A New Path

By Greg Stevens

Published on Oct 30, 2017


A New Path

Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

A New Path -- Chapter 4

I had a restless sleep, images of me getting sucked off by a guy in the living room, my wife walks in and starts to yell then cry. I woke up exhausted and confused. The first person to person sex I had in more years than I could recall, and it was with a guy.

I got up and pulled on some sweatpants and a t-shirt and went to the kitchen. I inserted a pod into the machine and brewed a cup. I sat at the table and just stared out the window. The day was going to be cold. Days like this always made me feel more alone and hornier. The soft material of my sweats rubbed against the head of my cock causing it to swell. I massaged it through the material and my body tingled. I could not remember when I was this horny. I forced myself to pull my hand away from my dick and get dressed to go to the gym. I needed to relieve tension and that seemed like the best way to do it.

Fifteen minutes later I was dressed and out the door to the gym. I went to the locker room and started to take off my street cloths. I pulled the sweater up and over my head, and pulled off my jeans. I reached into my bag and grabbed my jockstrap and my shorts. I got dressed and placed all my gear in the locker. As I was stowing my stuff, I noticed a young man out of the corner of my eye getting dressed. If I had to guess I would say about 26, maybe. He was shorter than me with dark hair. His body was smooth except for a patch of thick dark pubes around some heavy looking balls, with his dick resting on them. I never stopped to notice the guys at the gym before. I must have been looking too long because he smiled at me, turned his back to me exposing a tight ass and muscled back and started to get dressed. I broke my stare and headed to the cardio room.

I got on the treadmill and started a run. I realized my dick had reacted to watching the guy in the locker room and it was now rubbing against the material of the jock strap. Images of the young man were flashing in my mind. What was I thinking? I had only experienced sex with a guy recently, an experiment at best. It was a horny experience, but it was more of a guy in need. I got off and it felt good, but I was not bisexual.

If that was true, why was I thinking of this young guy from the locker room? Why did the image of him naked arouse me? It was like a switch had been flipped and now that the lights were on I could see things I couldn't before. As hard as I tried to get the image of the guy out of my mind the more I thought about him. His firm ass and muscular back, the way his pubes framed his cock. The firm pecs so different from my wife's breasts but at the same time equally exciting to look at.

My dick grew harder with each passing thought. I had to get off the treadmill or the images mixed with the rubbing against the jockstrap may become embarrassing. I stopped the machine and grabbed my towel holding it close to my crotch to cover up my erection. I walked over to the weight room and was relieved to see that no one was there. I grabbed the weights and started my arm routine, then moved on to chest and back. I could focus on the weights so that my mind could escape other things. After a good workout I headed to the locker room. I grabbed my towel and headed for the showers without thinking. I picked a shower stall and stripped down. I let the warm water wash away the sweat. After a few minutes I stepped out of the shower and dried off, then pulled the towel around my waist and walked back to my locker.

"FUCK" I yelled to myself. There were men in towels all over the place. Most were older heavy guys but one or two that had great bodies. What if I got an erection here? Would I get beaten up? Why was this happening to me. I dressed quickly trying to avoid eye contact and even worse an erection. I jumped into my car and drove home. On the ride home, I kept flashing on the guy in the gym, my dick would not ease up on me. It stayed hard in my jeans. I was confused, scared, angry, but horny all at the same time. A part of me felt like the worst person ever and another part of me felt like a teenager getting his driver's license and wanting access to the car.

I needed to figure this out. I needed to talk to someone about it but who? My wife? Hell no. A shrink? Was I crazy? The only person I could talk to was Bill. He could help me. Maybe?

