A New Path

By Greg Stevens

Published on Oct 23, 2017


A New Path

Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

A New Path -- Chapter 1

Let me start with some information about myself. I am a straight married man. Well maybe not so straight any more as I delve into my story.

I have been happily married for over 15 years. We met at work and started dating. We spent lots of time laughing, hanging out and then one day it hit me like a ton of bricks that this was the woman I wanted to spend my life with. She was sweet and smart and sexy. We were married and built a life together. Unfortunately, we did not have any children but that was probably for the best. We spent lots of time with our families and always felt complete. We moved 3 times for work transfers and always managed to spend a lot of time hanging out with each other. She was my love and my best friend. Unfortunately, that all changed. Slowly at first, or maybe faster than I realized.

When we first met, there was always plenty of sex to keep me satisfied. Over time our almost daily sex or as my wife called it "intimacy" went to about 1 or 2 times a week, then monthly and then even less frequently. Like many married couples we got into a routine. We were becoming more friends than lovers. I tried to discuss it on several occasions but was brushed off. One thing I did know was that my wife started to form cysts that caused some pain during intercourse. That did not really explain the lack of intimacy fully. We went through the paces of marriage; wake up, work, home, dinner, tv, bed. On the weekends we would hang out with other couples. Life was good but sex or the lack of it sucked.

I spent lots of time jerking off and pleasing myself. It was satisfying to a degree but never fully satisfying. There are some things you just cannot do by yourself. For example, I love to make out. Being close to another person and feeling their passion, the warmth of another body, the excitement of foreplay and all that leads up to an amazing orgasm.

We continued to grow farther and farther apart in the sex department. I would try to initiate but she would not respond. I was frustrated and horny.

One week my wife was on a business trip and I was home alone. The loneliness added to the horniness and I started watching some porn. Most porn was getting boring for me. Guy meets girl, guy fucks girl, girl makes a lot of strange noises. You get the picture. I started to explore other types of videos; Lesbian vids, not my thing. Female masturbation, not really, heavy kink, s/m, orgy. None of it seemed to work for me. Then I found some three-way vids.

There was this one video where the guy meets this girl and she is blowing the guy on the sofa. Her boyfriend comes home but she is cool with it and so is the boyfriend. While she is blowing the first guy the boyfriend starts waving his dick in her face. Now the 2 guys are standing side by side while she takes turns sucking them off. After doing this for a while she lays down and the first guy starts to fuck her, inserting his cock deep into her wide pussy. Then he pulls his cock out and it's all wet from her pussy. The boyfriend drops to his knees and starts to suck the first guys cock. I was shocked. The one dude was blowing the other dude and the guy seemed to like it. I turned the video off.

I was not interested in gay sex. I was a pure 100% straight guy. I liked tits and pussy and dick did not interest me at all. I was cool with gay guys. I knew a few at work but, knowing them and showing interest in them was radically different. They were all cool but the idea of sucking dick was not for me.

I shut the computer off and went to the bedroom. I was still horny but that last video seemed to crush my desire a bit. I laid naked on the bed. My hard cock laying on my stomach. Fuck this sucked big time. I needed some human connection. I started to imagine having an affair. There were plenty of women, I could have some fun with. After all I was pretty sure I was still desirable. I worked on my body and had a good solid build. I was 6 feet even and 175lbs of solid muscle. I had dark hair that I kept short from my military days and a close-cropped beard. I had some salt and pepper on my head and my beard that added a touch of maturity to my look. I realized as I lay there that I was angry. Angry with my wife for not being interested, angry for having to jerk off instead of fucking, angry that I was considering fucking another woman. I drifted off to sleep, naked and angry.

In the morning my mind was still caught up on my feelings. Should I talk to my wife? Recommend counseling? Have an affair. I knew I could never have sex with another woman. That was never going to happen, but jerking off was quickly losing its effect on me. Could I hire a prostitute?

