A Meeting

By Ed

Published on May 11, 2007


This is a work of fiction. It involves graphic gay sex between two consenting adult men. If this type of material offends you, or is illegal in your community, please leave and do not read further.

I am a very curious male. The following is one of my fantasies. I have been very curious for over 10 years. The story is based on a meeting I had hope to have with an e-mail friend. However, I moved and he did not want to continue to just write. So, the thoughts and desires just keep getting stronger and stronger.

I hope others enjoy my fantasy. I would love to read your comments on what isn't described right, or if I was accurate describing one of my fantasies. Send any comment to Ed at e0561@hotmail.com Read and enjoy.

A Meeting

Ed and Keith decided to meet. It seemed their minds were finally in the same place. Ed had driven down from Wisconsin and picked a restaurant near his motel for them to meet and have a Coke or cup of coffee. During Ed's drive he found himself fantasizing about how the afternoon would go. He would get hard, then semi-hard, then soft and hard again as all kinds of scenarios were going through his mind. Additionally, he continued to wonder how far he would go. Could he finally and really do "it?" His head was spinning, and his mind racing. He even thought about turning around, calling everything off, and waiting some more! But, in the end he convinced himself that he couldn't do that. It wouldn't be fair to Keith, and this was something that inside he had fantasized about for too long. It was something he wanted to do and experience. At the very least, he had to meet Keith in person and say hello. But, the doubts and anxieties didn't go away.

Keith had a difficult time keeping his mind off his and Ed's crotch, and the many things he wanted to say and do with Ed. Keith had passed through the portal that Ed was approaching not that long before. He was completely convinced that it was the right decision for him and it would be for Ed too. He understood Ed's concerns, but to a greater degree he wanted to help Ed move up to the next level, the level Ed had indicated he wanted to reach. He was certain it would be ever so good for Ed; a day, an event, an experience that Ed would enjoy, never forget, want to repeat, and not regret. Keith was also excited about once again having a serious experience with another man. And, if it worked out just right, it could be the beginning of a very long and special friendship. He too played out different scenes in his head, each ending with 2 very happy and spent guys.

Ed checked into his hotel, dropped a few things off in the room, and then headed to the restaurant. He got to the restaurant first. Ed and Keith decided to meet in the parking lot before going into the restaurant. They each told the other what they would be wearing and what kind of cars they would be driving. It wasn't but 5 minutes when Ed spotted Keith pulling into the parking lot. Keith spotted Ed's car and parked nearby. They got out, sized each other up for a couple of seconds, took some quick glances at each other's crotch, introduced themselves, shook hands and headed toward the restaurant.

They started talking like they were old friends. Actually they knew things about each other that their lifelong friends would not even suspect, imagine, or possibly understand. They talked a little about jobs, family, the weather, etc.

Finally Keith broke the ice and asked Ed what kinds of things he was looking for if the two of them were to decide to get naked. Ed quietly talked about a few things that he had written about and Keith did the same. Both men were adjusting themselves as they talked. Each knew what they were doing. Eventually, Keith said, "well we've been talking and writing for quite awhile. Why don't we go back to your room and ... see how it goes? No pressure and we can talk a lot easier there."

Ed sat and thought for a few moments. He felt at ease with Keith. Maybe he could do a little something he thought as he blushed, realizing that going to the room would be leading up to and make it much easier to really doing "it." However, he had driven quite a way and it was too soon to end just now. He also wanted to talk a little freer and hear some more details from Keith, and going to his room would allow that. Keith wasn't demanding anything. Maybe they would "just talk" and get together again some other time to "do something" if that is what they decided to do. But, Ed knew that Keith was ready now! Ready to give him those experiences that he had fantasized about for so long. Keith understood Ed and was just keeping all options and avenues open when he said, "see how it goes." There were no demands, conditions, or expectations made. And so, Ed agreed. That was a big, big step for Ed to take!

Keith also understood that was a BIG step for Ed. He was excited that Ed was moving forward and that the probability of doing something was improving. Keith had a very good idea of how nervous Ed was, he could see it in his face and actions. It was only a year or so since he had been in Ed's position; nervous, excited, and curious about meeting another man for that first true adult experience. Now Keith was the experienced one helping another curious man over to the other side. Then and now, Keith was much more certain about the direction he wanted to go than Ed. Hopefully in a very short time, he would be helping his friend find his way to that level of a true experience and not just an imaginative fantasy. Keith felt that the act of such incredible pleasure; one that could never be undone was getting closer for Ed. Keith smiled and felt his cock twitch at the thought of another man-to-man sexual encounter. And doing it with a man who had never experienced these things made it a little more exciting! But, Keith was a patient teacher and friend, and helping Ed would be special. Keith again thought back to when he was that nervous, excited, and very curious man! Now a year later and with a little more experience, he was ready to help Ed turn his fantasies into reality. Keith had no regrets and was convinced that moving to the next level was well worth it, and it would be that way for Ed too. The intense physical pleasures of hot man-to-man sex are incredible! Hopefully, he and Ed would share many experiences together, and today would be a great beginning. Keith was certain that it would be extraordinary for Ed, and that Ed would be as happy about moving forward as he was. The excitement and pleasure that can be shared between two men is inconceivable to most people. Keith wanted to help Ed as a friend, to show him, and give him those intense pleasures. He also very much wanted to be with a man again; it had been too long.

