A Meeting

By Ed

Published on Jun 4, 2007


The following is a work of fiction. It involves consensual sex between two adult men. If this type of material offends you or is not allowed in your community, please stop now.

Thank you everyone who commented on my first chapter of "A Meeting." I know many more have read my first installment. I hope you all enjoyed. I especially want to thank Joe, Fred, and Ron for their comments and ideas on how to improve my fantasy.

I intend to write a few more chapters to "A Meeting." I am open to all comments and suggestions.

I looked at Keith as a thousand and one thoughts and emotions ran through my mind. My hardon raged as my mind and thoughts questioned my actions. Did I do the "right" thing? How far did I want to go on this "journey of discovery?"

"You seem to have a blank look. How do you feel Ed," Keith asked? You OK?"

"I guess I'm a little confused, scared, worried, nervous, weird, excited, ... horney," I replied softly. "I finally did it, but the anxiety and fears of actually doing it as I told you are all still there!"

Keith leaned closer and wrapped his fingers around my cock, stroking me slowly as he spoke. "I'll try and help. I'm you friend. You're confused, ... Don't be. Think of our time together as a trip or journey of discovery about yourself, what you like, and what gives you pleasure. You have wanted to take this trip with a man for a long time. I remember part of your plan included feeling him throb between your lips. You made it that far. You've finally done it, you've achieved one of your goals, ... be glad. And, I must say you did an incredible job. ? The endless battle you've been having with yourself and waiting to finally do it is over. Now you know how good it can be, at least on the giving side. You have discovered and experienced intense pleasure by giving a man the most intimate pleasure possible, an orgasm. And you did it with your mouth. At the same time you gave pleasure, you received it in return. ? Discovering the feel of my penis touching your lips and slowly sliding in your mouth was incredibly exciting, wasn't it?"

I had to agree! "Yes," was all I could manage back in a soft reply.

"Enjoy every moment we have together. You've broken down that barrier preventing you from venturing out. Now you're discovering a significantly different part of your sexuality. You are on the path to enjoy the incredible and intense, passion and pleasure that only two men can share. Doing it will be easier for you now. I think you'll be wanting more and more because you know how good it is! The moment a man cums in your mouth is the greatest indication that you have pleased him immeasurably. ? I know you'd be kicking yourself in the days and weeks ahead if you'd waited to begin. This has been your fantasy for a very long time. Enjoy every moment of it. That is my goal for our time together.!"

Keith continued, "think how excited you were coming here today, how hard you got as we undressed together, ... Remember how good it felt when our hard naked cocks touched, and we hugged each other naked for the first time? Then when we got in the bathroom, I know it was exciting for you when my oozing cock touched your lips, I could see it in your eyes and the way you moved. It looked so good seeing the head slowly disappear in your mouth, and Ed, it felt so fantastic. Knowing it was your first time made it a little more exciting for me. Thanks for traveling this way with me. I wanted to hold out so you could experience your dream much longer, but you sure know how to make a man feel good. I couldn't hold back any longer. I lost control in the pleasure you know how to give. I liked that you swallowed, Ed. There's something very special about that. A lot of men can't do it. A part of me is in you now. Thank you!"

I liked hearing Keith's thoughts on what we'd done. I felt myself be a little more at ease, and also get a little more excited. A surge of excitement washed over me and my cock throbbed.

"I felt that," Keith said as he smiled back at me. "Feeling better?" He slowly rubbed the full length of my cock, coaxing a large drop of precum from my hard penis. The sight of the large clear drop coating my cock and Keith's had was so cool. Keith coaxed a little more from my cock and collected as much of the sexually charged fluid as he could on his finger. "Looks good, doesn't it?" Then Keith brought his hand to my face and slowly wiped the clear slick fluid across my lips. "Lick your cum. I know it turns you on!"

Another shudder of excitement rocked through my body and soul, as I tasted my clear slick precum, and gently sucked Keith's finger, ? pretending it was his cock. ... I did like it. It did make me feel good!

"Ed, a year or so ago, when we first started e-mailing, I was in your position. I wanted to go beyond gay porn sites and an occasional video. It would have been so cool if we would have discovered together back then. But, you weren't ready yet to start your journey. You asked me to stay in touch, and we have. I found a nice guy, not too long after that, who had a little experience, and was looking to enjoy some time with a man again. We met at a hotel just like we are doing now. It was awkward at first for me too. But after we undressed and held each other, it got better and better. I'll never forget when we held each other for the first time. The sensations of our cocks rubbing together, skin-on-skin, another man's hardon pressed against my own. It was one of the most exciting moments of my life. When I got the chance to take his cock in my mouth, I got scared too, just like you are now. His cock looked so big as I held it inches from my face. I wasn't sure what to do. I hesitated, ... But I knew I had to try, ... Had to do it. I kissed and licked the head, and that broke the ice for me. The feel of his cock slowly sliding in my mouth was so good, ... so natural to give and receive pleasure. I liked the way it made me feel. When he came in my mouth, I knew it was right. ... Did you like the feel of my hard cock in your mouth?"

