A Man and His Fag

By scotland calling

Published on Mar 23, 2010


A Man and his fag*, Part 2 by fatsow

M/m, Humil.

You can tell this is my first story: I forgot to say there was more, but please bear in mind while reading that it's a learner here!

Disclaimer: The story is fictionalised, contains descriptions of sex and is here for the entertainment of ADULTS ONLY. If you are not an adult, stop reading. If reading stories of a sexual nature upsets you, read no further. If you read further, you accept that you wilfully gained access to this material, that you are an adult aged 21 years old or older and that this story does not offend the standards or violate any law in your area.

*"Feel good fag?" asked the Master.

His fag replied but by now what it said was smothered by the fact that its lips were pressed against the Master's arse.

"Up." said the Master and his fag raised its head while the Master put his legs back down.

The fag looked up and the Master smiled down at his fag. While his fag had licked the Master's balls, the Master had stroked his cock. While his fag had licked the Master's arse, the Master had stroked his cock. As his fag looked up, the Master was stroking his cock.

"Do you want to eat my cum fag?", he asked.

"Yes Master."

The Master took his free hand and guided his fag's mouth round to the tip of his cock. The cock was swollen and the slit on the head seemed to swell before the fag's eyes.

"Open." the Master ordered.

His fag obeyed. The Master let just the tip of his cock rest in his fag's mouth as he continued to stroke. Suddenly his cock erupted. His fag felt the first blast hit the inside of its cheek. It angled its head round a bit and the second blast hit the back of its throat and went straight down. It savoured the beautiful, slightly sour, slightly salty taste of the Master's cum.

Further blasts shot straight into the fag's throat, then later ones collected in its mouth. Once the Master had relaxed, his fag swallowed, grateful to have been fed fresh, warm, man juice. Abruptly the Master stood up and strode over to the bed. He lay down while he looked at his fag, folded his hands behind his head and relaxed.

"Clean me fag." he said.

His fag crawled to the foot of the bed and climbed up. Again it knelt between the Master's legs and bent forward to lick his cock, to clean up the cum and to clean out the cum. It sucked gently and lowered its mouth so that its nose nestled in the Master's pubic hair as it used his tongue to lick the cock clean.

It stayed there, happy to have been fed the Master's cum, happy to have the Master's cock resting in its mouth, happy to be kneeling between the Master's feet. The Master was not interested if his fag was happy or not. He pushed his fag on the forehead.

The fag raised its head. The Master cupped his weighty balls in his hand. He did not need to say anything. Reluctantly the fag left the Master's cock. Licking down the sides of the shaft as it positioned itself lower down the bed. It licked the Master's balls, slowly, lovingly.

It heard the Master say, "In your mouth fag."

It sucked one of the Master's balls into its mouth and swirled it around, caressing it gently with its tongue. Then it did the same with the other ball.

"Both fag."

His fag opened its mouth wider and sucked in both balls, sucking them softly. It moved its tongue round them until it felt another shove, this time on the top of its head.

As it slowly, sadly left the Master's balls, the Master raised his hips. His fag crawled to the Master's arse. Once there the Master dropped his legs onto his fag's shoulders, pressing in to push the fag lower and closer. To push his fag into the Master's arse again.

It pushed its tongue through the nest of wiry hair. Pushed until it could feel the Master's body under its tongue. Pushed until it was rasping its tongue over the Master's arse once more. Serving as toilet paper for the Master as the Master had willed. After a minute or two the Master gave his fag a new order.

"Massage my feet for a while."

The fag moved backwards, off the end of the bed onto the floor. It knelt there and started to massage the Master's feet with its fingers.

"Please Master, may I take your socks off?" it asked.

"Fine. Go ahead sow."

The fag gently removed the Master's socks and folded them carefully, placing them on the arm of the chair nearby. The Master watched and smiled. His fag paused to admire the Master's beautiful feet. Long and slender like the rest of him. And, like the rest of him, with just the right amount of wiry, jet black hair, which showed the Master to be the man he was, but not too much to hide the beauty of the body underneath.

It licked the big toe of the Master's right foot, then slipped the toe into its mouth and sucked. It licked over the other toes of that foot and slipped them one by one in turn into its mouth and sucked. Then it took all five toes into its mouth. The Master pushed his foot to see how deep it would go into his fag. The fag did the same with the other foot.

"Between the toes scum." called out the Master and his fag licked between the big toe of the right foot and the next toe and worked its way down, cleaning and tilting its head to one side to give a better service to the Master.

It was about repeat this on the other foot when the Master asked, "You got a camera fag?"

"Yes Master." replied the fag.

"Get it and bring it to me." ordered the Master.

His fag got up and scampered over to the table. It picked up its camera and took it out of its pouch. It turned back round towards the Master and noticed that he had now taken his shirt off. His lean, lithe body, dusted where it mattered with more of that by now familiar wiry, jet black hair, now fully exposed to view. The fag's eyes drank in the beautiful body, the body of a man effortlessly enjoying using, dominating and humiliating his fag, until it noticed the Master looking at it.

Snapped out of its dream the fag gave the camera to the Master and returned to kneel at the end of the bed. The Master looked down at it. Looked down at it through the lens of the camera.

