A Male Models Journey to Submission

By dexter 67

Published on May 27, 2023


(Mm, dom, slow)

A Male Model's Journey to Submission - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  1. Giving

Juan moved his body up and then let it sink down again on the muscular athlete's hard pole. When he got tired, the man helped by grabbing Juan's waist and lifted him up and then letting him drop down on the cock.

It was great to have this thick rod owning his hole. The problem in Juan's mind was that this was happening in a restaurant. And he was fucked while the men at the table talked about other things. Juan felt like a toy. An object that they played with. He was used. He was demoted from being a man. Devalued. He should end it.

But Juan's reasoning was not entirely logical, or unambiguous. In reality, his cock was rock-hard, leaking pre-cum, and he was horny as hell. More than anything he wanted to be close to a strong man like this and feel his cock penetrating him. He needed to feel how it moved in and out.

Suddenly Greg said, "I need more space. Where are the toilets?" He lifted Juan off his cock and pushed him out of the booth when the other men at one side had stood up. Juan had only his blazer on, his pants were in a crumpled heap under the table.

Fortunately, the men's room was near their end of the venue, not in the part where other guests were still sitting in the restaurant. Greg dragged Juan with him and pushed him face first over a toilet in a stall. Greg grabbed Juan's waist with his strong hands and speared his pole into the warm pussy with force. "Ahw!", Juan wasn't prepared for the force Greg used.

Then Greg quickly sped up and slammed his cock into the poor fashion model again and again until he got his release and filled the man pussy with his semen. "Argh! Fuck! That was good!" he panted, still holding Juan's waist and his cock deep inside him.

Then he slowly pulled out as he said, "turn and clean me". Juan got down on his knees and licked the cock and put his lips around it. But then Greg pushed Juan's head away and pulled his pants in order.

Then Greg left.

Juan didn't have his pants. He waited and hoped Mr. West would come.

But instead, the waiter entered and began groping him. Juan pushed him away but then he got an uppercut to his jaw and fell backward landing on the toilet. He was groggy and the waiter grabbed Juan's cock.

The waiter was both angry and smiling at the same time. "Damn cunt!" he hissed when he harshly began to wank the cock. "You are disgusting", he continued while with his other hand pinched Juan's nipple hard.

To Juan's distress he wasn't just hard, he felt he would cum soon as he hadn't had an orgasm in a while. And this aggressive treatment was bringing him close.

Thankfully Mr. West pulled the man back and ordered him to leave which he did. Mr. West pulled Juan up and led him back to the restaurant. "But my pants", pleaded Juan.

"I'm sorry, but they have disappeared", Mr. West said.


"It is dark now, and we have several men who can cover you while we walk to the car", he said as if it was nothing.

"But we are in the middle of the entertainment district", Juan said knowing how busy those streets were at night.

"Come on!" Mr. West said to the other men. He wasn't listening to Juan.

One of the men went out on the street to check how many people there were. While the others waited in the entrance, Juan felt hands groping him. Someone squeezed a butt cheek. Another grabbed his ball sack. A hand roamed over his stomach and pubic hair.

The man outside signaled that they could leave the restaurant and take Juan out on the street.

Juan was terrified. He was naked except for the blazer. The group of men walked several blocks, meeting festively dressed groups of people. They were so busy with their own conversations that they didn't notice a naked man walking by, although he was obscured by his company.

When they reached the SUV, four men plus Juan were able to jump into it. They said goodbye to the others who couldn't fit in the car.

"That was a close call!" laughed one of the men beside Juan in the backseat. He saw it was Anthony, the tall guy he had served before.

"Now that we've helped bring him to safety, he should be thanking us, shouldn't he?" Anthony asked as he looked at Mr. West in the driver's seat while he put a hand on Juan's naked thigh and moved it slowly closer to his crotch.

"Of course. What do you say, Juan?" asked the man.

As Juan with a low voice said, "Thank you", Anthony grabbed his balls.

"I think they want more than words..." said Mr. West as he drove off the highway and into a park.

"What do you mean?" Juan knew, but had to ask.

The car engine was turned off. "Let's get out of the car and talk about it", said Mr. West.

