A Naive Indian Slut

By Master DomTop

Published on May 23, 2023


This is the second chapter after such a long time, I know that. I apologise for the mistakes, if any and I humbly request anyone participating in writing or proofreading the chapters for me.

Comments if every sort are welcomed. As the story is about Indian sluts, I'd like to hear more from Indian men as they have got the best pussies among men.

Also don't forget to donate to nifty.

******* Chapter 2:

I again had a vivid dream where I felt someone's hand over my chest playing with my beefy pecks. I smiled and made a groan. Whoever they were, their magical hands were expertly working on my perky nipples, tweaking them softly and scratching them gently. I already had sensitive nipples but none had, myself including, stimulated my nipples that way. It was so sensual and erotic. My moans grew louder and I felt my cock getting hard as well. Then I felt their hand on my cock rubbing it gently from base to surface. Another moan escaped my mouth. My breathing got turbulent and heartbeat escalated. I tired to open my eyes and see who was it but there was only darkness. In response emy own hand reached for my chest to check who was doing it but I only touched my own nipples.

I suddenly woke up with a jolt and looked around. There was no one except for Sahil whose smooth back was in front and I guessed he must be sound asleep. I looked at my shorts again and fuck I again made myself wet. I had a really REALISTIC wet dream. I still could feel my nipples tingling and as I touched them my cock again convulsed and spurted out precum. I cursed myself and slid to sleep again.

******* Sahil :

Again I couldn't stop myself from thinking about him. His shirtless body was so close to me and it would be unfair for anyone not to touch him. He was inviting me with his firm pecks, round tempting nipples and those washboard abs. My breaths were taken away by his own respiring pattern. His lips looked so delicate and his moustache protecting them from my assault. I wanted to attack those renting lips and pinched his protruding nips. I wanted to hear his sweet moans under my physical touch.

My hand moved towards his nipples automatically and I gently caressed them. He reacted by jerking a little that made me nervous and I quickly shut my eyes. After few seconds I opened them again and touched his manly nipples again. This time I softly tweaked them for a while.

"Ahhhhhh", he groaned gently that made me glad that he loved it. He loves my physical touch. I don't know why it excited me and made me bold. I continued playing with his nipples a more with soft and gentle stimulations while listening to his sweet moans. I guess he loved nipple play, they must be sensitive. He was a tit-man I suppose.

My theory was confirmed when I saw a small tent forming in his crotch. My confidence grew alongwith the motion of my fingers and now I started tweaking them and with every tweak the pitch of his moans got louder and the tent grew bigger. His muffled moans turned into obvious groans of pleasure by then and without any intention I reached out my other hand for his tent. I couldn't resist touching it as well. I grabbed the small tent gently and gave it a little squeeze through his shorts.

"Fuckk...ahhhh", this time the handsome dusky hunk growled widening my smile. He was loving it. I could see him panting, his chest heaving heavily and his face squirming with joy. His shorts also started forming wet patch which meant he was leaking precum. I could sense the changing patterns of his breath and realize she must wake up soon.

His body wriggled and this was my signal to stop jerking and playing with his nips and turn around before he could wake up and see me. He woke up and saw me on my back. My heart was beating faster and I prayed he won't call my name. I just heard him cursing.

****** Rishi:

Coupled with my training at Raj's home , there was a friend of mine whom I had already contacted. He owned a gym where I could train weight lifting as much a I want. So I went to his gym and spent hours there. I didn't have much time left so I planned to drain my all energy in preparing myself that made my body ache and tired at the end of the day.

When I returned in the evening I was informed Raj's and Sahil's elder sister Ria had come for a visit with her husband. I met them and we had a small talk but I was so tired to be a part so I apologized and went to the room. In the middle of the night I again had the same dream but this time the hands were playing with my cock instead of nipples. "Ahhhhh", I moaned out louder and let the hand make me hard. Despite my fatigue I tried to open my eyes as I didn't feel right. It couldn't be a mere dream. It felt so real.

As I opened my eyes I saw someone actually jerking my member. My eyes popped with shop and for few minutes I just froze there. I was dumbfounded to understand the situation. What should I do? What a man usually does when he is being jerked off without him knowing? I felt sexually harassed. Now I understood what girls must have felt when boys harass them. Then I quickly thought who would be jerking me off? "Ohhhhh", an erotic groan escaped my mouth surprising me. Was I liking the person jerking me off? Who was it? I tried to contemplate the situation and guessed who the person could be. I felt the warm breaths over my shoulder and for some reason it comforted me. The way I was being manhandled excited me and my small junk grew larger. "I hope it's not Sahil", I thought as it was his room.

