A Man and His Fag

By scotland calling

Published on Apr 6, 2015


A Man and his fag Part 4, * A pig is born*by fatsow

M/m, Humil.

*Disclaimer: The story is fictionalised, contains descriptions of sex and is here for the entertainment of ADULTS ONLY. If you are not an adult, stop reading. If reading stories of a sexual nature upsets you, read no further. If you read further, you accept that you wilfully gained access to this material, that you are an adult aged 21 years old or older and that this story does not offend the standards or violate any law in your area.*The Master had said. The fag had been checking with its Master when it might visit, when its Owner had said, "Or you might like to consider visiting me earlier, considering how long you've left it since last time". The fag blushed. It had annoyed its Lord. It would have to visit as soon as possible. So it searched the internet for flights and hotels. It found a weekend and sought its Master's permission to visit. Its Master simply said, "Fine. I will use you on the Saturday evening and the Sunday morning." He then gave the fag his new address.

The fag was overjoyed. Purpose and meaning had been given to it for its existence when it had first met the man who now owned it. The man who realised that this submissive, middle-aged fag had a secret need to serve, to become property. The man who was slowly remoulding his slave's mind by stripping away the thin surface of respectability and replacing it with constant humiliation, constantly reminding it of its place.

The fag now accepted it existed to serve, to amuse and to entertain its Owner. The fag now accepted it existed to consume its Lord's spit and piss. After some resistance, the fag now accepted it existed to become a toilet for its Master. The Master was patient. It knew the fag was docile and willing. It simply had to be led step by step. The fag knew too. Somehow its Master had branded its brain with the reality that had been hidden from it for so long - that it was a thing, that it was property, that it was a slave.

And now the Master had said he would use the fag. The beautiful, god-like Master whose body was perfection. The Master who dominated with ease the fag slave that looked old enough to be his father but in reality was about to become his pet pig.

Later on, as the date approached, the fag's computer showed its Master was calling. It closed down everything else and answered the call. The Master asked for the specific times of the visit. The fag complied. "Good" said the Master." I was planning to use you the Saturday and Sunday. Now you will call on me on the Thursday evening. I will use you and give you a set of keys. On the Friday you will clean my flat, then greet me when I arrive home from work and then I will use you again. I will use you again on the Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Check your e-mails. I will tell you when to arrive."

On the Thursday, when the faggot arrived and checked into its hotel it was dark. It went to its room and changed into a jockstrap and sweatpants for its lower body and wore a zip-up top on its upper body. That way it hoped any part of its body that its Master wished to use would be easily accessible. After double checking the address, the faggot went to its Master's apartment block and rang the bell. The Master asked who it was. "Your property come to be with its Owner" replied the faggot and its Master let it in.

Arriving at the door of the apartment, the faggot saw it was open. It went in and closed the door behind it. The slave walked along the hall to the main room. It saw its Owner there. It entered, knelt, then prostrated itself on the floor at its Owner's feet, and thanked its Lord for agreeing to use it. The Master trampled over it and wiped the soles of his shoes on its face. Then he stepped off. The slave looked up. Its Master had unzipped his fly and had taken his cock out. He was stroking it gently. When he saw the fag looking up he stopped. His gorgeous cock stood jutting out from his body. "You may kiss it" was all he said. The fag struggled to its knees and kissed the tip of its Master's cock. As it did so the Master cupped his hand on the back of the slave's head. The slave obediently opened its mouth fully and the Master rammed his stiff cock in. Balls deep.

After a while the fag began to gag. Relaxing his grip to hold the fags nose closed to force it to open its mouth more, the Master growled "Stop gagging and get sucking." Then grabbing the fag's ears he slowly pounded the fag's throat. Long slow thrusts, stopping deep in the fag's gullet. Then swiftly out as the fag gagged and then slowly, deeply back in. Suddenly, without warning he shoved the fag to the floor and zipped up his fly. "Wash the plates and cutlery and the stuff in the kitchen, then come to the bedroom." he said. The slave thanked its Owner and scuttled off to the kitchen.

When it had finished in the kitchen it hurried to the bedroom and knelt beside its Lord's bed. He was stroking his dick again. His painfully perfect dick. As the slave knelt its Owner stood. The faggot opened its mouth but the Master held its chin. He stared down at the subhuman scum at his feet. As he did the fag felt its Master's eyes drilling into its brain. The fag wanted to shift its gaze but the Master held its chin firm.

By now the faggot creature felt its Master's will inside it, inside its brain. It still wanted to look down but couldn't. The Master then gently spread the fag's knees apart and kneed the faggot hard in the balls. "Thank you Master" said the worm. The Master kneed its balls hard again. And again. And again. Each time the slave said "Thank you Master". Each time signalling subservience, accepting control, acknowledging ownership.