I got online and looked for him. Sure, enough he was on. "Hey Bill" I typed trying to sound or feel nonchalant. "How's it going?" "Hey man doing good. Thanks for yesterday. I had a great time" Bill replied. "Yeah um thanks man" Did that sound weird? "Hey, Bill, can we talk" I asked. "Sure bud, what's up?" Suddenly, I had no clue what to ask, how to start. I sat there looking at the cursor on the screen trying to figure out my question. "What's happening to me?" was all I could think to type. "What do you mean" Bill replied. "The things we did yesterday. I have never done them. I have never been with a guy and never had any interests" The words flowed from my head to my fingers. My mind unloading. "Did you enjoy it?" Bill typed. I sat back and thought about the past 24 hours. "Yes" was my singular reply. I felt so evil, so dirty for saying it but yes, I did enjoy it. It was the best, no, the only sex I had in the past 4 years. Was that the issue. Was it just me being horny that provided me with the ability to enjoy it.

"Dave, I know this is hard for you. You seemed to really enjoy what we did" I shot back "I'm not gay" "I never said you were" Dave responded. "I am not even bisexual" I added. "Look Dave I think you are trying to put labels on things that don't need a label. Sometimes being close to someone sexually just feels good. I have been with my share of men and women, but I do not consider myself gay. Technically I guess I am bisexual but who the fuck cares?"

I sat and thought about what I just read. Did it really matter. Was sex just sex? Could I enjoy sex with a man? I did enjoy it yesterday if I am being fully honest with myself. I imagined how it felt to have Bill sucking my dick. How it did not matter to my dick that he was a guy. I also thought about him kissing me. Again, being honest with myself it was hot and passionate and in those minutes, it did not matter. Could I separate myself out from my thoughts of being bi and just enjoy it? My issues at home with my wife were not going to change in the bedroom. I had come to that painful realization.

I re-read the words that Bill had typed. "Who the fuck cares." Ran through my head. I wanted, no needed to explore this more. "Hey Bill, what are your plans later this afternoon?" I typed building up courage. I had no idea what we would do, what I would be willing to try. I did not even know if Bill was interested. "No plans bud, want to swing by and we can grab dinner?" Well I guess that solved that problem. "Sure about 6pm good with you?" I asked tentatively. "See you then" Bill replied.

I logged off the computer and got some work done around the house. I tried to focus on my work but images of that young man in the gym kept interrupting my thoughts. Memories of Bills mouth wrapped around my cock and his lips on my lips flooded my mind. By 5pm I could jump in the shower and get dressed. I felt nervous as if I was going on a first date. What to wear. I put on a pair of khakis and looked at myself in the mirror. They fit well sitting right below my hips, the band of my white briefs showing above. I grabbed a dark blue pullover from my drawer. This was one of my favorites. I liked how the soft material contoured to my body. It made my pecs, shoulders and arms look large. I pulled on some shoes and grabbed my jacket from the closet. I felt nervous but excited.

I arrived at Bill's place at 6 as promised. Bill answered the door with the phone to his ear. He held up a finger indicating he would be a moment. He stepped out of the way and I stepped in. Bill was in just pajama bottoms with no shirt. I had an opportunity to take in his body, seeing it for the first time. Bill had a very natural body. A bit more hair on his body than I had. Bill was trim and in good shape but had a rugby players body, thick through his torso with tight abs. The hair that covered his abs accentuated the muscles. I started to become uneasy and excited at the same time. After a few minutes Bill ended his call. "Hey Dave, sorry about that. My wife was calling to check in. I haven't even had time to shower. Do you mind if I rinse off? "he asked. "Go for it" was all I could get out. "Come with me" he said leading me through the house to the master bedroom. "We can talk while I am getting ready." Bill dropped his pants in front of me and I tried not to stare. He had muscular legs that were nicely covered with the same dark hair as his abs. His cock was thick, and his balls hung below. I could feel my face flush with heat as I tried not to look.

