A Male Models Journey to Submission

By dexter 67

Published on Jun 2, 2023


(Mm, dom, slow)

A Male Model's Journey to Submission - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  1. Unequal

"What did you think of the gala banquet the other night?" asked Mr. West when he walked down in the basement to check how Juan was doing.

The fashion model stopped the weightlifting. "I dunno..." panted Juan.

"Yes, you do", smiled Mr. West as he moved a hand over Juan's back and grabbed an ass cheek.

"He was special, that guy", Juan said.

"You mean Haamid, who you entertained in the conference room?", Mr. West said as he grabbed the other cheek.


"In what way...?"

"He was both angry, excited and horny."

"Didn't he spit you in the face?" As the man asked, he grabbed Juan's ballsack.

"Yeah...", Juan answered and looked at Mr. West. How could he know that was happening?

"I know. He told me", the man said when he saw the surprise on Juan's face. "What did you think about that?"

Juan looked down at the floor.

"Haamid said you leaked pre-cum while he used you. You really enjoyed the roughness, didn't you?"

Mr. West fondled Juan's balls as he observed how his boy reacted.

"You know you're not equal to men like him or me? You are inferior because you need guidance and instructions from strong, charismatic and dominant men. I told Haamid not to ask you if you wanted to have sex, only demand it. And you went along. You could have backed out, left the conference room where he fucked you. But you stayed. Your cock was hard and you wanted him to take charge."

Mr. West yanked Juan's ball sack hard to make him look up. When their eyes met, the man said, "Don't lie to me. You love to be fucked the way Haamid fucked you."

Juan was embarrassed. He blushed and remained silent until the man again yanked the ball sack outward from his body.

"Okay... it was hot..."

It was humiliating for Juan to acknowledge his deepest feelings. It was emotions he didn't know he had. And now Mr. West exposed them, revealed the truth in a way that Juan couldn't deny or try to hide anymore.

"Yes, you loved it when an alpha male dominated you and decided what to do with you without asking for permission", the man smiled. A new victory. Juan began to understand who he was, what he was. One more step in the journey to submission.

"We talked at length about how you acted in different situation. You were surprised, confused and a bit scared but your eagerness to be fucked triumphed over all your doubt. Haamid was very pleased. He thought you encouraged him to be harsh, that you wanted him to be. Was he right?"

"I didn't tell him to be", Juan tried to defend himself.

"But could you not have given that impression? That you want him to take charge. Be strong and dominating?"

"Perhaps... yes..."

"Good. I know you did. When pre-cum flows out of a boy he is excited", the man smiled. "Haamid told me he interpreted it that way."

The next day Juan had exercised for half an hour when Mr. West walked in with two men. He recognized them. In their 40s, Juan thought. They made him suck them both, going between them back and forth.

Juan put the weights down. Sweat ran along his naked body.

"My friends here - Ian and Jason - loved your service last time. They have since then moved their company's advertising account to our agency", he said to Juan and then turned to the two men. "He's yours" and then Mr. West walked out.

Juan was panting after his workout, not knowing what would happen. The men were eating him with their eyes. The kind of attention Juan lived for, even if those two looked like ordinary middle-aged men. But something in their attitude and posture made Juan assume they were determined men who knew what they wanted and made it happen.

Without a word one of them walked up to him and opened his pants. It made Juan go down on his knees. Nothing was said.

The man slapped his soft cock on Juan's cheeks and nose before pointing it to his lips. Juan opened his mouth and started to suck. It was nice to feel how the cock was growing hard in his mouth. The man put a hand on Juan's head and moaned.

The other man kneeled behind Juan, spat in his hand and then put it in the crack between Juan's cheeks. As the first man started to fuck Juan's face the other one put a finger to Juan's ring-muscle and pushed it into him. It was the first time Juan had something in both his holes at the same time.

Then the finger was gone. Juan was busy keeping the front man happy with his mouth. Suddenly he pulled his cock out of Juan's mouth.

"Sit down on his cock", he said. Juan looks behind him. The other guy had undressed and sat on a mattress holding his hard cock. Juan moved to him and slowly lowered his ass down on the waiting rod. "Spread those cheeks and let me see that pussy", the sitting man said.

Humiliated, he spread his ass for the man. At the same time the other guy stayed in front of Juan, ready to continue to use Juan's mouth.

"It's sooo pink. Looks almost virgin", he laughed. Juan should be used to it, but he felt a sting of humiliation.

"Come down to daddy", he said and grabbed Juan's waist. Juan lowered his body down on the man's cock.

