A Matter of Perspective

Published on Jun 18, 2022


A Matter of Perspective 23

Chapter 23

Frank followed up with more information on girls and ended by saying, "If nothing else, if you find yourself in conversations with braggers and guys who love to talk about sex, you'll probably be more well-informed than they are. Personally, I think anyone who brags about taking a girl's virginity is an asshole, but that's my opinion.  I was brought up to respect girls and I do, even though some have put me through hell. If a guy is gay, then he should respect a gay guy the same as a girl. All human being deserve respect."

He went on to tell me where all the parts of a girl are located. That was embarrassing, but I really didn't know. Guys are simple compared to girls. Maybe that's why I like them.

Frank said, "I'm expecting a lot of questions of course.  But if you don't have many, then that's fine too. I just thought it's a good idea to know this stuff when you're hanging with the guys who love talking about sex and sports. My advice is to just sit, listen, smile now and then, and share information or ask questions only when it seems appropriate. The guy who called you the school fag probably doesn't know shit about sex.   

Frank4321s Frank4321s@gotmail.com Fri, Aug 28, 2:46 PM

To: willw521k@willmail.com

Hope you enjoyed your driving.  I'm sure your grandparents did.  I used to love driving, but not as much anymore.  I'm impatient and like a kid always asking myself,  "Why is it taking so long and why aren't we there yet?

Hard to believe it's already Friday.  Went to our local fair today.  I go for three reasons.  1. To look at photos entries, have a big corndog, and a chocolate covered ice cream cone.  That's it.  I have entered pictures in the fair before and won a couple 1st, 2nds and 3rds.  Haven't entered the last couple years.  I think I'll make it a point to do it next year. 

Take care.  I imagine you're going to be happy to be home even though you had a great time and YOU'RE GOING TO COLLEGE. 

Got bless.  Love ya.



Will Waters willw521K@willmail.com Fri, Aug 28, 7:53PM

To: frankf4321S@gotmail.com

_God! Such a long day! I am totally exhausted! We hadda stop n see 15 stupid toursity things we didn't see on the way here cause the rain kinda cleared up and grams was feelin better. Then there was a LONG long talk with my parents about EVERYTHING that happened and was said n decided. And FINALLY after the longest day in history followed by the second coming of the Spanish Inquisition I'm FINALLY here in my room with JUST me n Max n you. I've got so much I still wanna tell ya n ask ya, not to mention covering sex ed part 2 (little too much info bro!) but I swear I'm just too wore out, tore out, freaked out and tired out to go on tonight. I just wanna lay in bed and hug Max and drift off...  we'll talk tomorrow promise. Just glad to be back.

Love ya Frank! Will n Max (finally!! Woof!!!) Xo_


He wrote back a short while later.

I completely understand.  I bet you are tired.  I'm glad to see that even young guys get tried too.  The big difference is young people bounce back faster.

 Better too much TMI than not enough.  

Have a good night with Max. 

God bless.  Love You.  Woof Woof


frankf4321s frankf4321s@gotmail.com Sat, Aug 30, 9:04 AM

To: willw521k@willmail.com


I didn't mean to scare the shit out of you.  But how many people do you know that can give you so much sex information in 2 relatively short emails.  Yes, more than you'd think you'd ever want to know.  But I can tell you it's far more than most guys know so it puts you ahead of the game even though you're gay.  Gay or straight, you should know what the hell is going on and the big difference between guys and girls.  Simplified of course.  But I do think that gay couples and gay guys suffer the same emotional experiences as hetero couples at least according to what gay guys say in their writing.   

My brother and I were talking about gay sex awhile back.  He's always been way ahead of me as far as having gay friends, but when I talked to him bluntly about gay sex, he got upset when I talked about what gay guys do when they're having sex and he says, "That's disgusting. I don't want to hear it."

So while you're jacking off and thinking about all the wonderful aspects of a guy and gay sex, it never hurts to think about the practical side.

God bless. Love you and Max too, even though I've never actually met either of you.  



Will Waters <willw521K@willmail.co Sat, Aug 30, 12:16 PM

To: frankf4321S@gotmail.com

Woof Rarf! Hi! My owner - who's like the BEST GUY EVER! says u rock and he loves u! So I do too! Woof woof!   Max!


frankf4321s frankf4321s@gotmail.com Sat, Aug 30, 12:58 PM

To: willw521k@willmail.com

Well, hello Max.  You've really been a good friend to Will.  He has been very fortunate to have you.

Woof Woof.  I love ya.



Will Waters willw521K@willmail.com Sat, Aug 30, 1:08 PM

To: frankf4321S@gotmail.com

Ok...so like after we got back from shopping and I got done feeding Max and eating and putting my stuff away dad and George (church board member) told me to come to the kitchen with mom. Short talk of only like 3 min. George said tomorrow pastor asshole (he didn't say that) will make a statement (?) And an apology to the congregation at tomorrows main service about our "situation" and ask for forgiveness. And they want my parents to be there but they want me to stay home!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT????!!!?! Mom n dad didn't really look at me. George said it's for everybodys best interest (?????????).  FrankI really want to talk to u on the phone!!!! PLEEZEE!!! mom n dad r leaving for Saturday bowling league in an hour and will be gone til at least 9 our time. Please please let me talk to u !!!!! I'm not gonna block my number, I need u to have it! Please let me call u! I'm fucked up in the head! U can't call me, but if u tell me when to call u I can take a walk or go behind the pole barn or if they're not home we're fine. Please? ??!?  Will n Max


frankf4321s frankf4321s@gotmail.com Sat, Aug 30, 1:37 PM

To: willw521k@willmail.com

My lawyer friend doesn't think it's good for us to talk on the phone.  I'd like that, but our best bet is still Google Docs even though she doesn't much like that either.  I'll send you a link and then you can write me back with the time you'd like to meet.  I just got through working out about an hour or so ago and need to take a short nap.  So it would have to be around 2:30.  ​Let me know if that works for you.

