A Meeting

By Ed

Published on May 31, 2012


This is a continuing work of fiction. It contains graphic gay sex between to consenting adult men. If this offends you do not read further.

I started this story in 2007 and received many supportive comments from a lot of men I now consider friends. However, my e-mail address was compromised and my draft continuation was lost.

I welcome any critisim of this work so that the next story will be even better.

----- Part 3 -----

Keith continued to slowly rub his hard cock against my body as he looked into my eyes. I felt my body yielding to Keith's desires, as well as my own yearning to discover and experience more.

"Do you want more Ed?," Keith asked. "Are you ready to feel my hard cock slowly slide into your body and fill your virgin ass? To experience the ultimate event in your journey? Are you ready to totally surrender yourself to another man? ... You would like me to shoot my hot fertile sperm deep in your ass, right Ed?"

I almost couldn't speak. The thoughts and emotions were racing through my mind were almost too much. This would be it. I would be giving myself completely to another man as I finally satisfied my burning curiosity to know what it feels like. "I'm still fighting with myself. ... I want to know. I need to do it. But, ...," as Keith cut me off.

"Don't worry. I'm gonna make it, with your help, as good as it possibly can be for you. ... I want you to feel every inch of my penis. Especially my shaft, when it throbs as I pump my next load of slick semen deep in your ass! And, I want to feel your tight virgin ass yield to our passions and inner desires to join as one. I want to feel your ass open for its first cock. I need to have your ass grip my penis, and I want to savor the inner warmth of your body." Keith paused ... "Spread your legs a little more if you want it, want to go to the limit, and have my sperm fertilize your true sexual desires."

My body tingled with desire. It was, I was, yearning to discover, feel, and experience the ultimate in man-to-man sex. My burning desire pushed me further down the road. ... I spread my legs.

"That's it Ed. That's it! Open for me. Open for us. Open for the sex you know you want! Give me your ass, and I'll make it just right! ... Your time of discovery has just about arrived. Ed, I'm going to give you everything I have. ... And everything you dreamed about! ... But, if you want me to stop at any time, let me know. It has to be good for both of us, and you have to want it for it to be good!"

With that, Keith reached across the bed and grabbed something.

"You have to have lube, or else you'll remember this for all the wrong reasons. If we do it right, I'll slide in, and you'll love it. I'll touch you like no one has ever touched you before. You'll feel my penis penetrate you completely. You'll enjoy every moment, the touch of my cock to your ass, the increased pressure, the instant you open to receive your first penis, and that special sensation of total penetration, ... When you're ready to begin, bring your knees up to your chest."

I had to think. I'm about to let Keith "fuck" my ass! He says it will be good, but how painful will it be? Or, would it be as I have imagined and Keith described?, Amazing! ... I slowly brought my knees to my chest, offering myself to Keith, inviting penetration, discovery, and transformation.

"Oh ya Ed! Your ass looks so good," Keith said as he reached down and stroked my penis. "Mmmmmmmm," he hummed. "Your virgin ass will feel so good with my penis buried all the way in!!

Keith opened the tube, and I felt the cold liquid slowly drip and flow in the crack of my ass. Keith ran his fingers through the lube, and circled my anus, sending shivers through me. "I'm actually gonna feel a real cock in my ass!," I thought. My heart raced and my breathing quickened!

Keith massaged my legs with one hand, and the crease between my balls and my anus with the other. It all felt so good and exciting!

"Do you like," Keirh asked?

"Yes,"I said in a whisper, as I surrendered a little more of myself. "I like what you're doing. It feels good to be touched. I like when you touch me there!"

"I'm gonna go slow, Ed. I want you to be ready. I want you to be excited like never before. (I already was.) ... You just came, but I want to wait until you are hard again! Hard, ready, and begging to feel my penis press against your ass. Press and press again until your body opens and yields. I'll slide in, and we will be joined!"

I shivered listening to Keith's plan, and I felt my body respond ... I started to harden, so soon after cumming in Keith's mouth, my mind swimming in the churning thoughts of Keith's penis entering my ass, and having him cum in me like that.

"Mmmmmmm, ... that's it Ed. Your getting hard. Getting ready for my cock! Your body wants to feel 'it!' You'll never forget this day, or the moment you were bred!"