They got up from the table and paid their bill. The hotel was just across the street. Keith walked with Ed and they went into Ed's room. The first few moments were awkward, but as the men stood and then sat near each other they both became more and more relaxed. After a few minutes they knew it would be all right. They sat and talked for a pretty long time. Eventually, Ed got up and opened a bottle of wine he had brought along and put in the room earlier. The two men drank a few sips. After the first glass and a lot more talk, Keith made the first move when he reached out and touched Ed on the chest. Ed leaned back on the sofa indicating an openness and the desire that he wanted to progress. Ed closed his eyes and savored the tingling sensations that surged through his body when Keith touched him. All of the sensations seemed to then move and center on his ever hardening and oozing cock. After a few minutes, Ed reached out and returned the touch. Ed and Keith moved closer to each other on the sofa, their hands slowly went to each other's stomach and then to their tented crotch area. Ed thoroughly enjoyed the feel of Keith's hands on his body. He also felt amazing surges of passion when he tentatively and cautiously rubbed Keith's very hard cock! They rubbed, touched, and explored each other for a few minutes more. Ed was feeling more and more comfortable, and Keith continued to allow Ed to move at his own pace. Surprisingly, it was Ed who reached up and began to undress Keith. He started with the buttons on Keith's shirt. After he worked his way down the shirt, he gave a quick and playful squeeze to Keith's hard-on. Ed took Keith's shirt off, and rubbed Keith's chest. His hands slowly went to undo the belt, button and lower Keith's zipper. Keith stood and his pants fell down to his ankles. He stepped out of them and helped Ed by taking off his shoes and socks.

Keith stood with a huge hard-on bulging in the front of his underwear. Keith then reached out and helped Ed stand up. Keith gave Ed a hug and then moved his hands to Ed's body. He touched and massaged a bit and eventually moved his hand between Ed's legs and rubbed Ed's crotch. After feeling Ed open his legs for greater access, hearing a sigh of approval, and feeling Ed's very hard cock respond to his touch, Keith knew that the day would go well. Keith moved his hands to Ed's chest and started unbuttoning his shirt. Ed shivered, as he was still incredibly nervous. Being seriously touched and undressed was driving home the point in his mind that he really was doing it with another man. It wasn't a fantasy any more; he was getting closer to that unbelievable event that would change his life. He was so VERY nervous! Keith understood and carefully proceeded. He slipped the shirt off Ed and then hugged him, naked chest to naked chest. Keith stroked Ed's back, and slowly moved his hands ever lower. Keith moved slowly waiting for Ed's response. Ed tried to mirror Keith's movements by massaging Keith, to share and exchange the enjoyable sensations. Keith liked how it was going. He stepped back a bit and moved his hands to Ed's belt. It was a simple Levi's belt with logo, and in an effortless movement, the belt was undone. Keith looked into Ed's eyes to see if Ed was ready to do more. Keith knew what Ed was feeling from the stare and expression on his face. "You will enjoy every moment. This is for you. This is for me. This is for us," he whispered. Ed nodded slightly, closed his eyes, whispered, "I know," and felt himself moving ever forward. Keith lowered Ed's zipper and then unbuttoned Ed's jeans. That sent a very strong and erotic shiver through Ed's body. Keith tugged and slowly lowered Ed's pants. They both were now only in their underwear. They hugged Chest-to-chest, stomach- to-stomach, and dick-to-dick. They both enjoyed the sensations immeasurably. Ed had to tell Keith, "this feels Really Good!"

Keith then asked Ed if he was OK and if he could give him a massage. Ed nodded that he was, and agreed to the massage. He moved over to the queen sized bed and laid face down. Keith sat next to Ed and worked his hands over Ed's back and neck, down over this butt, and down each leg. As his hands came up the legs his fingers worked their way onto Ed's butt again. Ed spread his legs a bit and Keith reached for more. Ed wondered about how far Keith wanted to go with his ass. For a moment, he thought about what it would feel like to have Keith probe and stimulate him there. Keith worked his hands all over Ed's body, each time getting closer to the prize. Ed absolutely enjoyed the massage. It relaxed him and at the same time excited him. Ed enjoyed the sensations and decided he wanted more, so he rolled over and silently asked for a chest rub and for this experience to expand and continue. A dream come true for Keith! He moved his hands down Ed's chest, each time getting closer to the elastic waistband. Keith massaged Ed's chest, his shoulders, his upper arms, back to his chest, then his stomach, and then repeating the pleasurable cycle, and each time moving just a little lower and closer to the waistband of Ed's jockey shorts. After what seemed like an eternity, he moved his hand over Ed's cloth covered cock. A gentle caress, stroke, and squeeze before he continued his massage to Ed's legs. Ed's breathing quickened, and another clear drop of pre-cum oozed from his hard and excited cock soaking a visible wet spot on his under-shorts. Keith's hands moved over Ed's legs, down past his knees before he moved upward again. Keith enjoyed giving Ed his first man- to-man experience. He wanted it to be ever as good as his first serious encounter, and perhaps even better. His hands moved upward to Ed's chest again, back to his stomach, and then finally he put his fingers under the elastic. Ed felt his body's physical urge for pleasure take over, and he respond further to Keith's ministrations. He raised his hips off the bed signaling his desire for a greater man-to-man experience. Keith lifted the elastic band over Ed's very hard erection, and slowly and completely undressed his friend. Keith slid the underwear off. Ed was now totally naked in front of another man in a sexual way for the first time in his life. Ed felt a strong chilling wave pass over him from head to toe. He blushed and his heart raced a little faster. Then his cock uncontrollably twitched, and a clear drop of pre-cum oozed onto his pubic hair. Ed was curious, nervous, excited, and seeking more.

