A New Path

By Greg Stevens

Published on Jul 2, 2018


This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

A New Path -- Chapter 10

I got home from the gym by about 3pm and fixed something for a late lunch. My body was still charged with excitement from my encounter with Brian in the woods. The image of his perfect ass with my cock sliding into it while we fucked in the woods like animals. I recalled the memory of his hand on my cock while I pissed. I had the idea I would need to explore this scenario with Bill at some point if he were interested.

I finished lunch and got busy with work. I had a hard time focusing as I kept imagining how things would play out in my first 3-way with Bill and Jordan. At about 6:30 I went into my bedroom and stripped off my cloths. I realized I still had on the same shorts and t-shirt that I wore to the gym.

I got into the shower and let the warm water caress my body. I ran the soap over my cock and balls and down between my legs and up my ass. The bar of soap and the warm water felt good. My dick started to react, and I quickly pulled the soap away from my ass. I finished washing, got out of the shower and dried off. I slipped on some boxer briefs and a pair of jeans then pulled on a white semi-form fitting t-shirt. I looked in the mirror at my body and was pleased with how I looked.

I went downstairs and waited for Bill to arrive. At about 7:15 the doorbell rang. Bill had arrived early. He was wearing a pair of jeans that fit him well and a button down casual shirt. I stepped aside to let him in. He gave me a grin as if to say; "I know what's going to happen". Excitement shot through me realizing this was really going to happen.

I led Bill to the kitchen and handed him a beer, plus one for myself. "You excited about this?" Bill asked casually. I told him I was and relayed my dream about the 3-way in the garage. Bill smiled broadly. "Fuck that sounds hot" Bill said, as his hand adjusted his growing mound in his jeans. I could not help but watch him manipulate his hardening cock. My own cock was stirring thinking about what was going to happen and watching Bill getting excited by it.

"Let's go to the living room" I grabbed my beer and Bill followed. I took a spot on the sofa and Bill sat next to me. So close in fact that is leg rubbed against mine. I felt comfortable with Bill being close. It felt sexy and exciting.

We chatted, and Bill ran his hand over my leg. My dick got rock hard as his warm hand massaged my leg moving closer to my hardening cock. I could feel Bill's body next to mine and then he leaned in and his lips hit my neck. The bristle of his beard as his lips slid over my neck. My body was tingling and without thinking, I turned toward Bill and my lips met his. My tongue entered his mouth and my hands pulled him closer to me. Bill ran his hand up my body and over my chest. His fingertips caressed my nipple sending excitement through me. I reached for Bill's pants and his zipper and he stopped me. "We need to wait for your boy to get here" he said and returned to kissing me. I realized he was right.

We made out a while longer and then decided to take a break and get ready for Jordan. At about 8:05 the doorbell rang, and I jumped to my feet. Excitement and nerves charged my body as I went to the door. I opened the door and there was Jordan. An involuntary gasp escaped my lips as looked at him standing there. He wore a pair of worn black jeans, a white t-shirt that stretched across his tight body and a grey nylon military jacket with the words Alpha Industries hanging from a tag on the zipper. Not the leather jacket from the dream but very similar styling. A grin crossed his face as I checked him out. "Can I come in" he asked sheepishly. I stammered and stepped aside to let him in. I took the opportunity to walk behind him and see the perfect ass framed by the waist band of his jacket as he walked.

I led Jordan into the living room where Bill was waiting. "Jordan, this is my buddy Bill, Bill this is Jordan" they shook hands and the room seemed to be filled with tension. I offered Jordan a beer and he took a seat on the chair across from Bill and me. Quiet filled the room for what felt like a long time. I did not know if Jordan was interested in Bill and I was not sure how to ask. I could not wait any longer and had to be bold. I stood up and walked around behind Jordan. My hands closed on his shoulders. The nylon material of his jacket was soft and slick under my hands. I started to massage his shoulders. Jordan softly moaned, and his body relaxed.

Bill looked up at me and a smile formed on his mouth. Jordan tilted his head up towards me and I leaned over to kiss him. His hand reached up and around my head and pulled me to him. We kissed briefly then he released me and stood up. He walked up to me and wrapped himself around me. His smaller, muscular body wrapped around mine and I could feel him nuzzle in. We kissed while Bill watched.

Soon Bill stood and crossed the room. He stood behind Jordan just like in my dream. He placed his hands-on Jordan's hips and approached slowly. Soon I could feel Jordan being sandwiched between us as Bill moved closer. Jordan did not stop Bill which was a good sign.

