A New Path

By Greg Stevens

Published on Apr 25, 2019


A New Path

Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

A New Path -- Chapter 14

After Jordan left, I shut down the lights in the house and got into bed. My body was sore from everything that happened in the last couple days. I knew that my body would feel better after a good night's sleep. I was more concerned with my mind. Everything happened so quickly from looking to get a blowjob to getting fucked in my shower by a guy almost young enough to be my son. What had happened to me? How could everything change so quickly, so drastically?

I closed my eyes and tried to recall sex with my wife, or even sex with any woman I had been with from the time I became sexually active. Every time I tried to picture it in my mind, I went back to the 3 guys I was with the past week. I tried to picture my first intercourse with a woman. It was my freshman year of college. Yes, I was a late bloomer. Her name was Becca and I really liked her. I can recall the first time I saw Becca naked in my dorm room. I remember sitting on the bed watching her taking off her clothes.

As I flashed back on the memories, my mind drifted back to Stewart my roommate. Stewart and I walked around our dorm room either naked or semi-naked all the time. I never gave it any thought. Or did I?

I remember when I would jerk off in my dorm room, I had this vision of Stewart fucking Becca. I never gave it any thought, to me it was a fantasy where I created the porn scene in my mind. Something to jerk off to when magazines weren't available. As I think about it now, I was always seeing Stewart plowing Becca. Seeing his muscled shoulders, narrow waist and firm ass riding her. I never really pictured Becca that much. I tried to reconcile the memories.

I moved on to another fantasy, one I had with my wife. Again, as I recalled the fantasy, I was riding a motorcycle up a winding hill. I wore tight jeans, boots, a white t-shirt, leather motorcycle jacket and dark glasses. She was waiting for me at a rest area. I got off the bike and walked over to her. The I realized that the guy on the bike was again not me. It was some fantasy guy I pictured. Was this something everyone did? In the fantasy, I wasn't fucking my wife, I was watching him fuck her. I was focusing on the guy not my wife. I could easily remember how he looked down to his dick and ass. I could smell his body wrapped in leather. I could even imagine the feel of his 5 o'clock shadow on my neck while he fucked me, I mean her.

My eyes popped open. Reality started to hit me. The guy on the bike did not fuck my wife, he was fucking me. I was laying on the blanket while he climbed on top of me. I mentally started to think back on my fantasies, my dirty dreams and even my time with my wife. Was I really thinking about her or was my subconscious thoughts what were really driving me sexually.

I started to piece images, thoughts and memories together. A few nights ago, I fantasized about Jordan coming into the garage wearing a leather jacket while Bill and I had sex with him. Was that Jordan or was it the guy in the leather jacket from my earlier fantasy. Did the pieces start to meld together? Did my mind stitch fantasies and memories into one blob?

What did I want now? Sex with my wife was almost non-existent, but even when it was I found it to be mundane and boring. It was the same damn routine every time; romance, get naked in near darkness, lay on top of her, fuck her, pull out and cum in my hand, clean up, kiss good night. In the last couple years most of my sex was jerking off while she was at work and that was better than sex with her, if I were being honest.

I needed to talk about this with someone but who? My wife would never understand and probably leave me. The only person I could talk to was Bill. I decided to talk to him in the morning. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

In the morning I got up and went to the computer. I was not sore at all as I thought I would be from the pounding I received from Jordan. I sat down at the computer to see if Bill was online. "Hey Bill, how's it going?" I typed into the chat window. A few seconds passed; "Morning Dave, good how about you?" he replied. "Doing good" it was all I could think to say in a chat window. "Have time to meet to talk today?" I asked casually. "I could meet you for lunch if that works? Want to come here?" Bill asked. I had not thought where we would meet, but Bill's house seemed like an easy meeting place. "Sure, see you at 12?" I confirmed. "Sounds good, buddy. See you later" I got up from the computer and got some food then finished some work before jumping in the shower and heading to Bill's. While in the shower I could not help but recall the night before and being fucked by Jordan against the wall. My dick started to swell thinking about it, but I stopped myself and got dried off and dressed.

I arrived at Bill's at 12. Bill greeted me at the door with the same cheery attitude as if we had been best friends for years not just acquaintances over the past week. He led me to the kitchen where he had some lunch laid out. "What can I get you to drink" He asked. "Beer" I replied thinking it may be early to drink. Bill chuckled and grabbed beers for him and me. "What's up, you look like a man on a mission" he said reading my expression.