The thought of being "bred" rung in my head.

Keith pressed the open tube of lube to my ass and squeezed some of the cold slick liquid in my rectum. I could feel the pool of cold lube in my body.

"There can never be enough lube," Keith said with a smile. "I can't wait to cum in your ass and deposit my sperm in your body."

I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feel of Keith's hands, one stroking my cock, and the other stimulating my ass. It felt so good. But those wild thought were churning in my head.

Keith dribbled a little more lube on my ass, and then dribbled some on one of his fingers. I felt his slick finger circle around my anus, exciting me, teasing me, readying me for his cock! A slight push, then another teasing circle, ... then nothing for a moment, followed by a little more lube.

"Imagine that is my penis touching your ass." Keith put his slick finger against my ass. "Now imagine it starting to go in." Keith applied a little pressure. I pictured his slick penis lodged in the crack of my ass, and the bulbus head pressing hard at my sphincter, opening my anus for a man's cock. I felt a little more pressure, and Keith's finger entered my ass!

It didn't hurt. I felt my body change a little. A warm full feeling raced through me.

Keith continued to slowly push his finger in my rectum until I felt his fist against my ass. Then Keith slowly reversed, until just the tip of his finger was still in me. He paused, then slowly pushed his finger all the way back in. Again and again, Keith fingered my ass. With every stroke, it felt just a little better. I imagined it was his penis.

Keith paused and added a little more lube, and then placed a second finger at my anus. "Let's open you a little more, Ed." I held my breath as Keith slowly inserted a second finger, stretching me, opening me, preparing me for his now very erect penis.

Just as before, Keith slowly pushed his fingers all the way in my ass. But, on the third or fourth withdrawal, I felt Keith spread his fingeres just a bit to further stretch me open, preparing me for his penis.

"I'm gonna give you a third finger now. You ready?"

I closed my eyes, took another deep breath, and whispered, "yes! Do it!"

Another glob of lube, and a third finger probed, stimulated, and readyed my ass for its first real cock, and the insemination of homosexual sperm that would follow.

Again Keith pushed and eased my ass open. On some of his thrusts, he would add more lube. On others, he would spread his fingers. Always opening me just a little more, getting me ready!

After a long time of anal stimulation, Keith removed his fingers. I opened my eyes to see Keith greasing his own cock. It was hard, pointed toward the ceiling as he knelt between my legs. I stared at the cock that was about to enter me. The lube made it glisten in the half light of the hotel room. My heart skipped another beat. I was about to be "fucked!"

"It's time."

With those two words, Keith lifted my legs to his shoulders and shuffled a little closer. I shivered with excitement as I watched through half closed eyes, Keith push his lubricated naked penis downward and align it with my anus. The moment I felt the bear skin of the head of his penis touch my anal ring, I took in a final deep breath. ... This was it, I'm going to get "fucked and bred by another man!" Keith leaned a little closer, and his penis pressed harder against my ass. Keith reached between us and adjusted his penis, searching for the right angle to enter my ass. I felt it align, the head was now centered on my sphincter desperately seaking entry to my warm, tight, virgin ass. He pressed again and there was the slightest penetration. I closed my eyes, it was happening!.

"This is it Ed. I'm gonna fill your ass with cock and take your cherry. Are you ready to become a 'man?'" Keith withdrew a little, and I ached to feel his cockhead against my ass again. Ached to feel a his penis invade my ass all the way.

"Do you want it? Do you want to know what it's like? Do you want to be spermed? ... Try and push to open your ass and I'll go in easier. Knod and its all yours! Or say the word, we'll stop, and you'll never know!!"

I closed my eyes, still holding my breath, and knodded, sealing my fate. I wanted to be bred!

Keith pushed against my anal ring again. This time, the head was being slowly swallowed by my anus. The head hadn't gone all the way in yet!

"Say the word and I'll stop. Or, push and complete your journey."

All the while I felt my ass opening, welcoming the invader. ... I moved my ass closer to Keith and pushed! Keith sighed a lustful, "YES!," as he incressed the pressure. I felt his well lubricated naked cockhead slip past the ring of my ass. It was in, I saw stars, and felt wild sensations race through my body!