Anthony pulled Juan with him by the hard grip around his ball sack.

Juan looked around nervously.

"No one is in this part of the park this late at night", Mr. West explained.

"Why don't you lean against the car, put your hands on it and spread your legs", smiled Anthony.

Juan looked at Mr. West and he nodded.

As he did, Juan know his naked butt was exposed under the blazer.

"Who goes first?" asked one of the men, obviously eager for action.

"I do", the fourth man said. "I will give him a rim job, loosen him up".


Juan soon felt strong hands spreading his butt cheeks and a wet and warm tongue licking his crack. Juan shivered. Under the clear sky he was cold, frightened but also excited. He didn't want to acknowledge it to himself, but he become hot by being exposed this way. Almost naked, his legs were spread and ass out in front of determined and horny men.

The man was good with his tongue. Juan relaxed and his pussy was now wet and ready. The man stood up, opened his pants and pushed his cock into Juan with eager energy. They both groaned.

The man whispered in Juan's ear, "You have sucked me, but this is so much better. Give your pussy to me. Put your ass out more and give me better access."

Without thinking, Juan arched his back, pushed his stomach downward and put his bottom out.

"Yeah, that's right. Give it to me", he moaned as he sped up while long-dicking the exposed boy pussy. He reached climax quickly and fired his load into Juan.

As soon as he pulled out, and Juan was prepered to go down and clean the cock, a new cock speared right into the fucked hole with force. "Owh!", Juan groaned in surprise.

The cock was smaller than the first one and Juan just stood there and took it. The man cummed inside him and then moved away.

"Do you want my cock?" asked Anthony while he smacked Juan's ass with it.

After already taking three cocks this evening, Juan was tired. But he knew what to say, "Yes, please..."

"More enthusiasm, if we may", Anthony said.

"Please, fuck me. I want another cock up my pussy...", Juan blurted out.

Anthony laughed and pointed his big cock to the sphincter, but he didn't penetrate the waiting hole. "Again!", he said.

"Fuck my pussy!" Juan said out loud.

Now the cock pushed forward and widened the ring-muscle and moved inside the once proud photo model. Anthony pushed all the way in. Juan felt the pubic hair against his skin.

"I just want to make clear that it is you who wanted this. You. We are, of course, willing to help, but you are the one who chose to be here and offer your body to us. Don't forget it."

Then he began to fuck. Juan was confused. Was he right? No, he couldn't be.

Anthony fucked hard, slamming his cock deep. But it was the fourth cock in less than an hour and it was stretched.

The man took two steps back, pulling Juan with him by holding him tight by his waist as the cock remined in the hole. He then continued to fuck. The move meant that Juan lost the support that the car provided. He bent over more and put his hand to the grass.

It gave Anthony a new angle and he sped up and dumped his load in the pussy. Then he pulled out and pushed Juan to the grass.

Four strong men stood around Juan while he was lying on the ground.

"Now, thank us properly", ordered Mr. West.

Juan remembered what it meant. He got up on his hands and knees and moved to the nearest man. He lowered his face and kissed his shoes. Then he was about to move his fucked-up body to the next man, Mr. West interrupted. "And what do you say when you look up to the man's face?"

Juan looked up to Anthony and said, "Thank you". Then it was repeated with the others.

"Good. Jump in!" They drove off. Juan was quiet in the car while the men talked about a concert they wanted to attend.

While talking to the others, Anthony grabbed Juan's cock. It quickly got hard, betraying Juan as the bitch they saw him as.

Mr. West stopped in front of Juan's apartment house.

"But I have no pants..." Juan begged. Mr. West threw something to the back seat. It was shorts and Juan quickly put them on. "Bye", he said as he closed the car door and the SUV drove away.

On the way up to his flat he could feel his anus throbbing sorely, painfully, as semen starting to escape his abused hole and run down his legs. It gave him a feeling of disgrace. Why didn't he protest?

And Anthony's whisper puzzled him. He claimed that everything that happened to Juan was according to his own will. Was it so?

When Juan closed the door behind him, he didn't only feel that his big flat was empty. He felt a new strange feeling that his asshole was empty.