As we ate, I started telling him about what happened with Brian the other day before our 3-way with Jordan. I did not hold back and told him the whole story about meeting at the gym and fucking him in the woods. Then I told him about Jordan coming over last night and what happened with that encounter. Bill looked in amazement as I relayed the stories of raw sex. As I went into detail regarding Brian and Jordan I noticed Bill rubbing his cock and adjusting himself.

I also told him about some of my fantasies; the one with the guy on the motorcycle fucking my wife or maybe it was me, and the fantasy I had prior to our 3-way with Jordan in the garage. Bill nodded as I talked as if he were taking it all in.

Talking to Bill was easy. I felt like I could say anything I wanted or needed to. Though I only knew him for a while, there was a great level of comfort with him. "Did you like all the things you've been doing?" Bill asked. I paused before answering him, I flashed on memory snippets and nodded. Bill smiled. "Good, because I've really had fun with you, alone and in our 3-way. That was one of the hottest things I have ever done." Bill sounded bit like a kid that just got off a ride at an amusement park. I started to laugh. "I did too man" I said.

After lunch Bill cleared the table. He told me to follow him and I did. He took me to his bedroom and told me to strip down. I did not hesitate and took off my clothing. "Now lay on the bed face down. I am going to give you a massage" I did as Bill said. I did not expect a massage, but I was sure it would feel good. I had no idea how good. Bill left the room briefly and returned with something in a bottle. "just a bit of massage oil" he said. It will help you relax. Bill started at my head and rubbed some of the oil on my back. It was warm not hot but felt really good.

Bill started rubbing his hands down my spine, his hands pressed and pushed into muscles causing them to tense then relax. The sensation was very nice. Then he reached across and rubbed my arm that was furthest from him. He started at my shoulder and then rubbed down the length to my fingers. When he rubbed them, I could feel my body tingle and my dick twitch under me. He crossed back over my body to my arm closest to him and repeated the same motions. Again, at my fingers, my dick jumped.

Bill returned to focus on my back. His hands went lower and lower till he was pressing just above my ass, then his hands trailed down the sides and down the length of one leg. He massaged as he went then spent some time on my ankle and foot. He worked his way back up, across my lower back and down the closest leg repeating. When he was done with my foot he started to work his hands on the inside of my leg. His hands inched closer and closer to my ass as he climbed. My body was on fire picturing the movement of his hands. Then his right hand pushed my ass check back a bit and the fingers of his left hand ran up the length of my ass crack. My dick shot up under me as he gently massaged my crack.

His fingers massaged deeper and deeper with each pass and I could feel the tip of his finger poking my hole. Then without warning I felt his tongue on my ass and a loud moan escaped from my throat. I did not move, I did not try to stop him or change in any way what he was doing. The feeling was both intense and relaxing at the same time. I know that seems like a contradiction, but it is the only way to describe it.

Bill continued to work my ass and pressed more and more onto my hole with his tongue. Each pass bringing more pleasure. Bill removed himself from my hole and climbed between my legs forcing my legs apart. I moved them willingly allowing him access. Each hand rested on an ass cheek and pulled them back and his tongue resumed its wok on my hole. Again, the warmth of his mouth filled my ass and my body shivered. I found myself catching my breath as he darted his tongue in and out of me.

Bill continued rimming me and my cock was rock hard under me. The slight motions caused by Bill's face between my legs ground me into the bed against my cock. I could feel precum oozing out onto the bedspread under me.

Bill once again pulled his face up from my ass leaving me feeling cold, wet and empty. That feeling would not last long. I could now feel Bill's hands bracing on each side of my body, then I felt his weight coming in contact with my body. It was slow and gentle at first. Then I felt the tip of his cock rubbing against my ass. Bill slide his cock along my wet crack running it up and down. I could feel the warm hard tube sliding on me. As he pulled back and his dick slide down it stopped at my hole and the head caught. Slowly Bill started to slide it forward into me.

I wanted Bill inside me. I wanted to feel the full force of his cock in me. As he started to slide into me, I pushed back against his cock. This forced it into me much quicker. I must have surprised Bill when I drove my ass onto his cock. He let out a deep moan as he impaled me. Bill held his dick inside me and laid his body on mine. His lips were on my neck and I could feel the stubble of his face scratching my flesh. "I'm going to fuck you hard" he said softly into my ear. The sound of it was deep and sexy and I knew I wanted it.