"Yes," I answered softly. "It was warm, and firm, but soft in a way too ... and licking the head was so erotic for me. I'll never forget the moment you came. Experiencing your orgasm was incredible! I guess we have a lot in common. ... I like hearing your thoughts and experiences too. Don't stop."

Keith smiled and then continued in a soft friendly voice, "you have wanted to taste another man's cock for a long time, haven't you?"


Keith continued almost in a whisper, "you wanted to feel a penis erupt in you mouth, to taste fresh, slick, hot, cum, and to swallow! Right?"

"Yes," I answered again and feeling myself want more!

"You ever taste your own cum?"

"Yes, but it's not the same."

"I know its not. It's so amazing to feel a cock pulse in your mouth, to give such pleasure to another man, to intimately feel his orgasm; an orgasm you gave him. You've craved to have my hot cum erupt directly into your mouth so you could taste and feel my thick slick sperm filled cream slide down your throat. You wanted to swallow my sperm, my cum, and feel it penetrate your body. You wrote that in your e-mails. Right?"

I sighed, "yes, I wanted it, ... I needed it, ... I just had to!" I felt my cock throb again. "I want to feel it again!"

"You will," Keith said as he smiled and continued to stroke my cock.

I felt myself agree with all of Keith's thoughts and words. He knew my inner desires because I wrote them in my e-mails. Hearing Keith repeat them was exciting. He listened to my dreams and fantasies and was trying to fulfill them. ... I started thinking about Keith sucking me, and then possibly giving me my first kiss and sharing my load! (anther fantasy)

"Ed, you said you were scared. Don't be. We both have the same desires; no pain, nothing forced, and we can stop at any time. I'm not going to hurt you, or make you do anything you don't want to do. I travel, and AIDS tests are required by my company. I'm clean. You know ... I like the feel of a hard cock in my mouth too. It excites me! The power of controlling another man's orgasm is so cool. I like touching the head to my lips and feeling my partner's reaction. If you are oozing precum, and I can feel your slick fluid as I lick your cock-head, it's just that much more exciting. You'd be surprised how many men have these dreams of passion. I think 30 or 40% of all men want to do something. But only a few of us have the nerve to do it, and enjoy that part of ourselves. Ed, I want to return the same pleasures you gave me. In a little while, I'm gonna give you a complete blow-job and make you cum! Would you like that?"

"Yes," I gasped.

"If you have any fears about someone finding out about your journey of discovery, don't be. No one will find out. I respect your wish to stay 'in the closet.' You can tell who you want, or don't tell anyone. We are doing this for ourselves, for our sexual pleasures, and the passion we have in expressing it. OK?"


"Enjoy our time together for what it is, HOT SEX for the two of us, and no one else. It's like a very special way to 'jack-off' with someone who understands and who wants to share in the passion. I guess the last thing you said was feeling 'weird.' You just sucked your first cock, and on top of that you have a load of my cum in your body. Imagine, ... my sperm is in you, ? swimming deeper and deeper into your soul. Maybe it will punch your ticket." Keith smiled. "I think what you're feeling is 'normal.' You just broke a lot of somebody else's taboos and rules. Our society, for the most part, doesn't understand and says this is 'wrong.' ... Remember how good this all felt. That's what it's all about. Later on, you will be craving more man sex, because it satisfies your sexual desires. The need only gets stronger. At least it has for me. I feel so good doing it. At least now, you'll have a memory, and not just a fantasy. You know what it's like. Doing it with another man feels so fantastic, and it excites us! On top of that, there isn't all the 'bull- shit' you get from a woman. ... Now let me make you feel better than you've ever felt before. Don't hold back. Just enjoy every moment, every sensation, and the freedom to be yourself!"

With those words, Keith moved into a 69 next to me. He licked and kissed my throbbing penis, and said, "you don't have to if you don't want to. But, if you want to feel a cock in your mouth again, and I think you do, ... Go for it. This is you special day! You did an excellent job. I enjoyed every moment. ... Cumming in your mouth was something I'll never forget. You can do it with me anytime."

