A Naive Indian Slut

By Master DomTop

Published on Jul 28, 2023


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After receiving the first cock of my life I decided to return to my village, nothing kept me here. I took the time to thank my host family except for Sahil, I couldn't confront him after that. As for Raj, I didn't bother either, I was ashamed to have imagined his features when in reality it was Sahil. Was it because I wanted it deep inside or was I just too drunk? I didn't even want to know. Returning to one's native land always has something refreshing, reviving. I no longer felt the same, pronouncing this sentence the image of Sahil comes back to my mind just like our passionate night. I dropped a curse at me, I just arrived and here I am thinking about this little shit.

The first thing I did was go see Naina and her family at their home. I'm sure seeing her would give me clear ideas, would make me happy, but it was quite different. I didn't feel all those things you feel when you're in love, I felt a lack and a void that no one could fill. I hid the pain on my face with a facade smile. You know marriage is something very sacred, it's not just a question of union between 2 people but it's a family union and of community. I then swore before my peers and our Gods to cherish this woman with love and respect, moreover the dowry that will be paid to my family does not make me feel better.I stayed quite late to share my experience, joke and other things that make me look like the ideal son-in-law.

The night was coming and I couldn't fall asleep and the cause of this problem irritates me to the highest point. Flashbacks of my night of sex with Sahil come to mind, regardless of my will. My body reacted immediately, I felt my hole tighten at the thought causing spasms, it was like he knew what was good for him, he was trying to tell me to find a dick and give it to him. I began to squirm on the bed, involuntary action sign of my excitement, I lowered my pajama bottoms and spread my thighs. I headed straight for my crotch to start stroking it. Sex with a man is such an amazing experience and when I think back to having experienced it, it makes me more excited than ever. It was so much stronger, more gripping, more passionate and carnal, more exciting than heterosexual sexual intercourse. We can go all out and explore the sexual vices lurking inside us without fear of holding back, sex should always be rough, a struggle over who will be dominated and who will be dominant, the loser will have to bend to the will of the other. Power is the most exciting thing.

"hmmmmm..... Yessssss.... Mhhhhhhhhh" I moaned. I wanted to masturbate thinking about my future wife, how I would make love to her on our honeymoon but also for the rest of her life, titillating her tits, eating her pussy and ramming her dick that would take her virginity, but instead I was thinking about how Sahil managed to put my face against the bed and my ass up taking my virginity by thrusting his 6 inch cock into my hole which he renamed as pussy. I imagined how his cock spread my walls to reach my prostate and hit it again and again. I had so appreciated all his sensations that he had brought me. He ate my hole like it was the last thing on earth to eat. He fanned the fire that was my hole with his sperm as the only extinguisher.

I timed my movements to the rhythm with which he pounded my ass. "Oh Yeahhh... .Mhhhhh..... Motherfuck..... Mhhhhhhhh..... Mhhhhh...So good." I then remembered Sahil telling me not to use my cock to cum. I continued to caress myself but never let the orgasm overwhelm me, it frustrated me but I conformed to these ideas. I ended up leaving my cock engorged with blood to let my body rest.


"Glurp glurp glurp" was the only thing we heard in the living room. I was slumped on my sofa saddened with Arun between my thighs working to get his daily milk, but he was going to have to work hard, my mind was elsewhere. I thought that with the night we spent Rishi would stop running away and accept his reality, that he was dying for cock. I thought I had shown her the true pleasure that is meant for her. He liked it, there's no doubt he even begged. Instead he fled, again. The guy of my dreams, my childhood crush decided to leave without us being able to develop a real bond, without even saying goodbye to my face. My only fear is to think that he decides to explore this side of himself with someone other than me.

"The machine is broken" spoke Arun. He cleared his throat after this long mouth effort for nothing.I finally decided to lower my eyes to him.

"it's never the fault of the man, if you can't get the milk out, it's because you're not working hard enough." I answered him with detachment. I tucked my cock into my pants and decided to get up, leaving him on his knees in the living room. We were pretty close friends we had received wedding invitations and we had to get ready.


After this night's sleep, I decide to open my eyes and notice my morning erection. I cursed with anger for having let this kid enter my head to the point of refusing me a masturbation. I go into my bathroom, locking it. I was watching my hard 4 inch wanting one thing to cum. I grabbed her and started jerking off.

"mhhh.... Hmmm" my breathing became stronger and stronger but something had changed, my cock was hard but the orgasm was still far away. I didn't understand why I couldn't launch my charge. My hole started sending electric charges all over my body. Without thinking, I put slime on a finger and I brought it closer to my entrance.

"Oh Yesss.... Fuckkk... feels good" my cock is reborn. My finger was playing with my ass which was happy to have something in it. I kept fingering myself putting my cock in the background. I pulled my finger out and my hole tightened so I wouldn't let it go. I was running water over my hand and shoving 3 fingers straight.