He went to the bathroom to check it out. The hole was definitely swollen from misuse, with pouty lips. He couldn't resist reaching around to touch the hole, rubbing the middle finger curiously over the sensitive ring. He then slowly pushed his finger inside, watching in the mirror how it disappeared in his hole to the second knuckle.

Juan couldn't stop himself from moving the finger in and out. It felt so damn good. And his cock got hard.

Was this who he was? A bitch eager to be used by several demanding cocks? He had to manage it. Everything had gone too far already.

The next day he worked out late in the basement when Mr. West come down. He looked at his new boy with delight. He had come so far. He was proud of him. And looked forward to taking him further on the journey to submission.

After showering and drying off Juan was on his way to sit down beside Mr. West on a bench, but the man put his hand on Juan's neck and pulled him down between his legs. Juan opened his pants and eagerly put his lips around the cock and served it.

"You were amazing yesterday. Everybody is impressed. And I'm proud", he said as he pushed Juan's head down more on his cock. He coughed and choked, but understood he had to let it go all the way.

"You haven't had the chastity device since the garden party. I don't think you have betrayed my trust", he said and put a hand under Juan's chin to make him release the cock and look up.

"No, I haven't", he said.

Mr. West believed him. "Good. But I need to correct something that bothers me with this fine body. The hair."

Juan had a hunch but looked at the man questioningly. Mr. West took something out of a cupboard. It was shaving equipment.

"Spread your legs over the bench", the man said. "One leg at either side". The man sat down in front of the exposed crotch.

"It is time to shave off your pubic hair. A submissive boy should be smooth and his skin naked", he said as he put foam over Juan's bush above the hard cock and used a straight razor to remove the hair.

Juan was passive. He simply looked on as Mr. West changed his appearance, making him less manly. His first thought was that it would ruin his photo modelling, but he had to acknowledge that pubic hair was never required in the fashion business. And it would grow out again, he thought.

The man was thorough and removed every hair from Juan's crotch. After the pubic hair he shaved the ball sack. He told Juan to lay down and raise his legs and spread them. Mr. West didn't want a single hair on the jock's crack.

Then he removed the hair on his chest. It wasn't that much but it shouldn't be there. It was especially important to do it on black-haired ones. Their hair was so visible and the shaving modified them the most.

"Sit up and raise your arm", the man said. Juan looked on as the man with the razor removed the hair from his armpits.

Mr. West led Juan to a full body mirror. It was strange for Juan so see himself without the pubic hair. He was more nude in some way.

The man moved a hand over the now smooth area. "From now on you will shave yourself this way as carefully as you shave your face".

That evening Mr. West played with Juan's cock and balls in a way that made Juan crazy. He brought him close to orgasm, caressed his body, but then put nipple alligator clamps on him and created pain by tightening them. Then the man softly caressed Juan's cock and body again, and when he was close, instead pulled the chain connecting the clamps. First gently, then with small, short jerks.

It hurt and Juan showed it with his facial expression even though he didn't say anything. As Mr. West pulled even harder, he leaned down and kissed his boy.

The man went back to wanking the still hard cock for a moment. From under the bed, he then pulled out a ball stretcher of stainless steel, pulled Juan's ball sack down and secured the stretcher around it above the stones. It was heavy and to Juan it felt strange to have his balls constantly pushed away from his body.

"I love loose hanging balls on my boy", the man whispered to Juan as he once again let his hands move over the naked skin.

Juan relaxed and was at peace with his situation. He leaned back against a strong, hairy man that played with his exposed body. He spread his legs as a reflex of his will to offer himself. And the alpha male took advantage of him. The man alternated between pleasure and pain and Juan had never been so horny.

"You now", the man said as he stopped wanking but kept a tight grip on the hard cock.

"My friends nag me that they want photos and video clips of this amazing body." The man felt how Juan tensed up and got nervous.

He moved his thumb over Juan's dick head as he leaned down and kissed Juan. He looked him in the eyes and asked, "Do you trust me?"

Juan nodded in silence. He had always been scared to be photographed outside his job. You never know where digital pictures end up and to what purpose.

