM4MM" I assumed that it meant "Married men for Married men" sure enough there was some back and forth conversations.

I did not engage in the open forum I just sort of watched from the sidelines. One guy messaged me privately. "Hey man how's it going?" "Good" I replied simply then looking at the screen quickly added "and you?" "Good man, but horny. My girlfriend is on the rag, so I am not getting any" He replied. "Yeah I get that" I wrote back. Though my wife was not on the rag, I was not getting any either. We continued our conversation back and forth then my computer dinged, and I looked to see that he sent me a picture. When I clicked on it I was shocked to see it was his dick. As dicks went it looked nice. I was not sure what to say. "That looks nice" I replied not wanting to offend him. "you got one to share?" he asked. A picture of my dick? Even if I did I would not want it online. "No sorry. I am married and really new at this. I do not think I could share that online. "oh that's cool man. What are you into? What are you looking for?" he asked. I had to stop to think about the question. I knew I liked making out with Bill and I knew that I liked getting blown but what was I looking for?

Finally, after thinking about it I typed "someone to get off with" In my mind this meant make a connection with like I had with Bill. "Cool" he said. "Want to come over?" I stopped again to think about it. "Where do you live?" I asked, and he provided his address. It was literally walking distance, only about 5 blocks away. "Ok" I replied and told him I could be there in 15 minutes. We agreed on the time and I went back to my room to nervously get dressed. My dick was hard in my pants.

I left the house and decided to drive the 5 blocks and glad that I had. It had turned cold out. I arrived at the set of rowhouses and found the number he provided. I knocked on the door and almost crapped my pants. The guy who answered the door was young, really young maybe about 22-25 years old. He was shorter than me maybe about 5'9 with a narrow but muscular body. He wore a blue button-down shirt that showed off strong arms with some tattoos showing on his forearms. He also had on well-worn grey jeans that fit nicely over his lower half. He extended his hand and introduced himself as Jordan.

Jordan led me to the living room and sat down on the sofa. I was totally confused. I was old enough to be this boy's father. Did he not realize my age? "Sorry about this man. I did not realize how young you were" I started to apologize. "He smiled, "I like older men. I think it is hot to be with older guys." There was a jolt to my body from his words. He was serious, he wanted to be with an older guy. I did not know what to say. Without saying anything Jordan moved closer to me on the sofa. He moved over me and sat on my lap straddling my legs. He faced me and smiled. He bent his head down and kissed me on the lips softly. His mouth was warm, and his lips were sweet.

Instinctively I put my hands on his back and pulled him towards me. I held him close feeling the warmth of his body as our mouths intertwined. My tongue probed his mouth and he accepted it moaning as I worked on his mouth. There was something exciting about this guy. He was masculine but at the same time being smaller framed was somehow exciting.

We made out for a while. I could feel his cock getting hard as his body pressed against mine. Finally, he broke off and stood up. He took me by the hand and led me to the bedroom. Once inside the bedroom he closed the door behind us. He was standing with his back to the door just looking at me. Without thought I leaned into him pressing him against the wall. I started to kiss him again. This time taking full control. Jason wrapped his arms around me and we made out. I reached up and unbuttoned his shirt. My hands went to his nipples like I had done a thousand times to my wife. His pecs were firm, and his nipples were hard small dots. My fingers closed on them and I gentle pinched them. Jordan moaned. I reached down and opened his grey jeans. I pushed them down over his hips and firm butt. Jason kicked them off and I pulled him close again.

My hands went to his ass and I was surprised to find it was naked. I looked down and Jordan was wearing just a jock strap. I scanned down his body now for the first time taking in his nakedness. Jordan was small framed but well-muscled. His torso was mostly hairless, and his broad shoulders tapered down to a narrow waist. His legs were strong, and his ass had two perfect melon shaped orbs. He smiled up at me. He pulled my jacket off and tossed it on a chair. He pulled my shirt up over my head and put it with the jacket then grinned at my muscular body. He leaned in and placed his lips on my right nipple. He started to lick and suck it the way I would have done to my wife. It felt so good with shocks of pain when he would chomp down. While sucking on my nipple Jordan loosened my pants and helped me out of them. He quickly removed my boxers and dropped them to the floor then pulled me over to the bed.

