A Man's First Bisexual Experience

By David Smith

Published on Sep 28, 1995



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NOTE: This is an adult story containing graphic depictions of sexual relations among consenting adults. If you are not an adult or are offended by graphic depictions of sex including threesomes, adultery and male/male contact, please do not read this. This is a work of fantasy and, as such, the characters do not need to worry about AIDS, VD, or pregnancy. In real life you would be a fool to try these acts without using a condom.

(This story is in response to a story by Joyce Kline called "A Woman's First Bisexual Experience." I tried to get choice to comment and give me the go ahead to post this, but she never answered my e-mail. I hope she will not be offended that I post this. I hope everyone else will enjoy it.)

A Man's First Bisexual Experience by David A. Smith

(All rights reserved - permission to make individual copies or to forward by electronic means granted. All other reproductions must obtain expressed written consent)

I met John and Sylvia through a mutual friend about three months ago. John and I found we had some shared interests and began doing things together. One night about a week ago we began talking about our sexual experiences (again). I hadn't told John that I was bisexual nor that I was still "active," as was my wife by mutual consent. We threw around a lot of the usual bull when John eventually told me that while he loved his wife dearly, after nearly ten years of marriage their sex life had become rather routine, when they even had sex. He wanted to know how my wife and I kept our sex life from drudgery. I looked him square in the eyes, hoped he was ready to hear what I was about to say and told him that we were a very adventuresome couple. Even though I gave him a number of hints he seemed to be avoiding the implications. Finally I said, look, if you want me to help you guys out, invite me over one evening next week. That evening was last night. And if you'd like I'll tell you about it.

I arrived at John and Sylvia's house at 6:30pm sharp. Sylvia was obviously nervous and talked too much and too fast. I still wasn't sure that John understood the intent of my visit, but Sylvia sure seemed to have figured it out. The two of them had prepared a delicious dinner. We ate, drank the wine that I had brought, and talked for better than an hour. As it drew on near to eight o'clock, I decided it was time to put my plan into motion. We had moved into the living room by this time and were relaxing on the floor. I asked them if they gave each other massages. John said they did a bit, but didn't really know how to do it correctly. I assured them that there really wasn't much to it, crawled on hands and knees behind Sylvia and began a light massage of her shoulders and neck. As I loosened her up some I was able to go deeper and eventually she sighed and said "Oh John, he really is good, you should try."

John agreed readily, but I had a better idea. I told him I'd be happy to massage him, but that to do it really right it should be a full body massage. Happily I had brought some massage oil (almond, of course, is there any other kind?). Sylvia fetched a couple of large towels at my suggestion and laid them out to protect the carpet. I instructed John to undress and lay face down. He stripped quickly to his briefs (white and boring) and socks and laid down. I nearly giggled out loud at his modesty. Since I was already at his feet, I just looped the socks off and told him they were not needed. I also said it would be better if he doffed the briefs, but if it made him nervous to keep them on. He just sort of grunted, slid them off, but kept his back to me in a charming, if silly, modesty. I thought to myself that I understood how they had fallen into a sexual routine.

As I began to rub down John's back I mentally took stock of his physical condition. I'd never paid much attention to how he looked as he isn't the "type" of guy who attracts me. But, John was in good shape, clearly worked out regularly, broad shoulders and a narrow waist, firm buttocks that could be a little more prominent, strong legs. In short, a lot more interesting nude than dressed. Sylvia tried to excuse herself to go wash dishes, but I told her she should stay so that I could show her how to do this later when I wasn't here. She agreed and I noticed that her breath seemed to be coming in short heaves. Damned if the woman wasn't getting turned on by the sight of me touching her husband.

I began working deeper into the muscles of John's back and he noticeably relaxed into the massage. That is, he relaxed until I ran my hands over his buttocks when he tensed up visibly. Sylvia laughed out loud and her husbands sudden discomfort. I asked her to give me her hands so that I could show her how to properly massage this largest muscle in the human body. I held my hands over Sylvia's as she lay them on John's buttocks. We kneaded and smoothed each cheek as John continued to flinch and pull his head up. Three times I scolded him to relax. Finally, I instructed Sylvia to keep up the rear end massage while I began work on the long muscles of the thighs and then on down to his calves. Not wanting to draw this out too long I did not spend as much time on the feet as I would if I didn't have ulterior motives. I did, however, pop each of his toes, which John jumped at initially, but after three or four, began to sigh as each toe released its pent up tension.