I decided to get on a chat forum I sometimes hung out in. I never discussed anything just sat back and read the incessant comments with some amusement. I found one called "Married Men for Sex" I joined the room with my chosen screen name Dave45Alone. Not the most original name. Soon I was joined in chat with another guy BilltheMilkman. After a few minutes BilltheMilkman IM'd me. "Morning Dave" Bill typed. I responded. "Moring Bill" "How's it going this morning?" Bill asked. "Eh not too bad. Just woke up and was checking out the chats" I responded as naturally as I could. "LOL, yeah me too" Bill responded. "What's your story Dave" I became uneasy. What did I tell Bill? That my wife wasn't putting out and I was looking to have an affair? "Um" I started, "Just looking around I guess". "Yeah what are you looking for" Bill replied. I decided to be honest after all this was anonymous. "Looking for someone to get off with" was my bold statement. "That's hot man, got any pics?" was Bill's reply. I was sort of shocked. Bill thought I was looking for a dude. How did I explain I was not gay? I tried to think of something to say. I did not want to offend Bill. "No pics here" I said. "No worries man, tell me about your cock?" Bill inquired. He wants to know about my cock? There was something interesting about this. I could talk about my cock to a total stranger, no one would know. "What do you want to know?" I asked innocently. "Whatever you want to tell me; cut, uncut, size, shape, whatever" Ok, I had to think about this. I knew my cock well but never had to describe it to anyone. I started "cut, about 7.5, fairly thick, thick mushroom head." "Fuck that's hot" Bill shot back. "Mine is just over 7 and uncut. Do you like uncut cock?" I was taken back again by the question.

After some more silence I finally decided to let Bill know. "Sorry man but this is not for me. I am not gay I am not looking for dick. I am straight and my only interest is in pussy" I figured at this point Bill would just disconnect, but instead he continued chatting. "That's ok Dave. I understand. I am married too but sometimes I want a bit more, if you get my meaning." "Yeah, I get that, my wife and I have not been sexual for a long time and jerking off is getting old" I confessed to Bill. There was something cathartic about discussing my problem openly with another person. "Yeah that's rough" Bill stated. "There are lots of ladies on here that will be happy to blow a guy with your dick stats" "Thanks man" I typed, "I am not sure I could get with another woman. I would feel bad about it." "Maybe you need a dude to suck your dick then. You could solve 2 problems; getting off with someone and not having to be with another woman." Bill suggested. Was he kidding? Bill continued, "I started out like you. I needed a BJ badly and met this dude. I had always heard guys gave great head and figured if I closed my eyes this dude could suck it and I could imagine it was a hot lady." "How did that go" I asked with some interest. "Well it's true. Guys know how to suck. My first blowjob from a dude I was begging him to keep going. He sucked me like a pro. I never felt anything like it in my life and when I shot he held me in his mouth and my load went right down his throat. He never hesitated for a second." Bill's story was interesting to me. I really could use a blowjob, but from a dude? Could I ever consider that? "How did you meet this guy?" I asked curiously. "On here" Bill said.

I sat looking at the screen for a few minutes. My horniness from the night before had not really subsided much. Now thoughts of getting a blowjob from a dude was sort of stuck in my mind. Could I let a dude blow me? Could I close my eyes and imagine some hot woman sucking my dick? If I did it, what type of guy would I want to suck me. The one in the video seemed like a real man. If I met him at work or on the street I would never think he was gay or bi.

I started going through the guys I knew from work and the gym. What type of guy would I let blow me. I started a mental list; 1- he had to be my age or younger but not too young, 2- he should be white preferably, 3- maybe someone shorter than me, 4- someone who had a good natural build, not fat or unclean looking, 5- someone masculine even when doing the deed, 6- someone I could trust if I met him while I was out with my wife.

Was this an impossible list? What was I thinking? Could I really go through with it? I looked up at the screen and saw that Bill was still online. "How would I go about doing this?" I asked Bill. "Well we could meet and I could give you a blowjob" Bill replied. "You give blowjobs?" I asked curiously. I thought he only received them. "Yeah I love it man. Once I started fooling around with guys I started to expand my interests" Bill said. Without thinking I asked Bill for his stats. I was secretly hoping he wouldn't measure up to my criteria. "I am white, bi-married 46, 5'10 165. I have brown hair and blue eyes and I am relatively smooth" Well Bill met most of my criteria but not all. He was a year older than me but height and weight seemed ok. "You would enjoy it man. You just have to sit back, close your eyes and let me do my work." Bill enticed.