"...then let me do this", the man kissed him passionately again. "Let me record you when you cum", he whispered in Juan's ear.

The man noticed how this request shook Juan more than he thought it would. The jock was still very concerned about his image and appearance.

"You don't have to be completely naked. I have a masquerade mask you can put on so you can remain anonymous", Mr. West told him as he continued to slowly squeeze his dick head.

"Go to the dresser and open the second drawer", the man released his grip and Juan sat up and got out of the bed. Now he felt the full weight of ball-stretcher. He wanted to put a hand under it to release the pressure, but Mr. West was looking at him from the bed.

With his legs wider apart, he walked up to the dresser. There he found a masquerade mask, but it was only an eye mask, not covering the whole face. But it was still something that hid his identity. The mask was black with Roman Greek symbols and small wings that were gold colored.

Juan looked in the mirror as he tied it around his head. When he walked back to the bed, Mr. West looked down to his crotch. The cock was hard. Pointing to the ceiling. What a glorious view.

"Sit against the headboard. Spread your legs. Hands up to the board behind you", Mr. West directed as he prepared a digital camera.

The man started filming and moved from one side of the bed to the other to get Juan from different angles.

"Now move your right hand slowly down to your chest and pull the chain to the alligator clamps."

As Juan did, he begged, "please".

"Don't you want to cum?" the man asked as he recorded Juan's upper body and head.

"Yes, but-"

"No. Show my friends how you do it." The man said calmly but assertively. He took some steps back to catch when Juan moved his hand to his cock.

He started to wank. It was deeply humiliating for Juan to see the camera capture him doing this. But he also become excited and aroused on a level he hadn't experienced before. He knew his dignity was disintegrating into dust. It was terribly thrilling to know that his shameful and degrading action would be recorded and watched by several alpha males.

Mr. West took close-ups on the shaved crotch, stretched balls and on the magnificent abs, chest, biceps, neck, collar-bones, Adam's apple, and even jaw, lips and dimples which the mask did not cover.

"Move your left hand over your abs", the man directed and recorded. Mr. West wanted his friends to hear how obedient his boy had become.

When Juan was close, the man stood at his feet and recorded every muscle moving and when the orgasm came it was a flood of semen gushing out. The first load hit his face and mask. Then his chest and abs. His body jerked violently. "Argh!"

Juan panted for a moment.

Then the man said in a low voice. "Be a good boy and remove the mask for the audience".

Juan did. He bit his lips as he looked at Mr. West and the camera.

After some more gigs out of town, Juan met a few old friends out at a popular bar. They asked why he didn't keep in touch as much now as he used to. Juan told them he worked and traveled a lot.

Are you meeting anyone? Have you finally gotten into a relationship? Juan understood that they sensed something, but he did not want to reveal anything about his new adventures. They wouldn't understand. And when he went home to his flat, he felt that he had grown apart from his friends.

Before he had appreciated their ordinary lives in contrast to his own traveling and extravagant field of work, but now their normal everyday life gave him nothing.

When Juan was exercising in the basement the next time, Mr. West looked on without saying anything. It was intriguing, but a bit weird. As Juan was on his way to the shower, the man pointed to a hanger with some clothes on. "Put this on. We have an event to attend."

It was daring clothes. A see through floral embroidered shirt in sheer mesh with short sleeve and button front. Then black, glossy PVC Vinyl pants. They were cut low at the waist and with one snap fly on either side of the crotch. And finally Greek leather sandals which exposed the feet because they had only straps of leather wrapping the foot, with a toe ring and an ankle loop.

Juan suspected the agency had sent his body measurements to a tailor because the trousers were a very tight fit. It was as if his ass was painted black. The snap flies made him a bit worried. They would be easy to tear open, exposing his manhood. The mesh shirt exposed most of his torso.

"Yeah!" Mr. West said as he came down the stairs in a tuxedo with black bow tie. The man looked as powerful as Juan knew he was.

A limousine arrived and they were on the way. Juan hadn't been told where they were going or what kind of event it was. In the limousine the man pulled Juan close and kissed him. Then grabbed the back of the young man's neck and pushed the face down to his crotch.