I'll send the link in a few minutes.



Will Waters willw521K@willmail.com Sat, Aug 30, 1:45 PM

To: frankf4321S@gotmail.com

Frank I just don't get why we can't talk on the phone!?????! Why???? I've got like at least 5 hours before mom n dad get home! And I'm really pissed n confused bout what to think bout this pastor asshole church stuff!!! Why does ur lawyer buddy have to be the only one that's right???? You've told me you've talked to n helped lots of kids!!!" Why not me!!???? NOBODY WILL EVER KNOW!! I've got free nationwide cell to cell calls!!!! Please please Frank!!! PLEEZE!!!


frankf4321s frankf4321s@gotmail.com Sat, Aug 30, 2:05 PM

To: willw521k@willmail.com


I understand your concern and it's not that I don't trust you, but things can happen and be misunderstood. You know, it's a matter of perspective.. That's even true of our current emails. What happens if someone gets hold of your phone and gets access?  A professional can easily do that.  I realize that nothing is going on here, and I understand you're anxious, but I find it better if we just stick to email for right now.  If you were 18, it would be different.  I know it shouldn't make any difference, but my former doctor is currently in jail for allegedly having a relationship with a 17 year old girl.  So you should understand my reluctance.  I am a retired teacher and principal and of course that should mean something, but look at your pastor.  

Of course it looks like the church is trying to sweep it all up under the rug.  I personally think you should sue his ass.  I'll have to think about this a little while longer.  

Frank Still love ya.


Will Waters willw521K@willmail.com Sat, Aug 30, 2:18 PM

To: frankf4321S@gotmail.com

_I guess I can KINDA SORTA understand a little bit why she says I shouldn't talk to ya (?) But why not? I don't wanna seem stupid but before ya call me run it by me one more time please. As long as nobody hears us OHHH!!! I GET IT NOW!!! ok... what if we had specific set safe times to talk???? Frank I get that we gotta be safe ok? What about this...how bout u mail me if ur ready to call an if I don't reply within like 5 min. then u don't call? I dunno... ok ok...I guess I understand where problems could happen. WHY CAN'T WE TEXT THEN??? THAT'S LIKE IMMEDIATE?! uh...ok..guess that could be problematic too huh? Ok ok.... let's just keep emailing fer now. Damn....why does everything gotta be so hard????

Ur right but I hate to admit it. We'll email. Fine. I'll take what I can get n we'll be SAFE fer now. Happy?   Sorry...I'm not really mad, just frustrated. There is a difference._

_Here's my number just in case. 555-534-2312

We still love ya!!! Will n Max! WOOF WOOF! HA!_


I was hoping he'd call, but he was still unsure. He worries too much. Hell, there's nothing going on here. Frank's just a mentor. I kept begging him with please and one long PLEEEZZEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! Finally he agreed to call me using *67 on his phone so I couldn't see his number. All his damn worrying started to bother me, but I kept at him. Finally he called.

You gotta understand, the damn church people were going to meet and they didn't want me there. My heart is about to jump out of my chest or out my throat and I needed to talk to Frank. I don't think he had any frigging idea how upset I was. Well, maybe he did because he finally called me and we had a nice talk. He has a nice voice.

I wrote him the following email after we talked.

Will Waters willw521K@willmail.com Sat, Aug 30, 3:48 PM

To: frankf4321S@gotmail.com

Frank u made my WHOLE WEEKEND!!!! Thank u ! Max ran off and I gotta go find him .  Love ya bro!  Will n Max! Woof! Ha!


frankf4321s frankf4321s@gotmail.com Sat, Aug 30, 6:23 PM

To: willw521k@willmail.com

Nice to know I made your WHOLE weekend.  

I've thought about the church thing and I think you should talk to your parents and let them know that they can't let the asshole scapegoat you by implying that you did something wrong.  Remind them of the locked door.  

These are only suggestions of course, but insurance never hurts.  I don't think your dad would let him get away with it.  But it never hurts to make sure.  

Is he doing in front of the whole congregation at a regular service?  If so, that's a public place so it would be harder for him to do that.  I guess if he was going to sow lies, he'd have done it in private.  

Hope you found Max?

I'm glad we got a chance to talk.  And when I say I don't want you to become dependent on me, all I mean is that you need to learn the skills necessary to be independent.  I'll always be here for you so you don't have to worry about that.  

Again, I'm glad I made your day.  It meant a lot to me what you said about the part you liked the most about Knots were the reflections of the two boys as they thought about their lives. Those are the closest to my heart and come from my very soul and what I believe needs to be said.  It's the Holy Spirit working through me.  Boy are we lucky God loves us unconditionally.  

God loves you and so do I.



Will Waters willw521K@willmail.com Sat, Aug 30, 7:03 PM

To: frankf4321S@gotmail.com

_Yep found Max. The idiot was down the street in a neighbors garage watching them grill steaks out of the rain!  Ha! Silly dog! He'll go anywhere he smells food and they know him, everyone does. What a mooch!

I haven't hadda chance to talk to dad bout tomorrow cause they're still out with their bowling buddies, but I get the impression from what he said earlier and what he obviously did before, that he'll be making sure that nobody looks at me in the wrong light and that Todd doesn't get the chance to pass the Buck like grandpa says. Pretty sure pops wouldn't have popped the asshole in the face if he was gonna let Todd get up and make me seem responsible. My dad's made his mistakes in the last few years, but he seems to have a real resolve with asshole about this whole mess. Trust me.

Love ya bro! Both of us! Woof!!_

Next: Chapter 21

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