"Aaaahh! Damn", the guy groaned as the other guy grabbed Juan's head to put his cock into Juan's mouth. For the first time in his life, Juan had two dicks in him. One in each hole.

"What do you think? Is that hole any good, Ian?"

"So fucking good!"

As Jason fuck Juan's mouth, Ian said, "Fuck yourself on my cock!" Juan started to raise his body a bit and then let it sink back. How long was this guy dick, Juan wondered. He was worried he would raise too much and lose the cock.

It was great to have two strong men's cock in him. Juan wanted to please them and feel their energy.

Ian moved his hand around to Juan's crotch and grabbed his cock. It was hard. "He loves to be fucked!"

"Yeah", Jason said while moving his cock deeper and deeper into Juan's mouth. "The boss said he was well on his way to bringing out the true slut within him".

"And this little clit is wet", laughed Ian while he had grabbed both sides of Juan's waist to make him fuck himself faster. The derogatory description of Juan's cock as a women's clit sparked something in him. This condescending talk was making him even more aroused.

"Let me try that pussy now", Jason said as he roughly pulled Juan up with him to a bench. He pressed Juan's chest down on it and kicked his legs apart. Soon his cock impaled him from behind. Both of them moaned.

"Yeah, this is how it should feel. Tight but soft and warm", Jason said as Ian moved to the other end of the bench. He sat down on it in front of Juan's face. He moved his crotch close. Juan took the hard cock in his mouth.

Again, Juan was fucked at both ends, and now they did it harder. He felt his ass being stretched wide open by a pole going in and then pulled back, only to be pushed in again. It was giving him a sense of great pleasure. He wanted this cock deep inside. Juan put his hands back to his ass cheeks and spread them.

"That's my boy! Give it to me. I own this pussy!" Jason groaned.

At the same time the other cock moved in and out of Juan's mouth.

"I have wanted this since I saw him in that advertising for... I only remember his hot body", Jason laughed.

"Hell yeah! He's so good looking it hurts. Unbelievable that we now have him here as our bitch", Ian said.

"And now, every time I see him in advertising, I will remember this moment when I had my cock in his pussy. The handsome jock in those pictures is just a slut ready to serve real men. Let switch!"

The two men grabbed Juan as if he was a doll and turned him around. This time on his back on the bench. Ian slapped Juan's hard cock. "Shouldn't this little thing be imprisoned, for safety's sake?"

Jason was lowering his crotch to Juan's upturned face, but Ian said, "Wait! I want to look him in the eyes when I penetrate his pussy."

Juan as a top loved to fuck guys this way. Now was he in the bottom position, being penetrated like a girl. He shut his eyes when the man got ready to push his cock in. Juan waited for the sensation of a cock spreading his hole and fucking it again.

"No, no, no! Open your eyes and look at me", Ian said. Only when Juan did, he pushed his body forward and penetrated the photo model with his eager cock.

Ian kept eye-contact as he started to fuck Juan. "You're so damn sexy. I would love to fuck you every day", he said as he grabbed hold of Juan's upturned legs to push them apart.

When he got in a good rhythm Jason slapped Juan's face with his cock. "Move your head up. Present your other pussy hole. Open wide", Jason said. When Juan did, he smiled and pushed his cock into the mouth. Juan closed his lips around it. Once again he was fucked at both ends.

For a while they fucked in silence. Only groaning and bodies slapping together was heard. "Hold his legs", Ian said to his friend. Then he raised his body so only his cock touched Juan as he fucked with powerful thrusts. He sped up and slammed his groin against Juan's upturned butt. "Awh!", Juan protested.

"Shut up! Take it like the bitch you are!" said Jason holding Juan's legs wide apart. Ian was close. Juan could feel him tightening up and cum. "Argh!"

Ian was still shivering from his orgasm with his cock still in Juan, when Jason pushed Ian away so he could get his cock into the wet hole. "Yeeeessss... This is so good", Jason moaned as he slowly fucked Juan's man pussy. The pleasure was great also for Juan. He realized that after each time he had been penetrated he loved to be fucked even more. Jason sped up and filled Juan with a second load.

"Lick our cocks clean", they told him while they harshly moved his body down to the floor. Juan got on his knees and licked their crotches as ordered. He was just a servant, not participating as one of the guys.

As last time he met those hot guys, Juan couldn't keep his hand from his cock. But this time the guys were waiting for it. "Look at the bitch! She rubs her clit!" They laughed, but Juan snapped out of his dream. He quickly removed his hand.