I stood up abruptly and walked away from the computer. What was I thinking? Was I thinking? A blowjob from a dude? Was I crazy? Was my dick doing all the thinking for me? I paced back and forth but realized my cock was rock hard.

I went back to the computer and sat down. I thought for a second and then responded, "what if I do not like it?" I asked. "Then I stop and you go on about your day" Bill replied. "What do I have to do?" I asked. "LOL just sit back and let me work your tool. You don't have to do anything else. When you are done you can stuff your cock back in your pants and either leave or hang out for a bit if you want" Oh god what was I getting into. I asked Bill for the time and place and he provided the details. Bill did not live too far away. I agreed to meet him at his place in 90 minutes. I jumped into the shower and washed my body. My dick was still semi hard and the idea of getting a blowjob was exciting. I had to keep reminding myself that I would be visualizing a hot woman sucking me off. I dried off and put on a fresh pair of white briefs. Then I started to think if I should even wear underwear? Is it better to go commando? I left the briefs on and slipped on a pair of jeans. I pulled on a blue button-down shirt but left it untucked. I grabbed my keys and headed over to Bill's place. During the short drive I changed my mind about 50 times. I felt like I could not go through with this crazy idea. But my dick kept driving me forward.

As promised I arrived at Bill's place 90 minutes later. Bill met me at the door with a smile. He extended his hand and invited me in. Bill seemed natural, like a regular guy. I could see myself hanging out with Bill at a bar or watching a game with Bill at my house. I would never imagine this guy liked to give blowjobs to dudes.

Bill led me to the sofa and asked if I wanted a drink. I never drank during the day but I asked for a beer that I hoped would ease the tension. Bill returned from the kitchen with 2 beers. He handed one to me and sat in the chair opposite me. I would consider Bill a good-looking guy. He was a bit shorter than me with close cropped brown hair as he said. He had some dark scruff on his face and a nice smile. Bill was wearing some running shorts and a well fitted t-shirt that showed off a tight body. He obviously worked out. I surveyed the room and saw pictures of Bill with what I assumed was his wife.

"So, Dave, do you have any kids" Bill asked. "No, we never had any. What about you?" I asked. "Nope, we decided that we would not have any either." Bill replied. We talked some more about just stuff in general. The conversation never got to sex. After about an hour of just some relaxed talking I figured Bill was not interested and that my long overdue blowjob was not going to happen. I finished my beer and started to make my exit. Bill stopped me "I thought you wanted a blow job" "um yeah I think so" I replied. Without hesitation Bill came over and dropped to his knees in front of me. My body was charged, my mind raced. Was this going to happen? Bill reached up and unzipped my pants. "Relax" Bill instructed. I put my head back and closed my eyes. I tried to imagine a hot woman from a porno that would be a good image to focus on. Bill loosened my pants and pulled them down. I felt his face come into contact with the white briefs as he rubbed his mouth over the hardening mound. I could feel the bristles from his beard on my cock through the material. My dick reacted quickly and grew hard. Bill reached up and unbuttoned my shirt. I was not ready for this but figured I should let him do it.

Bill reached up and his warm masculine hand caressed my chest. The feeling was so different from my wife's hand. Bill's hand was strong and large compared to my wife's. The feeling was weird not just because it was a man's hand but because it was a human touch something I desperately craved. I felt my body both relax and tense at the same time if that is possible. Bill placed his fingers at the top of the band of my briefs and lowered them over my hard-throbbing cock. His fingers closed on my cock and I breathed deeply. Then I felt the warmth of his mouth. Slowly he guided my cock into the warmth. My dick felt amazing as the wet warm mouth engulfed my rigid cock. I gasped as Bill took me deep.