Jordan moved his lips from mine and leaned back to kiss Bill. The image of Bill and Jordan making out while I watched was making me even more excited. Jordan twisted between us turning his body towards Bill, now his ass was pressed against my cock as they made out. Jordan's mouth ran down Bill's chin and to his neck. This left Bill's mouth free. I leaned in, over Jordan and pressed my lips to Bill's. They were still slick from Jordan's wet kiss and that turned me on even more.

Our bodies rubbed against each other as we took turns kissing. Soon Jordan started to pull away from us. Was he not enjoying himself? He stepped across the room and sank into the sofa. His foot came up on to the coffee table and just looked up at us. "I want to watch the 2 of you make out for me" He said in a slightly cocky voice. Without hesitation Bill embraced me and started to make out. I felt like I was being directed in a porno.

We continued making out as Jordan ordered. "Dave, unbutton Bill's shirt." We broke our kiss and I reached up as instructed by Jordan and started to unbutton Bill's shirt. By this time, I was familiar with Bill's body, but I had this desire to go slow to expose it to Jordan. My hands reached into his now unbuttoned shirt, and my hands found his pecs. My fingers slid over his nipples and his body tensed with excitement. I slowly peeled back the shirt slipping it over his body and down onto the floor.

"Dave, take your shirt off" Jordan said softly but commandingly. I did as I was told not really thinking much about it. "Make out some more" our naked torsos met as we wrapped our arms around each other to make out. Skin against skin our crotches rubbing against each other through our pants.

"Stop making out" Jordan commanded abruptly. His voice more demanding. Unzip your pants and pull your cocks out through the fly. Bill started first without any hesitation. I was a bit slower trying to absorb what was happening. A part of me was excited and wanted to do as I was told and another part of me was fighting back. Once Bill's hard throbbing cock was poking out of the front of his jeans I was motivated to do the same. I pulled the zipper down and fished out my hard cock. A drop of precum slicked my fingers as I reached in to pull it out.

I stood there proud as my manhood jutted from the front of my jeans, the head deep red from the fullness. Bill gazed at my cock and his face was filled with lust. He reached out to touch the wet drop at the tip. He then brought the precum to his lips and licked it off. This caused my cock to swell and jerk. Sexual tension was starting to get to me. This was not what I had envisioned but it was exciting and frustrating at the same time. I wanted to sink my cock into something, I wanted to use my cock to both give and receive pleasure.

I looked up at Bill and knew he would suck my cock if I asked him to. Instead I walked around the chair and stood in front of Jordan. I looked down at him as he sat relaxed on the sofa. I stood there with my cock jutting out. "Suck it" was all I said. He looked up at me as if to challenge me, but I was not taking the challenge. I put my hand behind his head and pulled him to my hard cock. I grunted through clenched teeth "Suck it boy!" Had I gone too far? Was this too aggressive? With great excitement Jordan sat up and wrapped his lips around my hard cock. Slowly sucking it into his mouth. The warm velvet of his tongue and lips engulfed my rigid cock. A moan escaped my lips and my hands rested on the grey nylon of his flight jacket.

As Jordan slurped on my cock I looked back over my shoulder, Bill had moved sideways to watch me getting blown by Jordan. His hand slid over his cock as he watched us. I motioned for him to stand next to me. Bill placed his hand on my lower back as Jordan continued to suck my cock. Bill reached across, and his fingers found my nipple and started to slowly clamp down. The sensations on my cock and my nipples drove shivers through me. I did not want it to stop but knew it would have to or I would explode in Jordan's mouth.

I pulled Jordan off my cock. There was a hungry look on his face. I moved his head toward Bill's cock "Suck Bill's dick boy!" I commanded. As he did with my dick, Jordan sucked Bill's dick deep into his mouth. Bill's knees seemed to get weak as his dick slipped into the boy's mouth and was fully engulfed. Bill closed his eyes and arched his back, gently trusting. Jordan slurped and bobbed his head in rhythm with Bill's gyrations.

With a loud plop Bill pulled out of Jordan's mouth. "Fuck I am getting close" he exclaimed pulling his dick away from our greedy cocksucker.

Jordan went to move back to my cock, but I stopped him. "Let's go to my room" I led the way and I could hear Jordan and Bill following closely. When I turned around Bill and Jordan were in the door way making out. Bill had Jordan pinned to the wall and he held his hands over his head. His body was pressed into Jordan's and his lips were on Jordan's mouth.

More precum formed on my cockhead as I watched the man and the boy make out. I slide some of the precum over my cockhead with my fingers enjoying the feeling. I walked up to Bill and Jordan and reached between them. Bill backed away giving me access but continued holding Jordan's hands above his head. I reached out and pulled down Jordan's zipper and reached in and fished out his cock. He was not wearing any underwear, so access was a bit easier. I wrapped my fingers around his hard cock and started to stroke it. Jordan started to moan deep into Bill's mouth as I stroked his cock.