"Oh Yesss.... Danmmm..... So Goood.... More.... My Goooooodnes... Mhhh" my moans would leave no doubt about my activity but if we knew the real reason that brings me so much joy, I could say goodbye at my wedding. But that's not going to stop me, my button has been activated and there is nothing more I can do. I always entered my fingers deeper inside me, I made scissor movements to stretch my hole, I added my fingers until all 5 were in.

"Oh yeah go ahead.... Motherfuck.... Mhhhh....this is what you need.... Mhhh yeahhh.... Sahil is right.... My pleasure is there... Mhhh in my hole... I don't need my cock." My cum rises as I continued to degrade myself to the point of no return.

"Ohhhhhh..... Fuckkkkkkk...... yeahhhhh... Mhhhhhh...... my goddddd....never stop" I cum hands free, what an orgasm. Who would have thought that my body was capable of giving me greater pleasure by stimulating something other than a cock. When the orgasm ends, I look at myself in the mirror. I felt humiliated, a kid was taking control of my orgasms, my thoughts without me fighting him. My flabby cock was hanging down my balls and I remembered that he has a bigger one which heightened my shame. A kid has a bigger dick than a bodybuilder.

Our peers continue the preparations for the wedding, the date must be in perfect harmony with the calendar of the stars, only guilt gnawed at my soul. I decided to take a walk in the village, this place is the heart of our culture and our society in honor of my last days of celibacy.

Community life here is rather warm. As it is a small village everyone knows each other, the villagers help and support each other in good and bad times, so for an event such as a wedding, it quickly becomes the subject of discussion on everyone's lips. I observe peers who work in agriculture, Here we consider our lands as sacred, we observe rituals and festivals linked to agricultural cycles, greet me and congratulate me on my marriage to which I responded with thanks, others tell me about their experience and the value of marriage in the eyes of our gods. These places that I know by heart, I looked at it with a different eye today.

I thought I was having a quiet day when my eyes popped out of their sockets and my heart started beating faster for no good reason when i saw sahil and his family arrive. I should have expected it, our families are quite close and what's more they are the ones who hosted me during my competition, it was just a way to show our gratitude. I didn't know what to do but some part of my body knew very well how to react, my little cock started to swell when I saw him and my hole suddenly started to itch. I notice that they don't have a suitcase, which means that they have already visited their accommodation. Sahil's father waved at me, I had no choice but to walk up to them to greet them.

"Hey how is our champion?" greeted the head of the family.

"Hi Rishi, excited ?the big day is coming."Sahil said.

I don't glance at Sahil and don't even deign to answer him. I shook his father's hand and answered him with a smile.

"I'm fine thank you, and you had a good a good trip ?" Then follows a convivial conversation between Sahil's father and brother and me. I had put Sahil aside and the pain was on his face. I took the initiative to make them visit the village, In the Indian community even if certain cultural aspects are common to all it is interesting to know that certain traditions can vary. I introduce them to the most important places. I started with the temples where our religious festivals are celebrated with enthusiasm, it is the ideal opportunity to gather the community and pay homage to our gods through dances, songs, rituals rooted in our history. They showed a lot of interest. During our walk to continue the visit, I made no comment on the fact that Sahil was very or even too close to me, I didn't want to ruin the general atmosphere. I introduced them to the local market and not to put them to sleep with all this information I thought a little practice would be a nice conclusion. Our village is lucky to have craft skills such as weaving textiles, I noticed that Sahil was not particularly talented in this area but his father was so interested that he decided to stay to learn more. It was cool to have been able to play the guides but sahil showed his desire for a swim which his brother supported him, so we left the place.Arrived in our corner of water Sahil began to undress and I could not help but take a discreet look at his body and what was in his underwear. I didn't know what was happening to me and even less what I felt, even for Naina it wasn't as strong. I wanted to be close to him, to have physical contact, that he would never be far from me.

"Hey, are you coming for a swim?" the voice of Sahil's older brother snapped me out of my reverie. He had half of his body in the water and I could admire his chest. I undressed under the eager gaze of Sahil.

From a distance you could swear that there was a superb cohesion between us 3 but the truth is that I ignored Sahil without suspecting that this time it really hurt him. His big brother was going out to find a place to urinate, leaving me with Sahil. I decided to dive my body leaving only half of my chin out of the water. I closed my eyes for more serenity. I took advantage of it for a moment when I felt hands hugging my body and a chest glued to my back. I turn my head at a speed when I saw Sahil. My brain bugged, but my dick didn't, it twitched.

"I've missed you so much big bro Rishi." Sahil uttered this sentence with passion and started giving kisses on my back. I wanted to stop, my brain was screaming at me to stop and get out of his grip, his big brother could come back at any time and find us in a situation where our actions are more than obvious. Despite this, I am skeptical. Sahil's spear was squeezing my insides through my shorts, I had to stop this before it was too late.