I watched as Keith leaned forward and kissed my cock-head. I gasped with pleasure. He then licked and kissed my shaft, down to my balls. He stroked my shaft at the same time, and I felt more precum ooze from my piss-slit. My head was swimming again. Here I am, naked with another man. I'm really doing it with Keith, just as I dreamed. Then that other part of me shouted out, "It's wrong!" But, OH does it feel SO DAMN GOOD!! Why do I want this? Why does it turn me on so much? Why do I have these second thoughts? I only have images in my head of myself with men! Oh, Keith's mouth feels so good on my cock. The way he touches my balls, and that spot between my balls and my ass hole. I watch Keith stroke the full length of my cock with his hand, as he completely engulfs me with his mouth. The soft, warm, wet grip on my cock from his mouth is overpowering. Again and again my penis disappears deeper and deeper into Keith's mouth, and his tongue and movements excite me. I start to feel my orgasm build, first in the base of my cock, and then in my chest.. I look to my right and Keith is erect again. His penis is just a few inches from my face. My soul begins to crave the feel of Keith's cock in my mouth, but my mind screams again, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING ED?!? Men don't ..." But, Keith's actions are magical, and it all feels so damn good and erotically satisfying! I watch him kiss and lick the head of my saliva covered penis again, and I feel wave after wave of pleasure crash over me. Again I look to my right. Keith's penis is just inches from my face. I think back to all that I've read and looked at and I think, 'No, men do do this. It feels so good to give as well as to receive.' I uncontrollably shift a little closer. Keith's penis is beckoning me to warm and caress it in my mouth! I think back to just a few minutes ago, I sucked that cock. I tasted the hot slick cum that blasted from the piss-slit that is now oozing again. I swallowed the same sperm that made Keith's two children! It was so good! I thought again, why do I want this? Why does it excite me so much? As I fought with myself, I reflexively moved even closer. My body knew what I wanted more than my mind. The feel of Keith's mouth on my cock was tremendous and it was breaking down my inhibitions. I couldn't resist any longer. I wanted it because it feels so damn good. I pursed my lips and kissed the head. Erotic flashes exploded in my head the instant I felt the cock-head touch my lips. My kiss lingered, and I extend my tongue. I tasted a drop of Keith's lingering cum or maybe some fresh precum. Another shudder passed through my body as I realized I am craving man sex just as Keith had predicted.

"I knew you'd want it again. You want my cock! Don't you Ed?"

"Oh ya!," I slowly and softly gasped almost in relief. "I almost need it. Need it to be me!"

Keith stroked me as he spoke, "I'm gonna give you more of my sperm Ed. And, I'll drain out the last of your old juices. Come on Ed, let go. Give me the cum you would have shot in your wife. Suck my cock like I know you want to. Then cum in my mouth. I want to taste your hot cream!"

I turned to my right and ran Keith's cock over my lips. I slowly licked around the head savoring the feel of his crown ridge against my tongue. I gently closed my lips around most of Keith's cock-head and flicked my tongue on the sensitive underside feeling the ridge and a small strip of skin that bridges his cock-head and shaft. Keith groaned with satisfaction as he oozed another stringy drop of precum. I added a little suction and drew out more of Keith's sexual essence. After a few moments more, I slid three or four inches into my mouth until his cock-head touched the back of my mouth. I felt myself move further down the path I had chosen. I felt my orgasm build as Keith played with my cock and balls. And then my head spun with a strong sexual surge of excitement when Keith touched my anus.

"Cum for me Ed. Cum and later on, I will fill your ass with my cock. You'll love the feel of a real cock ejaculating sperm in your ass!"

Keith took all of my cock in his mouth, and I ran my tongue over his cock-head once again. On the up-stroke, Keith pushed his finger in my ass, and I immediately came in his mouth. Brilliant flashes went off in my head, and I felt a strong "thump" in my chest. With the second throbbing release of cum, I felt my orgasm pass through my legs and feet. I shuddered again and shot more cum into Keith's mouth. I must have shot five long strands of my hot slick cum in Keith's mouth. More than I had in years. Keith held my penis in his mouth. After a few moments, Keith sat up and smiled. Then I saw him swallow my cum.

"The cum that was in your balls when we got here, ? it's all gone. The next load you make will be fertilized with the sperm I've given you. Your dick is covered with a man's saliva, your mouth is coated with my cum, and you are tasting cock for a second time. When I fill your ass with my cock, your journey will almost be complete."

Keith licked up the last smaller string of my cum as it oozed from my spent penis!

More shudders passed through me. But then almost immediately, my desires and resolve disappeared. Usually after I cum I loose my resolve to journey down this path. This time was no different. Part of me again wanted to run away. WHAT HAVE I DONE?!? DO I REALLY WANT TO CONTINUE? KEITH'S COCK IS IN MY MOUTH! OH MY GOD, THIS CAN'T BE!!

Keith gently played with my softening slick cock. I looked at him trying to regain my composure. My heart was beating a-mile-a-minute and sinking fast. I closed my eyes and didn't move. My heart continued racing and my breathing was all wrong. I tried to concentrate. After a moment or two I opened my eyes. Keith's naked body still looked good. I slowly started to want more. It would be good to feel Keith cum in my mouth again I started to ponder. Keith was right, I wanted more.

"You like the feel of a cock in your mouth, don't you?"

I could only mildly moan with agreement.

"I want you to taste my cum again, but your ass is begging for its first cock!"

Again I felt those unbelievable sexual sensations surge through me with Keith's words.

Keith moved and his hard cock slipped from my mouth. He rolled forward until his head was above mine, and he was looking into my eyes. He leaned forward and our lips touched in a kiss, and my heart raced faster, I was about to kiss a man for the first time. His tongue probed my mouth and I yielded. To my surprise, Keith hadn't swallowed my last drops of cum. He was pushing them in my mouth, sharing my orgasm with me.

I felt our bodies merge as we shifted on the bed. I felt Keith's steel erection press against my own softening dick. Keith started a slow rhythmic thrusting, as our cocks rubbed together. I wondered how it would feel if he shot long thick ropes of cum over my dick!

In a few minutes I'd be traveling further down the path of male discovery I thought. My resistance was weakening.

Next: Chapter 3

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