Ed's huge throbbing love muscle was hard and rigid up against his stomach, and Keith noticed the drop of clear pre-cum oozing out of the tip. Keith's hands went from Ed's thighs, to his balls, to his cock. He wrapped both hands around Ed's cock and Ed let out a moan of intense satisfaction. Keith lightly stroked Ed and felt the head with his thumb. It was covered with pre-cum and Keith spread that around the cock- head. Ed moaned again. This was the first time another man had ever touched Ed sexually, and it felt SO GOOD! Ed savored every stroke of Keith's hands. Keith knew all of the right spots. Keith moved his hands from the base to the tip. Frequently another clear slippery dollop of pre-cum would ooze from Ed's cock. Keith knew that it was time to bring Ed over a little more, so he leaned over slightly and kissed the side of Ed's shaft. Ed shuddered with excitement. This was turning out to be everything he had ever fantasized about. Ed opened his eyes and looked down just in time to see Keith open his mouth just enough to let the head of his cock slip between Keith's lips. The look, the feel, the emotional rush were incredibly intense for Ed. That moment in time when another man first took Ed's cock into his mouth was forever and indelibly marked in Ed's memory. Keith rubbed his tongue over the head a bit savoring the taste and helping Ed move across another line in the many levels of man-to-man sex. With the slightest amount of suction, Keith drew another few droplets of Ed's clear pre-cum into his mouth. This was hot and exciting for both men!

After a few minutes, Ed asked Keith to stop for a second, as he didn't want to cum yet. If Keith would have continued, Ed would have cum! It felt that incredibly good!! Besides Keith needed to get naked too, he thought. Keith stood up and moved to the other side of the bed and laid down next to Ed. Ed moved his hands to Keith's nearly naked body and gently but firmly gave Keith a back rub. It was very different touching another man. Ed was still very nervous. But it was GOOD to rub Keith's back and return the pleasure Keith had given him. Ed rubbed from shoulders to middle back to shoulder blades, down the center of Keith's back stopping just above the elastic waistband. Keith was very excited that Ed had gotten this far, so after a few minutes, he too rolled over and without a word invited Ed to continue, to explore, to move forward, and get closer to crossing another line. Ed understood and moved his hands to Keith's chest to give him a nice chest-rub. Ed looked at Keith. His eyes went from head to toe, and then went back upward and lingered on the outline of Keith's hard-on. Just as Keith had done before, now it was Ed's turn to reach another level and seriously touch another man. Ed moved his hands from Keith's shoulder and lingered on Keith's nipples for a moment. Then lower his hands roamed. This time Ed convinced himself that he would let his hand touch Keith's very hard and oozing cock. He was sure he could do it. His fingers moved passed Keith's navel and traced a line to the top of Keith's underwear. There was no pause or hesitation as Ed moved lower and rested his hand on Keith's VERY HARD cock. Ed stroked Keith slowly through his underwear. He felt the heat and excitement that was centered in Keith's loins when Keith thrust his hips a bit. Ed savored the feel of Keith's shaft and especially the round bulbous head and the prominent ridge that surrounded it. Ed could not get his hands around the shaft because of the cloth separating Keith's shaft and his hand. But it was still exciting. Keith's sigh of satisfaction broke the trance that Ed was in. Ed moved lower on the bed and slipped his fingers between Keith's skin and his underwear and before long ever so slowly worked Keith's underwear down little by little. Keith too lifted himself off the bed. Ed continued to lower Keith's last stitch of clothing to his ankles. A moment later he dropped the garment to the floor. Now the two men were both completely naked on the bed. Both not knowing how far this encounter would go. Ed was amazed with himself. He had done a lot. He was still nervous beyond belief, but Keith was putting him at ease and was showing him how stimulating and pleasurable it could be. Ed thought for a moment, "I haven't really done anything yet. Should I stop now? Would Keith get angry? Will it be worth it? Will I regret everything?" But then Ed looked at Keith's hard-on for a long time ... he couldn't stop. He wanted to do more. So, he laid on the bed, reached up, and tentatively rested his hand on Keith's shaft. He was doing it, for the first time he was feeling another man's penis, skin-on-skin! This was more than feeling Keith through his pants or underwear. This was pretty far, but it wasn't crossing "that" line. Keith's hard penis was warm and inviting. Ed knew all too well how good Keith's hand had felt on his cock, and how good it felt to be stroked. It wasn't too much to at least stroke Keith a little bit and return those sensations. Ed moved his thumb between Keith's stomach and shaft and then grasped Keith's cock. He just held it in his hand for a few moments, thinking, wondering, and questioning himself again, before he started to move his hand up and down. Keith moaned a bit and Ed went a bit faster. Ed marveled at the feel of another man's cock in his hand, and was awestruck at the sensations it was giving him too. Ed continued his movements, alternating from slow and firm, to a bit faster and less firm. After a few minutes, Keith suggested that he too didn't want to cum yet and Ed should slow the pace for now.