I wanted to taste it. I wanted it in my mouth. I sank to my knees between them and pulled Jordan's cock into my mouth. Bill's cock was close, and I reached up and took it in my hand. Soon I had the idea of trying to put both cocks in my mouth at the same time. I had to maneuver Bill over a bit but eventually, I was able to work his cock into my already full mouth.

I am not sure that the feeling of having 2 cocks in my mouth at the same time felt that good for me but both Jordan and Bill seemed to really like it. I sucked their cocks a bit longer than stood up. I started to kiss Jordan's neck while they continued to make out. My lips trailed over his neck up to his cheek then across to Bill's cheek and down his neck. Bill and Jordan broke off their kiss and I found myself wedged between them. Bill's mouth went to my mouth and I could feel Jordan's arms reach around me, his dick resting on my ass.

Jordan moved his hands to the button on my jeans and opened them up. He pushed them down 1over my ass and down my legs. I stepped out of them awkwardly and stood fully naked between Jordan and Bill. I reached up and unbuttoned Bill's pants and pushed them down to the ground. Bill stepped out and now both of us were completely naked. My cock rubbed against Bill's as Jordan's cock rested on my ass.

I was not against being sandwiched between Bill and Jordan, but I had other ideas. I wanted to fuck Jordan while Bill watched.

I turned around and now faced Jordan. Our lips met, and we started to embrace. I reached between us and unbuckled his belt and lowered his pants to the ground. My fingers slid over his hips to his firm round ass. One finger probed between the crack of his ass and found the warm hole. I teased the hole with my finger and Jordan pressed back gently. My lips trailed from his lips to his hear. I nibbled the lobe then said softly: "I am going to fuck you boy" Jordan's reply came just as soft but without hesitation: "Yes sir"

I pulled Jordan over towards the bed and turned him to face it. He placed his hands on the bed and I pushed him down so that he was slightly bent over, his hands firmly on the bed. My dick was rock hard and oozing precum. I slid my dick up and down the crack of his ass, poking the hole as I passed. I wanted to just shove it in, but I knew that would hurt him. Soon I had the head of my hard cock in his hole. I saw Bill watching us out of the corner of my eye and this gave me a great feeling. "Come over here Bill. We can both use this boy" I said. Bill came over but did not know what I had in mind. "Sit in front of Jordan on the bed" I commanded. "Suck his dick boy" I said with my cock still in Jordan's ass. Jordan bent forward and took Bill's cock into his mouth. This caused Jordan to have to adjust his body and I could feel my dick slide deeper into him. Soon Jordan had formed a link between me and Bill. Each of us using a different orifice of the boy.

Jordan's head bobbed up and down on Bill's cock while I slowly started to penetrate his ass. This was more and more like my dream. I realized that we never let Jordan take his shirt or jacket off. There was something exciting about this and seemed to give more of a feeling of using Jordan.

My dick was deeply implanted into Jordan's ass, but he was so busy servicing Bill that he did not seem to notice. I grabbed his hips and started my fucking motion driving my cock slowly in then pulling out. Sweat dripped from my body as I moved faster and more forcefully into Jordan's boy pussy. My balls made a slapping sound with each trust. I looked across Jordan's body to Bill. His dick was trusting into Jordan's mouth fucking with a similar motion as I fucked his ass. Bill's hands rested on Jordan's shoulders and a look of extreme pleasure filled his face. Bill looked sexy to me and I wanted to make out with him. I wanted to share his pleasure.

It wasn't long before I could feel my dick swelling and getting ready to cum. I started to moan, and my body started to tense. Jordan must have known what was going to happen and he pulled his mouth from Bill's cock. "Don't cum in me" He said. "I want you to shoot your loads on me" he added. I pulled my cock from his ass and held it in my hand. Jordan sank to the ground between Bill and me. He took Bill's cock in his mouth and sucked it while holding my cock. Then alternated by taking my cock in his mouth while holding Bill's. He went back and forth sucking and stroking each of us.

The feeling of getting sucked and watching my buddy getting sucked drove me crazy. I reached across and started to make out with Bill while Jordan expertly took turns on our cocks. I was already close from fucking Jordan and this was just pushing me closer. Soon I could not take much more. "I am going to cum" sputtered from my clenched teeth. Jordan took my cock from his mouth and pointed it at his body. He looked up at me and held my cock and slowly stroked it. I knew if he kept it up I would shoot all over his nylon jacket. I did not want to ruin it, so I tried to move away but Jordan had other intentions. He just kept stroking me.

