A Matter of Perspective

Published on May 30, 2022


A Matter of Perspective 19

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This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, events or locales, is purely coincidental and no slanderous intent is implied.

Contact me at eliassctt@gmail.com. I answer all e-mails.

Chapter 19

Will Waters willw521K@willmail.com Sat, Aug 23, 7:43 AM

To: frankf4321S@gotmail.com

My God it was awesome!!!! The Mariners lost 18 to 4! That kinda sucked, but I got to see 22 runs scored! And that after finding out about college! I don't know what's on the agenda for today yet because nobody else is even up yet, but it's gonna be damn hard to top yesterday! Ha! Kinda hope we're just gonna lay around and do nothing, that'll be my suggestion anyway. Don't want them all to feel like they have to constantly be entertaining me, I'm happy just to swim and play with Rosie and relax, we'll see. You're still asleep, having sweet dreams hopefully. I love ya Frank! I'M GOING TO COLLEGE!

Will n Rosie xxoo


frankf4321s frankf4321s@gotmail.com Sat, Aug 23, 8:02 AM

To: willw521k@willmail.com

Yes, you're going to college. Sorry to hear your Mariners got their asses whooped.

I can imagine you'd like to just kick back and relax. A lot has happened in the last few weeks.

It was so cold here this morning I didn't go out to run yet. I usually go in the morning to miss the heat, but I can't believe it's August and I have to wait for it to warm up.

Have a great relaxing day. I may actually work on some of my writing that's unrelated to anything gay. After all, I was married for over 30 years and have two kids and two grandkids.

When do you head back home? I know you mentioned 8 days, and I've lost count. See if you can get someone to take another picture of you. The one you sent makes it hard to see what you look like because of the baseball cap and all your fishing garb. Just need a head shot like I sent you of me.



Will Waters willw521K@willmail.com Sat, Aug 23, 8:29 AM

To: frankf4321S@gotmail.com

Hey! Yeah the game was awesome even though we lost. I'll get someone to take a picture and send it to ya, but til then I do have this stupid video of me that my uncle Bob took on my phone when he was screwing around with it when we were in the hardware store. Don't know why he took it (?), said he was just curious how the video thing worked. Anyway he took it before I broke the damn camera lens and I guess I just never deleted it. Does show me pretty good though (and how small I am!). Going swimming, hot today! I'll get back to ya later promise. Oh...by the way, did I mention that I'M GOING TO COLLEGE! ?? HA!



frankf4321s frankf4321s@gotmail.com Sat, Aug 23, 9:14 AM

To: willw521k@willmail.com

No video attachment came. Don't worry about it.



Will Waters willw521K@willmail.com Sat, Aug 23, 11:11 AM

To: frankf4321S@gotmail.com

Hey! I'm chilling out swimming getting sunburned! I checked and my stupid phone said the video file was too large to send. Shit! Anyway I'm shipping two other photos I've got on my phone. This one is me (on the right) and my cousin Colin salmon fishing last fall on the Spokane River. Sorry I got my glasses on. The next pic I'm about to send is my dad. That's all I got on my phone and can't take more. Too embarrassed to come up with some lie to get my photo taken here and shipped to my email so I can send it to u. Will get some when I get home next week. I'll get a bunch of pics cause I'll get gary to take some and there's some on the computer in the family room computer. Anyway here's this of my cousin Colin and I'll ship dad next. I'll get ya Max's pic too! He loves to show off! Ha! We're going to some great steak house fer dinner tonite. Can't wait! Love ya!


frankf4321s frankf4321s@gotmail.com Sat, Aug 23, 12:43 PM

To: willw521k@willmail.com

Thanks for the picks. You obviously like wearing baseball hats. I sweat so never wear a hat. I wanted to cut my hair a little shorter this morning before going out for my run so took out the spacer for the shaver and started shaving my head without realizing I hadn't put the spacer on and it took two big chunks out of my hair. So I think I may have to wear a hat for a few weeks until it grow back. It's very embarrassing.

What did your cousin think about you being gay? I take it he didn't care.

I can't wait to see a picture of Max after hearing you talk about him so much. I don't know why I didn't think of asking for one before. You have a nice smile by the way. I always figure my smile is my best part. The kids at school used to always ask me if I ever stopped smiling. I guess that's good. They always figured I was happy, which I suppose I was most of the time.

Ran over 2 miles straight this morning because I was using an app to track my jogging

Enjoy your day by the pool. I'm jealous. Caught three squirrels yesterday so I'm slowly getting rid of the varmits. They're ground squirrels.

Take care. God loves you and so do I. Hope this doesn't get old, but I like it and it's a good way to part.