Bill scratched his balls and kept talking. I think he was recommending places for dinner, but I was not paying full attention. I was starting to sweat a bit and could feel a loss of control of my dick. My mind was racing, and I did notice that Bill was standing across from me smiling. "Dave, you ok?" he asked. I stammered and tried to respond. I could see Bill's cock starting to get hard. It unfolded and grew in what seemed like slow motion. I looked up from his cock to his eyes. He smiled at me and I started to feel sick, like I was going to black out. I sat quickly on the edge of the bed. Bill came over and placed his hand on my shoulder. "Dave are you ok?" he asked with some concern. You look pale. I looked up at him. My eyes trailing up his hairy muscular legs, over his hardening cock, up his strong body to his eyes. I could not speak so I just nodded.

Bill pulled me up to my feet so that I was standing in front of him. His hands remained on my shoulders. He pulled me close as our eyes locked onto each other and his lips connected with mine. Without thinking my arms wrapped around him and drew him to me. I wanted to feel his body next to mine. Bill pulled my shirt up and over my head and rejoined our embrace. His warm hairy body met mine and every nerve was on fire. Feeling another human body close to mine was intense but this was different, his hairy body sent excitement through my chest. While we kissed he expertly unbuckled and unzipped my khakis and lowered them to the ground. I stepped out of them never breaking our embrace. My dick was hard in my white briefs and Bill ground his hard cock into mine. Then he lowered my briefs to the floor and I stepped out of them. We were now fully naked. Lips to lips, torso to torso and cock to cock. I liked the feeling of him close to me. I liked the connection I was feeling it was warm and satisfying and I enjoyed it with my whole body.

Bill finally broke our embrace leaving me feeling empty and wanting more. He took my hand and led me to the bed, he pulled back the covers and got in, pulling me in with him. Under the covers we began our embrace again, our arms wrapping around each other, our legs intertwining and our hard cocks rubbing together. I enjoyed this. I more that enjoyed it. It was hot, sexy and dirty all at the same time.

I could feel something wet on my cock and I reached an arm into the blanket and between our bodies. My hand met Bill's cock and I felt a wet spot. Did he cum? Did he already unload just from our embrace? Bill must have sensed my question. "Sorry Dave I precum a lot" he said smiling. My fingers were slick with his precum. Did I have this effect on him? I was feeling an odd sense of pride. I brought my fingers to my mouth like what I had done with my wife's pussy. I sniffed the precum, it did not have much of a smell. I stuck my tongue out and licked it. The taste was warm and slightly sweet and salty but oddly satisfying. I licked the remainder off my fingers. Bill smiled at me as if he were watching a student get the right answer to a hard question. This time Bill reached down and squeezed his dick. He brought up more precum on his fingers. This time he held them to my mouth. Slowly he inserted one of the fingers into my mouth and I found myself sucking his finger like a baby would suck a pacifier. His fingers were thick and rough but the feeling in my mouth mixed with the taste of his precum was exhilarating and I wanted more.

Bill provided me with more precum and then would replace his fingers with his tongue. The combination of lips, tongue, fingers, precum was starting to make me go wild. I wanted more, I needed to cum.

All the body contact and making out soon had us both a bit too warm under the blanket. Bill pushed the blankets down and looked at me. He had a greedy look on his face. He quickly moved his head to my cock and sucked it down in one gulp. A spasm ran through my body and my head shot back into the pillow. Bill knew how to suck a dick and he seemed to like it. If he kept this up it would not be long before I shot my load. Bill worked his mouth off my cock and down the sides of my dick. His mouth then moved to my inner thighs as he pushed my legs apart. He moved his mouth under my balls and it tickled at first but then felt amazing. He took my legs and pushed them up giving him access to my hole. What was he thinking? No way that big dick would fit inside me. Bill instead moved his mouth to my ass and ran his tongue up the crack. My cock jumped when his tongue hit my hole. I thought about how I fingered it in the shower, but this felt better.