Ed moved up next to Keith. They both turned and faced each other and held each other lightly. They might have even kissed, but they didn't. Both men lay next to each other, dicks touching, and asses being grabbed and caressed. After absorbing the feel of another man, of skin-on-skin for many minutes, of touches, massages, and pleasurable sensations that surged through their bodies, Keith suggested they take a shower together.

Ed quietly agreed to Keith's idea. Keith stood first and extended his hand to help Ed up and out of the bed. "Let me show you just a little more," Keith said as they walked to the bathroom. Ed's heart was racing as he followed Keith into the bathroom, and he wondered how much "more" he could do. Ed was excited that he was finally living his deepest and most secret fantasies, but was still quite apprehensive. Keith turned the water on and adjusted it to a warm and inviting temperature. He adjusted the shower curtain and stepped in, turned and looked at Ed. Keith noticed Ed's hesitation. He held out his hand, and Ed subconsciously reached up. Keith grasped Ed's hand, steadied him, and helped him in the shower. The water was warm and relaxing. Keith stepped a little closer and gave Ed a hug. Their hard cocks touched, head to head and shaft to shaft. Both men held the other for a few moments enjoying the erotic feel of man on man. After a few minutes, Keith stepped back a little, reached for the soap, and began to wash Ed's chest. Ed closed his eyes, and savored the pleasurable and exciting sensations that were surging through his body from first the erotic wet hug, and now from the exciting feel of another man's hands roaming over his naked and erotically charged body. Keith moved his slippery soap covered hands lower and lathered Ed's sides, hips, and legs. Then on the upward journey moved to Ed's inner legs ... moving towards Ed's cock and balls. Ed relished the sensations. He felt weak in his knees and steadied himself by placing his hands on Keith's shoulders. Keith took this as an encouraging sign. Ed opened his eyes and looked at Keith. He felt ever so nervously excited. The touch and feel were more exciting than anything he had ever felt before. It was exciting beyond belief to watch Keith's wet and soapy hands, a man's hands, move to his hard, excited and tingling cock ... and then to feel Keith's clean hands surround his hard shaft and then stroke him, just right, again and again. Ed was drifting into that fantasyland he had thought about and wondered about for so very long ... only now it was no longer a fantasy!

Keith moved his hands to Ed's ass and washed him there too. Ed tingled as Keith's finger.grazed and touched his nether opening for a few moments and then continued its cleansing movements all over his body. Keith turned Ed under the showerhead and rinsed the soap off his chest and then washed and massaged his back. This too felt good. Keith felt an unusual erotic thought run through him as he put his arms around Ed's chest and hugged him again. Keith shifted his hips so that his hard cock moved from Ed's right cheek to being lodged between the cheeks of his ass. Keith pushed his hips forward, looked down, and saw that his cock was lodged nicely in the crack of Ed's ass. The engorged pink head was exposed between his stomach and the small of Ed's back. Keith moved his hips slowly and enjoyed the warm slippery feel of his cock sliding in the smooth soap lubricated crack of Ed's ass. Keith let his mind wander further and wondered what it would feel like to enter a man in this way. Keith wondered how it would feel to have his ass filled with a hard cock! Keith looked down again and knew that he would only have to encourage Ed to bend over a little more, and .... Maybe (as the idea swirled and developed in his head.)... but, not just yet. That would be too much, too fast, and too soon. Ed was still too tense. He needed to relax and enjoy and experience other things first. So, Keith just held Ed firmly and thrust slowly in the valley of Ed's ass a little longer ... it felt good! In the final movement, Keith grasped his cock and pressed the head lower and positioned his tingling cock-head against Ed's rosebud. The head of his cock was gently pressing against Ed's tight opening, and was nearly aligned for entry! This too felt incredibly exciting!! Keith placed his hand on Ed's hips and held him firmly in place. Neither man moved. With the right thrust or movement, ... Keith could enter another man's warm tight virgin ass for the first time. Keith's heart raced at the possibility, and another slick drop of pre-cum oozed from his shaft and coated Ed's ass. It seemed that with the firm pressure he had been applying, the tip had actually started to slowly enter Ed's ass! Was Ed relaxing his ass and asking for penetration?!? ... Keith pushed a little and felt his cockhead enter Ed's tight ass. Ed felt it too and tried to relax. A moment But, after a few more moments of endless contemplation, Keith decided not to thrust forward and invade Ed's ass just yet. Although Ed wasn't complaining or moving away, it was moving too fast and too soon. So, Keith backed up and washed Ed some more, all the while his mind swam in the sea of new possibilities, and his cock tingled that much more. With the decision made, to go slow and to wait and see, Keith passed the soap to Ed.

Ed's heart was racing and his breathing quickened as he looked at Keith and nervously smiled. Feeling Keith's cock against his ass was very different. What would Keith's hard cock feel like deep in his ass Ed wondered? The sensations rushing through him were exciting. If Keith would have stimulated Ed just a little more, Ed might have allowed Keith to fill his ass with cock! Ed was sure that Keith had been moving in that direction, it almost seemed that the head had started to penetrate his virgin ass, and it was exciting. Ed had an inquisitive look on his face, passing the non-verbal message back to Keith, "I don't know what to do? Do you want to fill my ass? Do you want to touch me some more? Do you want me to touch you? Do you want to go back to the bedroom? Do you want me to take the lead?" Although Ed said nothing, the unsure and questioning look on his face was very plain to see and read. Keith quickly understood and in a steady and assuring voice of experience said, "Just do what you'd like. ... Do what feels good for you. ... Remember, we can stop at any time. You just have to say the word." Ed gave a small smile at the words and encouraging reassurance. He could stop now, ... but Ed didn't want to stop.