I sent Frank a picture of me and my cousin holding a big trout between us. Then I sent him a picture of my dad holding a trout that was over two feet long with a picture of the Spokane River in the background. My dad has a baseball cap on. I guess that's where I learned it from.


frankf4321s frankf4321s@gotmail.com Sat, Aug 23, 1:21 PM

To: willw521k@willmail.com

Thanks for the pic. Great picture of your dad. You guys really catch some nice fish.

I see he's wearing a baseball cap too.



Will Waters willw521K@willmail.com Sat, Aug 23, 1:32 PM

To: frankf4321S@gotmail.com

Frank do ya realize how much my life has changed! ? Do ya!??? It's making my little head spin! I wanna figure a way to introduce u to my parents and grandparents but I don't wanna jepordize anything at the same time. I need and want u to be a part of my life beyond some online thing. What can we do???? What? Please think bout that. Anyway I've got some more playin n sailing to do, and then I'm getting the biggest DAMN STEAK EVER! (Only cause Molly will love me even more!) Ha!

Frank ur da best!!!!!!!!!!!! Will


frankf4321s frankf4321s@gotmail.com Sat, Aug 23, 1:57 PM

To: willw521k@willmail.com

I'm thinking out loud again so this may or may not work, but I'd rather try to do something that requires little work and means we don't have to tell some huge lie. You did get to know me because of my writing. But we'll use my mainstream book as our means of contract rather than Knots.

I'm not sure what to do except sometime around January or even in the next few weeks tell them you saw my book on Amazon, emailed me, and I sent you an autographed copy of my book. In fact, we can do that in the next couple days. You tell them that you wrote me while you were feeling down and depressed, figuring you'd never hear back. But instead I sent you an autographed copy of my book. Explain that I'm 72 years old, a retired teacher, football and track coach, principal, and a someone you thought you could talk to about anything, and that's how you got your life straight. All of it is true, well, most of it. Read my book so you know about it and the relationship Jake has with his dad. Most people cry when they read it. I posted it online got a lot of hits. A lot of new people came to the site just to read it. That made me feel good.

And, like I said, I'll send you an autographed copy of my book. You can set it in your room where they might notice it or you can show it to them and tell them how much you liked it and that I autographed it. There's a bio on the back cover and some testimonials from teens who read the book. I can date it in April or May or June when I autograph it. Tell them about the book and get your parents to read it. I think they'll like it and it's really all above board. So the fact you know a published author whose book they like, will really help. Plus my book has nothing to do with anything gay.

I have a BA in Sociology and a Master's Degree in Education, so if nothing else, they'll be impressed with my credentials. I was married for over 33 years, have two grown children, and two grandchildren. I'm the perfect all American guy who's lived a good life and is now in his 70's. How old are your grandparents? Are they my age or younger?

Let me know what you think.

I'm going to hunt up some pictures of my fam and will send them.

Love ya



Will Waters willw521K@willmail.com Sat, Aug 23, 2:19 PM

To: frankf4321S@gotmail.com

That damn spellcheck function always screws me over when I get typing too fast. I had and have more SWIMMING to do, not sailing (never been!). Seriously Frank how can we get our lives somehow together???? I want SO bad to somehow get u to graduation and make u a part of my life that doesn't need ta be hidden! Cause u have changed my WHOLE LIFE!!!! Can't we pleezee figure something out somehow??? Maybe I'm being a stupid kid bout this but I just wanna be able to somehow have u here next spring and we've time to figure it out! Gotta start getting ready to go out, going to some fancy smancy place in downtown Seattle, but I haven't been to a lot of fancy places so should be cool. Gotta wear a sport coat! Yuck! Let's talk later. U ROCK!

Love ya Frank! Will n Molly (fer now!) Ha!


frankf4321s frankf4321s@gotmail.com Sat, Aug 23, 2:19 PM

To: willw521k@willmail.com

Hey, it's nice to get dressed up once in awhile. I had wondered about the sailing, but I thought maybe the house where you're staying is on a lake and they had a sailboat.

I wrote you an email with an idea that is better than the other and more above board. By the way, your dad looks just like I pictured him from what you told me.

I love that you ended your email with Will n Molly (fer now!)

Love the joy in your life right now. You need to live in the present. But never forget that "Life is difficult" and there will still be trying times ahead. But the secret is that while you are aware that life can be difficult and there will be trying times, you don't worry about them. You live in the present moment which is the time right now that you know you're going to college, going out for a wonderful dinner, and you feel loved. You live and enjoy the life you have right now. The future will take care of itself and the past is past. Like the say, "Let go and let God."

Keep in mind, it's easy for me to say all this, but a lot harder to do. That's why Kipling's Poem is so awesome. It takes it all into account. Life can be like practicing shooting free throws in your head. You practice and you become better at it.

