A New Path

By Greg Stevens

Published on Jul 16, 2018


A New Path

Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

A New Path -- Chapter 12

Jordan was still sitting on my lap and my semi-hard cock still partially in his ass. Jordan stood up and started to pull on his pants. I noticed that his back was turned to me as if he were embarrassed. I took him by the wrist and stopped him from getting dressed.

"You look tired" I said. "Yeah, I did not sleep much last night" Jordan confessed. "How about getting a shower, putting on some clean cloths and having some dinner with me. I am hungry" Jordan nodded, and I led him to the bedroom. I handed him a pair of my boxer briefs, a t-shirt and a towel. He stripped down and went into the bathroom. I sat on the bed and watched him. I admired his smaller, tight frame and as he turned away, I took in the shape of his firm round ass that I just deposited my load into.

I must have been looking too intently at Jordan's ass and did not hear his question. "Hey, you want to shower with me" he asked. I was snapped back to attention. "Um I don't have to" I said sort of shyly. He walked over to the bed and took me by the hand. "Come on" I stood up and stripped down and we both got into the shower.

The warm water felt good on my body as I stood there awkwardly watching Jordan. I had rarely showered with my wife. Showering with a guy was yet another new thing. I watched as the water trickled over his shoulders and down over his torso. Jordan tilted his head back letting the water flow over his head washing back his hair. Jordan opened his eyes to see me watching him again. He gave me a slight smile and reached out for my hips. Gently he pulled me to him and into the flow of the water.

Our bodies connected, and he wrapped his arms around my mid-section. Jordan then pressed his head against my chest and held on to me. I pulled my arms up behind him and wrapped my arms around him holding him under the warm flow of the water. I tilted my head down and pressed my lips against is forehead. I did this without much thought, it was more of a reaction.

We stood there silently just embracing under the water. Then I felt it! Jordan started to get an erection and his dick started to slowly grow between us. As this happened, I could feel his hands sliding down my back and resting on my ass. Not a word was spoken between us. Jordan's dick continued to grow, and his hands moved over my ass, caressing the furry mounds. He buried his head in my chest and I could feel him moving his lips over my pecs as his arousal grew.

I was starting to also get aroused. I was thinking how only 20 minutes earlier Jordan mounted my cock and drained my load into his ass and now I was getting aroused again. I could feel Jordan's fingers run up the crack of my ass. The feeling sending sensations through my body ranging from excitement to alarm. His fingers parted my ass cheeks and I felt a finger running up my crack. Then I felt it, his fingers came into contact with my hole.

With one hand Jordan pulled my left ass cheek out and then slid the fingers of his other hand over my asshole. I have no way to describe it other than to say my cock jumped and my body was charged with jolt of electricity.

I was focused completely on this feeling and did not notice at first that Jordan moved his lips to my nipple and started to suck it like a hungry baby. I put my hand behind Jordan's head and pulled him into me as he expertly sucked my nipple sending more charges through my body. He started to gently bite on my nipple but while he did this, while he had me focused on what he was doing up front, he started to probe my hole with his index finger. This reminded me of just a few short days prior when I fingered myself, but this felt different, better. With a pop his finger was inside me. My ass involuntarily clenched onto the invading finger and my breath caught in my throat.

"Relax and breathe" Jordan said gently. "If you relax it will feel good." Jordan continued to coach. I wanted to pull away, but the feeling was a mixture of pleasure, excitement and concern. I tried to relax however my breathing was harder to control. Every time his finger probed a bit deeper my breath caught a bit. I could feel is finger being slid further and further and soon his I could feel his knuckles on my ass indicating he was in as deep as he could go. Jordan held his hand in place and made very slight

small movements. Soon I started to relax, and the feeling turned from uncomfortable to really pleasant.

As my ass relaxed my dick started to get harder and I could feel my hard cock grinding against Jordan's as he held me close. We stood like that for some time as we ground our cocks together and Jordan continued his attack on my hole. Then Jordan stopped and removed his finger from my hole and turned my body towards the shower wall. I could feel the warm water cascade over my ass and down my legs. "Spread your legs a bit" Jordan said with what sounded like pure excitement. I did as he asked and instinctively placed my hands on the wall. I could not see what was happening, but I felt his hands part my ass cheeks.

Then I felt it. Have you ever felt something so amazingly intense that your whole body just feels it? Something that starts at your toes and shoots up through the center of your body? Jordan kneeled behind me and I could feel his tongue probe my ass. The warm wet feeling on my hole made my knees weak and my toes curl. Jordan was rimming me just like Bill had done to Jordan the night before. By body tingled from top to bottom.