While he manipulated my orgasm with his hand he took Bill's cock back into his mouth, still watching my cock as it got closer to eruption. All the sensations blended together, and I could feel my cock pull back getting ready to unload. My knees felt week and my breath stalled for a second as my first hot blast of cum shot from my cock and arced towards Jordan clipping the edge of his chin before hitting his grey nylon jacket. My body spasmed and reloaded as my second shot came even quicker than the first. Jordan held tight to my cock as the remainder of my orgasm spitted and sputtered all over him and his jacket until I was finally spent.

Bill watched the whole thing intently as I unloaded all over Jordan. He then sank to his knees and started to lick my precum right off the jacket then lifted his head up to Jordan's mouth and fed it to Jordan off his tongue. I watched in amazement as he continued to feed Jordan most of my load and Jordan just lapped it up.

I decided to get down behind Bill as he continued to feed Jordan. In that moment I decided to do something I never really thought about. I bent forward and started to rim Bill's ass. Bill let out the loudest moan I had ever heard and at first, I thought I made a mistake but soon he was pushing his ass back into my face.

Bill's ass was clean and fresh and covered with soft hair. I pulled the cheeks apart to allow me better access. I started to drive my tongue into his mouth. I licked and shoved my tongue as deep into Bill as I could go, and he seemed to love every moment of it. I could hear sloshing noise as Jordan jerked Bill's cock. Soon I could feel Bill's ass tightening on my tongue. His body tensed, and I heard him grunt "I'm cumming". His body jerked and spasmed, pushing back into my face with force. I lifted myself up and saw Jordan coated in a second load of cum. Bill was gasping and sweating from his encounter.

Jordan looked even hotter than normal sitting against the bed, naked from the waist down. His shirt and grey nylon jacket coated in cum with a big grin on his face. Jordan's cock was still hard. I reached out to start to stroke it, but Bill stopped me. "My ass is all wet from your tongue" Bill said to me. "Shame to waste it, I want to feel Jordan in me" Jordan looked up to me almost to ask for permission. I nodded and said: "You want to fuck your Dad, boy?" Jordan did not need to be asked twice.

Bill lay on the floor and Jordan kneeled between his legs. He pulled Bill's legs up and positioned his cock head at Bill's wet hole. He moved in and slid his cock into Bill's ass. Bill winced a bit but did not say a word. I started to get hard as I watched my buddy getting fucked. I moved closer to Bill and he turned his head towards me and I slipped my hardening cock into his mouth. Jordan started to fuck Bill like a bull in heat. Driving his hard cock harder and deeper than I thought someone could take. Bill did took it all and continued to suck my cock.

"Take it Dad" Jordan called out. "Take your boy's big cock" He continued calling out and trusting, using Bill's tight ass. Bill took it and managed to maintain some sucking motion on my cock. Jordan's fucking became more wild and intense and I could tell he was close. "Going to cream your insides, Dad. Going to fill you with my boy seed" Jordan grunted. His face was coated in sweat as his body slammed hard into Bill.

Bill panted as his ass was assaulted by Jordan's cock, his lips did a good job working my cock. Soon I could feel my load building again as all the sensations hit me. Just as I was about to say I was cumming, Jordan let out a noise and his body went fully ridged pushing as far into Bill as he could get. My dick simultaneously started to unload into Bill's mouth and he sucked every drop.

Once my orgasm had stopped I slumped back onto my heels and just panted. Jordan's dick was still in Bill's ass and it looked as if he could not move. Slowly his dick slipped from Bill and he too slumped back. We all stayed in our places for a while as the orgasms subsided. Not a word was said for what seemed like a long time. Finally, I said "that was amazing" Jordan smiled broadly, and Bill just nodded. I looked across Bill's body down over his pubes, his semi hard cock with some dry cum then up Jordan's body with his nylon jacket still saturated with cum from Bill and me. "Sorry about your jacket" I offered. Jordan looked down at his jacket and smiled as if it were some badge of honor. "Don't be sorry, I think it's hot looking" he replied a grin on his face.

I finally had the energy to get up and get some towels. I had not really planned this well. I handed Bill and Jordan towels and they cleaned up. Jordan grabbed his pants and pulled them on. Bill got up and pulled on his jeans. His shirt and mine were still down in the living room.

"I better be going" Jordan said. He walked over and gave Bill a kiss. "Thanks Dad, you have a hot ass" I led him to the living room and to the front door. At the door we embraced, and I could feel the cold cum from Jordan's jacket on my bare chest. "Thanks Jordan that was incredible" I said. "I want more" he said and left the house.

I went upstairs, and Bill was sitting on the edge of the bed. He looked exhausted. I took a seat next to him and we started to make out.

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