A New Path

By Greg Stevens

Published on Oct 25, 2017


A New Path -- Chapter 2

I got in the car looking around as if someone was watching and drove home. I was suffering from guilt but at the same time my body was tingling. I had not felt this alive in a long time. I felt oddly good, powerful, desirable and mostly; masculine. Something I realized I hadn't felt in a long time. Was it possible that I connected my masculinity to my ability to have sex with my wife. That the lack of sex was somehow weakening me as a man.

I arrived home a few minutes later and stripped off my cloths and got into the shower. I tried to rinse away the guilt. As I brought my warm soapy hand to my cock and balls I flashed on the feeling of Bill's mouth on my cock. I imagined the first moment his mouth came down onto it. My body tightened under the warm water. My dick jumped in my hand. Why was I still thinking about this? I rinsed off and got out of the shower. A few minutes later I went to the family room and laid down on the sofa.

I must have drifted off to sleep because the next thing I remember was the phone ringing. I opened my eyes and it was starting to get dark out. "Hello" I answered groggy. "Hi honey" I heard my wife's voice on the other end of the line. "How was your day?" "Oh, not too bad" I said flashing back to my encounter earlier. "How was your flight? Did you make it safely to the hotel?" I asked trying to be as casual and normal sounding as possible. Could she tell I cheated on her? Would my voice betray me? "Uneventful. I arrived at the hotel about a half hour ago. I am going to get changed and meet with my team for a while before dinner." "Oh, that sounds good I replied." "Well I gotta get running. Have a good night, I will talk to you tomorrow" She hung up the phone and I sat in silence once again.

I went to the kitchen to find something to eat. I was still on an orgasm high from earlier in the day. I tried to get the memory of what happened out of my mind, but I kept coming back to it over and over again. There was nothing in the house. I would need to either call out or go out to get something. I started to think about Bill and wondered if he wanted to grab a beer and a burger with me. Was that a crazy idea? He seemed cool and it would be nice to have someone to chat with.

I threw caution to the wind and got online. Bill did not seem to be on but I sent him a private IM "Hey Bill it's Dave from earlier today" Did that sound weird? Did it sound like he had multiple guys over and would forget me? "Like I said earlier my wife is out of town and I just realized I didn't have any food in the house. I know your wife is away too and figured I would take the chance that you might want to grab a beer and burger or something." I provided my phone number and went to get dressed. I figured one way or the other I had to grab something to eat.

I finished dressing but did not hear from Bill. I figured he was either not online or had no interest in hanging out. I grabbed my coat and keys and got in the car. I had no idea what I wanted to eat so I just started driving. About 10 minutes later my phone rang "Hello" "Hey Dave it's Bill, how's it going man?" his cheery voice rang out. At once I felt awkward. Was this what I really wanted. "Good man just looking for some food" I said trying to sound normal. "Great, I just ordered a pizza. You want to swing by and join me? It beats eating alone again." "I don't want to put you out" I said trying not to impose. "Its cool man come on over, the pizza will be here in about 20 minutes." Ok I replied. "I'll stop the store and grab some beers and be right over" "Awesome" Bill said and hung up.

I stopped by the store and picked up some beers. I bought the brand that Bill had given me earlier. I arrived at his place about 30 minutes later. I got out of the car and suddenly I felt nervous. Should I just get in the car and go home? Bill opened the door and called to me. "Hey Dave, pizza just got here, come on in" Too late I thought I was stuck now. I smiled and Bill greeted me at the door. I placed my coat on the chair and followed Bill into what his Den. It was a nice room with a huge TV, some video game systems and a big well warn leather sofa. In one corner was a table with the pizza laid out on it.

"Nice room" I offered as I put the beers down on the table. "Thanks, it's my sanctuary. My wife pretty much stays out, when she is here that is." I looked up trying to understand and I guess my curiosity was written on my face. "Oh, my wife travels a lot for work. I may only see her about 2 times a month if I am lucky." I understood what he was saying as my wife started to travel more and more.

Bill put a game on the TV as we chatted. The conversation with Bill was easy and we talked about life, marriage the military etc. It was good to have a buddy to bond with. We polished off the pizza and worked on a couple beers then headed to the sofa. I felt really relaxed hanging out with Bill. He was just a regular guy and what should have been awkward was relaxing.