Feet done, I feather stroked back up the legs toward where Sylvia was still pummeling John's posterior. This constant attention had the effect I had hoped for, John was less concerned about my hands on his rear when they got there. I caught Sylvia's eye, smiled and winked at her as I ran my right hand down the crease between John's cheeks, just barely missed touching his anus, and continued down the insides of his thighs much more intimately than I had before. John trembled a bit, but didn't seem to stiffen unduly. I continued with this stroke for three or four repetitions when I smartly slapped John's butt in a playful manner and told him he was ready to turn over.

When he did roll over, I noted with delight that John's cock was hardening slightly. He was not an especially big man, and my first thought was that he was a nearly perfect size for penetrating me. I'm on the high side of average and not every man can take me in their rear, just as I cannot really take anyone too large either. But John's manhood was just about perfect for that application, though I doubt many women would find it fulfilling unless the wielder was adept. By now I knew John was not. I instructed Sylvia on the massage of the front of the leg (which isn't very difficult) and she worked the left while I worked the right. As our hands met at his crotch I smiled at her again and said "May I," to which she answered, "please do." I poured a little more almond oil into my hand and began to work it into John's testicles, spreading the skin, massaging and spreading the testes. John's eyes flew open from their half asleep position and he stared first at me and then at his wife who told him to relax and enjoy.

I slowly worked my way up onto John's cock which was getting harder by the minute. I didn't want to get him too excited too quickly so I smoothed the oil over the full length, but then moved onto his stomach and chest. John had a nicely muscled chest, with unusual pinkish nipples larger around than a silver dollar (my own are scarcely as large as a nickel and much darker). They responded nicely to my touch and the points became quite distended with a little bit of pinching. I realized that I had slipped from simple massage to sexual stimulation without realizing it. Apparently, John hadn't realized it either as he seemed as relaxed as he had been all night. I just sort of perfunctorily massaged each arm as I hurried to get back to John's stiffness. I tried to make it appear as though this was a natural progression, but I'm afraid that my own growing lust (and the growth in my underwear) ruined that attempt. I took John's cock firmly in my right hand stroked him bottom to top, holding tightly so as to move the skin over the erectile tissue underneath. I did this three times and then loosened my grip and slid my hand up over the glans and stroked it several times. I reached down with my left hand and sought out his perineum. But as I once again slid my hand to the base of John's cock and gripped firmly, he came. Four or five nice sized spurts of sticky white juice erupted from the end of his cock and splattered on his stomach and chest. John moaned audibly, the first noise he'd made since we started. Sylvia gasped. I encouraged John by telling him it was good (though I had hoped he'd last longer).

I let John rest for a couple of minutes, during which he asked me if all my massages ended that way. I assured him as many as I could manage. He asked about my wife, if she knew I did that to men. Again, I assured him, not only did she know, but she sometimes helped me. And then, finally, the question I knew would come. He wanted to know if I was gay and if this meant that he was also. I assured him that I liked women just as much as men, maybe more, that I was a complete bisexual, that since he had enjoyed this and also enjoyed sex with his wife, he probably was, too. And then, I added the kicker, I told him I wanted to demonstrate the fullness of the bisexual lifestyle by really having sex with him and his wife, if they agreed. He asked what I meant, hadn't we just had sex. I told him, no, I simply had masturbated him to orgasm. I told him that was just the beginning and that it was still early. He looked at me doubtfully. I felt bad for Sylvia. I had the feeling that she was a wild woman waiting to happen, but she was with a man who thought his own orgasm was sex. Well, with any luck I would teach him differently by the end of the night.

I motioned to Sylvia to help me get John up and suggested we get him in the shower and clean him up. She seemed to be both stunned and titillated by her husband cuming at the touch of another man. Once John was in the shower and the hot water was steaming up the mirror I began to undress and suggested that Sylvia do the same. How else could we clean John up without getting our clothes soaked? Fortunately they have a large walk-in shower that allowed the three of us plenty of room. I entered first and immediately picked up the soap and began working up a lather on John's chest and then back. I suddenly felt a small hand grabbing my buttocks. It was Sylvia stepping into the shower, and she quickly went from my rear to my cock, which she latched onto with quite a grip and simply held it. I was caught of guard because I didn't expect her to be so forward. I looked down and realized that she had her husbands limp cock in her other hand (mine was growing hard rapidly). I thought I'd best take care of some formalities right now.