It was the first time that a man was touching my organ. So this happens when a man jerks another man? I have heard my village colleagues having a collective masturbation session and I have even heard rumors they would jerk each other off as well. I was disgusted by that thing but facing the similar situation was giving me chills, sexually rousing one. "Urhhhhh", again my mouth moaned mechanically.

"Fuck, I should stop this", I though as I was close to cumming. My hand slowly reached to my crotch area and held the one jerking me off. I could feel his breath stopped as my shoulder felt cold again. Then I turned around to see the culprit. If it were a man then I hoped him to be Raj. But my eyes popped again with shock when it came out to be Sahil. We both were staring at each other with shock. He moved his hand away nervously and I could see how guilty his face looked.

"Sahil", I said surprised.

"Big brother Rishi....I.....I...m sorry", he quickly turned around and I just stared at his smooth back.

My head was completely blank. What the fuck just happened? Was Sahil into men. It was first time when I had sexual encounter of any sort with a man and it felt really weird. I'm a straight man who is definitely into women. My marriage is coming soon for god's sake, how can a man's touch excite me? I was so confused and at the weirdest and newest experience I had tonight and tried to distract myself from the thought of it but despite my greatest efforts I couldn't push the thought of Sahil jerking me off away.

***** The thought of being jerked by a him wasn't leaving my head and shocking thing was I would get hard thinking about it. Sahil was like my little brother. How could I get hard thinking about him giving me his hand? Plus, I was a straight engaged dude who was gonna marry soon.

"Are you alright?", My friend Sunil asked me when I stopped lifting more weights.

"Yes man, I'm cool", I brushed off where in reality I was trying to hide my hard on from him.

"To think, he is rather cute", I started bench pressing pumping up my big biceps. Sahil's cute smile was running like flash acks in my mind.

"Why do I keep on thinking about him?", I thought baffled, even my cock was now throbbing faster. I tried to distract myself by lifting up some weights and tiring my muscles up. It helped and the urge to win the contest this time filled me. I felt the adrenaline rushing and kept the pace I creasing. Sunil my friend, who is from Punjab, came to assist me and lifted up the weight. I could see something hitting against his 'shalwar' (trousers) and I realized those were his balls. I don't know but I kept on staring at his "assets" without realising I was getting hard again.

"I think you are tired--", Sunil stated and pulled me out of my dirty thoughts.

"Yeah, I assume", I said and stood up hiding my embarrassment.

"What's wrong with me?" that was the question I asked myself when I got back to Sahil's house. Why I didn't look away knowing I was looking at Sahil's ass and worse how hard my cock have gotten. I don't understand. "I must have been drugged" is one of the only possible conclusions even if it seems unlikely to me, with the competition approaching I am very careful with my diet, I do not accept anything from anyone.

"Nevertheless, his balls weren't ugly, I would have liked to bring my head closer to see them more closely and why not his..." What the fuck is happening to me, I can't have those kind of thoughts, I'm a straight guy getting married, I like pussies, I can't think of cocks.

I went straight to the bathroom, I furiously take off my clothes and enter the water. I thought about Naina, how I would make love to her on our wedding night. My hand finds its way to my crotch and I begin to caress myself.

"Hmm.....yeah" I have to think about heterosexual sex, a man and a woman, a pair of tits and a pussy, I have to think about that and nothing else. I thought the slower I would masturbate the more I would soak up these thoughts but the truth is I'm only half hard. I accelerated my moves on my cock. "hmmm....hmm....ohhhh" my jerky moans echo through the room. I print in my mind more and more naughty images, more and more dirty talks.

"Ohhh.. hellll......yeahhhhh", this masturbation was as pleasant as it was reassuring. My desire for feminine attributes were always present. I just must have been lacking I guess.

"I cannot forget that, Arun" Sahil was chatting with his bestie.

Sahil was developing a strategy to seduce this "stud jock" with a perfectly round ass.

"Exploit his weaknesses, you already know the size of his cock isn't proportional to that heap of muscle. You are supposed to know that this organ is the pride of man, those who have a small one are generally complexed.", Urged Arun.

"You say like Indians have big ones, my own 6 inches was the longest you've seen which is again an exception."

"Yes, but the smaller they are the greater their shame is, it would be like David vs Goliath and it is you who will inflict the deathblow on him with your penis. He sees you as his little brother, right? You will show him who is the little one in the story",

Arun unbuttoned my pants then pulled them down. Sahil could see lust in Arun eyes. He also dragged away the though of Rishi and embraced the moment of lust and sex.