After some back and forth conversation Bill started to discuss his sexual problems with his wife. His stories reminded me of my own. Married for a while, great sex in the beginning that tapered off to occasionally, and then to rarely and then to none. "Is that when you started to get into blowing guys?" I asked not holding back. "Actually, I had sex with guys in high school and college Bill replied" "Wow I did not realize" I commented. "Yeah it started in my senior year of high school. I was a horny kid all the time. I had this one buddy Max and we would go back to his place and look at his Dad's titty mags. One day we decided we would stroke our cocks together. We whipped them out and started stroking. My dick was uncut and that was interesting I guess to him. He started asking questions then asked if he could touch it. Sure, go for it and he did. He played with it like it was a toy he was trying to figure out. He pulled the skin back, ran it up and down in his fingers and stroked it. Well I was a normal horny teen and in no time I shot my load all over him. He laughed like crazy. From there we jerked each other off on a regular basis. Then we progressed to blowing each other. I was the first to blow him. He had a long skinny dick that slide easily into my mouth. I could suck him deep and he would cum quickly. Sometimes too quickly. I also discovered that if I inserted a finger into his asshole he would go crazy. At that time, I was so naïve that I did not imagine that one man could stick his dick into another man's ass.

"You sound like you had a pretty interesting sexual experiences" I commented trying to find the right words. Bill chuckled. "Yeah it was. We helped each other get off more times than I could count. Eventually we graduated and Max left the state for college. We remained friends but never really got off together."

"You said you played around in college as well" I asked wanting to hear more. "Yeah college was wild. My first year I had the biggest asshole roommate. He was a real redneck piece of shit. Halfway through the semester I needed to get out of the dorm room or I was going to kill him. I found 2 other guys that were renting off campus and asked if I could move in with them. Tony and Dennis. You could not find 2 more different guys. Tony was this short-muscled guy with huge arms that worked out all the time. He was Italian with dark hair and deep blue eyes. He was as dumb as a stump but the nicest guy you could ever meet. Dennis was tall and with a rugged build and stood about 6'4. He had a good natural body like someone that works hard doing physical labor. Dennis was the nerdy type. Nose always in a book. Always reading something, no time for games. Dennis had light brown hair and a full beard and wore glasses which added to the nerdy look. He always wore jeans and a t-shirt with some comic book or video game connection."

"So, you fooled around with both guys I asked trying to figure it out?" "LOL no I would have blown Tony in a heartbeat, but he was not going to give it up, and never suffered blue balls. He was followed by all the girls and even some of the guys I would guess. I never planned to have sex with Dennis either it just happened. It was a holiday break and most kids were going home to family for the break. I decided to stay to work on school stuff and so did Dennis. During the day we studied and at night we hung out and watched TV. One night we were drinking beer. Dennis got up to get something and tripped and got a spasm in his leg. He was in serious pain. I helped him over to his bed and asked if I could try to massage it out. He shook his head and I started to rub his leg. I worked my fingers down his muscular inner thigh to the knee then back up stopping below his shorts. I could feel the knot in his leg as I rubbed and put more pressure on it. The knot soon went down but I kept rubbing his leg. The contact was nice and he did not stop me. I worked my hands up his leg and stopped just below the shorts as I had been doing, but then Dennis took my hand and moved it up into the shorts. I looked down at him and saw a grin on his face. I moved my hand inside the shorts and felt for his cock. It was growing hard under my touch. Dennis took my hand and pulled me into bed with him. He flipped me over onto my back and started to kiss me. It was the first time I kissed a guy and it felt great. Dennis knew what he was doing. He knew what he liked and he loved to be in charge. He may have been a geek on the outside but in the bedroom this man was a stud."

"Dennis slipped my clothes off and started to kiss every inch of me. He held my dick between his fingers and licked it and kissed it before devouring it. I was in heaven. The feeling was awesome." As Bill said this my mind flashed to our session earlier in the day. I recalled the feeling of his mouth on my dick.

"Dennis knew exactly how to work my body. He knew every inch of me and he used every inch. After sucking my dick better than I ever felt, Dennis asked if he could fuck me. No, actually, he did not ask, he said he was going to fuck me. I remember thinking that I wanted Dennis in me but my virgin hole never had a dick inside it. Sure, I fingered myself in the shower but... Dennis reached into his nightstand and pulled out some lube. He put a blob of it on my asshole. It was cold and wet and Dennis worked it over my ass with his finger. Then he started to probe me with his wet finger. Slowly pushing it in to my hole. It felt weird but when I saw the raw lust on Dennis' face I knew he wanted this badly. Eventually his finger was deep inside me and I could relax. He would press in on one spot in my ass and my dick would jump with electricity. I found out that it was my prostate he was manipulating. Dennis lifted my legs up onto his strong shoulders and positioned his head at my hole. He started to enter me and I gasped for breath. "Breath" commanded Dennis and I complied. The pain subsided and I relaxed. Then with a sort of quick and even thrust Dennis was inside me. I could feel all of him in me. His dick impaled me and it felt great. He bent down and put his mouth on mine and started a slow passionate attack on my ass."