"John," I said, "if we are going to do this, I want you to know that sometime during the evening I'm going to want to fuck your wife. Are you going to be okay with that? I mean, its not a necessity, but she is quite gorgeous and very hot and . . . well, do you understand?" While I was saying this Sylvia began to stroke my cock in slow deliberate movements. I looked at her in earnest for the first time since she had taken her clothes off and liked what I saw. She is a fairly tall woman, trim and well kept, perky breasts and an all too housewife cut to her pubic hair (even though she is a professional woman). But her best feature was her long auburn hair. I love auburn hair and must confess that thoughts of wrapping it around my cock and masturbating with it had entered my head more than once since I'd first met John and Sylvia.

John was obviously having a hard time with the question I had asked him. I assured him that I was not trying to take his wife from him and that I would not sleep with her in the future behind his back. He finally stammered out that he was worried that Sylvia would find his own smallish cock wanting after she had experienced my larger one. Sylvia, laughed, play slapped his chest and told him that she loved him, that she might like to try a bigger cock, but that she loved him for reasons far more important than the size of his sex. At this John seemed to relax and admitted that he would actually like to see me fuck his wife, that it was a sexy idea and that he wanted to see how I would do it.

Once we had soaped each other up pretty well and had a good time exploring one another's bodies I suggested we move somewhere more comfortable. Besides, our fingers were starting to prune. We toweled off and padded to their bedroom where we piled onto the king-sized bed. Before I knew what had happened both John and Sylvia were at my cock. I felt both hands and breath as they both seemed to want to use my body to explore parts of their sexuality which had long been ignored. Their ministrations felt wonderful, but as my aroused staff reached ever new heights of hardness I felt that I needed to redirect their attentions. I directed Sylvia to lie back while I nudged John into position to lick his wife's sex. I could smell her excitement even from several feet away, but John seemed to kiss her there only reluctantly. Seeing that this wouldn't work I suggested he let me do that and that he lick her breasts. This he did with more enthusiasm while I began to tickle the insides of Sylvia's thighs with long languorous strokes of my tongue.

I took the opportunity to visually inspect Sylvia's sex. I love looking at women close up. There is nothing so beautiful as an aroused woman's sex. It is no doubt what nature attempted to mimic with the orchid (a poor second), its fullness, softness, ripeness, color, all in perfect harmony. And yet, no two sexes are the same, each has its own unique beauty. And, oh, to be afforded the opportunity to unhurriedly open its petals, to explore its inner secrets. I traced the outer labia with my tongue while I gently prodded her mons venus with the heel of my hand. I traced the inner labia just as I had the outer while I gently separated them by using pressure from my fingers on those lovely dimples where the legs join the torso. I tickled her perineum with the very point of my tongue as Sylvia began to writhe beneath us. I motioned to John that he should take over from me. He confessed that he didn't like the taste. I told him that Sylvia tasted lovely, and even if he didn't think so, the potential reward was well worth it. With that I set back to tonguing Sylvia's sex from bottom to top, dipping my tongue into her vagina and then nibbling at her clitoris. The poor sex-starved woman was obviously close to cuming. I spread her lips apart exposing her clitoris to the cool room air and invited her husband to lick it. He did so with a wide flat tongue, I suggested pointing it and flicking it back and forth over the clitoris rapidly. He quickly got the idea and Sylvia exploded with her first orgasm of the evening.

At this point I was beginning to wonder what I had got myself into. These two not only had a routine sex life, they scarcely had explored their sexuality at all. As if to reinforce this Sylvia was embracing John and cooing to him how wonderful this had been and how he had never made her cum by kissing her before. I wondered if he had ever made her come. The woman was obviously highly orgasmic, but probably only achieved orgasm through masturbation. I figured I had two choices at this point, excuse myself and leave them to discover what they could having opened the door to their sexuality just a bit, or push them into ever more exploration right then and there. Maybe it was just because my cock was hard, but I decided on the later. I also decided that the lesson format was over, it was time for real sex.

I wrapped my arms around the embracing couple, joining their hug. I let me arms slide down their backs until I had one hand full of masculine butt, the other full of feminine. After a short kneading I slid my middle fingers down the clefts of their bottoms and found their anuses. I ran my fingers gently in circles just at the opening. They released their embrace and looked at me with twin looks of fear tinged with anticipation. I told them both to relax and said if they didn't like the way it felt they could ask me to stop and I would. With that, I slipped both fingers passed a sphincter and into each of them. This elicited a slight yelp from Sylvia, but nothing but stone silence from John. I'd have to show him what it was like to include your prostate in your sex life. I released Sylvia and pushed John down onto his back. I lowered my mouth to his cock which was hard once again. As I sucked him into my mouth, I began to stroke his prostate from inside. Sylvia caught on quickly and soon had two of her fingers up my rear end and was doing the same to me. Because John was not very big, I was able to take his entire member into my mouth with ease. I ran my tongue leisurely around the crown and then directly stimulated the glans. I began to pump my head up and down, allowing John's cock to nearly slip out before plunging it in again right to the root. Sylvia began to piston her fingers in and out of my ass, matching my rhythm. She also grasped my cock and began to stroke it as well. Within minutes John was warning me that he was about to come.