"To late", Ian said. "We have to tell Mr. West."

They dressed and walked upstairs. Juan could hear them talk as Mr. West was on his way down. "Was he as good as you expected?"

"Yeah, it was great. But I'm sorry to tell you he wanked his cock."

Mr. West was angry. This was the second time he disobeyed.

"From now on you will get ten strikes by the cane when you make a wrong move", the man said as he walked to a cabinet and come back with a thin cane.

The two guys come back and stood watching. They had hoped Juan would do something wrong so they could see him being punished.

"Put your chest down on the bench and expose your buttocks", Mr. West said and pointed at a bench.

Juan swallowed. Was this really necessary? Should he allow the man to hit him with the cane? He knows he love to show off his body and he loved kinky sex, but this?

"It is a big step for a popular and well-paid photo model to take his first physical punishment. But you have to obey my command. If you don't, our relation will change and only be strictly about business with the agency. If you want to stay you will put that glorious ass up and let me beat it."

The man held the cane to his shoulder when he talked, as if this was something normal.

Juan was unsure and a bit frightened. But he was drained after the action he just had and Mr. West had a charisma Juan couldn't resist. He walked to the bench and laid down on his stomach and by his free will exposed his butt to be beaten.

The man caressed the perfectly round butt cheeks with a hand. "After every lash I want you to say: I will not touch my cock without permission. Understand?"

"Y... yes. Yes, I do", Juan said sheepishly. This was something he never had thought he would accept. Yet he did so, without the slightest protest. Why...?

The first blow with the cane hit Juan hard. Smack!

"AAAAAHH!" Juan screamed both of pain and surprise. But he stayed on the bench.

"That was a nice hit", Jason said to Ian. They looked on with great interest.

"Well?", said Mr. West asked Juan.

"I... I won't touch my cock... without permission..." Juan said with uncertainty and perplexity. So many conflicting feelings run through his brain.

The cane whine through the air and hit Juan's butt again. Smack!

"AAAh! ... I... I... won't touch my cock without permission..."

It was followed by a short, light hit. Smack.

He repeated the promise.

Several mild hits followed. Then the stick hit hard. Smack!!

"OOooooh... I... I won't touch my cock without permission."

A new hard hit. Smack!!

Juan's body jerked and his eyes were tear filled, but he said the words.

A soft hit followed.

Juan jerked by reflex, then said the words.

The tenth lash was the hardest of them all. SMACK!!

Juan's body jerked and he cried out and with tears in his eyes said he wouldn't touch his cock without permission.

"Good boy", the man said as he put an open hand on the bright red skin. Juan jerked again. The two spectators who silently watched the execution of the punishment stepped close and also put their palms on the warm and reddish skin.

Mr. West grabbed Juan's arm and pulled him up. "Stand up and turn around."

As he did, everyone could see tears from Juan's eyes but the big deal was that his cock was hard. He blushed.

"He likes it!", Jason said with amazement.

Mr. West grabbed Juan's hard cock and moved his thumb over the cockhead. "Yeah, he is leaking pre-cum". All three men were smiling. They had exposed and undoubtedly proven a big secret about the fashion model: he loved to be manhandled.

Juan wanted to sink through the floor. He was embarrassed. He didn't know this about himself. Mr. West and his friends penetrated deeply into his personality. They dismantled his integrity. Juan had never felt so vulnerable and weak.

Mr. West sensed the turmoil within his boy and hugged him. "You see, we know you better than you yourself. You're in safe hands. We all love you", he said and then stepped back and let Jason and Ian hug him. "Yes, we loooove you so much".

That night Juan couldn't believe he was enjoyed that raw and brutal treatment. But it was a fact. The blows and the pain gave him a higher awareness, as if his whole body was an extension of his cock.

As an introverted person, Juan didn't like to expose his inner emotions. Now he had revealed embarrassing feelings to three men, two of them complete strangers. He was undressed in a new way. They stripped him of his honor and dignity. It made Juan anxious. But he couldn't deny that today's events were exciting, eventful and he had let himself be fucked with gusto. But it also created anguish within him.

For Mr. West it was extremely satisfying that the boy's development was on track. If anything, he was surprised over how quickly Juan accepted new demeaning treatments. On the surface, he was reserved and dismissive. Juan defended his status as a well-paid fashion model. But in reality, he was exactly what Mr. West saw in him from the beginning: a submissive boy eager to serve strong and powerful men.

The man wanted to establish a new level of sexual activity. If Juan could handle two men at the same time, he should be able to handle three or more, Mr. West anticipated.