Bill pulled off my cock abruptly. "Does that feel ok? He asked. "Yes" was all I could get out. I wanted to feel his mouth on my cock again. Without hesitation Bill put my dick back in his mouth. My balls reacted and pulled up. Bill started a slow bobbing motion as he started to blow me. At first it was soft which was ok, but I needed a bit more tension on it. I lay there trying to imagine my dick in a tight pussy or a hot mouth. My mind kept coming back to Bill blowing me. I would sneak a look at Bill working on my cock. There was something raw and exciting about it. I assured myself it was just the sexual feelings.

Bill worked my dick better than anyone ever had. He seemed to know all the right spots, the right angles and the right pressure to make my dick feel amazing. The fingers of his left hand brushed my balls sending electricity through my body. I could feel my cock coming to life better than it had in a long time. Without thinking my hands went to Bill's head. My fingers caressed the short hair as his head bobbed up and down on my dick. I threw my head back in pure ecstasy as my body was racked with spasms of pleasure. "I-am-going-to-cum" I grunted in a raw tortured manner. I expected Bill to pull off but he did not. Bill just kept his sucking motions going on my cock. My dick started to unload, twisting my body. I felt it with every nerve. My cock unloaded and it felt like my whole body unloaded. My orgasm felt like it went on for hours. Finally, I lay back exhausted and spent on the sofa. My dick still in Bill's mouth. He continued to lick and suck it gently, eventually letting it slip out of his mouth.

Sometime during blowing me, Bill pulled his cock out of his shorts. He was still stroking it looking at my dick than back up at me. When he saw me watching he gave me a satisfied look. "How did it feel?" Bill asked with a sense of accomplishment. "Dude that was fucking amazing" was all I could say.

Bill grabbed a towel and handed it to me. There was not much to clean up as Bill expertly sucked every drop of cum out of my cock. I cleaned off whatever was left and handed him the towel back. He went into the kitchen and came back with 2 more beers. I felt bad saying I was going to leave so I took the beer and we made small talk.

I could not help but notice that Bill's hard cock was still out while we sat and talked. Did he think I was going to reciprocate? Getting a BJ from a dude was one thing but I was not going to give one. No way was that going to happen.

Bill finally asked the question I dreaded the most. "Want to help me get off?" I tried to find a way to respond that would not make the situation awkward. "Sorry man" I replied, "like I said online, I don't suck cock and this is my first blowjob from a guy. I hope you understand" Bill smiled "yeah, I got that. How about helping me out though. Let me play with your cock while I jerk off." Bill asked. My dick was still semi hard and I figured if he was just going to stroke it for a bit there was no harm.

Bill stood next to me and I stood up. Bill lowered my briefs below my dick and took it in his hand. The warmth of his hand made my cock stir and start to grow. With his other hand bill started to stroke his dick looking down at mine. Bill dropped his cock and reached for my hand. "Here just feel it" Bill said in a soft husky voice. I wrapped my fingers around Bill's cock like the million times I had stroked my own. It felt weird, different. Bills cock was uncut which I had never seen before. Bill's cock was also an almost perfect tube, the same thickness from top to bottom and the sheath covered the head. Mine tapered more and had a large very visible mushroom head.

As I stroked Bill's cock he in turn stroked mine. My dick that just shot one of the best loads in recent memory was getting rock hard again. I tried to match my movements on Bill's cock to the way he was stroking me. Bill seemed to like it because he moaned more and more with every stroke. I was getting close to my second orgasm and I sensed that Bill was too. Bill turned to face me. He put a hand behind my head. I looked up at him and there was a look of pure desire and ecstasy on his face.

I could feel my dick getting close. A few more strokes and I would shoot another load. I closed my eyes reveling in the sensation. Suddenly, I felt warm lips on mine as Bill's hand brought my mouth to his. Just as he did my dick started to shoot my load. My body was caught up in my second orgasm as Bills mouth closed on mine his tongue parting my lips. Then Bill grunted into my mouth and I felt his dick unload. Bill pulled me tighter as the orgasm rocked his body. My mind was going crazy. I wanted to punch Bill for kissing me but my body was on fire. After a few minutes Bill let go of me and sagged into the chair. I grabbed the towel, cleaned off and got dressed. I quickly thanked Bill and headed for the door.

"Hope to chat with you more online" Bill called out as I left the house. I got into my car and drove home.

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Next: Chapter 2

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