A Matter of Perspective

Published on Jun 10, 2022


A Matter of Perspective 21

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This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, events or locales, is purely coincidental and no slanderous intent is implied.

Contact me at eliassctt@gmail.com. I answer all e-mails.

Chapter 21

Frank wrote me and asked me about what I thought of his plan of sending me an autographed copy of his mainstream book, having me read it, and then introducing him to my parents and family through the book. I was so stressed I really didn't want to think about any of that. There is already too much to deal with because school is going to start in just over a week. I'm scared shitless. Split personality. I want him to come to graduation and when he comes up with a plan, I'm too damned stressed to think about it.

Will Waters willw521K@willmail.com Mon, Aug 25, 12:03 AM

To: frankf4321S@gotmail.com

_Can't sleep, million things in my head, mostly bout school. I think that plan is AWESOME! Course I think we should wait a tiny bit til the fervor (love that word!) of my newly launched high school career has died down a bit, but it's AWESOME! It'll work too!

Nite Frank! xxoo_


frankf4321s frankf4321s@gotmail.com Mon, Aug 25, 7:18 AM

To: willw521k@willmail.com

There's no hurry. I know you are under a lot of stress. I'm still in bed and will write more later. Listening to the news on National Public Radio. I'm going to be out of town for the day. I'll tell you more about it later cuz I'm meeting with a gay married couple. I'm just gathering information about the gay community in this area. I met this couple through a woman I was going out with. She ended up sending me a Dear John letter. I was angry because I didn't really really like her and would have broken it off myself except I didn't want to hurt her feelings. She seemed to have no problem hurting mine. Someone set me up with her on a blind date.  I didn't find her attractive, but I thought it would be nice to have a friend to go places with. That was all a mistake obviously. As you can see, shit happens in my life too.

I hope you have another great enjoyable happy day. Talk to you later God bless. Love you.


Will Waters willw521K@willmail.com Mon, Aug 25, 3:47 PM

To: frankf4321S@gotmail.com

Absolutely nuthin' remarkable to report here Frank. But that is absolutely FUCKING FANTASTIC! I've had like the whole day to myself with nobody, no pressure, no pretending, no nothing! Everybody decided to go to an antique fair and auction (sounds like fun!) and I begged off and told them this morning that me n Molly r more than capable of looking after ourselves. And they let me! I've ate, swam, jerked off twice, swam, napped, watched a movie, jerked off again (I'm horny!), ate and swam again and I feel like a duckling KING! They're all back now and getting ready because we're going to aunt Susie's club fer dinner, but what an AWESOME day! Gotta run bro. Love ya! Will and Molly!  Xxo


frankf4321s frankf4321s@gotmail.com Mon, Aug 25, 9:20 PM

To: willw521k@willmail.com

Well, Will, I was thinking as I drove home and only saw the first part of your email that you must be damn happy. This was a quiet day and nothing happened.  I'm with you

Today was a busy one for me.  I did two things:  I bought a sleep number bed and a painting.  Cost me a bit of money, but for some reason I've been so happy over the last week that I just wanted to treat myself.  I think seeing you happy has done as much for me as you.  

I stopped and talked with the married gay guys.  That was the main reason for my trip, but while I was waiting to go to their place I needed to get a haircut to straighten out the big hole I put in my head when I tried cutting it myself.  My truck was in front of this art store so I walked in and saw a big painting in an old frame of two young boys.  Their backs are toward the viewer.  One might be 8 and the other 10.   They're dressed in cowboy boots and hats.  The older boy has his hand on the barn door and they are trying to look inside but are being cautious.  The young boy has his hand on the shoulder of the older one and appears to be encouraging him to open the door.  I love the colors and even that old frame.  It reminds me of me and my brother.  He was 2 years younger than me.  I'll take a picture of it tomorrow when the light is good and send it to you.

Back to the two gay men.  They have been married for 26 years.  The younger healthier one said that his biggest problem when he was younger was admitting he was gay and he had to get drunk to go to gay bars and have sex with other guys.  According to him he was pretty attractive and he hooked up with a lot of guys.  The problem was that he was drunk all the time. He finally had to stop going to the clubs and join AA.  Well, you've already decided you're gay and proud of it so you're way ahead of him. And you don't drink or do drugs.

They have both been married to women and have children.  I'm not sure if they got divorced to get married or what.  They said their families didn't accept them when they first came out, which was after they got married in Canada.  So they came out when they were older, like in their 40's.  As it turns out, both of them are recovering alcoholics.  I'm discovering a lot about older gay men in my travels.  I've met quite a number who are sick.  Not with aides or anything, but are ill with one thing or another.  I did meet a lot of great guys at a get together of older gay men in the city where my children live. I plan on going to their socials every time I'm there.  One guy invited me to go out and play golf with him.  I think I will.    

Anyway, one of them, Jack, said he had cancer and it is all gone.  He says he's cured.  I think he's a big f-ing liar.  He looked like he was ready to die on the spot and could barely get around.  Maybe he convinced the doctors to tell his husband that.  The husband is an avid runner and in good condition and may be a little younger than me.  I'm not sure.  As it turned out, the sick one only wanted me to come visit if I it was an emergency.  I didn't understand that in his phone message so he seemed a bit upset when he found out I wasn't in some kind of crisis and was taking up their time.  His husband didn't seem to mind at all.