"Sahil, you should stop this and leave, what we are doing is wrong." My voice left no doubt that I was talking seriously. I pulled his hands away from my body and began to pull my body out of the water.

"But why, why do you want to stop yourself from being happy?" he hugged me again continued his kisses on my neck then continued, "Do I have to remind you how you felt in ecstasy when we had only made one?" My only concern was to make you visit heaven , thanks to me you knew the true carnal pleasure.

Pictures come to mind and freeze me in place. I cursed myself, I cursed my body for loving another man's touch. My dick was still hard from Sahil's touch, my strength was leaving me.

"let your little brother please you again, let yourself be happy, let's be one again." Sahil commented.

I started thinking about Naina, she and I are no longer separated by distance. I looked up at the sky hoping that our gods would give me the strength to push that Kid away. My heart and my reason clash. I wanted, I had to push him away but why couldn't I. Deep inside me a tiny part wanted to give in and offer me to him. My brain was overheating, it didn't know which option to choose. I snapped back to reality when I felt Sahil's cock forcing my way in, he must have taken my lack of words as approval. I squeezed my hole instinctively.

"Sahil.... I don't....I'm not sure" I stuttered. He was licking my neck making me moan.

"Listen big brother I don't want to force you but if I knew there was no way we could be together again, I wouldn't be so insistent."

The softness of his voice made me release the pressure on my hole, which would allow him to enter. At that precise moment I realized what was going on with me, I wanted Sahil, I wanted him to fuck me again and again, to make me scream and drool with pleasure, to hit my prostate to send me to heaven, to lick me and eat my hole , that he enjoys in my ass to mark his passage, that he simply plays with my body. But my dignity was obstructing my desires.

"Mhhh yes that's it big brother.... Release the pressure... Relax and focus on the pleasure... Mhhhh... Yeahhh"

"Mhhhhh Yeahhh..... Stop Sahill we can't... Fuckkk... Goddddd." I moaned. It was so different from the last time, it wasn't beastly sex, he was giving me all his passion for me through his beating.

"You see big brother, I don't want to hurt you , just to be with you, inside you." he nibbles my ear, plays with my nipples.

I clenched my teeth, on the one hand with rage and on the other with pleasure. The sound of water caused by Sahil added eroticism to the scene, Sahil took care of my body, of me. He cherishes his partner.

"Oh big brother if you knew how long I dreamed about this... Mhhhh....I had no idea it would be like this..... Your body is....is a true work of art... We should all worship you.... I don't want you away from me anymore." He slid his hands down my body to emphasize his words.

Why the forbidden is always more exciting, I couldn't just concentrate on a pair of breasts and a vagina, This kid had to make me taste his cock and unfortunately I liked it.

I bent my neck to give him more access. His shots pass in slow motion so that I soak up every passing second.

"Mhhhh..... Ohhhhhhh....... Goddddd yeahhh..... So fucking good." Sahil's roars ring in my ear.

"Ohh Big Brother.... I couldn't hold back any longer...the image of you, the image of us making love here... Mhhhh.... for all to see... it's too much for my dick... you were the object of my fantasies when I was a teenager, you still are today.... Ohhh yeahh.... I wanted you so much. Tell me you like what we do." Sahil exposes all his vulnerability in this sentence. I felt it, my answer was fateful.

I kept what little control I still had over my mouth to make no sound, but that was more for me than for him. I could spout the truth that I love what we do and risk my life or lie and risk losing Sahil and fulfilling my destiny.

"You don't want to answer big brother?.... Mhhh it doesn't matter." The sadness in his voice represented the unwanted moment of this beautiful embrace.

"I'm going to let it all in you big brother, it'll be a nice way to know that a part of me is in you."

I arched my back in a natural way, I wanted him to continue, to cum in my ass, to cum together. I took and my cock and went as fast as him.

"Let's cum out together Sahil" I said breathlessly.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh.... Yes big brother..... Mhh.... you ready....let's gooooo.... OHHHHH FUCKKKKK........ OHHHHHHH yeahhhh....... MotherrFuckkkkk...... orgasm with you is indescribable..... I love you so much big brother," moaned Sahil.

"Ohhhhhhhhh.. Mhhhhhh...... Ohhhhh yeahsss... Ohhhh fuckmmm.... danmmm godd.... You know how to make me feel good, kid."

I felt Sahil's cock pull out of my guts.

Sahil and I looked at each other breathlessly...his forehead was sweaty and the drops were tracing their way down his chest. His gaze was filled with passion, desire, determination. He squinted at my lips and suddenly he placed his hand on the back of my neck pulling me to him and kissing me. I felt those famous butterflies in my stomach. I allowed myself to take advantage of it, just a distraction without consequence. I kissed him back.

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