Ed started to recompose himself further. He tentatively reached up and then began to soap Keith's chest, stomach, sides, arms, and neck; to do just what Keith had done. But, Ed's head was still spinning from the way things were progressing, and he started to feel weak and unsure again. So, he sat on the edge of the tub and continued to soap and wash Keith. Ed thought and contemplated while he continued to touch Keith. First he soaped the left and then the right leg, but he stopped before reaching Keith's balls. Then he began again at Keith's knees moving higher and higher until his hand was between Keith's legs and gently soaping that delicate area between Keith's ass and his balls as his other hand washed and cleaned Keith's hip. Ed gently scrubbed and felt Keith's balls graze the back of his hand. Then he unconsciously moved forward and upward and gently cleaned Keith's jewels before moving on to Keith's stone like erection. That felt amazing, the shaft, the head, and the firm rigid feel of another man's hard cock in his hand. WOW!! Ed soaped all of Keith's pubic hair and then moved back to Keith's hard shaft. This time with both hands, Ed began to stroke, massage, and caress Keith's erection. Keith sighed with pleasure at the feel of Ed's hands stroking his penis. This was something Keith had fantasized about too. It would have been so good if he and Ed would have done this a year or so ago.

Ed put the soap in the tray and Keith moved under the shower spray rinsing the soap away and then he tilted the showerhead so the water splashed against the wall behind him. Keith was unsure of Ed's intentions and momentary desires, but was eager to help and encourage Ed to discover the next level of man-to-man sex. From Ed's previous writings, Keith had a pretty good idea of what Ed wanted to do. At the same time, Keith could almost read Ed's mind and his lingering hesitation, "...Can I really do it? Will it be OK? What does it feel like? What does it taste like?" Keith did not press the issue or force himself at all. He only moved in a spot that allowed Ed to take the next step if that was what he wanted to do. Ed could continue to stroke, touch, and feel, or he could do more! Or, they could even get out of the shower and dry off, get dressed, and go home. It was up to Ed. But Keith was very sure that Ed wanted to proceed!

And, Ed did proceed. He continued to massage Keith's hips and legs and every so often he returned to Keith's cock. Ed would look very intently at Keith's hard penis as he continued to gently stroke from the base to very tip. Keith enjoyed Ed's touch. It did not matter what Ed was doing, because it all felt so VERY GOOD!! Ed's hands again moved to Keith's hips, sides, and buttocks; before returning to his shaft. This time the touch seemed a little different. Keith leaned a little closer, his penis was only inches away from Ed's mouth now. Keith also steadied himself by holding on to the wall below the showerhead and he grasped the shower curtain rod with his other hand. Keith looked down at Ed, and again felt his excitement, hesitation, nervousness, curiosity, and desires. Keith held his breath as he watched in awe as Ed moved his head ever closer to Keith's cock. Would Ed just examine Keith's hard and ready penis? Or, would Ed do more? Ed's mouth was so close, yet still so far away. Keith was very anxious to feel a man's lips surround his cock again. It had been too long since his last encounter. How great it is to have good hot man-to-man sex. ... I almost can't believe that Ed will do it Keith thought. Surely he will pause and wait once again. Keith watched intently and it was almost as if it was in slow motion as Ed pointed Keith's hard shaft at his mouth and moved ever closer. Keith held his breath and thought back to the first time he held a cock between his lips and how it felt, how he felt, and the exciting erotic sensations that surged through him. Now he was watching and experiencing first hand his friend's first taste of man-to-man sex. Keith dare not move, Ed might pause and hesitate again. Keith very much wanted to feel his cock slide between Ed's lips and enter a man's mouth again. The unique sensations are so incredible. Keith also wanted Ed to move to the next level, to experience this joy and pleasure of hot man-to-man oral sex. And then, how good it would be to feel the intense pleasure of releasing his hot cum into Ed's mouth. He was eager and almost ready to cum with only the thought, ... his cock was dripping with anticipation. But it was up to Ed to decide how far he would go. Keith was still in control of his urges, and Ed was in control of the action, it should be that way for a first time. Ed had to decide for Ed, and make the move. For over a year Keith had dreamt and fantasized about this moment in time with Ed. Keith knew how it would feel for Ed. The hard spongy warmth between his lips, the exciting experience of crossing that forbidden boundary for the first time, the act that once committed ... could never be undone. Keith knew Ed's very strong hesitation and how difficult this choice was for him; and also how rewarding it could be. Keith realized he was witnessing his friend's experience of transformation and moving forward. Ed was almost there, if he would only do it! Then he too would be forever changed like himself, and the possibility of many more shared encounters together like this would increase. Ed just had to move a little closer and accept the hard penis that was before him, into his mouth. Then he would truly know and enjoy more of the intense and exciting passionate pleasures of man-to-man sex, and not just fantasize and wonder about them. Pleasures and experiences that Keith thoroughly enjoyed, and wanted to have again! Ed was just an instant away. Keith was sure that he could feel the warmth of Ed's breath. Ed was almost there! Keith closed his eyes in hope and anticipation of that moment of great satisfaction ...