"You let him fuck you? Did you think you were gay?" I asked a bit confused. "No, it never really crossed my mind at the time. Dennis was a friend and 2 guys needed to get off. I still loved women and was still turned on by pussy." Bill replied. "So, what happened I asked growing more curious" "Dennis fucked me for what felt like a long time. My own cock was rock hard and needed attention but I was focused on Dennis' needs. Dennis was panting like a stud bull in heat, fucking me harder and harder. Finally, he grunted and asked, "in or out". I had no idea what he meant and I said out. With that Dennis pulled out and arched his back. He grabbed his huge cock and stroked it 2 times and I was hit square in the face with a wad of cum. It hit so hard that it felt hot for a moment. The next couple wads hit my stomach and dick. I could see that Dennis was spent and my ass felt cold and empty. Dennis reached down and with his hand took my cum soaked dick and started to jerk me off. It did not take long till I shot my load. Dennis kissed me and colapsed next to me for a while. Then we got up and showered.

"Fuck that sounds intense" I said without thinking. "Yeah it was" Bill replied. We fucked around the remainder of the next 2 years. Dennis graduated a year ahead of me and left school. For a while I would meet up with him and we would find some time to fuck." Dennis was even a groomsman at my wedding. It was a great bachelor party" Bill smiled and winked at me.

I was even more confused now than ever. "So, you fucked around with guys your whole marriage" I asked confused. "No not at all. Once I met my wife my playtime was done. It wasn't until about 4 maybe 5 years ago that I started back up. My sex life with her came to a crashing halt."

I listened to the words. They sounded so finite. Where I thought my sex, life would continue at some point I think I resigned myself the idea that it was done. I guess I was quiet for too long when Bill called out. "Hey Dave, did I lose you buddy?" "Oh, sorry man, I was just reflecting I guess." "No worries. I get where you are coming from and this is a safe place." "Thanks" I said feeling a sense of calm.

"Hey, Bill can I ask you a question" "Sure Dave ask me anything" he replied in earnest. "Earlier today when you were jerking off, you leaned in and kissed me..." I stopped not knowing what to say. "Yeah sorry about that I got caught up in the moment. I think kissing for me is the most sensual part of the whole experience" I thought about what he said and reflected on the kiss and I shuttered a bit. I understood it. I knew I could jerk off and satisfy myself, but I desperately missed the passion that comes with a kiss and contact.

The night was getting late and I knew it was time to leave. "Thanks for everything Bill. I appreciate the pizza and the conversation" I said as I stood to make my way out the door. I looked at Dave and realized he was a good-looking guy. A very natural good look, nothing fake or plastic about him, just a man's man. Bill stopped me, "Dave can I ask a question?" Sure, I said looking at him. "Earlier today when I kissed you, you didn't pull away. You even let me part your lips with my tongue. If I am not mistaken you liked it." I could not answer. I felt my face flush with embarrassment. Was he right. Did I really want that? Bill moved closer to me. I stood silently. He put his hands on my shoulders and he gently pulled me closer to him. He looked into my eyes and reassured me "it's ok to feel this way" I could feel the heat from his body radiating toward mine. Closer by inches he came till I was wrapped in his arms, his mouth inches from mine, his eyes locked onto mine. There was a calm surrender in his face. His lips brushed mine and slowly applied pressure. The memories of passionate kissing with my wife came flooding back and my lips parted as Bill's tongue probed my mouth. I wrapped my arms around Bill and we made out. It was raw and passionate and sexy. I could taste the beer on his breath and feel the bristles from his beard on my face. My body was screaming and I did not want this to end.

Bill worked his mouth expertly over my chin and down my neck. The feeling sent goosebumps the size of walnuts across my body. His lips and tongue licked and sucked every inch of me and I allowed it to happen. Dave unbuttoned my shirt and worked his mouth into it. He kissed my chest as he went lower. He moved his lips to my right nipple and started to lick it. I placed my hand on his head pulling him into me forcing his mouth down on my nipple working it till my body was charged with electricity.

Then he kissed lower over my abs to the wisp of hair that grew from my naval to the top of my jeans. There too he licked and kissed as he went. He loosened the top of my pants and lowered my shorts. With his left hand he pulled my hard dick down and place his lips on my pubic hair kissing me and sniffing the hair. His left check brushed against my cock as he licked and sniffed my pubes. For a moment he licked just the tip of my cock a I waited in anticipation for him to start to suck me again but instead he brought his mouth up to mine. He placed his lips on mine again and pushed his tongue into my mouth. I could taste my precum on his mouth. I wanted to kiss him back. I wanted to suck the precum off his mouth. He held me tight with his right hand while he stroked me with the left.

One, two, three strokes and my body buckled as my orgasm hit me. It came up from my toes and launched from my cock like a rocket and hit the coffee table. I felt like I would fall over but Bill held me tight. The fingers of his left hand still on my cock and his right hand holding me close to him. I felt spent and embarrassed. "That was fucking hot" Bill said smiling. I found it hard to make eye contact at that moment. "Thanks" was all I could muster. I started to get dressed. I grabbed my coat and thanked Bill before he expected me to reciprocate. "Thanks Dave I enjoyed myself, I hope we can hang out again sometime" I basically ran out of the house and got into the car and headed for home.

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Next: Chapter 3

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