So I spent a half hour or so there because the sick one (who said he wasn't sick) made me feel unwelcome. So I left to go buy the painting.  I'd have never seen the painting if it hadn't been for me going to see these guys because the artist was moving to Kansas at the end of the week because her husband had been transferred and she was taking the painting with her.  I can't believe I bought it and the sleep number bed all in one day.  It's unlike me to be so impulsive.  Like I said, seeing you happy has done a lot for me too.

Didn't mean to bore you, but figured if you were having trouble sleeping you might find this interesting.  Interesting in the sense that I'm giving you a small glimpse into part of the gay world.  Don and Jack live in the same city where some young guy in his late 30's or early 40's hit on me when I was sitting at the bar having dinner after a day of skiing. It's a place to eat and not a pickup bar.  It's a restaurant with a bar.  I didn't discourage him, but I was afraid and didn't encourage him either.  I said, "nice meeting you," and left to go home. I've been, kicking myself for the last few months.  I'm only telling you this because you're gay, and you're still going to find the gay world as scary and unpredictable as the straight world.  Everyone still has the same hang-ups and problems as people in the straight world.   

So I'm hoping Brave Prince that you sleep well tonight and dream of another prince coming to kiss you and wake you up from your slumber.  

God bless.  Love ya.


PS  When do you head back home?


Will Waters willw521K@willmail.com Tue, Aug 26, 8:43 AM

To: frankf4321S@gotmail.com

_Howdy! God u had quite a day yesterday daddy warbucks! Ha! Got some $ u wanna throw my way!?? The painting sounds really cool though. It's so sad bout what u said about so many older gay guys being sick or in AA. Why? Guess I have lots to learn about the gay world still (?). Sure hope n pray I can find a cool healthy boyfriend for life and stay healthy with him n be happy. It's my dream.

Last full day here and the weather is gonna be perfect! 70's n sunny! Don't even have a clue what we're doing and don't care. Leaving early tomorrow for home. I miss Max! And yes mom n dad too...never thought I'd say that! We were maybe gonna stay longer but grams wants me to have the weekend at home to get ready for school next week. Whatever. It's been fun and there's still today.

Going for a morning run and then a swim and by then everyone else should be up and around and ready for whatever we're doing.

Love ya Frank! Will xxoo_


frankf4321s frankf4321s@gotmail.com Tue, Aug 26, 9:22 AM

To: willw521k@willmail.com

I sure don't mean to make it sound like everybody is sick. But I was just surprised that I ran into so many people who were sick or had partners who were sick. It could just be all coincidence so don't put too much weight on it. First of all, these are all older men. Most of the gay men I met at the social gatherings seem to be fine. They all had interesting stories. One guy was a heck of a lot of fun. He and I joked around a lot, but he already had a partner.

What you will probably find are a lot of gay men just want to have sex and not settle down, while others, of course, want a serious relationship. It used to be that most women wanted a husband and children, but now I can't really say that's true anymore.

Have a great day I'm just ready to go out and jog. Lost a couple pounds and am very happy. I just hung the painting and of course I have mixed feelings now that I spent all that money. I need some no glare glass.

Anyway, it is nice that you don't have any drama in your life right now? It must be almost boring. lol. And I bet you are happy. Enjoy your day. Talk to you later. God bless love ya



Will Waters willw521K@willmail.com Tue, Aug 26, 1:53 PM

To: frankf4321S@gotmail.com

_Ok...well my vacation is basically a wrap. We went downtown this morning and took a Riverboat tour (BORING!), and then went to a Japanese restaurant for lunch. I tried sushi for the first time ever and it ROCKED!! I even ordered more! Never thought I'd like raw fish but it was awesome!!! Anyway we've been back here for awhile, everyone packing and chilling out for the ride home tomorrow and we're just having leftovers for dinner. Aunt Susie's paying a lot for my college, so now she can leave as much lipstick on my face as she wants!! Ha! I'll get back to ya later cause I've got something else I wanna ask about, but I also wanna swim some more with Molly before I gotta have dinner n pack.

Love ya Frank!!!!!!! xxoo will_


frankf4321s frankf4321s@gotmail.com Tue, Aug 26, 4:23 PM

To: willw521k@willmail.com

I like "my vacation is basically a rap."  You have a great way with words and a great sense of humor.  I've never eaten Sushi because I figured I wouldn't like it either.  I guess I should give it a try.  Ah. YOU ARE GOING TO COLLEGE!  I love that and couldn't help but put it in capitals myself.

I attached a picture of the painting I bought.  Of course I'm having second thoughts because I paid a fair amount for it, but it's the first original painting I ever bought and since I live in cow country, it fits quite well in my house.  Unfortunately, it doesn't have "no glare glass" and you can see the glare.  But you get the idea.  

Love you too Will.  God bless and I pray He'll  be there to help you with the start of school.   School has already started here.  I went out to jog this morning and there were a whole bunch of kids out taking PE on the football field.  Caught me by surprise.