Then it happened, Keith felt Ed's warm moist lips touch the head of his penis. Ed's tongue probed forward and contacted the oozing piss-slit and collected some of Keith's clear and slippery pre-cum. That sent shivers of desire through both men. A moment later Ed relaxed his jaw, parted his lips, and accepted the hard and tingling head of Keith's penis into his mouth. Ed's lips slowly glided over the engorged and nearly smooth bulbous head of Keith's cock. Then the shaft slowly slid deeper and deeper into Ed's mouth! Keith's very hard shaft entered Ed's mouth until Ed could take no more. Ed applied just the right amount of pressure around Keith's shaft and tingling cock-head to send shivers of sexual satisfaction through Keith. Keith lost his breath at the feel of Ed's warm mouth around his cock. He felt his cock twitch and was sure that another large dollop of his precious pre-cum had just oozed into Ed's mouth and was coating Ed's tongue. Ed moved his tongue in just the right way and then Keith felt Ed swallow. A moment later, Ed began to seriously suck, and stroke with his lips, the first cock to ever enter his mouth. Ed wanted more of Keith's liquid essences of sexual stimulation. Keith felt his body respond, and ooze another drop or two. Ed received more of Keith's pre- cum. He savored the taste for a few moments before swallowing again. Ed relished the intense and forbidden experience of a hard and sexually charged cock in his mouth, and the taste of Keith's rare and special sexual juices. This was one of the acts Ed had fantasized about for so many years!

Keith enjoyed the feel of his penis entering Ed's warm and willing mouth, the feel of his shaft going in deeper, bit-by-bit, awakening the most intense and erotic sensations possible. Again Keith had experienced that unbelievable and forbidden feel of a man's lips surround his shaft. This was some of the "hot-sex" that Keith needed. Then Keith thought to himself, "Ed has finally done it. He is in the process of becoming more and more bi-sexual like me. I am helping him make his fantasies become reality. This needs to be just right."

But, the warmth of Ed's mouth was intoxicating. Keith felt dizzy with desire. In a way he was experiencing the joy of first time man-to-man sex all over again. Keith was helping another man discover himself and fulfill his fantasies ... just as he had done only a year or so before. The thoughts and realization were quite strong, and exciting. ... Keith wanted to release his load, to pulse and surge as his hot, stringy, white cum, ... he would plant and grow his bi-sexual seed in another man, ... Keith felt the erotic sexual desire grow in his balls, penis and soul to fill Ed's mouth with his cum, and complete another gay experience. (But, that could wait for a few moments more.). Keith's heart raced and his cock twitched and drooled with excitement once again. Ed moved further forward and completely filled his mouth with Keith's very hard and oozing penis. Keith was so glad that Ed had finally done it, as he whispered in a low voice, "YES!" This was incredible!

Ed was in another dimension savoring the feel of a man's penis in his mouth for the very first time. He was living his secret and forbidden fantasy. He had finally made his decision to cross over, and truly sexually explore another man! Feeling Keith's oozing penis touch his lips, savoring the taste of Keith's clear slippery pre cum, the feel of the smooth shaft; the hot, excited, and blood engorged head of Keith's cock against his lips for the first time; then feeling Keith's cock press against his lips and then passing between them; followed by the hard smooth shaft sliding between his lips, and finally the cock completely and totally filling his mouth was so indescribable! Ed's heart raced and his own cock grew a little harder. The feel of Keith's shaft sliding in and out of his mouth as he applied some gentle pressure and suction, coaxing more of Keith's pre-cum into his body, and being penetrated by another man for the first time was sexually intoxicating. Ed concentrated on circling his tongue around the head, and then feeling the ridge around the head of Keith's cock between his lips and on his tongue. Feeling Keith's hard dripping penis in his mouth was stimulating beyond his wildest imagination. Yes, he was actually doing "it!" He was experiencing the other side of fellatio, he was sucking a cock, and loving it! His head was spinning and his heart was racing. The act and the change that was taking place inside of him was exciting beyond belief!