The Master rolled back onto the bed. "Lick my feet" he said and his property obeyed. First one big toe, then in between the toes, then all five toes into its mouth. When all five were in the Master pushed his foot in further. The slave drooled and gagged. Then the other foot. Then the soles, the heels and the top of the feet. "Balls." said the Master and the fag shifted up to the Master's glorious balls, sucking first one, then the other, then both. Massaging them slowly with its tongue. Then the Master, who had been gently stroking his dick pointed it down towards his bitch's mouth. The bitch left the balls and lowered its mouth onto its Owner's dick, slowly, down and down, impaling itself. Then its Lord grabbed its ears and began to pump his bitch's face again.

The bitch submitted. It had no choice. It had no will. It was a slave. Its Master's slave. It was property. Its Owner's property. It was created as a subhuman to serve its superhuman Lord. It was happy knowing this, being this, accepting this.

The face fucking slowed in speed and then the Master came. Spurt after spurt of cum flooded into the slut's mouth. It tasted so good. The faggot savoured it and collected it in its mouth. Eventually, when the Master had finished feeding the sow, it opened its mouth to show its Owner. "Swallow it, then clean my cock." he commanded, breathing heavily. The fag obeyed. The fresh warm testosterone filled jizz went into its belly. Its Master's spunk was the only real testosterone the fag had ever known. Then it licked its Master's awesome cock. Slowly, gently, inside and outside the foreskin. And slowly his cock began to swell and rise again, showing his sheer superiority. Showing his supremacy.

When it once again filled the fat sow's mouth, the Master spoke again. "Stand", he said. The fag did as it was ordered. "Open the wardrobe behind you." The fag obeyed. "In the bottom there is a something metal. Bring it out. Be careful with it. You'll need both hands to move it." The fag bent down, saw a black metal frame and slid it out. The Master motioned that it should rest the frame on the bed. "Do you know what it is?" he asked. "Yes Master." replied the bitch. "It's a toilet seat." "Of course" replied the Master. "Assemble it."

The worm studied the seat. It was flat but that was because its legs had been bolted to the top. So it started to undo the bolts. "Clever fag." said its Owner and the worm looked over and saw its Lord stroking his majestic cock. The fag hurried, unbolting the legs, swinging them out, bolting them in place again, until it formed a toilet seat resting on two side legs. "Over there." said its Owner pointing to the corner of the room. The fag lifted the toilet seat and moved it over to the corner. As it did so its Master threw a pillow. His property, the slave, placed his other property, the toilet seat, down in the corner. It put the pillow down next to it. Then it lay back and put the back of its head on the pillow. Then it slid its head on the pillow under the seat, under the rim, under the toilet.

The slave had never done this before. Its heart was pounding. It knew it was a subhuman piece of shit and that it belonged there, but the experience was new. On an earlier visit, it had said it thought it wouldn't be able to lick ass. Its Master was visibly annoyed but wise enough not to push the point too hard. The Master had read up on sex and slaves. He knew that the slut was still feeling its way towards the release of full acceptance of its worthlessness. He also knew the fag had developed a lot since its first meeting. So the Master had waited, certain in the knowledge that it would happen.

This was the first visit since that shameful refusal and, although it had been a while, the Master had been making good use of the time by grooming the fag with suggestions and thoughts. The fag had dutifully read on the internet about the place of a slave and had watched videos of asses and rimming. So now here it was, one visit later, lying under a toilet seat, waiting, mouth open. The Master had been right. All that had been needed was a little time and a little coaching and the fag's knowledge of what it was and what it must do had done the rest. Last time it hadn't happened. This time it was about to.

The Master got off the bed and walked slowly over to the toilet seat. He was stroking his cock. He leaned over the fag and swirled his saliva in his mouth. Then he spat at the fag. A large blob of warm spit landed in the fag's mouth. It swallowed. "Thank you Master" it said. The Master spat again. "Thank you Master" the fag repeated. The Master smiled and dropped his pants. And paused. Then he turned around and the fag saw his firm pert buttocks. Again the Master paused.

The fag was becoming desperate. Desperate to show its loyalty. Desperate to show atonement for its sin of refusal on the previous visit. It raised its head and stretched its tongue out. The Master was looking round and saw this and he smiled. He had been right.

