A Man and His Fag

By scotland calling

Published on Mar 25, 2010


A Man and his fag*, Part 3 by fatsow

M/m, Humil.

*This is my first story, so please bear that in mind while reading! *Disclaimer: The story is fictionalised, contains descriptions of sex and is here for the entertainment of ADULTS ONLY. If you are not an adult, stop reading. If reading stories of a sexual nature upsets you, read no further. If you read further, you accept that you wilfully gained access to this material, that you are an adult aged 21 years old or older and that this story does not offend the standards or violate any law in your area.

*He looked down at his fag once more and ordered him to bend its legs up. The fag obeyed and the Master relaxed and leant back on his fag's thighs.

Suddenly the Master shifted forwards again and his fag opened his mouth again. This time it was not fed either balls or cock. The Master moved forward till he was standing in front of his fag's head. Then the Master sat down. On his fag's face. The fag was amazed. Partly because like the last move, it had not been expecting this. But partly also because it could no longer breathe. The fag knew the Master had a lean, tight, firm arse. How could it so completely cover his fag's face so that neither its nose nor its mouth could breathe in anything?

Realising it could do nothing about it until the Master moved, the fag stuck out its tongue. Feeling the Master's soft fleshy pucker, it began to lick once more. When the fag started to run out of breath, it started to wave its arms about. The Master, after a bit, then bounced back onto his fag's belly again and idly started stroking his cock again.

He leant forward to look at his fag underneath him and smiled at the docile, servile submissive below him. He stuck his thumb into his fag's mouth and the fag immediately started to suck on it. The Master leant closer to his fag's face. Suddenly, without warning, he removed his thumb and spat on his fag's face.

"Thank you Master." said the fag.

The Master smiled. "Did you like that scum?"

"Yes Master."


"Anything of yours Master, anything from you I like and am grateful for Master. Anything from your body, any of your liquids I like Master." explained his fag.

"Good fag." said the Master grinning broadly and he leant down close to the fag's face again.

The fag opened its mouth and stretched out its tongue. The Master spat into his fag's mouth. When his fag felt the warm sticky goo land in its mouth, it swallowed the spit.

The Master leant back again onto the backrest provided by his fag's legs. He was stroking his cock again. He shuffled forward again till he was sitting on his fag`s shoulders. Then he aimed his cock down once more, pointing it at his fag's mouth. The fag opened its mouth and the Master dipped his cock in, then slid forward. When his feet touched the floor, he started to bend his knees so his cock continued its journey, sliding down and into his fag.

When he was satisfied with the depth he looked down at the fag, with his cock deep in the fag's mouth. His fag, speared on the Master's cock, could do nothing until the Master chose to move. The fag could only look up and see a beautifully dominant Master standing above it. Or the fag could simply feel the dominance of the Master's cock in its throat. Or taste the Master's dominance in its mouth. When his fag began to gag again and to wave its arms about, the Master flopped back onto his fag's belly once more.

He leant forward and asked his fag, "Do you want slapped scum?"

"Yes Master," the fag replied, "if it would amuse you Master".

"No," said the Master, "do YOU wanted slapped scum?"

"Yes Master." There was a pause while the Master just looked at his fag.

"I don't hear you begging fag", he said softly.

"Please Master, please, please I beg you. Please slap me. Please Master I beg you."

"That's better fag. Okay fag, since you asked so nicely, which side would you like slapped scum?" asked the Master.

"The right side Master." replied the fag.

"Your right?" asked the Master. His fag nodded.

"Oh no." said the Master softly. "Your left side. My right arm is stronger."

"Thank you Master." replied the fag.

"Don't forget to count."

Slap. The fag felt its cheek sting, and was sure its teeth rattled.

"One Master, thank you Master."


"Two Master, thank you Master."

Then the Master stopped and smiled, pleased to have seen just how completely submissive and unquestioningly obedient his fag would be.

"That's enough for now. Maybe you'll get more next time."

The Master leant back again and rested on his fag's thighs, using his right hand to stroke his cock again. After a short while he started to move forward once more. His fag opened its mouth, expecting to be fed more cock. Instead the Master moved forward till he could clamp his fag's face tightly between his legs.

The fag's face was now fixed as the Master, sitting on his fag's chest, continued stroking his cock just above his fag's chin. Then the Master's cock erupted again. The first shot sped over his fag's head. Angling his cock for a better aim, the Master blasted the next few shots of his cum onto his fag's forehead, its nose, its cheek, its chin.

"Looks good fag." he said looking down and grinning, before resting once more on his fag's thighs.

The Master didn't stay still for long though. He stood up, then got back onto the bed, but this time with his feet resting on his fag's belly. He laid back.

"Bring me a glass of water slave." he said.