Bill started to make small driving motions in me. His body easily slid across my back due to the massage oil he liberally applied. His hard cock pulsed as he fucked me. The weight of his body covered me like a blanket. Bill reached up and took my hands. He held them in place on each side of my head as he started to fuck me harder. He began to grunt like an animal. "You like my dick in you?" Dave asked coarsely as he continued. "Yes, yes fuck me buddy" I heard myself saying almost as if it were someone else. Bill continued to ride me harder than I had yet to experience.

Then Bill stopped. I could feel him sitting up. His dick was pulled out with a plop. "Roll over" Bill said more of a command than a question. I flipped over onto my back and placed my legs on either side of Bill. Bill lifted my legs onto his shoulders and slid forward. Again, he entered my ass. This time without hesitation all the way in as far as he could go. My breath caught for a second and Bill stopped. I looked up at him, but I did not see the Bill I knew, I saw a man in heat. Bill always seemed like the guy next door. Good looking with a nice body, but now he looked hot, sweaty, sexy and a bit rough. He had a Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde persona. I had lunch with gentle, kind, well groomed Doctor Jekyll, but now I was looking up at the sexy Mr. Hyde.

I grasped my dick as Bill started to fuck me. Precum coated the head and my hand easily slid up and down the length while I watched him. I put my fingers to my mouth to taste some of the precum. All my senses were firing; the way Bill looked while he used me, the feeling of my dick and ass, the taste of my precum, and even the smell of sex which was a mixture of the massage oil, a bit of sexy sweat and the subtle smell of the precum.

All the sensations combined, and my body was on fire with lust. "Where do you want me to cum?" Bill asked as he looked down on me. A grin formed on his face. "On me" the words shot from my mouth and I barely recognized them. I wanted to cum so badly, I wanted to feel Bill cum on me. "I am close Man." Bill warned me. Hearing that drove my passion and my orgasm started to rise. "Give it to me" I said and Bill lowered my legs and my ass touched the mattress. He pulled his cock out and grasped it in his hand. His dick was rock hard and bright red.

He started to run his hand up and down the shaft, the tip pointing at my chest. His body arched, and I could see the strong muscles of his neck, shoulders, arms and chest tighten. Sweat glistened on his torso making it look like he was greased up for a modeling shoot. His face contorted with the building orgasm. One huge grunt and his dick shot the first blast. At first it was like slow motion. The white liquid shot out hard dragging a ribbon of cum in its trail. It arched up a bit and came down on my face, hitting my cheek and open mouth.

Warm cum hit my tongue and I loved it. I did not hesitate and just swallowed the sweet and slightly salty fluid. I started to lick the remainder off my lips when the next load hit me. This time it was a bit lower falling on my chin and running down my neck. Bill sat there holding his spent cock in his hand, his body heaving for the power of the orgasm. I watched him intently as his breathing relaxed a bit. My own cock was still in my hand and I made small movements controlling my orgasm.

Bill bent forward and started to lick up the cum from my face and cheek. He brought his mouth to mine and I could feel it slide out of his mouth into mine. This drove me crazy and I started to jerk off as he continued to feed me more of his cum. He would kiss me driving his tongue into my mouth.

With my free hand I reached down and took Bill's cock back towards my ass. He moved forward, and the semi hard cock re-entered my hole. My other hand slid up and down my cock between our bodied. My knuckles running over his abs as I went. I was bombarded by sensations; his dick in my ass, his mouth on my mouth, the taste of his cum and my hand running up and down my hard cock.

I could not take much more and I started to squirm on the bed. My dick pulsed in my hand. I used all the sensations to bring myself to orgasm. My body bucked forcing Bill's dick hard into me. My hand tightened on my cock and my pace became ragged and then my dick started to shoot. My ass involuntarily clamped down on Bill's dick and my cum flooded the space between us.

Then everything was still and silent except for our heavy breathing. Bill's dick remained in my ass, not fully hard, but hard enough so that I felt it. The cum on my chest was warm and slick. Bill lowered his body on mine pressing the cum between us. He placed his lips on mine and I sucked his tongue into my mouth like a hungry man. We intertwined our cum soaked bodies and rolled around on the bed making out.

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