"Carry on scum." he said.

His fag carried on, licking carefully between the toes of the other foot. Once it had finished doing that, it returned to the right foot, but as it was licking the foot and worshipping it, the Master raised it up. His fag raised its face and stuck its tongue out. The Master wiped the sole of his foot along his fag's tongue.

His fag held the Master's ankle to make it easier for him. The Master took the opportunity to press his foot full against his fag's face and squeeze his fag's nose between his toes. As his fag knelt there, holding the foot which was covering its mouth and squeezing its nose, it saw the first flash go off.

The Master lowered his foot and his fag returned to work. Sucking the toes; the small toes, the big toes. Licking the feet; the top of each foot, the sole of each foot. The fag was aware as it did so of the flash of the camera going off, whenever the view pleased the Master. Then the Master raised his foot again. His fag dutifully stuck out its tongue again as the Master wiped the sole of his foot down his fag's face.

As he finished, as his fag's tongue was stretched between the big toe and the toe next to it, the Master said, simply, "Fag."

His fag looked up. Straight at the Master. Straight at the camera. The flash went off and for a while the fag could see nothing but a bright light. When the bright light died away, the fag returned to its duties. Sucking toes and licking feet. Long, slow, deferential licks of its tongue as it worshipped the Master's feet. One foot, then the other, each getting equal attention.

"Work on my cock scum." said the Master and his fag climbed back onto the bed and crawled forward to transfer its worshipping tongue from the Master's feet to the Master's cock.

It licked the Master's cock lovingly. Along the sides, over the head. It opened its mouth and slipped its lips over the top of the cock. It slid down the cock, slowly swallowing its length. The fag rested there with its mouth full of its Master's cock. Sucking it all. Feeling it come to life. Feeling it swell and stiffen.

"Work it fag." snapped the Master and his fag did its best to suck its way up the cock and slide back down again, but it wasn't doing it well enough to please.

"Do it rhythmically." snarled the Master.

The fag tried its pathetic best. The Master sat up, annoyed.

"No!" he spat, grabbing his fags ears.

"Rhythmically." he said again as he pumped his fag's head over his cock, rhythmically pounding his cock into his fag's throat.

His fag coughed, gagged, choked and spluttered. The fag knew that this didn't really matter. The Master was taking his pleasure. That mattered. Besides, his fag knew it had failed to please, so if its throat took a bit of punishment as a result, that was only fair. The Master was still not satisfied though. He got up off the bed and told his fag to turn over, to lie on its back, and to turn its body so that its head was at the edge of the bed. So that its head was over the edge of the bed, hanging down.

The fag knew what was coming but it didn't mind. For a second or two it had a full view of the Master standing before it, above it, naked and dominant. And, for both these reasons, beautiful. But the view only lasted a second or two before the Master lined up his cock in front of the fag. His fag willingly opened his mouth.

The Master plunged his cock in. Drove it deep. The Master played around with various angles and directions, all the time driving his cock deep into his fag. Into its throat. He soon found what he was looking for though and set up a steady rhythm, a steady pumping, a steady pounding. His fag could feel its throat being battered, being raped.

Unable to breathe during strokes, it gagged and spluttered between strokes. Saliva shone on the Master's cock and trailed from it into his fag's mouth. After the Master had taken his fill of pleasure from this, he pulled out his rock hard cock.

"That's a face fuck for you." he told his fag and his fag thanked the Master for his generosity.

Once more the Master told his fag to move. This time so that its head was on the edge of the bed but not leaning over the edge. This time the fag had no idea what to expect. So when the Master turned from facing its head to standing over its head, his fag was not prepared when the Master dropped down onto the fag's belly. A comfy seat for the Master but one which winded his fag who struggled to gulp in air with the Master's weight sitting on its belly. But it didn't really matter.

The fag looked up at the Master looking down. The fag took in the beautiful balls, the gorgeous cock, the chest with its perfect proportion of hair, and the smiling face. It acknowledged the masterful, superior mind dominating and controlling its own and knew its place was to be this man's plaything, his possession, his property, his slave.

The Master sat there, on his fag's belly, stroking his cock. Suddenly he moved forward to sit with his legs draped over his fag's shoulders. His fag, expecting the Master's balls, opened its mouth. But instead of his balls, the Master took his cock and pointed it downwards. Pointing towards his fag's open mouth. Then the Master slowly slid himself forward and the cock lowered, entering his fag. The Master's thighs clasped his fag's face and the Master bent his knees.

Down went the cock into his fag's mouth and down further still. Pointing his cock vertically downwards, the Master lowered it into his fag's throat, then let his legs dip it in at the depth he wanted. When his fag started to gag, the Master bounced back onto his fag's belly. There he started to stroke his cock again. He looked down at his fag once more and ordered him to bend its legs up. The fag obeyed and the Master relaxed and leant back on his fag's thighs.

This story is copyright 2010 by fatsow. You may download and keep a copy for personal use if the author's byline and this paragraph remain on the copy. Please do not post this sory to any other web site without the author's permission. All other rights reserved. No alteration of the contents is permitted. Feedback is welcome. Flames are ignored. fatsow can be reached at the address on this story.

Next: Chapter 3

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