I found myself squatting down a bit to give Jordan better access to my asshole. He took advantage of this and probed even deeper with his tongue. He expertly darted it in and out of my hole. Each time he pushed it in to my ass, my dick jumped with excitement. The best way to describe it was like getting an amazing massage from the inside out. I did not want it to stop but, soon I felt like I wanted more. Like his rimming was just teasing me. I continued to push down onto Jordan's tongue as he pushed up. It still felt good, but it wasn't enough. I wanted, no needed more.

"Fuck me" the words came out of my mouth soft and sounded like I was pleading. I did not recognize my own voice but knew it was me that was asking. There was even a hint of begging. I could hear Jordan get to his feet behind me. Then I felt his hands on my hips as he guided his cock to my wet hole. With amazing dexterity, he aligned the mushroom head perfectly with my hole and I could feel it slide past the first gates. A twinge of pain hit me, then quickly passed. I knew from my experience with Bill that the pain would subside. I relaxed, and Jordan started to slide forward into me. Slowly his dick slid into me until his hips came in contact with my ass indicating full penetration.

Time stood still as Jordan just held his cock in place in my ass. The only sound was the water flowing down over our bodies and into the open drain. Jordan pulled his cock out of my ass slowly till only the head remained then slide back into my ass at the same speed till his hips made contact again. The whole process of pulling out and pushing in took about 20 seconds. Jordan did not stop though, he continued with pulling out again and pushing in but this time the speed was a bit faster.

Each cycle of out and in was somewhat faster until he built up a steady fucking motion. Now my ass was being bombarded with Jordan's hard dick. The feeling was intense, and I could feel the steel like rod as it rubbed against my insides and massaged my prostate. As the fucking rhythm became more powerful I found myself gripping the wall for stability. Jordan was grunting now as he attacked my ass, his hands holding tight to my hips and I could hear his balls and thighs slapping my ass.

I focused for a second on the sounds; there was the running water, slapping rhythm of Jordan's balls and his sporadic grunts. Each thrust from Jordan made my rock-hard cock jump and thrust. I wanted badly to reach down and grasp it and pull on it, but I needed to hold tight to the wall for fear of being knocked over. As much as I wanted to touch it, I did not seem to have to. My body was being massaged from the inside and my dick was feeling it each time Jordan rubbed against my prostate.

Now Jordan's thrusts became less constant and a bit wilder. I figured his orgasm was building and he was getting close. I imagined this young stud's load shooting up inside me. I pictured the look of satisfaction on his face as he used my tight nearly virgin ass. And then it started, I could feel my dick getting ready to shoot. How could this happen? I was not touching it, but just the same I could feel that familiar feeling of my orgasm way down in my balls.

My orgasm started low and slow. I did not move and just focused on all the feelings; Jordan's hands on my hips, his cock in my ass, his balls slapping my ass and the rising orgasm in my balls. I closed my eyes tight as the feelings shook my body and then it happened. My cock pulled in, my balls pulled up and my first shoot left my body with such force that I pushed back into Jordan hard onto his cock. Suddenly, my ass clenched down on Jordan's cock like it had a mind of its own. This caused my cock to shoot another load and then another.

When I clenched onto Jordan's cock he must have really enjoyed that as he let out a soft, grunting "oh yeah." At first it did not sound like him as it was more guttural and rough. His hands tightened on my hips and his dick was shoved even deeper. Then he was still. His dick was as far into me as he could go and there wasn't any movement, no sound except the running water. The silence seemed to last a while than finally there was a slow rising "arrgghh" sound and I realized he had shot his load deep into my ass. His orgasm was nearly perfectly timed to my orgasm.

We did not move for a few more minutes until the soreness from being bent over hit me. I slowly started to raise my body to an upright position until I was standing straight. Jordan wrapped his hands around my mid-section his dick still in my ass. "Fuck that was incredible" he said with a sigh. I did not reply, I just stood there. I looked down and saw my white creamy cum hanging on the shower wall and sliding down towards the floor.

Jordan moved his hands down my torso to my abs, then down to my pubic hair, around my cock and to my leg. "Thanks" he said, and I smiled but realized he could not see me. I did not want to talk, I just wanted to rinse off and get out of the shower. His dick softened and as it did I felt it slip out of my ass with a plop. I felt cold and empty inside, but my ass also felt good, relaxed.

I turned and smiled at Jordan, then reached for the soap to start washing myself. As the bar slide over my ass I realized my hole felt stretched out and misshapen. As the bar came into contact with my hole, and I could feel warm slick goo slide out. It was Jordan's cum. I brought the bar and my hand up and saw some of his cum on my hand. I continued to wash and release more of the load.

We finally finished the long shower and we dried off. It was time to get dressed and get some food.

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Next: Chapter 13

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