He sat down. The slave strained its tongue upward to get its first ever feel of ass. Its first ever taste of a man's ass hole. Now nothing else mattered. It must do it. It existed to serve. And then it happened. The first taste. Warm, somehow bitter sweet. And perfect, like everything else about its Master. For a second the fag let its tongue linger, then it licked. It licked as if its life depended on it. It licked not only for the time since its refusal at the last visit but for all those wasted years when it had falsely believed it was a human. It licked in freedom. In joy. Another artificial barrier had been broken. The slave had been broken. It had fallen to a lower level than it had ever been at before. The sow was now a pig.

And its Master seemed pleased too. He dropped his weight lower. The springs in the toilet seat creaked and stretched. He ground his ass down on the pig's tongue. The pig licked. It grabbed the frame of the toilet seat to raise its head closer to its Master's ass hole. It could see nothing but ass. It could taste nothing but ass. It could barely breathe. The subhuman was becoming delirious. But it licked and licked. Then it felt its Owner shift his weight. The firm pressure on its face was relaxed. The pig also relaxed a little. Its first feeding frenzy was over. It could now for the first time see its actual pink ass hole. It was, of course, beautiful and perfect. How could it be anything else. And the pig licked it. Slow sweeping strokes across it. Short jabs to try and penetrate its hidden glories.

As the pig was performing its function its Owner leaned forward. It unzipped the faggot's top to reveal the worm's tits. The fag had slowly been developing them into sow titties for its Master. They were big and fat, like pencil erasers. And now its Lord made good use of the swollen titties the faggot had made by grabbing one in each hand, tightly gripped between finger and thumb. The slave moaned. "Shut up!" commanded its Master. Then he slowly pulled. The faggot felt them stretch. It whimpered in protest. The Master kept on pulling. The faggot had to raise its back off the floor as its big, fat tits continued to be pulled higher. As it whimpered, it paused in licking. "Shut up!" barked its Owner "And concentrate on what you're supposed to be doing." So the slut shut up and licked.

When the Master eventually stood up, the pig felt an almost physical twinge of pain. It looked longingly at the ass now moving away from it. "Thank you Master." it said. "Thank you Master for letting your slave become your pig. Thank you Master. Thank you, thank you, thank you." Its Master smiled and indicated with a finger that the slave should come out from under the toilet seat. The worm slid out and stumbled to its knees. Its Lord held out his ballsack in his hand. The slave took his balls in its mouth and suckled them as its Owner stroked his magnificent cock. Soon he came, the cum shooting right up his shirt.

He pushed the slave off and started to take his shirt off. As he did so he paused as if a thought had suddenly struck him. As he peeled off his shirt, revealing his god like body, he turned around. For a split second the faggot was saddened but then its slow subhuman brain realised that its Lord's ass was now in front of its nose. It's heart leaped. Gently it placed one hand on each of each of its Master's gorgeous firm ass globes and leaned forward to softly lick the crack between, parting the globes as it did. Soon it was rewarded with a view of its Owner's ass hole. It kissed it. Abruptly its Master turned around. "Put the chair away" he said and then he flopped back onto the bed.

The faggot was disappointed but obeyed. It undid the bolts, it swung the sides up and bolted them in place. It knelt down to slide the folded toilet seat into its shelf in the wardrobe. As it stood up to close the door it noticed that its Master was now standing in front of it with his cock out. The slave looked up awaiting its orders. "I need to pee" was all he said. "Your slave apologises Master but it is out of practice and may have to pause between gulps." admitted a shamefaced faggot. "Pathetic." was the reply. "Raise a hand if you need to pause." he continued as he started to piss. The slave felt it hit the back of its mouth. It was strong. It swallowed. The piss kept on coming. It swallowed again and again. The piss never stopped flowing. It raised a hand. The flow paused, then continued. Fresh warm man piss filled its belly as it swallowed and swallowed, then raised a hand and swallowed and swallowed again. "You need more practice." snapped the Master angrily.

Once the flow stopped the Master said, "Clean it". The faggot licked the head of its Master's cock, outside and inside the foreskin. It's Master then put his now soft cock back in his pants and zipped up. "Now get out" he snapped. The faggot turned and walked sadly to the front door. As it opened the door it felt the presence of its Master behind it. It turned. The Master said "You'll need these." and dropped a set of house keys into his slave's hand. I expect you to be here at 9. I'll be at work but you'll clean the whole flat and be here for me when I return." The faggot accepted that it was simply a thing to be used as and when its Owner desired. Sometimes a sex slave, sometimes a house slave, but always a slave. As nature had intended.

This story is copyright 2015 by fatsow. You may download and keep a copy for personal use if the author's byline and this paragraph remain on the copy. Please do not post this sory to any other web site without the author's permission. All other rights reserved. No alteration of the contents is permitted. Feedback is welcome. Flames are ignored. fatsow can be reached at the address on this story.

Next: Chapter 8: A Man and His Fag II 5

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