Keith too was excited beyond belief. Ed had done it! This was exhilarating and satisfying without compare. After all of the e-mails, it was finally happening. Now Keith knew that those familiar sensations were getting stronger and stronger. Ed's movements and technique were very good, fast then slow, complete penetration followed by just holding the head between his lips and moving his tongue over the sensitive and tingling head. Then complete penetration, again and again, and again! Minute after minute went by of incredible stimulation. ... Keith knew that very soon he would cum!! The knowledge that the gift of his hot sperm surging into Ed's mouth would make Ed that much more bi; the fact that he was about to give to his friend, another man, his cum; the realization that he had helped Ed move on to this level of man to man sex; that he would be the first man to cum in Ed's mouth; and that he had helped Ed reach one of his man-to-man sexual goals was so incredibly exhilarating. Ed took him in deeply and then slowly massaged his shaft on the outstroke with his lips. At the same time Ed used his tongue and hands in just the right way; milking and coaxing the hot fertile bi-sperm from Keith's balls. Keith was almost ready to explode in orgasmic bliss as Ed continued to move and stimulate. The sight, the feel, the sound, ... the illicit act were all extremely powerful, and they were slowly overpowering Keith's ability to control his actions and movements. Keith tried very hard to delay his euphoria. He wanted Ed to orally enjoy the feel of his hard oozing penis in his mouth for as long as possible. It felt good, it looked fantastic, and a first time can only happen once. Keith wanted it to last a long long time, and to be very memorable and good for Ed. But, the rapture could not be stopped or controlled as Ed continued to stroke, suck, and coax the sperm from Keith's body! The appointment with destiny for Ed was fast approaching. It was now only moments away. Keith's cum was beginning to boil and surge in his balls. Keith could feel the early tremors of this very special orgasm, that once in a lifetime orgasm, the one that would change Ed forever. Keith realized that too soon he would ejaculate and blast his hot, stringy, white, slippery, bi-sexually charged cum into Ed's mouth. The moment had almost arrived! Like a wave cascading downward from his chest and from his toes rocketing upward the sensations intensified more and more. There was no way possible for Keith to hold back any longer. His body and sexual urges were now in control! He gently placed his hand on Ed's head signaling his imminent release, sealing Ed's fate, and ensuring the oral insemination of his hot fertile bisexual seed into Ed's "Cherry" mouth. In just a moment Keith knew he would shoot his rich sperm into Ed. It was time for Ed to cross over and become a queer cock-sucker! Every muscle in Keith's body twitched as he shuddered and let out a gasp of perfect sexual satisfaction, another man was about truly have his first homosexual experience!! With a strong and deep, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!;" Keith pumped his hot creamy load, his cum, his very essence of life into a man's, his most special friend's, receptive mouth. IT WAS SO GOOD!!

Once Ed accepted Keith's hard and excited penis in his mouth, he felt determined to experience this act to its supreme limit. The forbidden feeling of a man between his lips was exhilarating beyond his wildest imagination. On the bed minutes before Ed could have convinced himself that "nothing really happened." Touching each other wasn't too much either and could be excused somehow. But, willingly taking Keith's hard penis in his mouth, feeling the head contact his lips, purposely running his tongue over the head to taste the pre-cum that was dripping from Keith's piss- slit, further relaxing his jaw, moving his head forward pressing the excited penis against his lips, opening his mouth to allow entry, feeling the head slip in his mouth, the head and shaft passing slowly over his lips, using his tongue to stimulate Keith more and more, feeling the warm slick pre-cum coat his tongue, swallowing, completely accepting another man's penis into him, the shaft moving deeper and deeper into his open and ready mouth ..., and then having the burning desire to taste and swallow Keith's hot cum was truly, without any question or interpretation, hot man-to-man sex!

There on the bed both had expressed their desire not to cum yet. But here in the shower no such comments were made. Now, once Ed had committed himself to taking Keith's penis into his mouth, there was no turning back. Now was the time to experience that elusive and forbidden fantasy! Now was the time to live the fantasy he had dreamt about for so many years. Now was the time to savor the feeling of having a penis in his mouth. The feelings that rushed through Ed were without description. Ed's head was spinning and his heart racing, knowing that he was really and finally doing it with another man. If continued to its ultimate conclusion, Ed understood the hot, creamy, and forbidden result ... and he knew that he wanted it! However, for a brief moment those same questions, reservations, and expressions of guilt struck him, and made his head spin that much more, "can I go all the way?" "What will it feel like when Keith throbs and pulses between my lips?" "What will it feel like when Keith's penis surges, and his hot slippery cum splatters onto my tongue?" "What will it taste like?" "Can I swallow?" "Am I doing the 'right' thing?" "What will happen to me?" But, then ... there was no doubt any more, there couldn't be, Ed had done it, he had crossed that forbidden line already, it was too late to second guess. He had done it. He had crossed over. Now he had to find it all out!

Keith was ever patient. He did not thrust or force himself; he was only savoring the ecstatic pleasures himself. Ed greatly appreciated that, and as he thought about it, it gave him that much more determination to give his friend Keith, that incredible pleasure of orgasmic release. Ed moved his tongue all over the head of Keith's penis, feeling the smooth, softer, spongier tip and running his tongue through the piss-slit. Keith oozed even more clear slippery pre-cum on Ed's tongue in response. Ed applied a gentle suction at times drawing Keith's clear fluid into his mouth and then drinking and swallowing it. At other times Ed just held Keith's penis deeply in his mouth and savored those exciting, pleasurable, and forbidden sensations of having a man's cock in his mouth. Keith would repeatedly ooze another droplet or two of sexually charged pre-cum into Ed's mouth. Ed moved quickly and deeply a few times; pumping Keith's cock with his mouth and hand to add to Keith's pleasure. Ed felt Keith shift and place his hand on his head, and he knew that Keith was about to cum, about to blast his hot fertile sperm into his mouth, about to trigger that significant sexual soul shattering change within him! Again, he wondered and questioned his resolve!! That once in a lifetime moment of sucking your first cock was almost there. He took Keith in deeply and felt him shudder just a bit and he knew that the first taste of cum was on its way. Keith's hot slippery cum, his bisexual sperm, was certainly moving from his balls and surging through his shaft. Keith had to be feeling the first waves of orgasm reverberate throughout his body. Ed stroked Keith with his hand and pulled his mouth back so that only the head was in his mouth. And for just the shortest moment in time, Ed thought again of releasing him. The fear of having a man's cum in his mouth struck him like a hammer hitting a gong, for his ears were ringing in anticipation. There was still time to stop the total transformation, Keith hadn't cum yet, and the act wasn't complete! But Ed couldn't stop. He wanted another man's cum, he wanted to live this dream, he wanted to change and cross over! And, Keith's firm grip on his head ensured that there was no way to change the course of his destiny. There was no way of turning back now! Ed securely gripped just the head between his lips so that none of Keith's potent cum would be lost. The fluid that could start a new life with a fertile woman was about to change another's life. Ed placed his tongue under the head cradling it so he would taste and feel Keith's hot cum splash against it. And then he stroked Keith's shaft with his finger and thumb, triggering the most intense sexual experience of his life. It was as if he was siphoning a precious payload from a magical vessel, and anxiously waiting for Keith's rare elixir of life to arrive. Ed pictured himself on his knees before Keith, with Keith's penis in his mouth. He wanted Keith to cum, and he wanted it NOW! Time seemed to stand still as Ed waited for his first taste of cum. Keith stiffened and held Ed's head still. Ed knew the moment had arrived. There was no way to change the course of his fate now. Ed knew that he wanted to taste, wanted to feel, wanted to experience Keith's penis blasting cum into his mouth, and he wanted to cross that line. Keith was about to ejaculate a long rope of fertile bi-sexually charged sperm filled cum into Ed's mouth. Hot stimulating cum that would satisfy Ed's deepest desires.