"We have time. Take care of me", he ordered.

Juan fumbled with the zipper but got hold of his cock and put it into his mouth. He loved every opportunity he got to suck it.

When the limousine slowed down and stopped, Mr. West held Juan's head down on his cock. The door opened and two men who were talking to each other got into the car.

"Oh, that looks nice!" one of the men laughed as they sat down in the other seats.

"An aperitif", Mr. West said loosening his grip on Juan's head. What could Juan do but continue with what he had started to do? Juan sucked the man while the man was talking with the other passengers.

Finally, the man tensed up and released his load in the warm mouth. Juan swallowed and licked the cock clean and carefully zipped up the man's fly.

"Do you want a taste of him?", Mr. West asked the men.

"Yeah, let me have some of that mouth".

Mr. West lifted Juan up and guided him to the other seat. Juan recognizes the men, but he didn't know their names. One of them opened his pants and Juan went down on his cock. After a second load, the third man pulled Juan to his crotch and a new cock.

"You have trained him well so far", said the man Juan was sucking.

"Yeah, but he needs to practice more", Mr. West said with a hint of criticism toward Juan.

"I think he was excellent with his mouth", said the second man Juan sucked.

"I would like to shoot my load over his pretty face", moaned the man who had Juan's mouth on his cock.

"But we will enter a big event soon", said the second man.

"He can wipe it away with his fingers. And clean his finger with his mouth", groaned the man coming closer to orgasm.

"Of course," said Mr. West and grabbed Juan's shoulder from behind and pushed his upper body down to the floor. The third man put his crotch forward, wanked his cock and pointing at Juan's face. He soon erupted in a cascade of semen hitting Juan's forehead, eyes, cheeks, mouth and neck. Some of it ran down on his chest. "Argh!"

Exhausted the man sat back as Juan quickly began to scoop up the jizz with his fingers and licked them clean.

"Good work!" said Mr. West.

The limousine stopped. They were at their destination. The men left the car. Juan was terrified that the semen on his face would be visible or smell at this big party.

They got cocktails and for Juan it was nice to get rid of that man juice taste in his mouth. He drank it all in one go.

At the dinner they sat ten people at each round table. There were possibly 30 tables in this great ballroom. The main speaker was a politician seeking to be head of government in the next election. His speech was boring.

As the dessert were being served, a man approached Juan and asked him to come with him. Juan looked at Mr. West who was sitting at the next table. He nodded his approval.

The man looked good in his tuxedo. He was younger than Mr. West but he had the same aura of no nonsense. Black hair, short visible black stubble and dark skin, Juan thought he was from the Middle East.

He put a hand on Juan's shoulder as they walked through a corridor. "How was the food?"

"Great, I've had much worse at big events like this", smiled Juan not knowing what was going on.

"And the speech?" the man said as he grabbed the back of Juan's neck in a sensual way.

"So bad I didn't listen", Juan said and looked up to the man's face. Juan didn't recognize him. He was serious but a small smirk brought out his dimples, which made even hotter.

They ended up in a conference room with only a big table and a dozen chairs around it.

The man grabbed Juan and kissed him, as he stayed passive. Juan didn't know what this was.

"You want to play hard to get?" said the man with irritation in his voice. "Isn't it too late for you to not act as a slut?"

Juan understood that the man did know something about him.

"I'm sorry. I'm... not used to this. Mr. West says I need more practice... I didn't mean to offend you..."

The man calmed down when Juan apologized.

"Let us practice, then."

Juan nodded.


Juan swallowed. But then he slowly unbuttoned his shirt and took it off. Then he removed the sandals and unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down. It took time because they were so tight.

When he stood up, he was naked. And his cock was beginning to get hard.

"Now we're talking." The man is in a better mood and walks up close to grope Juan's body. He grabbed Juan's balls and kiss him again. This time Juan responded.

"Bend over", he said and pointed to the table. Juan put his arms on the table and lowered his upper body.

The man spread Juan's butt cheeks and spat in his crack. He let a finger move over the ring-muscle. Juan tensed and clamped his ass tight.

"No, no... Don't fight me... Relax."