His fag, his loyal servant, got up and hurried to the bathroom. It filled a glass with water and returned to the bedroom. It gave the glass to the Master. The Master took the glass and started to drink.

"Clean me." he said, as he drank the water.

His fag went to the end of the bed and climbed up. It crawled to the Master's cock. It took the cock in its mouth and suckled on it gently. Licking the sides clean, sucking the cum out softly, it saw a few more flashes go off. The Master had reached for the camera again.

Suddenly the Master said, "Toilet time fag." and looked down at his fag.

His fag scurried to its feet and followed the Master into the bathroom. The fag knelt by the bowl.

"Wait." said the Master.

His fag stayed kneeling, mouth open, watching the Master. The Master waited until he was sure he had a ready supply, then placed his cock in his fag's mouth. The fag closed its mouth and the Master's piss started to flow. Just a dribble at first, which his fag swallowed. Then a mouthful. Slightly bitter, old tasting piss. His fag swallowed.

Then the Master pulled out his cock and cupped it upwards out of reach. He gave his fag a questioning look.

"Thank you Master for letting me drink your piss. Thank you for letting me be your toilet, Master." said the fag.

The Master smiled and let his cock drop down again and pointed it at his fag's face. The fag took the swollen cock into its mouth once more. More piss began to flow out. Fresh, warm man piss began to fill the fag's belly. The sounds of swallowing echoed in the tiled, empty bathroom. Empty that is, except for a man and his fag. A man pissing and a fag swallowing. A Master and the slave he owned.

The Master pulled his cock back and his fag followed it with its mouth.

"No." said the Master, "Don't touch it."

The fag stayed still and the Master started to piss again. His fag moved forward to catch it.

"No!" ordered the Master.

His fag stopped moving. The Master aimed the flow of piss at his fag's open mouth, then its lips and chin, and then slowly flicked his cock from side to side. Some piss went into his fag's mouth, some over its face and body, some over the tiled floor. When he had finished, the Master shook the last few drops over his fag's head.

"Dry my feet fag." he said.

The fag picked up one of the towels from the towel rail, gently raised the Master's foot and rubbed it dry. It did the same with the other foot. When the Master was satisfied he walked out of the bathroom.

"Lick up the mess scum." he ordered as he left.

His fag looked at the floor. The puddles and patches of piss. It bent forward. It licked the patches of piss carefully making sure it was getting it all. It went to the puddles, put its lips into them and sucked. When the puddles had shrunk to smaller sizes, the fag started to lick up the remaining patches of piss.

Soon the Master was back. His fag was puzzled. It wasn't finished yet. The floor was not clean enough for the Master to inspect. His fag continued his work. Licking the floor with long, slow, sweeping strokes of its tongue to make sure it got everything.

"Good fag." said the Master.

His fag started to look up.

"Don't move." ordered the Master.

The fag lowered its head back down. The Master started to piss again. The glass of water he had had earlier had now gone through him. He produced a long, flowing waterfall of piss. Waves of piss. Rivers of piss.

As he did he hosed down his fag from head to toe. He sprayed his fag in long, slow sweeps, up and down. The fag was as wet as if it had been standing under the shower.

When he had finished the Master said simply, "Feet."

His fag took the towel and dried the Master's feet again. The Master looked down and smiled.

"Clean up this mess fag." was all he said as he left.

His fag crawled on all fours through the piss, sucking and licking. After a while the Master returned, dressed, to watch. He stood by the side of the door, leaning against the wall. He watched his fag slurp, suck and swallow its way through the lake of piss that covered the bathroom floor.

After a while the Master said, "Use the towel fag. And hurry up. Then get dressed."

His fag took the towel and pushed wave after wave of piss towards the drain. Once the floor was only damp the fag stood up. It looked at itself in the bathroom mirror. Its body shone with the Master's piss. Its face was still spattered with the Master's cum.

"Master, may I shower myself?" it asked.

"One minute." was the reply.

His fag turned the shower on and stood underneath.

Then the Master, standing in the doorway, said "One minute to get ready to go out."

His fag, horrified, switched off the shower, ran into the bedroom and threw its clothes back on its wet body. The Master was waiting by the door. He opened the door, took the key to the room, and his fag followed him out. It had no idea where the Master was taking it and no idea what would happen to it when it got there. It only hoped that whatever happened, it would be allowed to do all of it all over again.

This story is copyright 2010 by fatsow. You may download and keep a copy for personal use if the author's byline and this paragraph remain on the copy. Please do not post this sory to any other web site without the author's permission. All other rights reserved. No alteration of the contents is permitted. Feedback is welcome. Flames are ignored. fatsow can be reached at the address on this story. * *

Next: Chapter 4: A Man and His Fag II 1

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