Just an instant later it happened, Keith gasped in pleasure, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The sound rang deeply in Ed's ears! Simultaneously Ed felt Keith's penis swell between his lips and the hot cum erupt in his mouth. A copious amount of Keith's white, slippery, sperm filled, semen shot into his mouth. Strong surprising sensations echoed deep within Ed. The hot rich flow of Keith's cum coated much of Ed's tongue as it streamed on to the back of his throat. The taste, the feel, and the sexual current surged through every fiber of Ed's body. Ed quickly swallowed Keith's first blast of cum and he felt it slid down his throat, and penetrate his soul. It was as if he had swallowed a magic brew, for Ed was changed forever with Keith's cum! Moments later, a second, third, and fourth blast of hot cream passed through Keith's throbbing and pulsing penis and entered Ed's body. Ed had crossed over that momentous line and could never undo what he had just done and experienced with Keith. He would remember this significant moment in time forever. It was indelibly marked in his mind, the moment he became a cum eating fag. Ed held the potent creamy elixir in his mouth a few moments more, savoring the flavor and intense life altering sensations of another man's sperm filled cum in his mouth, before swallowing again. Then, as Ed was removing Keith's now softening penis from his mouth, a final smaller FIFTH blast surged forth and was gratefully received, savored, and swallowed. Ed felt Keith's cum still clinging and coating his mouth and tongue; sliding down his throat; and then permanently fertilizing and changing his body. His formerly "straight" soul had been altered with the act; and gay sperm from another man, now deep within him, had changed him forever!

Ed was even dizzier than before! He had done it!! He was a different kind of man now!!! He felt it, he knew it, and he was glad. Keith too was dizzy and satisfied from the intense orgasm Ed had just sent through him. Keith moved back a bit and his spent and sensitive penis slipped from Ed's lips. For a moment, a thin strand of cum connected the two men. The clear slick sting hung from Ed's lower lip to Keith's penis. Then it snapped and dripped on to Ed's chest ending Ed's first experience.

Keith looked down at Ed, and Ed looked up at Keith. Then Keith, with a smile and in a friendly, satisfied, and breathless whisper said, "welcome. You are now one of the select minority of men to be brave enough and true enough to themselves to live their desires and to become bi." Ed felt a very strong, exciting, and illicit chill run through his body when he heard Keith label him "bi!" Then he shuddered, shivered, and blushed deeply at hearing this revelation. Yes, there was no way to undo what was done! Keith's penis had been in his mouth, his cum had shot into him, and he had gratefully and willfully swallowed. Keith's sperm and the seed of man-to-man bisexuality had been planted in his body, and it was now growing deep within him. Ed realized that he now was truly, and forever more would be just as Keith had just declared, ... "HE WAS NOW, BI!!" Ed's head throbbed and everything was different.

Keith continued, "you have come a long way. It took you much longer than I hoped. I enjoyed this very much. You are special. You are my friend. I want you to experience all of the sensations you desire. ... Let's dry off and go back in the other room. I want to show you many more things, if you still want to do them."

The two men dried off and retuned to the bedroom, where they held each other for a long time. Their cocks touched each other and remained locked like two magnets, and the erotic sensations passed between them on the magnetic waves of erotic pleasure. The incredibly exciting sensations continued to be shared. Slowly they moved back to the bed and sat down next to each other. Keith looked into Ed's eyes and smiled. This was progressing so well. More thoughts filled Keith's head as he placed his hand on Ed's cock, and slowly stroked him for a few minutes. The two men then laid down together and held each other relishing the erotic feel of a naked man next to him, of skin on skin, and of all the possibilities that were yet to be discovered. It wasn't long before Keith started to get very hard again from these erotic feelings, sensations, and the thoughts that were running through his head.

What should Ed and Keith do now? e0561@hotmai.com

Next: Chapter 2

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