Juan tried to loosen up as the man slowly caressed his butt cheeks, his lower back and the side of his torso.

"Good. Trust me. Mr. West wouldn't have given you to me if he didn't know I could handle the situation."

It made sense to Juan and so he relaxed.

"I love smooth sluts. So nice, soft as a woman...", the man said while he took a small tube of lube out of his pocket. He put it between Juan's butt cheeks. He moved three fingers over the sphincter and pressed.

"You haven't been fucked a lot", he said as he pushed one finger into Juan.

He then put two fingers in the hole and slowly fucked Juan with them.

"Get up on the table on your back and lift your legs up."

Juan put first one knee on the table and got up on it and then turned around. He held his legs up, exposing his ass. Juan had been fucked on his back, but only by a man with a beer belly.

This man was strong, energetic and demanding. To Jan's disappointment, he had only opened his pants and pulled them to his knees. He had still his jacket and shirt on. The man grabbed Juan's waist to pulled him to the edge of the table. It hurt when Juan was dragged on the hard table.

But soon Juan felt a hard cock pressing against his hole. The man stopped. He didn't penetrate. Juan looked up to his face.

"Are you the filthy bitch who is giving his body away?"

Juan didn't want to answer.

The man spat on him. "Do you want my cock?"

A strange question at this moment in time.

"Yes, please... Fuck me..."

The cock spread the ring-muscle and moved into Juan. Both of them moaned. The man pushed until his pelvis hit Juan's ass and all of his cock was in. He stopped and grabbed one leg and pushed it out to the side while Juan let his other leg rest against the man's shoulder.

"Yeah, give it to me. Let me take this pussy", he moaned.

The man slowly began to fuck while his free hand moved over Juan's gorgeous chest and abs. It felt so damn good. Juan couldn't believe he loved to be manhandled this way by a stranger in a conference room. But he did. His cock was hard.

While the man fucked him in a steady rhythm, he slapped Juan's face with an open hand. When Juan met his gaze, it was electrifying to see the lust and passion in the man's eyes. He slapped Juan's face again, harder. Then he spat in Juan's face. He talked in an angry voice in a foreign language, while he continued to fuck him with great energy and strength.

The man showed his disrespect. He wanted to denigrate Juan's worth and dignity. He showed his disdain for a man letting himself being used as a woman. And for being so beautiful and fuckable.

The man grabbed both Juan's ankles and spread the legs more as he owned Juan's man pussy. Juan would had preferred if the man had undressed more than just pushing his pants down. He wanted to see more of this powerful man.

When the man pushed Juan's legs back down against the table, double folding him, his head come closer to Juan's. As he continued to fuck him, he smiled. "Do you want to kiss me now?"

Juan was ashamed at his behavior earlier and nodded. The man pushed in and stopped as he lowered his head and kissed Juan. It was so intensive. Juan was hard and his cock leaked pre-cum.

When the man stopped kissing, he looked down on Juan. "Open your mouth." As the man slowly started to fuck again, he spat into Juan's open mouth. "Such a filthy slut you are. Seducing important men and make them want you." He spat again hitting more than the half-opened mouth.

The man stood up and turned Juan's body slightly to his side and held one of Juan's legs high. It gave him better access to the pussy. He moaned as he sped up and fucked hard. Juan put a hand on his groin and it was as if he had pissed himself, so much pre-cum was leaking.

The man was close but pulled out. "Turn around. Head over the edge", he said.

On the table Juan used his hand to spin around, even if his skin hurt against the hard table. His head was upside-down and the man slapped his cock against his face and pushed his cock into the eager mouth. He fucked the face as he cummed. Then he pulled out and sprayed Juan's face with his semen, load after load. "Argh!" He shivered with delight.

Then he slapped Juan's face again "Clean it". Juan sucked the cock clean. The man then put his tuxedo in order.

"Now clean your face with your fingers". Juan did and sucked the man's semen off his fingers while he looked on.

"Now get dressed. Your fun is over!"

Then he left.

Juan quickly put his pants and shirt on and tried to find his way back to the ballroom. But first he had to find the men's room to wipe the second load of the evening off his face.

End part 8

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Next: Chapter 9

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