I could feel his body shiver as he approached orgasm, then suddenly he went rigid, stiff as a board, with the exception of his throbbing cock which then burst, sending a half load of semen into my waiting mouth. I quickly swallowed the first gooey stream, but kept the three which followed in my mouth. When I was sure that John had given me all that he was going to give I slipped my mouth of his quivering sex and reached back to pull Sylvia up to me. I kissed her square on the mouth and shared her husband's seed with her. As she realized what I had done her eyes grew wide, but she answered my kiss with heightened passion. When we separated, she looked deep into my eyes and said "fuck me, please."

All in good time, all in good time. I assured her I would, but first I suggested we lick her husbands deflating cock clean of cum. As the two of us tongue bathed his crotch, not paying as much attention to cleaning as to simply licking, John moaned in agony and ecstasy. Eventually he begged us to stop the overstimulation. I winked at him and told him that it was his job to get hard again as I had one more job for him. The look on his face was precious, it said everything, especially that he didn't believe he could get hard again.

Letting John recuperate, I laid back and coaxed Sylvia to come and sit on my chest. I roughly ran my hands over her breasts, squeezing and pinching the nipples. Sylvia threw her head back as she sighed. I commented, half to her, half to John, that she had marvelous breasts, that I could think of hundreds of things to do with them. I continued to play with them, marveling at the way they seemed to defy gravity, even when Sylvia was well past being in her twenties anymore. As I did this I nudged her forward until she got the idea, lifted her hips and planted her sopping cunt right on my mouth and nose. For a moment I thought I would drown in her juices, but I was able to catch my breath and began to tongue fuck her as she ground her pelvis into my face. I could see that Sylvia was getting quite worked up, but I really just wanted her ready to accept my sex into hers. So I reluctantly lifted her off my face and coaxed her hips back toward mine. At first she resisted, but once she realized what I was after she shifted herself and positioned the opening of her sex at the tip of my cock. It was clear from the look on her face that she was some what frightened. I told her that she was in control and to go at her own speed.

She used one hand to ease the crown of my sex past her labia with great care. Once she realized that my width would stretch her, but not hurt her, she gingerly eased herself down completely over my shaft. I could feel the tip of my cock press up against her cervix. (Now unless my dear reader gets the feeling that I have a swelled head, I should explain that while I am "above average" in size, I am far from prodigious. No woman has complained that I hurt them with my size. It's just that in comparison to John, Sylvia seemed to think that I was enormous). With each stroke Sylvia gained confidence and within a minute or two she seemed totally at ease. Then, to my great delight she did what so few women are capable of doing. She completely ignored me and set about pleasuring herself on my cock. Nearly every sexually sophisticated man I have ever met cherishes those few moments. It is how they want sex to be. Not selfish. But as the orgasm is approached, to take the pleasure offered and not to worry at that moment about parity. There is plenty of time to give, women should be more willing to take as well. I want to be taken.

Sylvia let her head swing from side to side as she lifted herself up and plunged herself down with increasing abandon. She emitted short staccato bursts of a scream, a high pitched wail interrupted each time she bottomed out on my cock. John had sat up mystified at this point. He gently touched his wife, who seemed not to notice his presence. I don't think she noticed any presence other than her own impending climax. At one point she nearly fell over, but reached down in the nick of time and righted herself against my chest. Then, just as she once again reached the top of her rhythm I could feel her sex begin to contract, squeezing me inside her. Her whole body began to undulate and a low warbling moan emanated from somewhere deep down in her soul. She continued to pound herself up and down against my pelvis as the orgasm swept over her entire body. She appeared to stop breathing. Then suddenly, at the top of her stroke, she froze. Her eyes opened wide. She was silent. She slowly, ever so slowly began to slide down my cock once again. I think not on purpose, but only as a result of gravity. But as she was again half way down her eyes shut, her body convulsed, she broke into sobs and collapsed onto me. She clutched at my arms with her hands and continued to sob as wave after wave of convulsions ran from her toes to her head. Finally, perhaps two or three minutes after she had begun cuming, her body became still and her sobbing quieted. She lay their quietly on my chest.

John was staring wide eyed. He looked at me and said "Good god, man, what did you do to her, I've never seen her like that."