Frank sent me a copy of the painting he bought, but I don't have it for some reason. He was all excited about it. I thought it was nice, but it didn't do as much for me as it did him. Maybe it's because he lives in cow country. Later he sent a copy of a notice that is posted in the dorms at the University of Massachusetts. I guess he thought he'd be funny after I told him I masturbated three or four times the other day.

Will Waters willw521K@willmail.com Wed, Aug 27, 4:12 PM

To: frankf4321S@gotmail.com

_Ha! I'm not going to THAT school. I can say that now! Gary's older brother went to Washington State and lived in one of the older dorms that had community showers, and he said guys would jerk off in there everyday! How hot is that! I'm definitely gettin into a dorm like that! Ha!

Sorry didn't get to ya sooner, been a long day. We're back in Ellensburg, Washington again for the night, same hotel, and I got to drive a lot today (cool!) so this is my first chance to get back to ya. We were gonna drive further but grams not feeling good again (?) so here we are. It's cool, going go swim in a minute but the front desk said that the sauna is out of order so that sucks. Still wish I could unlock this damn porn station!  Ha!

It's been quite a trip Frank. Dare I day possibly even life changing. I have much to reflect on and be grateful for. I can't wait to get back n see Max n everybody though, and he misses u too! Ha!

Gonna go swim and think bout food!

Love ya Frank!  Will n Max (soon!)  Xxoo_


frankf4321s frankf4321s@gotmail.com Wed, Aug 27, 7:44 PM

To: willw521k@willmail.com

I lived in a fraternity and I never caught anyone jacking off.  I'm sure they did, but I'm often surprised at the things that go on now days.  I figured you'd be shocked, but evidently not.  

Sorry to hear about your grandmother.  I hope it's nothing serious.  How old are your grandparents?  Could just be age.  

I took my family across the U.S. when I had a motor home. My son was sixteen and he loved driving that big motor home with a car being towed behind it.  I'm not sure how many states my kids have been to, but I imagine at least 30 or more.  We stopped in South Bend to visit Notre Dame. Afterwards, I told them they we were going to drive into Michigan about ten miles and then drive back out so they could say they'd been to Michigan.  Both my kids said that didn't count.  Of course, I did it anyway and now they love saying they've been to Michigan.  We did the same with Colorado when we got to Cheyenne, Wyoming.  We drove into Colorado about ten miles and then returned to I-80 and headed to the great state of California.  

I think I told you my son and family are currently in South Africa.  Everyone was worried about the grand-kids, but it looks like they're having a great time and have almost forgotten about missing school, friends, and home.  

Talk to you later.  I had a busy day myself.  I still have to finish chapter 26 of Knots before the day is out. 

Give Max a hug for me when you get home.  Love ya.  Have a safe trip.



Will Waters willw521K@willmail.com Wed, Aug 27, 10:17 PM

To: frankf4321S@gotmail.com

_God whata long nite! Grams still wasn't feelin good so we took her to a local er to get checked out. Turns out she was dehydrated from some kinda ongoing stomach virus (?), so they gave her IV fluids n antibiotics n something else an we just got back to the hotel. It's almost 10:30 now so my night is shot and the pool closed at 10. Oh well...looks like we'll probably stay an extra day for her to rest before we get back on the road cause we're not even half way home yet, so if the rain holds off there'll be plenty of pool time tomorrow I guess. Million damn tourists in the er with everything from sunburn to poison ivy holding everything up! Plus they wouldn't let me stay at the hotel alone and wait here and that really pissed me off! Christ I'm not 12 ya know! Plus what was I gonna do? Get drunk in the bar or head down the road to the Indian casino? Ha! Get real! I told them mom n dad have been going on overnight trips and leaving me alone for almost two years! Oh well...whatever. And I KICKING myself for leaving my phone in the hotel room! Oh, gram n gramps are both 72.

I really love that painting and I'm glad ya bought it for yourself! So stop with the buyer's remorse stuff already! Life is short and art is for enjoyment!  So enjoy!  I think it's cute!

Anyway here we are stuck in Washington. I miss Max. I'd say overall though that it was a pretty worthwhile trip!  ;-)

Love ya! Will n almost Max! Ha!  xxoo_


frankf4321s frankf4321s@gotmail.com Wed, Aug 27, 10:36 PM

To: willw521k@willmail.com

Glad to hear you grandmother is ok.  So I guess they're my age.  Just not as blessed with wisdom about gay people as I am.  I am surprised they didn't let you stay at the hotel by yourself, but they probably feel responsible for you and are afraid you might find some gay teen and hook up with him.   lol  Oh, I forgot, they think you're straight.  Thank God. Yeah, YOU'RE GOING TO COLLEGE!

Glad you like the painting.  I smile every time I look at it.  I remember being young and curious like that.

I'm still working on chapter 26 and am ready to go to bed rather than write.  Just finished a long walk at a pretty good pace and feel very relaxed.  

Have a good evening.  Make the best of your day tomorrow.  Hope you get plenty of pool time.  

God bless.  Love ya.  


Next: Chapter 19

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