The day after the punishment Juan arrived to the basement as usual. Mr. West had no doubt about his arrival. Juan was too deep into his exploration of who he was, to break with his pattern.

Mr. West sat down and rubbed his crotch. Juan got down on his knees between his legs as if it was the most natural thing to do. He was more submissive than usual after the punishment. He sucked Mr. West's cock. It took time, but eventually the cock erupted in a hard orgasm, filling Juan's mouth.

"Good work. Now stand up." Mr. West quickly secured the small chastity device of stainless steel around his cock. Juan sighed deeply. But he didn't back off. And he didn't say anything. He had accepted the fact that Mr. West controlled his cock and sexual satisfaction. Therefore, Mr. West let the sigh pass.

"It's a sunny day, so why not take a ride to the pool?" Mr. West slapped Juan's but. "Come!"

As he walked to the door, Juan said "I have nothing on".

"Put a towel around your waist", Mr. West said. "Come on!"

Juan quickly fetched a towel and ran after Mr. West out to the SUV. They ended up at the public outdoor swimming pool they visited before. Mr. West walked to the spectator stands. Juan swallowed when he saw seven or eight men he knew he had sucked off, and Anthony who had fucked him. They sat on two of the rows of benches above the lowest one.

"Nice to see you all", Mr. West said. "My boy forgot to bring swim trunk with him, so it's just as well we get started. Who is first?"

Two men stepped down from the spectator stands. They looked muscular and strong in their swim shorts. One of them put an arm around Juan's shoulder and lead him to the out-of-order men's room which he had been in before. The only light was the daylight when the door was left ajar. Without a word, they removed the towel from Juan, and let it drop to the dirty floor.

They pushed him down on his knees. Juan's heart was beating fast. He stared up at them, marveling at their manliness, their ability to take what they wanted without regard for him. Juan couldn't believe this was happening to him. He was a well-paid fashion model. He was able to put a stop to it, refuse to go to this trashy place. But he didn't. He was captivated by their aura of strength and power.

The two men removed their swim shorts. Without being directed, Juan leaned forward an took the first soft cock in his mouth. He licked and sucked it and he was rewarded: it slowly became hard. Then he moved to the other man's cock. As he did, the first man lifted Juan's ass up by grabbing his waist.

Soon a hard cock demanded access to his hole. Juan relaxed and it penetrated him without any doubt (the cock was lubed with spit). He took some slow strokes, then he began to pound Juan roughly, using every inch of his manhood to drill into the jock, leaving no wall untouched, battering through whatever barriers Juan had left inside, claiming his intestinal track as his own.

Juan had to concentrate on his balance and the cock in his mouth. When it got hard, the man grabbed Juan's head and began to fuck it. He was as rough as the other guy pumping his cock deep in Juan's mouth.

Juan felt as if he was reduced to two holes, created for hard cocks to be fucked. It was difficult to handle the situation when they pushed and pulled as they owned his body. The mouth fucking meant he sometimes couldn't breathe. He coughed and his throat was choked by the demanding cock.

But he wanted it to work for the men. He wanted to satisfy those hard cocks and please the men. Suddenly they both pulled out. They used their strong arms to turn Juan around as a toy and quickly penetrated him again, now in the other hole.

Then they sped up and reached their climax. "Argh!" And Juan felt how his mouth was filled with semen. While Juan licked the man fucking his mouth clean, the other guy withdrew from his ass and grabbed Juan's neck to turn him around. He licked also his cock clean.

Then they took their swim shorts and were gone. But at the same time two other men entered the filthy and almost dark bathroom, pulled their swim shorts off and demanded service from Juan's mouth. Soon he was fucked hard in both his holes again. There was no communication at all with Juan. He was used. His body was the one thing they wanted, not his mind, his thoughts, his wishes.

After they finished, he didn't get any break. Two more guys arrived, walked in and took charge over the naked photo model's body and used it as they wished.

Juan was completely exhausted when he had taken the fifth and sixth loud of semen in him.

He panted with bowed head sitting on his knees.

"How are you?" someone asked. He looked up and saw Anthony. The man that had fucked him the hardest before today.

Juan cleared his throat and whispered, "Fine". He said it even if he wasn't sure what to think about it. On the surface he was raped. Men used him without his outspoken consent. And Juan had difficulty to acknowledge all those hard cocks made him horny. He was happy that he was able to satisfy so many alpha males. He had a pure sexual need to feel those cocks penetrate him.