Keith paused for a moment with just the head of his cock now in my ass. "That looks so good! I'm in your ass now, Ed! You're so tight! I've never had a 'cherry' ass before! Oh, this is so good!"

My ass burned a little, but the lube was doing its job. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the feeling of my ass getting filled with a real naked cock for the first time. Keith pushed again and his cock eased in a little deeper.

Keith pushed a little and then paused. Again and again, push and pause. With each little thrust Keith filled me just a little more, until I felt his pubic hairs and lower body press against my buttocks. Keith's 6 1/2" had completely penetrated my ass! He paused and waited for me to adjust. I felt so full. There even seemed to be pressure in my chest, and my legs were weak.

"Your ass is so perfect, ... tight, warm, and wet with lube. The only thing missing is my cum ... my sperm! I'm going to give you everything I have!!"

I squirmed under Keith. The pressure and full feeling was intense. "I've done it!," I thought. "I've surrendered my body to another man, and my soul to my homosexual desires!"

A moment or two later, Keith pulled out a little. Only to fill me again.

"OH, KEITH!," I gasped as Keith began to 'fuck' my ass just a little faster.

Part of me couldn't believe I'd finally done it, another questioned my decision; but most of all, I was locking in my memory the incredible sensations of having a man's cock deep in my ass for the first time!

"Ed, your ass is so tight. It's so warm, and wet, .... And, so GOOD! You've got the perfect 'man-pussy!'"

Keith withdrew almost completely, and then paused. "It looks so perfect, ... my cock in you pussy."

"I felt a strange emotional rush when Keith labled my ass as a "pussy."

Keith slid his hand to my cock and stroked me as he pushed his solid penis into my ass until I again felt his hips against the back of my legs, and his pubic hair against my balls. Then Keith paused again. I felt completely filled with cock. It felt wild, perverted, exciting, and good all at the same time.

Keith made small thrusts as he spoke, "I can't wait to cum in your ass and make it mine. You'll always remember the first man who came in your ass! You probably won't feel my cum. But it will be there. My cum in your ass. You're gonna get every drop that I have. ... Think about it Ed, more of my sperm will be in you! You're gonna be a new man. A man who knows how to love men. ... Your fantasy is about to come true. We're just abou there!"

Keith picked up the pace again. On Keith's deepest thrusts, my whole body shook as his hips forcefully slapped against my buttocks!

"Oh, ya! Oh, Ed!!"

The sensation of Keith's penis sliding in and out of my ass was incredible! I felt myself thrusting back at Keith, maximizing the intenisity of our "fuck."

Time seemed to fly by!

"I'm getting close Ed!," Keith gasped. "I'm gonna cum!"

Keith moved faster again and I knew I was about to be internally spermed, about to complete my fantasy. Any moment now, I would be inseminatied with another man's sperm.

"Ed, ... Yes!! ... Oh, ... AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!"

Keith thrust forward as deep as he could, and then he froze at the point of deepest penetration! Keith was right, I couldn't feel his cum, but I did feel his penis throb and pulse against my sphincter as he unloaded his sperm deep in my body.

"Ed, ... Oh, Ed!! I'm cumming in your ass!! Oh God, does this feel good! OH YESSSSSSSS!" He thrust in-and-out one more time releasing another ejaculative blast in my ass.

Nothing was said for what seemed like a very long time. Keith moved a little now and again. I knew he was ejaculating with every move, Then I felt him start to soften. I broke the silence, "Keith, I can't believe I did it. I can't believe your cum is in me. In my ass!"

"YES ... It is in your ass! I know you'll want this again!!"

Keith lowered his body against me. He looked in my eyes a moment and then pressed his lips against mine. A moment later I felt his tongue enter my mouth. We were joined as lovers; his softening cock still in my ass, and our mouths locked in a soul wrenching deep kiss! I felt a strong erotic wave pass through me. I felt fullfilled.

Keith moved a little and his penis slipped out of my sperm filled ass. My first anal experience was over.

Keith rolled to my left and held me. His chest pressed to my left side and I felt his moist penis resting against my hip. I wondered when it would penetrate me again? How will I receive my next load semen? As I pondered the future, savored the sensations, and looked at my lover, we drifted off to sleep.

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