I explained that I had done nothing, that Sylvia had given herself a wonderful orgasm and that such an event, or at least something close to it could happen almost every time they made love, if he would learn to give as well as take. I was surprised when I suddenly felt John's hand touch my cock where it disappeared into his wife. I encouraged him to explore and he soon had both hands exploring us. I could feel him slide a finger into his wife as he traced my cock's penetration of her flower. He became increasingly bold and was soon playing with my testicles and brazenly rubbing us more generally over our groins. I was still hard as nails and was definitely feeling an increasing desire to cum. But it would have been cruel to expect the prostrate Sylvia to accept my lust at that moment. I thought about taking John in the rear, but I was certain he wasn't ready for that jump yet.

I eased my stiff sex out of its warm resting place and Sylvia off my chest and onto the bed. She was conscious and aware, but scarcely moved as I did this. I invited John to masturbate me in the same way I had done him earlier. He was quite hesitant at first, but as curiosity overcame inhibition he built a good solid rhythm. He tried switching hands, and then using both hands. Actually, he was pretty good and I was getting pretty worked up. So was he. I pointed out to him that he was hard once again and began to stroke him while he continued to stroke me. I smiled at him and asked if he'd be willing to fuck me. This caught him off guard, apparently he had never even imagined the possibility. But once I assured him that I enjoyed it and was pretty sure he would too, he was willing to at least try.

I got out the Almond oil again and spread a good amount over his sex while I had Sylvia spread some onto my anus. I usually like to take a man in from the front, but I had another idea in the back of my mind, so I got down on all fours and spread my cheeks best I could. I steered John behind me and encouraged Sylvia to help him. As he touched the tip of his cock to my sphincter, I shuddered with excitement. I had to coax him into using pressure to enter me, but with Sylvia's assistance he popped the head of his cock past the circular muscle and was inside me. His cock felt wonderful as he hesitantly pushed it deeper and deeper into me. All of my feeling now focused on my poor stretched asshole and prostate. I nearly begged him to push it into me harder and faster. He tried his best to comply, but found it hard to maintain a good rhythm at first. He exclaimed about how tight I was and tried to tell Sylvia how it was different from being inside her. I lolled my head in pleasure. I had been right, he was the perfect size, and once he overcame his awkwardness he had me on the brink of orgasm for the longest time. Unfortunately I can't come from prostate stimulation alone. And now I really NEEDED to come.

I nearly begged Sylvia to lay beneath me. It took a little repositioning and verbal instruction, but without losing John's sex in my rump, I got Sylvia beneath me where, with a little more adjustment I was able to slip my raging hard on into her still hot wet spot. We fumbled a little bit with the awkward position, but soon we reached a sychronatic movement. I would thrust forward, plunging my cock deep into Sylvia as she came forward to meet me, and as I would pull out of Sylvia and swing my hips back, John would thrust his pole into my aching ass. I literally had the best of two worlds. John and Sylvia had been inexperienced and somewhat innocent, but they were proving to be adept learners. I closed my eyes and surrendered to the double pounding I was receiving. I could feel the orgasm begin to form at the base of my spine. It collected there in an overgrowing whirlpool of burgeoning lightening and thunder. My head began to spin. I lost control of my bodily movements and began bucking back and forth between Sylvia and John like an animal gone rabid. And then the orgasm burst forth and consumed first my balls, then my cock. Semen rushed forward at the speed of light to be ejaculated with incredible force from the end of my sex and deep into Sylvia's while my rectum convulsed spastically squeezing John's sex in a grip of lust. And then it really hit me. A lightening quick ball of bright white light raced up my spine, through the back of my head and exploded inside my brain. For an instant I saw every color of the rainbow, heard every sound ever made, traveled to distant planets . . . and then I blacked out. I seem to remember just before blacking out the twin calls of John and Sylvia, "I'm cu-u-ummmmm-i-ing." But, I'm not sure, it may have been my imagination.

I'm not sure how long I was out. A couple hours at least because when I awoke it was after 2:00am. I went into the bathroom, relieved myself and then took a short shower to clean up. I walked back into the bedroom while toweling off only to find that John and Sylvia were once again awake and screwing each other. When I got a little closer, I realized they weren't just having sex, John was in Sylvia's bottom. I smiled at them both. They slowed down long enough to allow me to kiss them both good night. I told them that I would be going home now, but that I would call them in the morning. They grunted assent and continued their lascivious dance.

On my way out I heard John call to me. I turned and said "Yes?"

He answered "Thank you . . . just . . . Thank you!"

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