I told my son one time that life is like a game of golf. You play one hole at a time. When you're on the first hole, you don't think about the second hole until you get there. The same is true when you're on the second hole. You only think about the second hole and not the third and so on until you've finished the course (which is really our lives) one hole at a time. One challenge at a time and so on. Then before you know it, you're my age and you've played every hole one hole at a time and hopefully you're proud of your score and have no regrets. I think it's important to live a life with as few regrets as possible. We do that by being caring, loving, and compassionate towards ourselves and others. Guys like the guy who calls you the schools "pet fag" will one day be old and will be a miserable old man with many regrets. So smile when you see him knowing that as Jon Luke Pacard from the Starship Enterprise would say, "Let it be so."

Well, I guess that's enough of my philosophizing for the day.

May God bless you with his Love and Guidance through your golf game of life.




Frank still didn't get the video. My dumb smart phone has trouble sometimes.

frankf4321s frankf4321s@gotmail.com Sat, Aug 23, 3:36 PM

To: willw521k@willmail.com

Ah, it must be nice to have a pool to use whenever you want. I live in high desert country and keep saying I'm going to the local pool which is about 12 miles away but never do.

My dream has been to have a swimming pool, b-ball court, and tennis court in my back yard. It would be awesome because I live on 25 acres and you can see two major mountains from my back porch. Can only do it if I come into a lot of money. It would be great for my kids and grandkids.

I decided to listen to my last chapter on audio and it wasn't bad. I convert the written file to mobi and then can have my phone or tablet read it to me using moon-reader. I do that with a lot of stories. I'm listening to Comicality's Gone from Daylight now. I wrote him and told him he's a philosopher, theologian, writer, and deep thinker. I can't believe how he's taken the vampire ideas and presented so many philosophical and religious thoughts in the story. I'm not much into vampire stories so was surprised with how much I like it. He wrote and told me he's revised it a lot and I noticed that he's a lot less wordy. Although he is far better than a lot of writers. I consider him one of the best. He has a rating of about 2500 or more and I'm just approaching 500. But then he's been at it a lot longer than I have. Five hundred isn't bad though in the short time I've been writing at gayauthors. I forgot, you read on Nifty. They don't have a rating method for writers or stories which is too bad. I find the gay author's site more professional, but I don't think they carry some of the way out stories that Nifty does.

Anyway, have a good day. It's finally warm enough to go out and run.

Love ya.


frankf4321s frankf4321s@gotmail.com Sat, Aug 23, 3:45 PM

To: willw521k@willmail.com

Will, when you get home, get a picture of you with your mom and dad. That would be great seeing the whole fam and knowing what everyone looks like. You could do the same with your grandparents. Not necessary if you don't want, but it would be nice to see what you and the whole family look like.



Will Waters willw521K@willmail.com Sat, Aug 23, 3:54 PM

To: frankf4321S@gotmail.com

Frank u can't even imagine what I feel like! !! It's like a frickin dream!!!! I'm going to fucking college dude!!" Do u know what that means to me???? A REAL college!!!! AND U DID THIS!!!! I love u sooo much I can't tell u!!! Believe me I'm over the guilt about lying to them about not being gay! Pretty much. There's a lotta shit coming up with school n everything but I just have this weird feeling that somehow things r gonna be ok. Not perfect but ok. Gotta go. Molly likes ta swim as much as I do! Ha! Talk to ya later!

Love ya! Will n Molly! Woof!!!! Ha!


frankf4321s frankf4321s@gotmail.com Sat, Aug 23, 3:54 PM

To: willw521k@willmail.com

No need for guilt. I have been calling this friendly payback, but maybe it's better to say friendly deception. Either way, don't feel guilty because you have nothing to feel guilty for. If anything, everyone should feel guilty for the way they treated you. After all, you are a child of God just like they are, and all of God's children have the right to be loved unconditionally. I know a lot of gay adults say it's important to be who you are, but I don't think that means you have to tell everyone you're gay. No one ever tells someone they're straight. You are Will Waters. You're haven't had sex and your not planning on having sex in the near future, so what the hell.

I'm not sure what sound squirrels make, but I got a couple more today and they seem to keep coming. Maybe they say "woof" too.


You know, it's true. I'm Will Waters. I'm not Gay Will Waters. I know I opened this book with My name is Will W and I'm gay. But like I said then, being gay isn't like being an alcoholic. So the hell with them. I'm just me and I'm not living a lie because I'm not wresting with being gay. I'm not trying to be straight. Why I should have to explain anything to anyone is beyond me. I accept that I'm gay and everyone else can just go fuck themselves.

Next: Chapter 17

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