"Go slowly", I said patting his head.

"ohh...yeah fuck...go on" Arun's mouth on my cock is always a pleasure. "Above all, he loves this. Arun throat's noises filled the room. I held on to his head and shoved my cock down his throat with pressure deep throating him.

"Who told you to quit your job, keep doing what you know how to do best and make me cum." I reprimanded the flushed Arun with my cock and again pushed down his throat.

My brain refocuses on brother Rishi, the bodybuilder. The chances of us sleeping in the same bed are slim. The only way to be around him would be during his workouts, I could watch his big tits in action, his rock hard abs covered in sweat, his bubble butt ready to rip his shorts. In a word: Paradise. This would be the perfect place to spot potential candidates to create the dick complex. Rishi must know his place in the hierarchy of men, i.e. bottom.

"Oh.......Yeahhhh...Mhhh...I'm cuummmming....Fuckkkk" the image of that jock's pink hole in community service was too much for my dick.

"You're getting better day by day." I said breathlessly looking at the sweaty Arun.

"You can never be too good I guess." Arun said with a mischievous air.

"I guess you're right.", I smirked.

******* Rishi:

The night came quite quickly and with an awkward situation that I would like to avoid. I still can't figure out what went through in Sahil's head so he could imagine, wanting his hand on my bone. Did I leave signs that would lead him to believe that I am homosexual? I mean he knows that I am going to marry a woman. Perhaps I'm thinking too much or maybe I have given him any lead of that. Anyway I decided to sleep on the couch at least tonight the time to see where Sahil and I were. It's not the best solution since the competition is approaching and I need the most beneficial sleep.

Another man's hand on my most intimate part is repugnant to me and yet I expressed nothing of my displeasure, I could have withdrawn my cock from this unhealthy contact I was stronger than him. This abuse, I don't know why but it excited me, I would have liked to let it bring me deliverance but I had to stop this perverse act.

Sahil entered the room. We looked at each other without saying anything. A dead silence reigned in this room. I decided to start the conversation.

"I'm sleeping on the couch tonight"my tone was more distant than I intended.

"What?....big brother Rishi no...I mean with your competition coming up, I'll be sleeping on the couch", he said innocently.

"Look, I don't know what got into you last night Sahil, but know that I'm not into men, I'm engaged. You are like my little brother", I didn't want to sound harsh but I also didn't want to lead him on but the truth is that I blame myself for not being angry with him.

"We can't say that you put up much resistance either, I even wonder if you liked it." There was silence and I thought he would be ashamed but his sentence flustered me.

"I was in shock to know that you jerked me off ! ", I replied in defence.

"Big brother Rishi, I'm sorry that I did it without your permission. But I couldn't control myself. You have been my crush since childhood. I can still recall those moments when I would hurled my legs around your shoulders and you would give me a visit round the village. I have always liked you and inspired by you. Initially I thought it was the love like I do with big brother Raj but for past two years, watching you in the bodybuilding contests, seeing your body drenched in sweat and your pretty face, I cannot stop but thinking sexually about you.", His every word hit me deep. I never imagined he thought about me that way.

"You're right I shouldn't have done that and I sincerely apologize, but please sleep on this bed tonight" his facial expression stirred something inside me, I don't like to see him like that, I want to tell him that I'm not mad with him and his is forgiven.

"Ok but provided that you also sleep on it and hmm....no touching" difficult for me to blame this pretty face.

"promised" he raised his hand as a pledge, (if I had known what life would have in store for me I would have been wary of this promise.)

******* - - - - -: It's hard to resist these most basic desires, especially when the object of your fantasies sleeps in the same bed as you. It's been a while since I admired this torso rise to the rhythm of his breathing. These nipples call for sin. They are so big the only desire he gives us would be to lick them, pinch them, bite them, I would have liked to see him squirm with pleasure under my touch tonight, he loves when we play with his huge melons I bet they are juicier than Naina's.

But I want him to explore that side of his sexuality on his own, I wouldn't want to lead myself to believe that I forced him into anything. I must be his shoulder to lean on and not his executioner. A small bump formed and seeing these irregular moans I guess Rishi is having an erotic dream. "hmmmm......yeah ---- don't stop..." those moans came straight from Rishi's mouth and filled me with joy and lust: Rishi was having an erotic dream with me. I took my 6 inch long and began to stroke myself. I stifle my own moans to listen to Rishi's erotic sounds.

I guess Rishi gave me the expected confirmation.

Next: Chapter 3

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