I laid on the bed and Jordan climbed on top of me. He still wore the jock strap, but the head of his dick popped up over the top. It was hot. His warm body came into contact with mine and I wrapped my arms around him pulling him close to me. We started to kiss again and Jordan rubbed his cock into mine. I liked the feeling of his smaller body on top of mine. My fingers ran down his back and over his ass. His ass was firm and muscular with just a dusting of soft hair. My fingers ran down the crack of his ass and he let out a soft sound. I continued to rub up and down along his crack and he seemed to really enjoy it. Finally, he reached back and took my hand, he placed my finger near his hole indicating that he wanted me to probe him. My index finger pressed on his hole and his lips left mine. "Oh yeah that feels good sir" he said. "Sir??" I thought to myself. I started to slowly drive my finger into his ass proceeding with caution. I did not want to hurt him. The more I pressed in the more he pressed back.

I worked his hole with my finger for some time as we continued to make out. Our dicks were rock hard between us. My balls started to hurt from all the built-up excitement. Soon Jordan pushed himself up and sat facing me. I looked up and saw this young guy with the great smooth body. His arms covered with tattoos and his cock poking out of the top of his jock strap. I wanted him badly. Jordan slide forward on my body and pulled my cock behind him. He reached back and started to stroke it as he played with one of my nipples. I looked up watching him in amazement. "I want you inside" he said looking down at me with a smile. I just nodded. Jordan lifted himself up and started to position my cock head at the base of his ass. Slowly he started to lower himself onto my cock. Impaling himself on my hard-thick dick. There was a look of pain and pleasure on his face.

After a few seconds his expression relaxed, and he started to slowly move up and down on my cock. The feeling was intense. I place a hand on each of his thighs as he rode me. Sweat glistened on his body as he moved rhythmically up and down my hard cock. Soon his pace picked up and he started to fuck himself with my cock. I started to lift my hips and grind into him. When he moved down, I pushed up. We synchronized our movements and I watched the pleasure come over him. I was feeling it too. I wanted to be inside him. I liked the feeling. I was getting close, but I did not want this to end. "Slow down Jordan I want this to last" Jordan looked down at me his eyes pleading. Please fuck me Dad, I want to feel your seed in me." "Dad??" did he call me "Dad". I was not sure what was going on, but I liked the feeling. I slowly started to fuck him again. Jordan matched my every movement.

I reached up and pulled back Jordan's jockstrap. His cock was long and hard and red. I spit into my hand and wrapped it around his dick. I started to stroke it and time it to my dick in his ass. Jordan moaned loudly as he rocked up and down on my cock. "Fuck me Dad, please fuck me" He said as my dick worked his ass and my hand worked his cock. "OH yeah Dad, I am so close" His eyes closed in pure pleasure. I could feel his dick swell and knew it would not be long. I gripped the dick a bit harder and slowed my pace on it, concentrating closer to the head. Just as I did his body spasmed and his dick blasted a single stream of cum up and over my body landing on my chin.

I continued to stroke as he continued to bob up and down on my cock. Feeling his cum on my chin sent me over the edge. Through gritted teeth I started to grunt like an animal "I am going to cum!" I said assuming he would get up off me. He squeezed his ass down on my cock and as my dick started to unload he bent down and kissed me. The combination of the feelings drove me wild. I grabbed him and shoved my dick into him deep as I felt my orgasm tighten my whole body. It felt like it would never end.

Finally, I lay there breathing heavy, my dick still in Jordan's ass. His body lying on top of mine. I was spent and had no energy to move. Honestly, I did not want to move. I had not felt so relaxed and complete in a long time.

We laid there for a while longer my dick slowly pulling out of Jordan's ass. Jordan got up and grabbed a towel and started to clean me up. He smiled sheepishly at me the whole time. "Fuck man that was hot" Jordan said. I found it hard to make full eye contact with him, but smiled. "Thanks Jordan" I got up and started to get dressed with my back turned to him. Jordan got dressed too and led me to the door.

"Thanks" I said trying not to be awkward. He leaned in and gave me a kiss. I got in my car and drove home.

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Next: Chapter 6

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