"Good. I want you to lay down on your back on the towel." Juan did. Anthony noted that Juan was not afraid or overwhelmed by the rawest fuck he ever had. He was a bit withdrawn, but that was to be expected after such tough action.

Anthony pulled Juan's legs up to 90-degrees. "Grab your legs and pull them against your chest".

As Juan did, Anthony put a folded towel under Juan's ass to lift it up. Then Anthony lubricated Juan's sored pussy with soft fingers. It felt good.

But then he began to push one, two, three fingers against Juan's ring-muscle and let them sink into Juan. It hurt. And it scared him. He tightened up.

"No. Relax. Give me this hole."

Juan tried to calm down and collect himself. Anthony was pleased to see him obey. He pulled his fingers away and moved his crotch toward Juan's exposed and well used hole. Juan remembered that this man had a big cock, but hoped his hole was loosened up enough to take it without too much pain.

The big cock sank in without much resistance. Juan was surprised at how delightful it was to be penetrated by this big cock. It hurt a bit when he moved it, but to be filled this way was captivating. Anthony then lowered his body over Juan, spreading his legs more. Their faces where close as Anthony guided his cock to move in and out of Juan's pussy in slightly different angles.

Juan gasped as the cock owned him. Anthony smiled as he looked Juan in his eyes.

"You are such a slut", Anthony said smiling as he slowly moved his cock in the hole he owned.

"You are not equal to the men you serve. Your beauty is for us to enjoy. You purpose is to provide this vessel to create pleasure and satisfaction, like you do for me now."

Anthony moved a hand up to Juan's cheek and neck as he held his cock deep in the jock.

"Do you understand?"

Juan's eyes were tear-filled.

"We know you love this but have difficulty acknowledging it to yourself. But your resistance is nothing more than a charade."

Anthony started to fuck again. Slowly. Looking Juan in his eyes. "We already own you. Don't fight your destiny. Embrace it."

He grabbed Juan's legs at the knees and pushed them down double-fold the jock and put his ass up to a better attack angle. Anthony hammered his cock into the defenseless, exposed and sored pussy.

This cock owned him. Juan knew it. But was it right? Anthony slammed his pelvis down hard and filled Juan with a seventh load this past hour. "Argh!"

They both panted on the concrete floor in this crud environment.

"Clean me", Anthony said when he had withdrawn from the well-used hole and sat on his knees.

Juan had to crawl around on the floor to manage it. Then rested on the ground as Anthony pulled his swim shorts on and left.

He couldn't believe what just happened. He was raped by strong men. He loved it. But his brain wasn't ready to surrender his former self.

Then Mr. West walked in. "Stand up." He had a bathrobe and put it around Juan's dirty and sored body. When they walked past the pool the men smiled and thanked Mr. West for the entertainment.

At the mansion Mr. West showered with his boy and then had him on his back on the bed. The man laid down on his side so he could caress the both physically and mentally exhausted jock. He moved a hand over the thighs and down the inside. Juan spread his legs and his cock wanted to get hard.

"You did good", the man said.

"But why did you let so many men use me?" Juan asked.

"Didn't you enjoy it?" countered the man.

Juan stayed silent.

The man grabbed Juan's ball sack and pushed it down, slowly but with force. "Answer me."

"I want to be fucked... but they were so many..."

Mr. West released the balls and moved his hand to Juan's shaved groin. "Did you complain?"

Juan was confused. He wanted to be with Mr. West and his friends, but they demanded too much of him.

"Can't we go slower?"

The man took it as a sign that Juan was about to accept his position, but wasn't quite there yet.

Mr. West wanted to tighten the noose and took advantage of this intimate situation. He released him from the chastity device. Then he grabbed the soon hard cock and slowly wanked it.

"I want you to stay in the guestroom for a while. That way we can have better contact and see each other more often. It's unnecessary for you to go to that big, empty apartment every night."

"Oh, you're sure?" Despite having been diminished as a human being Juan wanted nothing more than be closer to this man. It was as if the man's attention, even if it was demeaning, struck a chord in Juan's soul.

"Yes, I want you close", the man smiled. Having Juan in the mansion for a longer period of time would make it easier to strengthen the control over his life.

The man's strong hand increased its speed as its skill and experience masturbated the jock. Juan spread his legs more and groaned. "Ooooh, my god..."

Soon he unloaded and fired a large charge of semen over his chest and stomach.

The man moved his fingers to Juan's mouth. He licked them clean as they looked each other in the eyes. Juan admitted his inferiority, Mr. West demonstrated his superiority.

End part 9

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Next: Chapter 10

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