As I relaxed and let Bill do what he was doing the feeling got even better. Bill spent more time driving his tongue into my hole. The more he probed the deeper I wanted him. He pressed back on my legs to give him greater access to my hole and I let him have it. Was this what it felt when I ate my wife out? This was an amazing feeling. Soon Bill started to work a finger into my ass. The feeling was good but much different than his tongue. I liked the feeling, but his tongue felt better. Soon Bill's finger was deep into me and he started to work it in and out. I was lost. Bill knew what he was doing, and I enjoyed every bit of it. Soon Bill reached into the night stand and pulled something out. I did not see what it was, and Bill would not show me. Bill started licking and kissing my hole, again. Soon I felt Bill slip something into my ass. It was about as thick as his finger, but it was cold and more rigid. Bill started to insert it further, slowly sliding it into me. My body tensed with pleasure. Then whatever it was seemed to widen a bit and stretch my hole even further. I could feel Bill's hand holding whatever it was. He stood up on his knees holding the thing in my ass. He looked down at me. "Are you ok" he asked in a husky voice. I looked up and him and nodded. He smiled at me, bent forward, and started to kiss me. As he kissed me he started to work the thing in and out of my ass. He was fucking my virgin hole with whatever he inserted in me.

I could feel his warm breath on my mouth. I was panting into his mouth as the thing fucked my ass. If you have ever had a completely intense feeling come over your body you will understand the feelings I had. Every part of me was screaming with pleasure. Every part of my body tingled. I had no control of my feelings and I just let it happen. As Bill continued to fuck me I reached out to grab his cock. The precum provided lube. Bill started to fuck my hand while he used this device to fuck my ass. I started to feel like Bill was in me as the 2 thrusting movements were in perfect synchronization.

Bill grunted like a wild animal as sweat streamed down his chest. He was filled up sexually and I did not recognize the friendly face, it had been replaced by a man in heat. Bill continued to fuck my hand with his cock keeping the rhythm on my ass with the thing. After a while I felt Bill's cock swell in my hand. His thrusts started to become more intense and more erratic. The head of his cock doubled in size and he started to grunt. He started to press harder on the device in my ass. Each trust hit me harder and harder. Finally, Bill dropped the device leaving it in my ass. He wrapped his hands around mine and arched his back. He continued to fuck my hand, precum still streaming out like a leaking faucet. Then without a word he just stopped and held his dick in place for a second. Then it hit me as if in slow motion. The first warm spurt shot out of his cock and he started to stroke it again with my hand. Then spurt after spurt shot and oozed out of his cock onto my body. A final spurt shot out and his body spasmed as he collapsed, partially on me.

I laid there with the device in my ass, my dick rock hard, my body covered in Bill's cum. Bill reached between my legs and took the device in his hand again and started to work it into my ass. My fingers wrapped around my cock and I started to stroke myself matching my motion to the device in my ass. Bill leaned into me and turned my face to his. His placed his hand on my cheek and I leaned in to kiss him. He pulled me closer and we passionately made out. All these sensations mixed together. Soon my cock was unloading. I could feel the device as my ass tightened around it and my orgasm built up. I was panting, and Bill knew exactly how to work the device into my ass as I came. My orgasm was total. It rocked me from my toes to the hair on my head.

Cum from both our dicks coated my body. I could smell the cum and for the first time there was something sexy about it. Bill's lips were still on mine and I was in no rush to stop kissing him. He ran his fingers over my cum soaked body and I shivered from the feeling of the now cold cum being spread over me. After making out for a while longer Bill pulled the device out of my ass. It came out with a slight plop. I was curious to see what it was that made my ass feel so good. Bill showed it to me. It was black about 6 inches from tip to hilt. Just like it felt it had a narrow tip that spread out about half.

I looked at it curiously. "Did you like that" Bill asked smiling at me. "Yes, it felt amazing" I replied honestly. Come on let's get cleaned up, I'm starving. I realized I was too. Bill led me to the shower and I got in and let the water rinse the sweat and cum from my body. Bill stayed in the bathroom talking to me as I soaped up. It felt natural to be there showering in front of him. I dried off and got dressed. My dick was sore but felt great. Bill showered and finished dressing and we left the house to grab some food.

Next: Chapter 5

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